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Adya Shakti : is the Supreme Consciousness & Power above the universe & it is by her that all the Gods are manifested, & even the supramental Ishwara – the supramen¬tal Purushottama of whom the Great Gods & Goddesses are Powers & Person¬alities. ― “Brahmā, Vishnu, & Shiva, are only three Powers & Personalities of the One Cosmic Godhead.” [SABCL 22: 390] – At X’s conscientious hesitation between Krishna and Shiva and Shakti I could not help indulging in a smile. If a man is attracted by one form or two forms of the Divine, it is all right, but if he is drawn to several at a time he need not torment himself over it. A man of some development has necessarily several sides in his nature & it is quite natural that different aspects should draw or govern different personalities in him: he can accept them all & harmonise them in the One Divine & the One Ādya Shakti of whom all are the manifestations. [SABCL 22:384-85; 23:521-22]
... Divinity's lapse from its own splendours wove The many-patterned ground of all we are. 46 The incarnation of Adya Shakti in the human body to do the transformative Yoga of the Supreme in the earth-consciousness forelights the certitude of its success. This Adya Shakti takes birth in our mortality and accepts the name of Savitri. She is "the patroness of magic priestcraft, Brahmanhood"... 30 Savitri first steps into that House where her "silent will" joins the Will of the Divine in the Universe. Such is the nature of this Vedic Yajna going on in her heart. Sat-Purusha and Adya-Shakti A. B. Keith in his long introduction to the Taittiriya Sanhita belonging to the Veda of the Black Yajus School mentions that it, like the Shatapatha Brahmana, identifies Agni with Death which... terrestrial Yajna that has to be lifted up, with the help of the Gods, to its original pristine glory and grandeur. In the wake of the sacrifice of the Purusha, sung by the Vedic Rishis, she as the Adya Shakti has actually made a greater sacrifice by coming down to this creation, that it may grow in pure being, awareness, and joy she gave up her royalty of transcendence and chose to be here—because it ...
... radiant daughter, accepting the conditions of the inconscient Ignominy, sets herself to work those things out in the rhythms of the Truth-conscient. We may also state it differently: The Adya Shakti, the original Primaeval Might, always stays in the transcendent. That is her viewless home. Her office is there, up there, and it i$ from there that she supports all these thousand actions, actions... hemisphere. But for the decisive change to take place she has to project herself as the supramental Force. Indeed, it is in that form that she will come down to doing the work. Thus while the supreme Adya Shakti will always remain in the Transcendent, it is Savitri with the transformative power who will come down and take charge of the evolutionary process upon earth. In fact that has been her responsibility ...
... activities are the play of the triple force of the old philosophies, knowledge-force, desire-force, action-force, and all these prove to be really three streams of one original and identical Power, Adya Shakti. Even our states of rest are only equable state or equilibrium of the play of her movement. Movement of Force being admitted as the whole nature of the Cosmos, two questions arise. And first, ...
... India's Rebirth Index A Adya Shakti , 21 Afghanistan, 170,229 Agni, 116,117 agriculture, 39 see also peasantry, village Ahimsa , 55 , 123, ISI , 168,218,219,246 see also non-violence Ajatashatru's, 96 Alipore Bomb Ca se , 46 (fn), ISO, 159 Alipore jail, 47 , 48 , 214 Allies (in World War II ), 226, 236, 238-239 altruism, 80 , 102, 112 ...
... periods in the history of the world when the unseen Power that guides its destinies seems to be filled with a consuming passion for change and a strong impatience of the old. The Great Mother, the Adya Shakti, has resolved to take the nations into Her hand and shape them anew. These are periods of rapid destruction and energetic creation, filled with the sound of cannon and the trampling of armies, the ...
... without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the Yoga. Page 443 In regard to the Purushottama the Divine Mother is the supreme divine Consciousness and Power above the worlds, Adya Shakti; she carries the Supreme in herself and manifests the Divine in the worlds through the Akshara and the Kshara. In regard to the Akshara she is the same Para Shakti holding the Purusha immobile in ...
... comes to and it is obviously a completer truth and a wider knowledge than that given by the Shankara formula. It is already indicated in the Gita's teaching of the Purushottama and the Parashakti (Adya Shakti) who becomes the Jiva and upholds the universe. It is evident that Purushottama and Parashakti are both eternal and are inseparable and one in being; the Parashakti manifests the universe, manifests ...
... bringing into the new religion the vision of God the Mother in a deeper fashion than the various Mother-cults of the time had done and with a finer and closer approach to the Indian insight of the Adya Shakti, the Para-Prakriti, whom Sri Aurobindo, as I have said before, addresses in his Savitri: O Wisdom-Splendour, Mother of the universe, Creatrix, the Eternal's artist Bride! But ...
... The two together, the Vedantic and the Tantric truth unified, can arrive at the integral knowledge.... It is already indicated in the Gita's teaching of the Purushottama and the Parashakti (Adya Shakti) who becomes the Jiva and upholds the universe." 15 Essence as all-fulfilling Value can only be the substance and status which yet holds as potential truth whatever is brought out in form ...
... each of them . Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: The Gods They are in origin and essence permanent emanations of the Divine put forth from the Supreme by the Transcendent Mother, the Adya Shakti; in their cosmic action they are powers and personalities of the Divine, each with his independent cosmic standing, function and work in the Universe. They are not impersonal entities but cosmic ...
... traditions brought together by the Churches), bringing into the new religion (Christianity) the vision of God, the Mother, in a deeper fashion finer and closer approach to the Indian insight of the Adya Shakti, the Para Prakriti, whom Sri Aurobindo addresses in Savitri, O Wisdom-Splendour, Mother of the universe, Creatrix, the Eternal's artist Bride! 8 To return to the identification ...
... activities are the play of the triple force of the old philosophies, knowledge-force, desire-force, action-force, and all these prove to be really three streams of one original and identical Power, Adya Shakti. Even our states of rest are only equable state Page 114 or equilibrium of the play of her movement. Movement of Force being admitted as the whole nature of the Cosmos, two questions ...
... s to move out of its original unified status and move abroad and away, as it liked. Thus the Supreme saw himself as his own power of self-manifestation, and that is the Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi—consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Maha-saraswati). But this free urge ...
... impulses. Purusa is the existence and Prakrti is the motion. Purusa "is" and Prakrti "is in the process of being." The other name of Purusa is Siva while the other name of Prakrti is Adya Shakti or the "Primal Power." Man can proceed Godward in two general directions, resorting either to Prakrti or to Purusa. Vedanta proceeds with Purusa, and the Sakti-sadhana with Prakrti. ...
... hearts, to be born again. There is no scientific process, no machinery for that. Strength can only be created by drawing it from the internal and inexhaustible reservoirs of the Spirit, from that Adya-Shakti of the Eternal which is the fountain of all new existence. To be born again means nothing but to revive the Brahma within us, and that is a spiritual process,—no effort of the body or the intellect ...
... from the superconscious heights And sweeping in great horizontal gyres A million energies joined and were the One. 17 Aswapati was now strengthened by the primal Energy, the Adya Shakti. The traditional Sri Chakra which deals with colourful images and names helps us to understand the mystic diction of Sri Aurobindo, as Aswapati prepares to enter the realms of the Unknowable, ...
... in his nature and it is quite natural that different aspects should draw or govern different personalities in him—he can very well accept them all and harmonise them in the One Divine and the One Adya Shakti of whom all are the manifestations. Shiva is the Lord of Tapas. The power is the power of Tapas. Krishna as a godhead is the Lord of Ananda, Love and Bhakti; as an incarnation, he manifests ...
... four states as one. Third Absolute— Aditi - M [the Mother]. Aditi is the indivisible consciousness force and Ananda of the Supreme; M, its living dynamis, the supreme Love, Wisdom, Power. Adya-Shakti of the Tantra = Parabrahman Fourth Absolute—Parameswara of the Gita = Parameswari of the Tantra Page 1349 The Manifestation I First Absolute— The concealed Avyakta ...
... is essential, for without it there is no fulfilment of the object of the Yoga. In regard to the Purushottama the Divine Mother is the supreme divine Consciousness and Power above the worlds, Adya Shakti; she carries the Supreme in herself and manifests the Divine in the worlds through the Akshara and the Kshara. In regard to the Akshara she is the same Para Shakti holding the Purusha immobile in ...
... my Self, to know and love the Divine Godhead and fulfil Her in my life and to know the worlds, if it is Her Will that I should do so. But above all, I must have the Darshan of the World-Mother, Adya Shakti Mahakali. She will know what is best for me. Then how can I do without a Guru who will lead me to Her Feet? I do not see anybody in the world more qualified than Sri Aurobindo to lead you to ...
... came first. SRI AUROBINDO: Then she passed on to you the crust. NIRODBARAN: Does this experience mean anew stage in sadhana? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. SATYENDRA: You said to somebody that the Adya Shakti, the Primal Goddess-Power of the Supermind, brings down the Supermind. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. SATYENDRA: Brings from where? SRI AUROBINDO: From the higher planes. SATYENDRA: There is also ...
... consciousness to move out of its original unified status and move abroad and away, as it liked. Thus the Supreme saw himself as his own power of self-manifestation, and that is the Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi – consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati). But this free urge ...
... hearts, to be born again. There is no scientific process, no machinery for that. Strength can only be created by drawing it from the internal and inexhaustible reservoirs of the Spirit, from that Adya-Shakti of the Eternal which is the fountain of all new existence. To be born again means nothing but to revive the Brahma within us, and that is a spiritual process – no effort of the body or the ...
... "We have to change our natures, and become new men with new hearts", he said. "Strength can be created only by drawing it from the internal and inexhaustible reservoirs of the Spirit, from that Adya-Shakti of the Eternal which is the fountain of all new existence." In a stirring oration Sri Aurobindo asked for dedicated men, even as Jesus said, Page 27 "Follow me, and I will ...
... and more than repeat - that miraculous rebaptism in the waters of Shakti: Strength can only be created by drawing it from the internal and inexhaustible reservoirs of the Spirit, from that Adya Shakti of the Eternal which is the fountain of all new existence. To be born again means nothing but to revive the Brahma within us, and that is a spiritual process - no effort of the body or the intellect ...
... Sastriar, his own disciple M. P. Pandit writes: He saw and recognised in Her a conscious embodiment of the whole Divine, a living Murti in whom are present all the Four Personalities of the Adya-Shakti spoken of by Sri Aurobindo as presiding over the course of the Earth's Evolution .... In Her he adored his Ista Devata, Sri Lalita Tripura Sundari, and surrendered his entire Sadhana to Her ...
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