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14 result/s found for Albert Einstein

... Polytechnic in Zurich, only to fail the entrance examination. He studied for another year to make up for his deficiencies and passed the examination the following year. Still a 1. D. J. Raine, Albert Einstein and Relativity (Pitman Press, England, 1984), p. 17. 2. Carl Sagan, Broca's Brain (New York, Ballantine, 1980), p. 23. Page 251 mediocre student by academic standards, he relied... character of the electoral system. I believe that in this respect the United States of America have found the right way. They have a responsible President who is elected Page 256 Albert Einstein Page 257 for a sufficiently long period and has sufficient powers to be really responsible. On the other hand, what I value in our political system is the more extensive provision that... of the English translation by Alan Harris, published by The Philosophical Library, New York, in 1949, under the title The World as I see It. A few dates 1879 Birth of Albert Einstein in Ulm, Germany. 1900 Einstein becomes Swiss citizen. 1905 Special Relativity. 1914 Appointed in Prussian Academy of Sciences, Berlin. ...


... speculate about how hard it was to accept the notion that the universe might have had a beginning.” 7 Indeed, in 1933 the universe was still assumed to be eternal and unchanging, and when Albert Einstein, then already a celebrity, endorsed the first propositions of something like a Big Bang model, he was vehemently attacked and even ridiculed. (In the history of science, there has never been a... observations.” And string theory has spawned not only the possibility of a multitude of universes, a “multiverse,” but an infinity of them. Paul Steinhardt is not a science fiction writer, he is Albert Einstein Professor of Science at Princeton. His opinion: “Recently some cosmologists have been exploring the possibility that the universe is exponentially older [than thought until now]. In this picture ...

... a vacation in Switzerland with her daughters and a well-known friend, Albert Einstein. [...] During the summer of 1913 she tried her strength by a walking tour in the Engadines, rucksack on back. Her daughters accompanied her with their governess and the group of excursionists also included the scientist Albert Einstein and his son. A charming 'comradeship of genius' had existed for several ...


... Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic ( A letter from Albert Einstein) Page 34 ( An Award ) Page 35 ( A letter from Kathleen Raine) December 31st, 1993. Dear Friend, What a happiness to hear news of you after so long.... I have been reading your poems — what a ...


... to the image of the scientist, more specifically the physicist, as a sort of higher being with an intellect out of the ordinary, who indeed sometimes seeks “to understand the mind of God” (cf. Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking). The acceptance of such a view would put science and the crucial decisions made by scientists in our societies beyond the reach of the general public. It would also mean certain ...

... 440 This will lead straight to the official proclamation by the Nazis, Nobel Prize winners among them, of a true “German science” as opposed to a false “Jewish science” of which the world-famous Albert Einstein was the epitome. That this kind of irrationalities, or plain idiocies, did not prevent German engineers to produce an astonishing range of new inventions shows that the engineer does not need an ...


... remarkable." Indeed the Jewish race has produced Page 94 not only prophets like Elijah or philosophers like Spinoza (1632-77), but also the greatest of our modern scientists, Albert Einstein (1879-1955), born one year after Mirra. Besides, my acquaintances of that race are all people of refinement. Like the Hindu Puranas, the old Hebrew books such as the Talmud are full of parables ...

... Science, Materialism, Mysticism The Originality of Einstein A "Close-Up" of the World's Greatest Scientist On April 18, 1955, died Albert Einstein who had been born on March 14, 1879. To have lived in the time of a man like him has been a rare privilege. For, there is not the slightest doubt that he is the most original thinker in the whole ...

... newspaper groups were owned by Jews, and, to a very considerable extent, the spectacular culture of Berlin in the 1920’s; the culture dominated by personalities like Max Reinhardt and Bruno Walter and Albert Einstein, was a Jewish culture. “To the Jews, this was naturally a matter of pride, and more than one Jewish chronicler has pointed out that one quarter of all the Nobel Prizes won by Germans in the first ...


... everything – matter and spirit – to an Absolute that is unknowable, but whose existence could be deduced from the extraordinary aspects of the new physics.” 28 Towards the end of his life, Albert Einstein once said: “You probably think that I look back on the work of my life with quiet satisfaction. Seen from nearby, it is totally different. There is not a single concept of which I am convinced ...

... they were the call to his vocation and the occult instigation of his philosophy of rationalism. Mendeleyev’s fundamental insight of the periodic table of elements came also to him in a dream. Albert Einstein narrated: “The breakthrough came suddenly one day. I was sitting in a chair in my patent office in Bern. Suddenly the thought struck me: If a man falls freely, he does not feel his own weight. ...

... intellectual career is the correspondence he had with fellow scholars, editors, writers, poets and laypersons. These include world-class personalities and international celebrities like Aldous Huxley, Albert Einstein, Kathleen Raine and Paul Brunton. But there are lesser-known people too. At times admirers and readers were drawn to him for instruction and insight. A spirit of deep engagement and empathy marks ...


... no response. On the contrary, he wrote to Roger that whatever he said was right—the Urn would remain as it was, ac-cording to the Mother's Vision. How untrue! Here is an apt quotation from Albert Einstein: Only two things are infinite: the Universe and human stupidity. And I am not sure about the former. Sri Aurobindo's words are true: An idiot hour destroys what centuries made . There ...
