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Armageddon : battlefield where, at the end of world history, the kings of the Earth allied under demoniac leadership will wage war on the forces of God.

5 result/s found for Armageddon

... Humanity had now acquired unprecedented destructive powers, and the attempts at world conquest by the communist block raised the fear of a third and final act of the Twentieth Century World War: Armageddon, the ultimate destruction. It was in these circumstances that Sri Aurobindo, for reasons unknown to his exegetes, left his body to work again behind the scenes, this time not of politics but of the ...


... present action of the Page 991 bureaucracy whether free India will be a friend of England and a mediator between Europe and the triumphant Mongol or an ally of the latter in the approaching Armageddon. Even if the movement in India is crushed, it will not be England that will reap the fruit of her crime in strangling an infant Nationality. She will before long be swept out of India by the Mongolian ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the human and make the advent of divine forces impossible for untold centuries and render the fight for the Spirit, whenever the fight did manage to come, a far more difficult and doubtful Armageddon than anything we could know during those days. Nazism, in Sri Aurobindo's opinion, had to be struck dead: there could be no tolerance of it, no sitting on the fence comparing it to the savageries ...

... charity on Poppy-day was always a beautiful act; for a nationalist it used to be, for many years after the First World War, treachery to the motherland, since till a little before the second Armageddon the collection was made to help only English soldiers - that is, members of the dominating race - and not one pice went to the poor Indians who had fought to save both India and England. We are ...

... second Beast is accompanied by the false prophet (16:13; 19:20; 20:10), and through him, i.e., under a false religious pretext, organises the nations of the earth for the final battle against God at Armageddon (16:16). The Beast and the false prophet are characterised as deceiving people (13:14; 19:20). For the Seer, the Beast is identical with Rome (cf. 17:9) and more generally with all the governments ...