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5 result/s found for André Malraux

... won his support...." Malraux agrees to be a member of the Centenary Committee. His secretary sent the following reply to Y.L.: Verrières-le-Buisson March 13, 1972 ...Monsieur André Malraux is traveling abroad and is not expected back before April 15, but he has asked me to request you to tell the Mother that he is at her entire disposal for anything concerning the Committee, and that... that he considers it an honor. Signed: S.R. Oh, that's good! We will have to speak with A. It's good. Very good. 1 ADDENDUM Satprem's letter to André Malraux, seventeen years earlier. ( In an interview in a Swedish magazine, Malraux had said, "For the last fifty years, psychology has been reinstating the demons in man. Such is the real result of psychoanalysis.... receiving. I agree—as you have seen—with your main thesis. But the text in question (the reply to a specific inquiry) was limited in its very scope. Thank you again, and with sincere regards. André Malraux × Unfortunately, nothing came of it. The narrow-mindedness of the Paris "Study Center" discouraged Malraux once ...


... Mother. Mother asked, "When is André Malraux meeting Indira Gandhi?" "In November, in Paris." Mother again asked, "When is André Malraux thinking of coming to India?" "I don't know." Then Mother remained absorbed a long time and said, "He will only get THE answer when he arrives in India, because the answer is in him." After meeting Indira Gandhi in Paris, André Malraux will renounce his plan of action... the death of General de Gaulle, Satprem's friend Y.L. had met André Malraux at Verrières; he immediately asked her, "Is the Mother still alive?" As Y.L. was a little taken aback, he added, "I went there before you, 33 years ago.... So I assume you know what they have been looking for in India...." Again a few days ago, Y.L. met André Malraux after his cry "Volunteer for Bengal"; he said to her, "What ...


... becoming increasingly visible (words are stupid, it's not that; but it's all we can say, all words are stupid). What do you have to say? Not much. There's some interesting news. You've heard of André Malraux, the French writer? Yes. Page 247 I believe he even came here to Pondicherry to see you. He has made a statement on the radio, and you know, he's a man who carries a lot of weight ...


... him, but out of his growing inner perfection availing to shape a more perfect form and frame of life.’ 17 ‘The next century will be spiritual or it will not be,’ is a well-known statement by André Malraux. And one century earlier, the seer-poet who was the young Arthur Rimbaud had concluded Une saison en enfer (a season in hell) with the words: ‘We are going towards the spirit! It is very certain ...


... accomplishment of oneself as demonstrated by the proliferation of psy-groups, techniques of expression and communication, meditation and oriental gymnastics.” 46 Often quoted are the words of André Malraux: “The 21st century will be spiritual or it will not be.” Putting everything together, it becomes clear that any negative interpretation of the facts of our present world can be countered with ...