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Antichrist Antechrist : antagonist of Christ, expected to spread universal evil before the end of the world but finally to be conquered by Christ in his second coming. [See Lucifer]
... monomania. The Thunderer seems to have Srijut Bipin Chandra on the brain; it sees him gigantically reflected in every manifestation of Nationalism and is rapidly constructing him into a sinister Antichrist of British rule. So it insists on identifying him with the Bande Mataram and will take no denial. Somebody has been pointing out to it that Bipin Babu severed his connection with the paper nine ...
... was no shortage of preachers to incite at massacring the Jews without waiting for the confrontation with the Saracens.” The reasoning was simple: hadn’t the Jews killed the Son of God? Wasn’t the Antichrist to be born from them? Why march toward the Orient to kill the Saracens and leave this devil’s brood behind unharmed? The first Jews were murdered at Rouen, in the North-West of France, and the Judaic... thongs till their flesh was torn from their bones. They invoked God’s pity for this miserable world and preached general repentance, for the end was near. And as the end meant first the coming of the Antichrist, his accomplices, the Jews, were declared outside the law and often massacred after the flagellants had performed their pious acts. “From the second half of the fourteenth century onwards”, writes ...
... their skin at the front but exploited the war situation for their profit and advancement. Ultimately, they will attempt to dominate the world and establish their rule as the Chosen People. Then the Antichrist will mount his throne and cause the world’s destruction. ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 The Nietzschean Antichrist NIETZSCHE as the apostle of force is a name now familiar to all the world. The hero, the warrior who never tamely accepts suffering and submission and defeat under any condition but fights always and fights to conquer – such is the ideal man, according to Nietzsche, – the champion of strength ...
... which he meant the Kehlsteinhaus. From the Berghof, Hitler had a splendid view of the Untersberg where, as legend has it, Charlemagne is sleeping till one day he will awake and do battle with the Antichrist to make a new Golden Age possible – or, if you prefer, to lead the German people to their glory. “There he sat”, remembers Speer, “with his view of the Untersberg where, according to legend, the ...
... and the Jews”, which we have briefly examined when leafing through Mein Kampf. “It was his own Manichean version of the conflict between good and evil, between God and the Devil, Christ and the Antichrist.” If there is a solution of this mystery, it should be looked for in the occurrences at the time of Hitler’s “turnabout” when, in 1919, and under the influence of Captain Mayr and Dietrich Eckart ...
... Man, in whom God incarnates himself. The new bringers of salvation and redeemers of the world are the Germans … The Germans will build a worldwide empire of the spirit … The Jews incorporate the Antichrist, who must be subjugated … To protect oneself from the Jews Fichte proposes either to cut their heads off or to send them into the Promised Land.” 389 According to Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) the ...
... which fused with the Reformation and gave to Lutheranism its specifically German hue.” 382 Luther had travelled to Rome and seen there with his own eyes the abominations around the Chair of the “Antichrist”. He had also felt deeply offended by the superior and disdainful attitude of the Southerners towards the backward Germans: “No nation is more despised than the German nation! Italy calls us animals; ...
... his article "Antichrist" in A Handbook of Christian Theology, 9 sketches well in a brief compass the semi-religious semi-political significance of the writing: "The Beast that arises from the Abyss (Rev. 11:7; 13:1) symbolises the powers by which the Church is persecuted Page 91 (13:7). In its second appearance the Beast is pictured with features of the Antichrist. It looks like ...
... Anton: Hitlers Weg begann in München 1913-1923 Johnson, Paul: A History of the Jews Junge, Traudl: Bis zur letzten Stunde Kaufmann, Walter: Nietzsche – Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist Kempowski, Walter: Haben Sie Hitler gesehen? Kershaw, Ian: Hitler – 1889-1936 Hubris Kershaw, Ian: Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis Kirchhoff, Jochen: Nietzsche, Hitler und die Deutschen ...
... the great nausea, the will to nothingness, nihilism; this bell-stroke of noon and of the great decision that liberates the will again and restores its goal to the earth and his hope to man, this Antichrist and anti-nihilist; this victor over God and nothingness: he must come one day. ” 695 What kind of being would Nietzsche’s superman be? Stern has composed an outline of his character from Also ...
... er, when all would be covered with ice; or there would be the great world fire, Muspilli. “Muspilli” is also the theme of a ninth century poem about the apocalyptic battle between Elijah and the Antichrist. “At the time of the Muspilli no clansman can help another. When the whole world burns and fire and hot air devour everything, what remains then of the land for which one has fought together with ...
... মদ্যপায়ী, অশ্লীলভাষী, যথেচ্ছাচারী, বামমার্গের তান্ত্রিক ৷ এই সকল মহাপুরুষ ও অবতারদের মধ্যে আমিও কি একজন মহাপুরুষ ও অবতার? আমাকে দেখে হয় তাে ভাববেন কলির অবতার বা আসুর রাক্ষসী কালীর, খৃষ্টানরা যাকে Antichrist বলে! আমার সম্বন্ধে দেখছি একটী ভ্রান্ত ধারণা ছড়িয়ে গেছে, লােকে যদি disappointed হয়, তার জন্যে আমি দায়ী নহি ৷ এই অসাধারণ লম্বা চিঠির তাৎপৰ্য্য এই যে আমিও পুঁটলি বাঁধছি ৷ তবে আমার বিশ্বাস যে ...
... ff. 684 Joachim Fest, op. cit., pp. 514-15. 685 Peter Orzechowski, op. cit., p. 173. 686 J.P. Stern: Nietzsche, p. 92. 687 In Walter Kaufmann: Nietzsche – Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist, p. 245. 688 J.P. Stern, op. cit., p. 69. 689 Id., p. 108. 690 In Philip Novak, op. cit., p. 135. 691 J.P. Stern, op. cit., pp. 71, 77. 692 Carl Pletsch: Young Nietzsche – Becoming ...
... symbol of diabolic cruelty and tyranny in his verse. He has even the expression "Forest of Oaks" when he speaks of Albion and of "Albion's Druid Sons" in a context that brings them together with "the Antichrist accursed". Milton's whole phrase "forest oaks" looks thus like an anticipation of Blake's Satan-symbolism. The word "forest" is also used by Milton in the same Book in the lines 94 we have already ...
... embodied as a beast of prey - a lion - is also suggested in Blake's America. Albion's Angel who is a representative of Urizen's religion which falsely claims to be that of Christ denounces Orc as Antichrist, Orc who comes to restore "The fiery joy, that Urizen perverted to ten commands," 199 and is really the spirit of Christ. The freedom-giving and falsehood-fighting forms ...
... It is worth listening to Dougherty on the Apocalypse of St. John too: 54 "Its message of consolation is timeless, and its promise is the ultimate victory of good over evil, of Christ over Antichrist." But on its actual contents and bearing in time Dougherty is quite explicit: 55 "In symbolic imagery the Apocalypse portrays the conflict between the Christian Church and imperial Rome. Rome... are these slogans the first clear signs of early Christianity's awareness of Gnostic Docetism. In the NT documents 1 and 2 John the "heresy" is explicitly identified with "the deceiver and the antichrist". 2 John:7 is urgent with the menace that "there are many deceivers about in the world refusing to admit that Jesus Christ came in the flesh". Thus we may aver that the "heresy" became full-fledged ...
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