Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother

An extract from 'New Correspondences of The Mother'

  The Mother : correspondence

Prithwi Singh Nahar
Prithwi Singh Nahar

Read Prithwi Singh's correspondence with The Mother - from the period spanning 1938-1967

Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother
 The Mother : correspondence

Undated (1942?)

I am sending you two French sentences written with your pen: "Seigneur, donne-nous le bonheur véritable, celui qui ne depend que de toi."

[Lord, give us the true happiness, the happiness that depends on you alone.]

"Nous avanҫons sans hâte parce que nous somme sûrs de l'avenir."

[We advance without haste because we are sure of the future.]

Undated (1942?)

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