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Ananke : personification of Compelling Necessity or Ultimate Fate to which even the gods must yield. She was sister of Themis (q.v.).
... leading lightning-tasselled. Ancient Themis remained and awful Dis and Ananke. Then mid these last of the gods who shall stand when all others have perished, Zeus to the Silence obscure under iron brows of that goddess,– Griefless, unveiled was her visage, dire and unmoved and eternal: "Thou and I, O Dis, remain and our sister Ananke. That which the joyous hearts of our children, radiant heaven-moths... thou and Ananke. All things I take to my bosom that Life may be swift in her voyage; For out of death is Life and not by birth and her motions And behind Night is light and not in the sun and his splendours. Troy to the Night I will gather a wreath for my shadows, O grower." So in his arrogance dire the vast invincible Death-god Triumphing passed out of heaven with Themis and silent Ananke. Zeus... fringed with the Ganges; Thus shall the past pay its Titan ransom and, Fate her balance Changing, a continent ravished suffer the fortune of Helen. This I have sworn allying my will to Zeus and Ananke."'" So was it spoken, the Phthian challenge. Silent the heroes Looked back amazed on their past and into the night of their future. Silent their hearts felt a grasp from gods and had hints of ...
... sselled. Ancient Themis remained and awful Dis and Ananke. Then mid these last of the gods who shall stand when all others have perished, Zeus to the Silence obscure under iron brows of that goddess,- Griefless, unveiled was her visage, dire and unmoved and eternal: "Thou and I, O Dis, remain and our sister Ananke. Page 102 That which the joyous hearts of our... dire the vast invincible Death-god Triumphing passed out of heaven with Themis and silent Ananke. Zeus alone in the spheres of his bliss, in his kingdom of brilliance Sat divine and alarmed; for even the gods in their heavens Scarce shall live who have gazed on the unveiled face of Ananke, Heard the accents dire of the Darkness that waits for the ages. Awful and dull grew... Apollo Shone and his silver clang was heard with alarm in our kingdoms. Ares' impetuous eyes looked forth from a cloud-drift of splendour; Page 75 Themis' steps appeared and Ananke, the mystic Erinnys; Nor was Hephaestus' flaming strength from his father divided. Even the ancient Dis to arrive dim-featured, eternal, Seemed; but his rays are the shades and his voice ...
... window. Ananke, unveiled, stands a little behind him. Zeus Behold, Ananke, how the earth has blossomed Since that gold dawn when thy strong sanctioning word Put its white seal upon my Will, and I Sent forth my child divine into those depths, The rocky dark abyss where Pluto reigns - My child, my Fire-Soul, to dwell within his Night. Ananke I saw... mortal man, plunging thy Bliss Into the suffering depths, and all thy Light Immerge in Matter's horror dark. So only That monstrous evil spell can now be broken. (To Ananke) Ananke, Sister, tell us what thou seest. Ananke This one truth: she must go. Demeter (standing up swiftly) My Lord, I'll go. Triumphant music bursts forth at her words. She walks out immediately... Separation hard, And gave our child, a portion of herself, Self of her self, made of her light and bliss; - Our single soul of all humanity1 Incarnate in each man and every nation. Ananke A sacrifice made for thy love, O Zeus; She's borne the agony of the Parting long. Zeus Ay, millions of revolutions of Time's wheel Have turned since then, and now all things ...
... leader of the warriors of Salamis and is already slain by Penthesilea at the opening of Ilion. Amphitrite: one of the Nereids, queen of the sea, wife of Poseidon and mother of Triton. Ananke: personification of compelling Necessity or ultimate Fate to which even Zeus and the gods are subject. Anchises: a member of the younger branch of the Trojan royal house and, in Ilion, a... in Homer, the god of that river. Zeus: The supreme god in Greek religion; son of Cronus, the Titan, whom he overthrew. He decrees all that shall be, subject only to the mysterious power of Ananke. The lord of the heavens, he has as his special manifestations in Nature thunder, lightning and tempest. He is regarded as the universal father, though mythology makes him the actual father (by ...
... hair like the moon in its halo. 90 And others too, "aegis-bearing Athene, shielded and helmeted", "Artemis, archeress Page 641 ancient", "immortal Apollo", Themis, and Ananke, and Hephaestus, and the "ancient Dis", "into the courts divine they crowded, radiant, burning". In Sri Aurobindo's play, Eric, as we saw earlier (Chapter VI), the end-note is "not Thor... but... the divinities - Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo - are on the side of the Trojans, while others, Poseidon and Hera and Athene, are with the Greeks. And above them all are the "awful three" - Themis, Dis and Ananke - and Zeus of course is above everybody. These gods and goddesses have their divers powers and personalities, yet they are not the ultimate Power - as Agni, Vayu and Indra are made to realise in the ...
... up in the end, as the old Greek poet said of the haughty insolence and prosperous pride of man, against the very foundation of the throne of Zeus, the marble feet of Themis, the adamantine bust of Ananke. There is the secret of an eternal factor, the base of the unchanging action of the just and truthful gods, devānāṁ dhruvāṇi vratāni in the self-sufficient and impartial law of Karma. This truth... ideas inconsistent with any reign of law, vague ideas of Page 330 some superior caprice or of some divine jealousy,—that was a notion of the Greeks,—a blind Fate or inscrutable Necessity, Ananke, or, later, the mysterious ways of an arbitrary, though no doubt an all-wise Providence. And all this meant that there was some broken half-glimpse of the working of a force, but the law of its working ...
... of the self-existent Infinite. This greater luminous spiritual Necessity and its sovereign imperative alone can displace or entirely penetrate, transform into itself and so replace the blind Ananke of the Inconscience." 2 So, this is the second capital movement: the descent of the Supermind in earth-existence and earth-nature. But something much more has to be achieved before our ...
... truth-force of the self-existent Infinite. This greater luminous spiritual Necessity and its sovereign imperative alone can displace or entirely penetrate, transform into itself and so replace the blind Ananke of the Inconscience." 53 When the supermind descends, the whole substance of the being comes to be changed supramentally. At the lowest level of material nature, the involved Supermind emerges ...
... and well-being of men and were all the time scheming to disrupt the smooth flow of their lives. A few of the Greek Gods had specially bad repute in this matter: these were Zeus, Themis, Nemesis and Ananke. While speaking about a special trait of the consciousness of the ancient Greeks the Mother once observed: "The Greeks had a keen and exceptional sense of beauty , of eurythmy, of harmony in ...
... mixture, a diminution and dilution of itself, a diminution, a modification, an incomplete authenticity of its truth and power." (Ibid., pp. 960-61) It thus follows that, unless this 'blind Ananke of the Inconscience' be somehow illumined and transmuted, there can be no prospect for any physical transformation. For, this 'dragon base' remaining, as it is now, the dead weight and the inconscient ...
... comparatively easy by the general reader, because the situations and problems dealt with are more or less familiar to all men. Pain, its fundamental cause and real cure, the idea of a governing Fate—Ananke,—and the relation of these with the human soul and with the ultimate Reality—these are questions that have occupied the human mind from the very beginning. Another reason for their appeal to the ...
... ti, but fixes too its working in each individual case, not only prepares the circumstance & the means but determines the action & the event. We seem to have here an overriding Fate, an ineluctable Ananke, even a self-acting mechanism of Nature; but it is not a mechanical inevitability, the result of the sum of our & others' past actions, not even a natural inevitability, the result of either a habitual ...
... heroic or morbid according to temperament, of the mystical belief all ages have had in an utter Unknown that rules above the desires and imaginings of men the totality of things: the Greeks called it Ananke, the Fate and the Necessity that is greater even than the Gods. Steeped in the conception of that dark Supreme, poets like Hardy and Lucretius create their masterpieces and disclose in spite of themselves ...
... this daily sacrifice. The Law of Sacrifice proves not only to be ubiquitous in the universality of its application* but is also inexorable. That was the way the Grecian gods were subject to the Law of Ananke. All is established in the great Sacrifice and, indeed, all these sacrifices have been extended, as the Gita 34 The Gita deals with this aspect in chapters in and IV. Page 118 ...
... truth-force of the self-existent Infinite. This greater luminous spiritual Necessity and its sovereign imperative alone can displace or entirely penetrate, transform into itself and so replace the blind Ananke of the Inconscience. A supramental change of the whole substance of the being and therefore necessarily of all its characters, powers, movements takes place when the involved supermind in Nature ...
... lesser light it enters: there is a mixture, a diminution and dilution of itself, a diminution, a modification, an incomplete authenticity of its truth and power." 1 Thus, unless this ' blind Ananke of the Inconscience ' can somehow be illumined and transfigured, there can be no prospect for any physical transformation. For, this 'dragon base' remaining as it is, the dead weight of the inconscient ...
... reverse And make the soul the artist of its fate. This is the mystic truth our ignorance hides: Doom is a passage for our inborn force, Our ordeal is the hidden spirit's choice, Ananke is our being's own decree. Mother, here Sri Aurobindo speaks of "the psychic behind supporting all". What does this mean? Well, yes, the psychic is behind the whole organisation ...
... lesser light it enters: there is a mixture, a diminution and dilution of itself, a diminution, a modification, an incomplete authenticity of its truth and power." 9 Thus, unless this 'blind Ananke of the Inconscience' can somehow be illumined and transfigured, there can be no prospect for any physical transformation. For this 'dragon base' remaining as it is now, the dead weight of the i ...
... the Ganges; Thus shall the past pay its Titan ransom and, Fate her balance Changing, a continent ravished suffer the fortune of Helen. This I have sworn allying my will to Zeus and Ananke." 12 There is in this message the heroism of a warrior whose heart is inspired by the fire that wants to burn away the Trojan act of injustice; but there is also here the noble aim to tread ...
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