On the Path 158 pages 1987 Edition


Shyam Sundar received a special grace of corresponding with The Mother during the period 1967-1970 when She had stopped correspondence with almost all disciples

On the Path

  The Mother : correspondence


In order that I be fully transparent before You, is it sincerity that has to increase?

Truly speaking, the Supreme Lord makes me see in each what He wants me to see, and He has not made me see insincerity in you. What is not yet very clear, is undoubtedly the mental and vital habits; but these do not appear to me as being obstacles in the work of transformation.


In spite of my weak body I always liked to go to the mountain peaks. And now it is the peaks of consciousness that attract me.

The true force is that of the Divine and it can make even a weak body strong. He alone should be the master of our being, its goal and its support.


To my aspiration towards the heights You answered, "I am there".

To open the door for you, to welcome you and to show you the way to the Supreme Lord. With my blessings.


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For accepting or not accepting illness which is the part of the being whose attitude decides the thing?

A great mental will that refuses obstinately to be ill, is effective.

A vital power that inflexibly pushes the illness back, is efficacious.

A consciousness of the cells that finds its support exclusively in the Divine Presence and refuses to receive any other influence, is much more efficacious.

A total identification with the Supreme Consciousness abolishing all division, is the sovereign remedy.


Yesterday, Mother, while before You, I was not thinking of my health but You said to me, "I wish you good health", and I felt the presence of a person of big size behind me.

Yesterday, I saw behind you the Consciousness that wanted to enter into you and which needs a solid body for its manifestation; that is why I insisted on the necessity of good health; and it is the Presence of the Consciousness concentrated on you that you took for a person of big size.

This is good.



It seems to me that if I am more consecrated to You, I can better receive good health when it comes.

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This, this is unquestionable.

You will see in the next issue of the Bulletin that the best way to the body's well-being is to concentrate all one's consciousness on the Divine leaving the watch over one's body in His care. Further, we have only to be attentive to the orders He gives us in all circumstances and to obey scrupulously.


The little moment passed before You, O Divine Mother, becomes a life in itself; it is going to be an eternal moment.. .

The eternal supreme Consciousness is always there, concretely present and active.


I do not live in the right consciousness, thus there are necessarily defects in my translation of "The Life Divine" into Hindi. I said this to Sri Aurobindo. I feel he accepted the work with a smile of encouragement.

Work done sincerely is always accepted by Sri Aurobindo with a smile.

Thus He might have accepted several Hindi translations of his works.

This is why the problem of publication is difficult to solve. And as I have not any competence in Hindi it is impossible for me to solve the problem.


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The day before yesterday I began to do the exercises given to me by Dada to improve my health. This is as a collaboration with the Divine Will.

Here is something very good. Surely it will have a very good effect. The food has also to be taken care of.


I pray to You to give me indications for food.

What you should eat depends on your condition of general health, what is lacking in your body and what your body cannot tolerate. This only a doctor, expert in the subject, can say.

The food must be very clean, very healthy and strengthening. Moral restrictions are inventions of human mind and should be neglected if necessary.

Food should be taken exclusively according to the body's needs and not after rules, conventions and desires.


Yesterday, Mother, before You, for a moment, the body could aspire to have the Light, to become the Light. . .

This is good.

The body carries the light in each of its cells, and one day it will no longer hide it.


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I have a longing to hear Krishna's flute.

Krishna's flute is the equivalent of the Supreme Lord's smile of love. To hear the flute or see the smile, one must be in the total peace of perfect and integral "surrender".


I find that I have still attachment to money — direct or indirect.

It is the contagion of collective attachment. Money is a god universally worshipped on the earth and difficult to dethrone. When it will be nothing but an instrument of divine work, the difficulty will disappear.


Is it something in my vital aided by mental wisdom that preserves the dirt of money?

The physical atmosphere is full of the suggestion and one cannot breathe without absorbing it; and the attachment in the vital comes from the collective conviction of the invincible power of money. This is the cause of almost all difficulties.


A month of what we were calling the new year has passed, and at what speed!

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For him who advances fast, time passes rapidly.


I feel a growing need for the mind to learn to hold itself quiet.

Bravo to the mind for its decision — it is the indispensable beginning of the work of integral transformation.


You want to take away all my anxiety but it is I who do not let it go!

There is only one solution, it is to leave all anxiety to the Supreme Lord and to let Him do all, all, absolutely all. Then all will be done as perfectly as possible. And we will live in peace and joy.


One cannot breathe without absorbing what is in the terrestrial atmosphere. Mother, what is the solution ?

To become more and more constantly conscious of the Divine Presence that counterbalances marvellously everything which may be absorbed in an automatic unconsciousness.


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Yesterday the body wanted to receive the Light and you said yes.

Certainly, I envelop it with light every morning so that the light be always around it, penetrating it each time that there is a possibility of it being received.


The more I can go near You, O Divine Mother, the more the life becomes a true life.

This body itself is in the midst of the struggle to realise the true life.


I can feel that the golden light has become very

Yes, very active. It seems that it does not want to tolerate insincerities and even imperfections. For those who receive it in the body it is very perceptible.

But one must not complain, the work goes on speedily.


Now that the Light does not want to tolerate imperfections, I can have a good hope . . . provided that I collaborate.

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Your collaboration is sure, because the central will is awake, and even if there are resistances because of some old habits, they are sure to yield.


To be possessed by You, by You alone, O Mother Divine, this is going to be my great joy. . .

May the divine blessings be on you, my child, for an integral realisation.


Little by little the horizon becomes clearer and greater and more beautiful.

As our consciousness wakes up to the eternal Truth, our perception is transformed by it.


According to certain traditions 9 is a mystic-occult number. Is it true, Mother?

Physically, the number 9 is certainly associated with birth.

It has been even associated with the appearance on earth of the supramental world.

But more than this, for the moment, I cannot say.

Mentally, an occult significance has been given to each number.


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Deliver me, O Divine Mother, from personal impotence.

All that is united with the Supreme Lord, melted into Him, partakes of His Omnipotence.

The body-cells themselves have the experience of it.

But for the union to be integral and total, it is a long and slow work.


These two days the old things have surged up to veil and delay, but perhaps I can make an occasion of it to progress.

It is always an occasion of progress. In truth the difficulties surge up just when the higher wisdom has seen that we have become capable of overcoming them.


The future chosen by You for me is going to be different from all my ideas!

Ideas see always only one or at the most, some several sides of things. The supramental consciousness has a total view of life that animates and directs the special action which the body is destined to accomplish.


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Perhaps there is an intensity of aspiration after which the realisation will no longer be delayed.

Certainly the intensity that comes from an absolute sincerity in aspiration can do in a moment what would otherwise be taking centuries. Certainly there are steps forward from where one never goes back.


The time passed without Your remembrance is losing its taste.

When the body-cells would have participated in the experience, it will no longer be possible to forget it, for once they have become aware of the Presence within them, they never forget it.


Can it be said that no realisation can be perfect without the participation of the body-cells?

Most certainly, for in the divine plan for earth, the supramental being must succeed the man on earth, and all our effort must tend to prepare its coming.


There is a descent of light from above like a flow, there is also its stream springing from below!

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Yes, it is exact.

The light rises from the depths as it descends from the heights, and the two flows of light join around the earth to flood the human consciousness and prepare it for the new creation.


Yesterday You said,

"A constant alert.

No relaxation."

Yes, it is exact.

The work of physical transformation has begun; but the work is immense and the years are short.


If I am faithful to You the length of the way is not disquieting.

If you are integrally faithful, that is to say if all the parts of the being unite in the same aspiration, then the length of the way diminishes considerably and each step forward becomes a happy discovery.


I pray that the flame of aspiration may awake in those parts of my being that are as yet recalcitrant.

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All gets organised in life to make us go as fast as possible. If our attention is well awake we can profit from all circumstances.


"The more rapidly one goes, individually, the more one must try to extend and strengthen the collective base."

(Questions and Answers)

Happily all this is Mahashakti's affair.

Now, more and more, the whole world works in the joy of being at the service of the Supreme Lord.


Yesternoon I was feeling an aspiration which got formulated later as follows:

An inner rhythm in harmony with the Divine Will.

Here is a very good thing.

It is in fact the source of true activity.


In the night there were tiresome dreams, but I got up remembering you and I am fresh.

If before sleeping, when you are in bed, you offer your body to the Divine with this prayer:

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"Lord, let me rest in You"

the nights will be better.


Mother, where does the identification take place ?

Normally the identification is in the psychic being that forms itself consciously around the Divine Presence.

But now with the descent of the new consciousness, the Divine Presence can be felt by the body-cells where It is at work for the transformation of Matter.


Whatever work will come to me from You, I will like to take it as Your blessings.

I know that it is thus that you take it. The only thing that makes me hesitate sometimes is that I do not want that you tire yourself. The work must be done harmoniously, not with any tension.


The anxiety for quickness and result seems to produce tension in my work.

The best attitude for the work is to make of it an offering to the Divine, and for that, to do it as well as one can, leaving the result in the care of the Divine. Thus all tension disappears.

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And when one knows how to make the offering, the necessary force for execution of the work comes spontaneously and thus fatigue is avoided.


With Your help, Mother, I must succeed in making the offering of my work.

I am altogether convinced that you will succeed. In a general way you have already the right attitude. Blessings.


Without mental silence it is really difficult to know the Divine Will.

It is almost impossible because always there is the risk of taking one's .own mental formation for the expression of the divine will. .

A great intensity of aspiration can help towards this mental silence (an aspiration not formulated in words).



I pray to You to make me able to receive that which You send me with Your answers.

The consciousness works very energetically, and it is in an attentive silence that one lets it work best.


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The anxiety for quickness and result seems to produce tension in my work.

It is the old vital habits that believe themselves to be indispensable for the equilibrium of the body. Nothing must be upset.


I can feel that it is in silence that I should aspire for silence.

This is very good, this is a good beginning.


Mother, the mind is making so much noise again, hut I am not discouraged.

It is to give you the occasion to control and purify its activity because this also is indispensable.


In an increasing love for You, my bad movements have to offer themselves to You, O Divine Mother. . .

I had been aware of the prayer and believed that I had written the reply . . .

It is nothing but the memory of the old habits which are exhausting themselves in their last expressions.


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(Mother wrote the above reply on receiving the next letter.)

Yesterday I got the notebook without Your written reply to the enclosed prayer but Your action is there.

Yes, the action is always there very consciously, and my blessings.


Now I have tooth-ache. I regard this as the resistance of old habits.

I know by experience that one can stop tooth-ache in some minutes if the suffering spot invokes the Divine Presence in a total abandonment.

But if you have not yet learnt to do this in the body, not mentally, it is better to go to Rigos who will treat you.



I find very interesting the method indicated by You to stop tooth-ache and I hope to learn it with mental silence and progress in the body.

It is very good. You can count upon my help. Blessings.


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Before You, Mother, one can climb so high that physical pain disappears, but . . . there is always a coming back.

A day will come when this change of consciousness could be done at will, and by consequence could be much more durable.


I find myself unworthy of You, O Divine Mother.

Be sincere in your aspiration and there is no unworthiness. . .


How can one rise above the struggle?

By identifying one's consciousness with the Divine Consciousness. Then all changes in its aspect and the values are not the same.


I find that I no longer try to know what You want to make of me.

Here is an excellent attitude which proves that you are just in the course of becoming what I expect of you.


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You are with me, always, but I am not aware of it.

I am more subtle than the air; and already the air you do not see.

There are infinitely more things which we do not see than those we see.


The joy of prostrating before You without desire.

It is the joy with which the Lord envelops those who are sincere.

Bonne Fête


In spite of the difficulties I hope to hold straight to the path.

With a sincere aspiration the thing is certain.


Perhaps the Lord created the world with a smile and it is with a smile that He looks at it.

Most certainly. And we also must learn to look at everything with a smile. But we have taken to very bad habits which we now must learn to lose.


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This morning it is the need of cosmic consciousness that is felt.

The peace of totality.


I am made of dust, but it is a dust which can change at your contact. . .

The whole of the physical world is made of dust.

But this dust has this speciality that at the contact of the Divine it changes into light.


The mind's ineffectiveness is now very clear.

The mind is an instrument of study and analysis. But it is not capable of having knowledge because it acts in division.


Among the darknesses that I harbour there are those which have begun to love the light. . .

That which in you is yet in the obscurity, is so by ignorance, not by bad will; and this is a certitude of victory, even rapid, for the illumination is taking place promptly.


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Does the sense of physical suffering not exist in the cosmic consciousness?

In the cosmic consciousness it certainly exists.

It is in the Supreme Divine Consciousness that it does not exist, that is to say, the nature of the sensation changes and the opposites disappear for being replaced by something which is indefinable in our language.


If my aspiration becomes constant, sincere and integral, things will be simple. . .

It already needs a great sincerity to perceive the instability of the aspiration.


These three days the idea has been coming that the Matrimandir at Auroville should be built soon.

In fact this will be good and will change things in an unexpected way .... But it does not appear to have been revealed to others.


Isn't ordered intuition a necessity for Your true servitor ?

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Ordered intuition is certainly a very useful instrument for replacing the mind which has proved itself incapable of translating correctly the higher consciousness. But beyond intuition there is a consciousness that reflects yet better the Supreme Consciousness.


There are darknesses which want to flee away, there are others which want to get transformed!

Yes, there is a moment when the choice is between adhering or disappearing, then things go fast.


For most of the problems there is now only one answer: self-giving.

When self-giving is truly and completely realised, there is no longer any problem, all becomes simple.


An integral love seems to me to be the first necessity for self-giving to be integral.

From the moment the first contact with the Supreme Lord takes place, one feels overwhelmed and enveloped by so marvellous a love that the response is spontaneous and natural.


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The glimpses of Truth have to get enlarged and become constant. . .

It is a sort of atmosphere of Truth in which one can take refuge as soon as one concentrates, until the moment comes when one lives there constantly, while maintaining a surface activity which no longer affects the consciousness.


isn't the Divine Will the only Truth to be followed in action ?

All exists in and by the Divine Consciousness, and the place which each being and each thing occupies in the whole depends on the extent to which a thing or a being is aware of the Supreme Consciousness and identified with It.


For me the physical tamas is very obstinate, above all towards the evening.

It may be fatigue, the need of a conscious rest or more sleep, or some element lacking in the diet. It is a subject worth taking pains to study.


How to have conscious rest?

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The body was relaxing, lying in bed, before sleeping, offering itself to the Divine, and the conscious rest came spontaneously without making effort to have it. Thus it is impossible for me to give a process, because none was used. The aspiration of the cells to surrender entirely to the Divine was the only conscious thing.


Isn't the repose in Sat-chit-ananda the only true rest for the sadhak?

In principle yes, but I doubt that many know how to have it.


I do not yet find in me the reversal of consciousness.

Of which "reversal" of consciousness are you speaking? I do not understand what exactly you mean.


I do not yet find in me that reversal of consciousness which is a "revolution of the basic equilibrium", the indispensable starting point for transformation.

There is no absolute rule. The contact with the inner Divinity can take place in an unexpected manner. The important thing is to maintain the aspiration.


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When a sadhak has seen neither the goal nor the way, how can he say that he is progressing or not?

When one acts, to make offering of one's action, When one rests or sleeps, to make offering of one's body,

and always, at each moment, to make offering of one's


is it not enough?

why be anxious for the result?

is it not still the ego?


Sometimes, with Your remembrance there is a thrill in the body.

It means that your body is sensitive to the supramental consciousness and that it can become more and more receptive to it.


The straight aspiration towards the Divine, without care for personal progress, is such a pure flame!

It is so comforting; it gives the force to overcome all difficulties.


To see and feel the Lord everywhere and in every thing, isn't the union with Him the indispensable thing ?

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Naturally it is essential and imperative; otherwise there is the risk of becoming the plaything of all imaginations.

That is why it is preferable to concentrate first of all on the union with the Divine. The rest follows.


Mother has spoken of a kind of radiation that goes out of the body and mixes with others.

Is this radiation limited by physical distance?

The dimension of radiation is different for each one and depends on the power of consciousness contained in the cells.

For most it is some centimetres. The radiation of Sri Aurobindo's body extended all around more than ten kilometres outside the town.


Perhaps it is easier for the body to aspire without inquietude for the answer.

I have found that the body-cells, as soon as they enter into contact with the Divine, surrender very promptly and very completely, and their surrender is very stable.


It is said that in the recent earthquake at Peru eighty thousand people perished. Is it possible that the souls of all these dead ones had decided to leave their bodies at the same time?

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In the majority of men the psychic being is embryonic, little developed, and does not take decisions.

It is only in a human minority that the psychic being is fully conscious individually and takes individual decisions.


Your Purity,

O Mother Divine,

Your Purity . . .

May He alone exist! .. .


When the Truth approaches, if the mind wants to understand it, the Truth moves away.

The very attitude of the mind is contrary to the truth, that is why it cannot understand it. It is only in mental silence that one can know the Truth.


The body also now begins to aspire for its reconstitution according to Your Will.

My blessings are with it so that this be the occasion for a new force to install itself with the new consciousness.


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With Your aid all becomes possible and time no longer seems so important.

Of my aid you can be assured; it does not depend on physical conditions.


When meditation comes spontaneously, often the body gets relaxed and sleep becomes irresistible.

That is probably not an ordinary sleep. The body becomes able to receive higher forces which plunge it in a receptive rest. Consciousness will follow, and then the body will begin its transformation.


My vital ego continues to see the faults of others with pleasure.

When it will understand that the faults of others increase its own work, the pleasure will disappear.


In "Prayers and Meditations" Mother has said,

"Above, no question arises ..."

Does "above" mean "in the consciousness of the

Supreme Lord"?

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If you had given me the date of this meditation I would have certainly told you what I meant exactly. In any case, it surely means above the mind.


The date of the above meditation is 9 April 1917.

The answer to your question is written in the prayer itself; the "above" means Divine Consciousness.


Isn't prayer more effective than personal effort?

Each has its utility, but certainly aspiration and prayer have a greater efficacy because of the confidence they imply.


Is the personal effort of him who is chosen by the Divine an easy action for the Divine Force?

For the Divine all is bliss; but this word has to be given a meaning which man does not know.


To get something from men one has to ask, but from You one gets more if one does not ask!

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Because usually one is not aware of one's true need and Q often one asks for useless things. Whereas the divine consciousness gives always and exactly what is necessary for growth and ascent,


The loss of the ego, when it occurs, is going to be a great enrichment.

It can be said that that is the accomplishment of the true being.


When one aspires for the participation of one's whole being in the Yoga, has one begun the integral Yoga?

Yes, when the consciousness of the body-cells perceives the Divine's presence and action, one is on the right path for the integral Yoga.


Mother has told Pradyot that the protection of India lies in the descent of the Force from above. So, Mother, all comes back to Yoga.

India is the holder of Yogic knowledges, but this knowledge had been covered by materialism. Sri Aurobindo has awakened it; now it only remains to spread it.


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Can it be said that if one is sincere now, there are no errors of the past which will be irreparable?

There is nothing irreparable and even the consequences of past acts change to the extent that the being becomes purer and more sincere.

But it must never be forgotten that for the divine consciousness the value of beings and things is quite different from what it is for the human consciousness.


He who is chosen by the Infinite cannot escape, but it is true that he tries to escape. Why, Mother?

Men have fear of what they do not know, above all of that which is much superior to them.


The body, instead of being engaged with itself, wants to be Your faithful servitor.

This is very good. It will have occasions for it more and more. Already all its endeavour is given to the divine work.


The purity of the vital has become a great necessity.

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The vital is the ego's fortress. The ego must abdicate. Only one will has value: the Supreme Lord's.


Without mental silence I am no longer joyful on the way.

If you have mental silence at will, it is already c great accomplishment and it should give patience for the day when the whole life will pass in mental silence.


Your Victory,

O Mother Divine,

Your own victory,

this is our only hope.

The victory is certain. It is for us to prepare ourselves to see it and participate in it.



Does the decrease of my impatience mean an increase of faith?

Undoubtedly, it is the first step towards enlightened confidence in the Divine Wisdom.


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When the aspiration is sincere and strong a change of consciousness takes place. How to establish it?

By letting the aspiration surge forth more and more frequently.


In man is it the mind that pevents him from uniting with the cosmic rhythm ?

Very often it is the vital vitiated by the adverse forces, and almost always the mind which wants to replace the cosmic rhythm by its own laws.


Is there an intensity of aspiration which can bring realisation without delay?

Yes. But that intensity itself is the sign that the being is ready for union with the Divine.

When this union is fully conscious, then begins the transformation.


When the movement of offering myself to You is spontaneous, there is a distinct joy.

Yes, it is that joy which can become constant as the background supporting the whole life.


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My ego has become very subtle.

It is in the hope of hiding itself but it will not succeed.


Does the fatigue in work indicate the loss of contact with Your Force?

There are several kinds of fatigue. If it is a fatigue of the body it indicates the necessity of taking rest.

All other fatigues come because you take the forces at the personal source which is necessarily limited, and you are not leaning on the Divine Force which is necessarily unlimited.


The mind is learning not to be agitated by things it does not like.

It is good. But there is a higher condition to attain. It is to be above like and dislike, to understand the deep law of each thing in order to keep each thing in its right place, in one's consciousness as well as around oneself.


Does consecration change only the attitude towards circumstances or the circumstances themselves?

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Consecration changes completely the attitude and the manner of acting. That has naturally an influence over the circumstances.


Often the preferences do not allow to see clearly.

It is altogether indispensable to establish a consciousness in which preferences have no more meaning and are replaced by the clear vision of the place of each thing and each movement in the great universal play.


I find a general lowering in me since some days.

Perhaps you are tired. If it is not so you must react quickly.


I am trying to renew the offering of myself to You.

Yes, it is an offering which one cannot make once, for all; it must be constantly renewed. Then all movements become impregnated with the Divine.


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The chains of Ignorance are really hard.

Yes, so hard that only the Supreme Lord can melt them.

That is why for him who has faith all is possible.


Sometimes the aspiration becomes a consecration.

It is always that in its essence and origin.

In fact it is a state that becomes permanent in the being and governs all activities.


To be at Your service, isn't this the only utility of the body?

If not the only one, at least the most effective,


When the clouds begin to disperse, the fatigue oj the struggle gets forgotten.

There is a time when the struggle is nothing else than the victorious march of the Divine and the effort becomes


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I hope that my entire being is going to become a flower that always turns towards You.

That is inevitable and will become more and more conscious.


The condition of India is becoming worse and worse, at least in appearance.

The old financial power and the so-called communists are at daggers drawn. Soon there will be the time for the true Consciousness to intervene and put a little order in this chaos.


The mind is no longer proud of itself, and it wants to have the light from above.

May it remain silent, turned upwards in an attitude of receptivity, and the light will answer.


Yesternoon when the mind was turning upwards Sri Aurobindo came with a smile.

Here is a very good thing and certainly it will renew itself.


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This morning it is the word "Realisation" that is dominating.

The realisation is certain; to prepare oneself for it, that is all.


What is the right method to take rest for the restoration of energy?

A comfortable physical rest (sofa or easy chair),

vital tranquillity,

mental silence,

and on the -part of the whole being a general attitude of passive offering to the Divine.


In the night there was a tide of useless thoughts, but Your remembrance was there as a wave of protection.

My will is to give you the peace of silence.


My hope lies in the certitude that the Mother's Will is going to prevail over me.

You are right; in time we will triumph over all obstacles.


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What I do one day is no longer satisfying the next days.

This proves that the élan of progress is very strong. It becomes all-powerful when it is accompanied by the peace of eternity.


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