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Aphrodite : Olympian goddess of love, beauty, & fertility; in Homer daughter of Zeus & Dione in Homer. The story of Aphrodite rising from the sea is as follows: In response to the appeal of Gaea, Cronus castrated his father Uranus with a scimitar as he approached Gaea. From the drops of blood that fell upon her were born the Erinnyes, the Giants, & the ash-tree nymphs called the Meliai. The severed genitals floated on the sea, producing a white foam from which sprang Aphrodite. She married Hephaestus but she loved Ares to whom she bore Eros & Anteros. In the dispute over the Apple of Discord, Paris judged her the fairest, & so she helped him in carrying off Helen from Sparta. This brought on the Trojan War in which she sided with the Trojans. In Roman times Aphrodite was identified with Venus.
... pride, And would bring ruin upon themselves and all If we don't intervene. Enter Athene and Aphrodite in great haste, almost breathless. Seeing Ananke, who quickly draws her veil, they turn away with a cry. Aphrodite and Athene ( turning their faces away ) O Lord! Aphrodite ( turning back ) O Father, Pray, hasten and send forth your heavenly hosts; All hell is surging... oh! I could not bear The ugly sights... ( She covers her eyes and half-swoons ) Zeus Why, Child, where hast thou been? An exploring trip? Athene ( supporting Aphrodite ) Ay, Father, we dared peep Into those caverns where no gods can live - Only Persephone's white Fire-Soul, And she too knows the pain - we peeped and saw Those threatening terrors... stealth, And heard them planning to destroy your world. O Father, call forth Ares; he and I, Your warrior-powers, will lead your armies out. They cannot ever stand against us. Father. Aphrodite ( now recovered ) Or better still, dear Father, hurl down swift Your thunderbolts and blast them all at once. Oh, hasten and do something quickly. Father. Page 38 Zeus ...
... Europe; Athena promised heroism and victory; and Aphrodite promised love, in the person of the lovely Helen. Although Paris had never seen Helen, he had heard of her reputation, and his desire for love was so strong that he offered the apple to the beautiful Aphrodite. Thereafter, Hera and Athena showed their opposition to Paris, while Aphrodite offered her advice to Paris how best to conquer... take part in the banquet, but Eris, goddess of discord, had been left out. Eris, therefore, waited for the moment when she tossed a golden apple in from of three of the goddesses: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. The apple bore an inscription: "To the most beautiful". When the quarrel broke out amongst three goddesses, each claiming the apple, the task was given to Paris, the Trojan Prince, to judge which... Deiphobus, Helen, Polydorus, Troilus and others; the best known of his daughters were Creousa, Paodice, Polyxene and Cassandra, who was gifted with the power of divination.. Under the inspiration of Aphrodite, Paris visited Sparta, which was ruled by Menelaus. Menelaus extended warm welcome to Paris to whom he introduced his beautiful wife Helen. As soon as Paris set eyes on Helen, her beauty dazzled him ...
... legs Were nimble enough. But huge bright-helmeted Ares And Apollo with hair unshorn went down to the Trojans, Along with arrow-showering Artemis, Leto, The river-god Xanthus, and Aphrodite, adorer Of smiles. So long as the gods were not there, the Achaeans Won glorious victory, since now Achilles, who had Page 48 For so long stayed out of the painful fighting... beat me, Not though he claims to be made of solid bronze!" Then lord Apollo, son of Zeus, replied: "Heroic Aeneas, why don't you also invoke The gods everlasting? After all, men say Aphrodite, Daughter of Zeus, is your mother, while surely Achilles Was born of a lesser goddess. Remember, your mother Is Zeus's own daughter, his the sea-ancient's child. But on! Charge with... you're the son Of matchless Peleus and that your mother is Thetis, She of the beautiful braids, a child of the brine. But I claim descent from courageous Anchises, my father, And Aphrodite herself! And of these two couples, One or the other shall this day mourn a dear son, For I don't think we two shall part and leave this struggle Page 54 With nothing exchanged ...
... darkens o'er creatures. Choose the silence in heaven or choose the struggle mid mortals, Golden joy of the worlds, O thou roseate white Aphrodite." Then with her starry eyes and bosom of bliss from the immortals Glowing and rosy-limbed cried the wonderful white Aphrodite, Drawing her fingers like flowers through the flowing gold of her tresses, Calm, discontented, her perfect mouth like a rose of resistance... delight from their play and their labour; Earth restored to the Cyclops shall shrink from the gold Aphrodite. So shall I live diminished, owned but by beasts in the forest, Birds of the air and the gods in their heavens, but disgraced in the mortal." Then to the discontented rosy-mouthed Aphrodite Zeus replied, the Father divine: "O goddess Astarte, What are these thoughts thou hast suffered to... thee, Rose of love and sea of delight, O my child Aphrodite, Still wouldst thou live in the worship they gave thee protected from fading, Splendidly statued and shrined in men's works and men's thoughts, Cytherea." Pleased and blushing with bliss of her praise and the thought of her empire Answered, as cries a harp in heaven, the gold Aphrodite: "Father, I know and I spoke but to hear from another ...
... Cyclops carrying a pile of rocks (6th century BC) Cypris: An epithet of Aphrodite, whose sanctuaries on the island of Cyprus was especially renown. Cythera: An island of the Southeast promontory of the Peloponnesus on which there was a sanctuary of Aphrodite. According to one legend, Aphrodite floated to Cythera on a seashell after her birth in the sea. Page 113 ... fairest", thrown down by Strife at the wedding of Peleus, he was asked to be the judge between Hera, Athene and Aphrodite, who all claimed it. Hera promised him greatness if he chose her, Athene offered victory, and Aphrodite the most beautiful woman. He awarded the apple to Aphrodite (thereby incensing the other two) who helped him to obtain Helen. Paris was left exposed on a mountain after his... versions either blinded or lamed (in Ilion, he is shown as blind). After the fall of Troy, he was taken away by Aeneas to Italy, where he died. Aphrodite (4th century BC) Page 110 Apollo Aphrodite: Greek goddess of love, beauty and fertility. She was the daughter of Zeus and Dione according to Homer. In another account, she arose from the foam of ...
... creatures. Choose the silence in heaven or choose the struggle mid mortals. Golden joy of the worlds, O thou roseate white Aphrodite. " Then with her starry eyes and bosom of bliss from the immortals Glowing and rosy-limbed cried the wonderful white Aphrodite, Drawing her fingers like flower? through the flowing gold of her tresses, Calm, discontented, her perfect mouth like... from, theirplay and their labour; Earth restored to the Cyclops shall shrink from the gold Aphrodite. So shall I live diminished, owned but by beasts in the forest, Birds of the air and the gods in their heavens, but disgraced in the mortal." Then to the discontented rosy-mouthed Aphrodite Zeus replied, the Father divine: "O goddess Astarte, What are these thoughts thou hast... Rose of love and sea of delight, O my child Aphrodite, Still wouldst thou live in the worship they gave thee protected from fading, Splendidly statued and shrined in men's works and men's thoughts, Cytherea." Pleased and blushing with bliss of her praise and the thought of her empire Answered, as cries a harp in heaven, the gold Aphrodite: "Father. I know and I spoke but to hear ...
... of love as well as high debate in the empyrean among the Gods. Even in the Gods' assembly we witness intense pulls this way and that of universal ideas and emotions, aspirations and ambitions. Aphrodite, knowing that Zeus has willed in favour of Hera and Pallas, comes with her perfect mouth a rose of resistance Chidingly budded 'gainst Fate... Passionate and desperate are some... living, I am the touch of the Master. Love shall die bound to my stake like a victim adorned as for bridal, Life shall be bathed in my flames and be purified gold or ashes. I, Aphrodite, shall move the world for ever and ever..." The War-God Ares, denied his free dominion, refuses to dwell in Greece and looks forward to the Greeks' successors in Europe: "Consuls ...
... (Gaea, Rhea, Demeter). Most of the female divinities in Greek mythology were originally Great Mother Goddesses; Hera in Argos, Artemis in Crete, Aphrodite in Cyprus. Their role changed when they were incorporated into the male-dominated religion of Zeus. Aphrodite was also known as Ishtar Page 68 in Babylon, and as Astarte in what is now Syria and Palestine. In Sumer she was worshiped as Innana... Mythologically it also marks the end of an extremely long period going back to prehistory in which the object of people's worship had been the Mother Goddess known under many names. 5 As Aphrodite, addressing her "father” Zeus, and foreseeing the times to come declares, Only my form he pursues that I wear for a mortal enchantment, He to whom now you givest the world, the Ionian... the world in its orbit danced to a marvelous rhythm. Page 64 Now shall my waning greatness perish and pass out of Nature. Earth restored to the Cyclops shall shrink from the gold Aphrodite. If the reign of the Great Mother is receding, so is the reign of Mystic Apollo. The age of illumination is soon to be replaced by the age of logic and reason inspired and guided by young ...
... resulted in needless suffering and death among the Greeks. The war by now had reached Olympus. The gods were ranged against each other. Aphrodite was on the side of Paris, Hera and Athena against him. Ares, god of war, always took side with Aphrodite, while Poseidon, Lord of the sea, favored the Greeks, a sea people and great sailors. Apollo helped the Trojans for the sake of Hector, son of... examples among many, 'Zeus is Lord of lightning, the Thunderer, Lord of the gathering gale; Poseidon, the great shaker of shores, creator of earthquake. Lord of the main;*Hermes is, luck bringing, and Aphrodite, adorer of smiles. In the same vein, he writes of swift-footed Achilles and noble, long-suffering Odysseus. It is assumed that Homer came from Asia Minor and was probably born on the island... centres in various parts of the Mediterranean, the most important being Carthage in North Africa. In the Aeneid, the Latin poet Virgil tells how Aeneas, guided by his mother, the great goddess Aphrodite, leaves Troy in flames, with his family and other Trojan refugees, and after many adventures, finds refuge in Carthage where he meets Dido, the great queen who founded it. Virgil (70 BC-19 BC) ...
... bliss; and the earthly rose is yet capable of the forms, colours and perfumes of the Rose of Heaven. "Come, come down to us", the Voices cry. But Ahana is the mighty goddess, she is Ashtaroth, she is Aphrodite. What need for her, then, to return to the earth? What attractions there, what compensations? In answer, the Voices raises a compulsive chorus, greeting her as Diana, Usha, Delight, Latona, Yakshini... final battle, the gods too assemble in full force to confabulate and decree: Hera came in her pride, the spouse of Zeus and his sister. As at her birth from the foam of the spaces white Aphrodite Rose in the cloud of her golden hair like the moon in its halo. 90 And others too, "aegis-bearing Athene, shielded and helmeted", "Artemis, archeress Page 641 ancient"... and the doom of empire, obscure forces are at work to usher in a new era, to compel new life to rise phoenix-like out of the ashes of the old. On a superficial view, some of the divinities - Ares, Aphrodite, Apollo - are on the side of the Trojans, while others, Poseidon and Hera and Athene, are with the Greeks. And above them all are the "awful three" - Themis, Dis and Ananke - and Zeus of course is ...
... woman employed speech? To say nothing." Julian felt that the tone of talk was becoming too serious and he glided away from the subject. During the flow of the wine someone coupled the names of Aphrodite and Bacchus. "Ah yes" said Julian "how is it that we have not honoured the goddess who presides over this feast?" "Let Julian do it in his master's fashion" suggested Corydon. "I cannot tread... has withered in their hearts; and this he does with eyes open and of deliberate purpose. So far poets have sinned; but it is a vulgar error to suppose Love garrulous, a bastard child of Momus and Aphrodite; whereas in truth he is the lawful son of Hephaistos; but he has swallowed his father down, and for that reason those lovely lips, the scarlet portals of Passion's treasury, do not yield up their ...
... passion and rapture, If there were souls that could hunt after God as a prey for their capture, Such might aspire to possess me. I am Ahana the mighty, I am Ashtaroth, I am the goddess, divine Aphrodite. You have a thirst full sweet, but earth's vineyards quickly assuage it: There must be thoughts that outmeasure existence, strengths that besiege it, Natures fit for my vastness! Return to your... Delphi's caverns, Voice in the groves of Dodona! Goddess serene of an ancient progeny, Dian, Latona! Virgin! ascetic frank or remote, Athene the mighty! Harlot supine to the worlds, insatiate white Aphrodite! Hundred-named art thou, goddess, a hundred-formed, and thy bosom Thrills all the world with its breasts. O starlight, O mountain, O blossom! Rain that descendest kissing our lips and lightning ...
... eloquence. Epic, Purana and the popular imagination know her solely as this deity of speech & knowledge. She ranks therefore in the order of religious ideas with the old Hellenic conceptions of Pallas, Aphrodite or the Muses; nor does any least shadow of the material Nature-power linger to lower the clear intellectuality of Page 123 her powers and functions. But there is also a river Saraswati... advanced knowledge & theory at least of our subjective nature. Nor when we look at the clearness, fixity & frequently psychological nature of the functions of the Greek gods, Apollo, Hermes, Pallas, Aphrodite, [have we] the right to expect anything less from the ancestors of the far more subtle-minded, philosophical & spiritual Indian nation. Page 160 ...
... of the ancients Soothing his restful age, the far-warring victor Anchises, High Bucoleon's son and the father of Rome by a goddess; Lonely and vagrant once in his boyhood divine upon Ida White Aphrodite ensnared him and she loosed her ambrosial girdle Seeking a mortal's love. On the threshold Thrasymachus halted Looking for servant or guard, but felt only a loneness of slumber Drawing the soul's... reposing, But in the night he had left his couch and the clasp of Creusa, Rising from sleep at the call of his spirit that turned to the waters Prompted by Fate and his mother who guided him, white Aphrodite. Page 394 Still with the impulse of speed Thrasymachus greeted Aeneas: "Hero Aeneas, swift be thy stride to the Ilian hill-top. Dardanid, haste! for the gods are at work; they have ...
... bluff Menelaus engaging Paris in single combat to decide the war. The two armies sit down in a civilized truce; Priam joins Agamemnon in solemn sacrifice to the gods. Menelaus overcomes Paris, but Aphrodite snatches the lad safely away in a cloud and deposits him, miraculously powdered and Page 47 perfumed, upon his marriage bed. Helen bids him return to the fight, but he counter proposes... Agamemnon, (XX) engages Aeneas, and is about to kill him when Poseidon rescues him. (XXI) Achilles slaughters a host of Trojans. The gods take up the fight: Athena lays Ares low with a stone, and when Aphrodite, going for a soldier tries to save him, Athena knocks her down with a blow upon her fair breast. Hera cuffs the ears of Artemis; Poseidon and Apollo content themselves with words.- (XXII) All Trojans ...
... actually a son of Priam. Each goddess offered him something: Hera, to be king of the richest realm on earth, Athene, to gain fame as the wisest and bravest of men, and Aphrodite, the most beautiful woman as his wife. He gave the apple to Aphrodite who later arranged for him to abduct Helen, who was the acknowledged beauty of her era, but already the wife of Menelaus. This story is the mythical explanation ...
... grasp, if the symbols of the sacrifice were still familiar to us and the names of the Vedic gods still carried their old psychological significance,—as the Greek or Latin names of classical deities, Aphrodite or Ares, Venus or Minerva, still bear their sense for a cultured European,—the device of an interpretative translation could have been avoided. But India followed another curve of literary and religious ...
... that the problem ceases. No, it remains there — but oneself is no longer in it. One deals with it as if from outside it like a sculptor chiselling the rough stone to a perfect Hermes or a flawless Aphrodite, the hardest blows and dints and scrapings hurting not himself at all — himself playing the part of only an instrument or the inspiring Spirit, within whose freedom and farness he is caught up! ...
... deep-churning a prayer That, in strange answer to its aching wideness, Out of her spirit's sea a rapture swayed Into her body and for one poise-moment All her enchanted shape was Aphrodite!... Mortal again, she trembled; yet those limbs Left the bare spaces perfumed with life's goal. Page 39 ...
... this anthology in two volumes is hence specifically to provide a certain mental support leaping into intuition while approaching Savitri. Take the example of orchids that are so dear to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty. They have mythical associations also; the Chinese name for these flowers is pretty significant, which means perfume and gracefulness. Any number of stories have grown ...
... counterparts of the Egyptian gods. “In the Egyptian language”, he writes, “Apollo is called Horus, Demeter Isis, Artemis Bubastis”. Neith is identified with Athena, Osiris with Dionysus, Hathor with Aphrodite, Ammon with Zeus, and so on. 5 In the present context more need not be said about this fascinating topic. Its importance will be clear because it erodes another foundation of the bulwark of ...
... only by the perishing of one culture and the arising of another can man progress: the hour is ripe now for the advent of the rule of Reason and there must be for its sake the subdual of three powers—Aphrodite, Ares and Apollo. After addressing several of the Gods, far-seeing Zeus says to "the brilliant offspring born of his musings": 2 "What shall I say to the thought that is calm in thy breasts ...
... iconography; they became the companions or slaves of the divinities whom they used to embody, e.g., the owl of Athene, the eagle of Zeus, the hind of Artemis, the dolphin of Poseidon, and the dove of Aphrodite. In other cases, the bestial or repugnant forms have been left to evil spirits, the enemies of gods and men." 4 Man the Measure So much for the theotropic man. But in the historic ...
... Aesop, 258 Afghanistan, 284 Agni, 16, 19-20,22-3,28, 33-5, 45, 157 61, 164, 166, 180,214 America, 198,284 Ananda, 133 Andamans, 103 Ansars, 267 Antigone, 187, 273 -Aphrodite, 182 Apollo, 180, 182 Aragon, 88 Aristotle, 89, 248 Arjuna, 254 Arnold, Matthew, 71, 189,234 -Essays in Criticism, 234n Arya, the, 131,227-8 Asia, 284 Asuras ...
... and earth or bhu is that of delight and enjoyment. We have already said that high above, up there, dwell Apollo and Zeus and Juno, and below here on earth, Dionysus and Bacchus and Semele and Aphrodite. However the poet says that as the toadstool is born in the midst of thunder and lightning, his strength and capacity are of the nature of thunder—enduring and hard and powerful. Bom thus ...
... variously by poets and dramatists. Tagore's lyric, Urvashi, 115 has been described as "a sheer melodious and poetic cry", a hymn celebrating the Woman Beautiful, the archetypal Helen, glorious Aphrodite whose virtue, whose swabh ā va, is "to ravish the soul of Paradise". But Sri Aurobindo's poem is epical in cast, and romantic in its impulsion. Love and Death is more compact but no less charged ...
... (Zeus, Odin) protects the Ram, Agni (Moloch, Thor) the Bull, the Aswins (Castor & Pollux) the Twins, Upendra (Baal) the Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama (Ares) the Scorpion, Mitra or Bhava (Apollo Phoebus) the Archer, Saraswati called also Ganga (Nais) the Crocodile, Parjanya (Apis) the Jar, Nara (Nereus) ...
... understand the arts of Europe, as the ordinary European mind to enter into the spirit of Indian painting and sculpture. I have seen a comparison made between a feminine Indian figure and a Greek Aphrodite which illustrates the difficulty in an extreme form. The critic tells me that the Indian figure is full of a strong spiritual sense—here of the very breath and being of devotion, an ineffable devotion ...
... the goddess of strong intelligence, force guided by brain; Ares is the lord of battles, not a storm wind; Artemis, if she is the Moon, is also goddess of the free hunting life and of virginity; Aphrodite is only the goddess of Love & Beauty There is therefore a strong moral element in the cult & there are clear subjective notions attached to the divine personalities. But this is not all. There was ...
... clear, concrete & definite. The Greeks knew well what they meant by Fate, Necessity,Ate, Themis, Dike, Koros,Hubris; we are in no danger of confusing morally Zeus with Ares, or Ares with Hephaistos, Aphrodite with Pallas or Pallas with Artemis! We will suppose, however, that the higher spiritual development of the Indians, their urge towards universality, prevented them from arriving at this clearness ...
... to live and die for the highest Beauty. But what is this Beauty? It is not appearance, it is essence — not beauty of body but beauty of being. We have ordinarily set up the figure of Apollo or of Aphrodite as representing the Greek ideal of Beauty. But actually this ideal was caught in the pug-nosed, stumpy, pot-bellied satyr of a man that was Socrates! He Page 357 was Beauty incarnate ...
... spells also the name of the girl who married Eros the God of Love, lost him by attempting to look directly into his face and won him back after undergoing various trials imposed on her by his mother Aphrodite. So there may be a hint that the woman who is "Soul" to the poet's longings and searchings has herself also suffered before becoming for him a joy from the depths of the being. But the immediate impact ...
... what has been already done. In short, instead of correcting a slightly flawed poem, a poet may spend the same time writing half a dozen new ones, at least three of which may be born as miraculous as Aphrodite fresh from the foam. But Chattopadhyaya's verse did not give me the impression that he had reached such a height of lavish excellence: he had to his credit many brief masterpieces, but as often as ...
... hill, pure rock, out soaring all bird-speech— Skies of unbroken blue serenity. An unforgettable moment I have stood Bereft of voice to act interpreter To a timeless flash of unveiled Aphrodite! But oh the nakedness when one deep night Caught suddenly my nind beyond thought's stir, Shorn of a million stars to grope sheer God! 14.11.89—23.12.89 Page 655 ...
... of cloudless blue serenity - A hill, pure rock, out-soaring all bird-speech. An unforgettable moment I have stood Bereft of voice to act interpreter To a timeless flash of unveiled Aphrodite. But O the nakedness when one deep night Caught suddenly my mind beyond thought's stir, Shorn of a million stars to grope sheer God! I am too close to the poem to arrive at a ...
... Aurobindo were published at Baroda in 1895 in his book Songs to Myrtilla. The Life of Sri Aurobindo. A. B. Purani MYRTILLA: Here the name of a girl. But usually it denotes the Goddess of Love - Aphrodite. MYRTLE: An evergreen shrub (Myrtus) with beautiful and fragrant leaves. Songs to Myrtilla When earth is full of whispers, when No daily voice is heard of men, But higher ...
... that text had declared to have been close to each other. But we learn from an earlier edition (1929) of this Encyclopaedia 254 that what was found by Constantine's men beneath Hadrian's temple of Aphrodite was a rock-hewn Jewish tomb, for we are told: "The rock around was cut away the tomb chamber was isolated and a circular building - the Anastasius - was erected around Page 217 ...
... earth, and the two men, weeping, groaning, drove the team toward Troy and the mules brought on the body. No one saw them at first, neither man nor woman, none before Cassandra, golden as goddess Aphrodite. She had climbed to Pergamus heights and from that point she saw her beloved father swaying tall in the chariot, flanked by the herald, whose cry could rouse the city. And Cassandra saw him too.. ...
... Seer Poets Index A Agni 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 31, 72 Aldous Huxley 33 Antigone 40 Aphrodite 34 Apollo 34 Aristotelian 49 Arnold 43 Arya 90, 92 Ashram 92 Asuras 5 Athens 47 Atri 8 Atul Gupta 102 Auchathya 8 Avatara 27 B Bacchus 34 Balaka 92 Bamardo ...
... and earth or bhu is that of delight and enjoyment. We have already said that high above, up there, dwell Apollo and Zeus and Juno, and below here on earth, Dionysus and Bacchus and Semele and Aphrodite. However the poet says that as the toadstool is born in the midst of thunder and lightning, his strength and capacity are of the nature of thunder – enduring and hard and powerful. Born thus it ...
... the same story. Sri Aurobindo feels he has not been able to steep himself in the spirit of the European renaissance art, as in the hellenic; and this is the reason why he is more at home in a Greek Aphrodite than in Tintoretto's paintings like Adam and Eve or St. George slaying the Dragon: Page 501 ...I am aware of standing baffled and stopped by an irresponsive blankness somewhere in ...
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