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Assam : The precise origin of the term Assam is not known, but western/westernised scholars prefer the Tai term A-Cham & the Bodo term Ha-Sam. Asham is a state in north-eastern India located south of the eastern Himalayas, comprising the Brahmaputra valley & the Barak valley along with the Karbi Anglong & Dima Hasao districts with an area of 78, 440 km sq. The precise etymology of “Assam” came from Ahom dynasty. Up to 12th century the region east of the Karatova River, largely congruent to present-day Assam, was called Kāmarūpa or Prāg-jyōtisha. According to Kālikā Purana, it was ruled by the Dānava dynasty which was removed by Naraka of Mithila who established the Naraka dynasty whose last king was killed by Sri Krishna. According to Mahābhārata, the Naraka king Bhāga Dutta fought for the Kauravas with an army consisting largely of Kirātas. The Moghuls used the terms Asham for the eastern & Kāmarūpa for western Assam when the country was ruled by the Ahoms, a people of Mongoloid origin, who had settled in Upper Burma & occupied a part of the Brahmaputra valley as early as the 13th century. Here they were gradually Hinduised & adopted the Hindu religion & customs. British colonialism combined & corrupted both to Assam. After some unsuccessful attempts for independence in 1850s, its leaders joined the Congress. British tea planters imported labour from central India adding to the demographic canvas. Initially Assam was made part of the Bengal Presidency, with Shillong as its capital; during the period of the partition of Bengal (1905-1911), together with 15 districts of eastern Bengal it was part of East Bengal & Assam. In 1912 it was reconstituted into a Chief Commissioner’s province. In 1913, a legislative council & in 1937 the Assam Legislative Assembly were in Shillong. Along with Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura & Meghalaya it is one of the seven sister states connected to the rest of India via a 22 km strip of land in West Bengal called Siliguri Corridor or “Chicken’s Neck”. Assam shares an international border with Bhutan & Bangladesh; & its culture, people & climate are similar to those of SE Asia.
... of Hinduism in Assam. They may so arrange that the tribes of Assam are constituted into a separate element not participating in the Assam Provincial Assembly but parked off Page 473 from it. The constituencies of the province could then be so arranged as to give the Mussulmans an automatic majority. Assam could then be flooded with Mahomedan colonies from Bengal and Assam be made safe for... only so long as the Congress keeps to its promise not to support any constitution disapproved by the Sikhs. As for Assam, will the Assamese consent to commit suicide? For that is what the grouping means if it is a majority vote that decides in the group. The Hindus of Bengal and Assam joining together in the section of the Assembly will not have a majority. This opens a prospect that the League in... for all the provinces in the two groups and also a general constitution for each of the two groups overriding the autonomy of the provinces? That would mean that the Sikhs, the Frontier Province and Assam are to be thrown to the wolves, offered as an appeasing sacrifice to Jinnah. It would mean the establishment of a divided Pakistan of which the two portions, Eastern and Western, would ultimately and ...
... plan how to meet the situation and of course he took an active part in the execution of the plan too. — Shambhunath Bhadra About 1924-1934 – Assam Change of Name In the mid-1920s, several years after his release from prison, Sudhir settled in Assam with his family. He was in fact a political absconder living in disguise in Sorbhog (now Barbeta). Because he was preaching violence to young ... capital, he tried his hand at several business ventures, and achieved considerable success. He had the mind of an innovator and pioneer, and the deft hand of a practical man. He went to the forests of Assam to extract Catechu from Accacia trees; he was one of the first to manufacture it on a large scale. He also manufactured large size reinforced concrete pipes for carrying water, a rare enterprise at... any pretext whatsoever, to send us back to the mainland to be lodged in different Indian jails. I was sent to Nagpur via Madras. Once again my life was confined to the prison walls. (S) 1918 – Assam-Bengal Border The Kapalik In 1918 Sudhir was interned on a lonely island in a river, isolated from the company of people. The island was densely forested and inhabited by ferocious animals. ...
... St. William in Calcutta. In the nineteenth century, the 'Bengal' administration had included present-day West Bengal and East Bengal (Bangla Desh), and Bihar (including Chota Nagpur), Assam and Orissa. Even when Assam was formed (along with some Bengali border areas like Sylhet, Cachar and Goalpara) as a separate province, residuary Bengal - with its population of nearly 80 millions looking up to Calcutta... obviously on Curzon's initiative - put forward to the Government of Bengal a proposal to detach several districts from East and North Bengal, and with their addition to Assam to constitute the new province of Eastern Bengal and Assam. This was not motivated - like the later formation of Sind and Orissa, or the Post-Independence linguistic reorganisation - by the desire to forge linguistic unity in ...
... ticket to Calcutta and solicit an 150 Rs. place in Girish Bose's or Mesho's 1 College —if Lord Curzon has not abolished both of them by that time. Of course I could sponge upon my father-in-law in Assam, becoming a ghorjamai 2 for the time being, but then who would send money to Deoghur and Benares? 3 To such a pass have an all-wise Providence and the blessings of British rule brought us! However... means that he does not want me to get my vacations. However, let us see what happens. "If I join the College now and am allowed the three months' vacation, I shall of course go to Bengal and to Assam for a short visit. I am afraid it will be impossible for you to come to Baroda just now. There has been no rain for a month, except a short shower early this morning. The wells are all nearly dried... and sufferings of such a state of things, is out of the question. You must decide for yourself Page 142 whether you will stay with your father or at Deoghur. You may as well stay in Assam till October, and then if I can go to Bengal, I will take you to Deoghur where you can stop for the winter at least. If I cannot come then, I will, if you like, try and make some arrangement for you ...
... Chhota Nagpur, Orissa, and Assam. Later, it was found that such a huge territory was proving too much of a burden for a Governor to administer. So, in the interest of a more effective and efficient administration, Assam, constituting Sylhet, Cachar, and Goalpara - all the three Bengali-speaking areas - was separated from Bengal. But even after the separation of Assam, Bengal remained the largest... Mymensingh from the mother province, and annexing them to Assam. Among the reasons advanced by the Government for the proposal, apart from the vastness of the original province, was the backwardness of the Muslims in education and the general standard of their life. It was thought that by separating East Bengal from the West and tacking it on to Assam, a greater attention could be devoted to the interests... Malda which now form the Bengal division of the Presidency of Fort William will, along with the territories at present under the administration of the Chief Commissioner of Assam, form a separate province of Eastern Bengal and Assam." The new province, it was also declared, would be under a Lt. Governor, and function as a separate unit from the 16th October, 1905. Thus, at one fell blow, the British ...
... during an early stage of the agitation against the partition of Bengal, after the original announcement of December 1903 but before the full list of districts to be taken from Bengal and combined with Assam had been announced. First published in Bande Mataram: Early Political Writings - I in 1972. On the Bengali and the Mahratta: Notes . Editorial title. 1902 - 6. Written on a sheet... in which they Page 1169 urged the people of the district to support the Swadeshi movement. A short while later Bampfylde Fuller, the Lieutenant-Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam, summoned Dutta and the others and demanded that they withdraw the proclamation. A day or two later, they sent a letter to Fuller's private secretary informing him that as Fuller was of the opinion... Bande Mataram on 17 April. Reproduced in Sri Aurobindo's Speeches from the first edition (1922). Palli Samiti . Speech delivered at a conference in Kishoregunj, Eastern Bengal and Assam, on 20 April 1908. A transcript was published in the weekly Bande Mataram on 26 April. Reproduced in Sri Aurobindo's Speeches from the first edition (1922). Part Seven. Writings from M ...
... Page 104 Assam had a majority of Muslims. The majority in Assam is made up of the Hindus and the tribal peoples; in Assam proper the Mussulmans are only 20% of the population. The balance has been altered by the inclusion of Sylhet, a Bengali district in Assam, but even so the non-Mussulmans predominate. At present [ 1946 ] a Congress Government is in power in Assam elected by a large... large majority and Assam is vehemently refusing to be grouped with Mussulman Bengal in the new constitution. Page 105 ...
... ( Mother looks weary. ) The situation is bad, very bad. They're on the verge of taking Assam—things are very bad. But for what reason? Why are they doing this? It seems they're circulating maps in China showing Nepal, Bhutan, Assam and the rest as all part of China. So that's their intention—to settle there. It's not very clear why. National ambition... Why did they take Tibet? And then they've declared that Gaurishankar is Chinese—the summit of the earth is China, not India at all.... Ambition. ( silence ) And this side of Bengal and Assam is full of Chinese who settled there years and years ago; there are thousands and thousands of them, doing business. And all the communists support them, and it seems they keep a very accurate and ... plane "Don't crash here"! It crashes wherever it can. Yes, but it's still hard to see why they would come here. If they want to bomb Madras, that's just too close. Between the oil wells in Assam (that's what they want—very useful to have...) and the Chinese, there's the same distance as between Pondicherry and Madras, so you understand.... They certainly have a motorized army, so it's nothing ...
... from Eastern Bengal one is struck with the fact that they mainly deal with certain obvious & present results of the measure, not one of which is really vital. The contention repeatedly harped on that Assam is entirely different to us in race, language, manners etc. is in the first place not altogether true, and even if true, is very bad political strategy. In these days when the whole tendency of a r... profoundly Aryanised and their language is a branch of Bengali which but for an artificial diversion would have merged into the main stream of Bengali speech. Why then should we affront our brothers in Assam and play the game of our opponents by declaring them outcast from our sympathies? The loss by Eastern Bengal of a seat on the Legislative Council is again the loss of a delusion and does not really ...
... over their opponents... "Mahāsena-gupta, the son of Dāmodara-gupta, carried his victorious arms as far as the Lauhitya or Brāhmaputra, and defeated Susthita-varman, the king of Kamarupa or Assam... Mahāsenāgupta... soon fell on evil days...His two sons Kumāra-gupta and Mādhava-gupta found shelter at the court of king Prabhakara-vardhana of Thaneswar, whose mother Mahāsena-gupta, as the... and the Magadhas on the east. Mookerji 1 draws our attention to a problem connected with the eastern conquests. Three countries are mentioned: Samatata, Davāka, Kāmarūpa. The last two are covered by Assam. Samatata, says Mookerji, denoted "certain remote parts of Bengal" and "was probably to the east of Tamra-lipti and bordered on the sea, as stated by Hiuen Tsang." If Samudragupta's campaign in Bengal ...
... the original elements a natural system of sub-nations with different languages, literatures and other traditions of their own, the four Dravidian peoples, Bengal, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Sind, Assam, Orissa, Nepal, the Hindi-speaking peoples of the North, Rajputana and Bihar. British rule with its provincial administration did not unite these peoples but it did impose upon them the habit of a common... would mean a similar development in Gujarat and then the British-made Presidencies of Madras and Bombay would have disappeared. The old Bengal Presidency had already been split up and Orissa, Bihar and Assam are now, self-governing regional peoples. A merger of the Hindi-speaking part of the Central Provinces and the U.P. would complete the process. An annulment of the partition of India might modify but ...
... John Stedman (1845-1915): entered the Indian Civil Service in 1867, rose to be the Chief Secretary in Bengal in 1891, the Home Secretary to the Government of India in 1896 and the Chief Commisioner of Assam which post he held from 1896 till his retirement in 1902. Upon Page 155 a friend of Dr. Ghose's. His brother, James S. Cotton lent a helping hand to the three foreign students. He... building. There was no heating arrangement or fire in the office where assuming the last post, Sir Henry immediately took steps to improve the miserable condition of the tea-garden labourers of Assam. He was a most liberal Civilian and became a leading champion of Indian nationalism. He is the author of a book, New India. India. He was elected to be the President of the 20th session of the ...
... this means that he does not want me to get my vacations. However, let us see what happens. If I join the College now and am allowed the three months' vacation, I shall of course go to Bengal and to Assam for a short visit. I am afraid it will be impossible for you to come to Baroda just now. There has been no rain here for a month, except a short shower early this morning. The wells are all nearly dried... and endure all the troubles & sufferings of such a state of things is out of the question. You must decide for yourself whether you will stay with your father or at Deoghur. You may as well stay in Assam till October, and then if I can go to Bengal, I will take you to Deoghur where you can stop for the winter at least. If I cannot come then, I will, if you like, try and make some arrangement for you... English rather than put off writing. Do not be too much disappointed by the delay in coming to Baroda; it cannot be avoided. I should like you to spend some time in Deoghur, if you do not mind, Assam somehow seems terribly far off; and besides, I should like you to form a closer intimacy with my relatives, at least those among them whom I especially love. Your loving husband Page 146 ...
... Shillong 793022 Meghalaya Prof. Anil Bhattacharya Vice-President AIFUCTO Calcutta Prof. Subhas Saha Vice-Chancellor Assam University Silchar Assam Prof. Nityananda Saha Vice Chancellor University of Kalyani P.O. Kalyani -741235 Dr. Nadia, West Bengal nsaha@klyuniv.ernet... Following Universities volunteered to undertake the responsibilities: * University of Madras for the Southern Region, *Devi Ahilya Viswavidyalaya, Indore for the Western Region, *Assam (Central) University for the Northern Eastern Region, *Viswa Bharati Shantiniketan for the Eastern Region and, *Kurukshetra University for the Northern Region, To work as Regional Resource ...
... for Kali puja. The Bhattacharya family is descended from the highest caste of Brahmin priests. About seven generations before her grandfather’s time they had been priests to the royal family of Assam (in those times known as Kamrup). Their story goes back to the original ruler who was not of Hindu or Aryan origin, but, rather, a Mongol. Jhumur was not quite certain of all the exact details of the... sadhu standing by the waters of the Ganges, facing a particular direction and holding a stone. The king asked his ministers to go there and search for this sadhu and to bring him back to the palace in Assam. This was Jhumur’s ancestor. He was found and brought to the king where he converted him to Hinduism and initiated him into a new path of spiritual practice. From that time to some time in the 1800s ...
... the original elements a natural system of sub-nations with different languages, literatures and other traditions of their own, the four Dravidian peoples, Bengal, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Sind, Assam, Orissa, Nepal, the Hindi-speaking peoples of the North, Rajputana and Behar. British rule with its provincial administration did not unite these peoples but it did impose upon them the habit of a common... development in Gujarat and then the British-made Presidencies of Madras and Bombay would have disappeared. The old Bengal Presidency had already been split up and Orissa, Page 501 Bihar and Assam are now self-governing regional peoples. A merger of the Hindi-speaking part of the Central Provinces and the U.P. would complete the process. An annulment of the partition of India might modify but ...
... Bengal. He held various posts in the Bengal administrative and judicial services, including Chief Secretary in the Bengal secretariat, and in 1896 became Chief Commissioner of Assam, a position he held till his resignation in 1902 (Moulton; Ghosh, p. 321; Buckland, p. 96; "Provinces of British India"). 29 Austen Leigh... between India and Pakistan rose as a result of widespread communal rioting in East Pakistan, retaliatory attacks in India, and the consequent flight of Hindus from East Pakistan into West Bengal, Assam and Tripura, and Muslims from India into Pakistan. On 2 April 1950, Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan of Pakistan came to India to discuss these problems with Prime Minister Nehru. Six days later the ...
... the original elements a natural system of sub-nations with different languages, literatures and other traditions of their own, the four Dravidian peoples, Bengal, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Sind, Assam, Orissa, Nepal, the Hindi-speaking peoples of the North, Rajputana and Bihar. British rule with its provincial administration did not unite these peoples but it did impose upon them the habit of a common... would mean a similar development in Gujarat and then the British-made Presidencies of Madras and Bombay would have disappeared. The old Bengal Presidency had already been Split up and Orissa, Bihar and Assam are now self-governing regional peoples. A merger of the Hindi-speaking part of the Central Provinces and the U.P. would complete the process. An annulment of the partition Page 38 ...
... U.P. was included in Punjab and one from Bihar in Bengal, then the Hindus would become a majority. This present division is fictitious and not natural. SRI AUROBINDO: In Assam it is like that. Sylhet has been included in Assam only for the Muslim majority there. Some parts of Bengal are included in Orissa deliberately and so also are Birbhum and Manbhum. EVENING PURANI (showing some paintings): ...
... reached us almost immediately was that they had exploded and sunk before they had time to invade India! In the North-East the I.N.A. 5 with the Japanese army at its back was triumphantly marching into Assam. The Indian army seemed to be in a panicky retreat, and the British Government, counting its imperial glory to be almost at an end, was preparing to leave India. The then Governor of Bengal seemed to... situation at that moment was desperate everywhere, in Africa, in India, in Europe. At this jubilant moment of the enemy, India's destiny intervened. A heavy downpour from heaven inundated the dense Assam jungles for days together, so that, bogged in the flood and mud, the invading army with its liberation force had to liberate itself from the wrath of Nature and beat an ignominious retreat. Yet rain ...
... shape corresponds very well with the general form of the country, if we extend the limits of India to Ghazni on the north-west and fix the other two points of the triangle at Cape Comorin and Sadiya in Assam." (Mookerji pp. 62-63)from Fundamental Unity of India by Radha Kumud Mookerji We thus see that the first element of Indian nationhood is drawn from its unique geography. India is one of the... that is fed by the river Mahanadi. Through the east of India, flows the cascading Brahamputra. The waters of the Brahmaputra travel all the way from China to the plains of the Indian state of Assam. Further northeast are seven other states of Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland , Mizoram,and Sikkim — together known as the seven sisters. The two rivers Narmada ...
... you come with me, I shall take you on a tour." We were taken aback and were delighted at the same time. He was to leave for Assam on a political mission, first to a Provincial Conference to be held at a place called Jalsuka in the Sylhet area, and thence to the other areas of Assam on a tour. This provided me with a fresh opportunity to see once again the beauty of old Bengal, the land of the rivers ...
... in Comilla and the magnificent success of the District Conference had afforded a proof which could not be ignored. The redoubtable Nawab Salimullah of Dacca considered it his duty to his patron, the Assam Government, to stem the tide of nationalism in Tipperah. Accordingly he marched Comillawards with his lieutenants and entered the town in conquering pomp. That he ordered the sack of the conquered city ...
... class ticket to Calcutta and solicit an 150 Rs place in Girish Bose's or Mesho's College—if Lord Curzon has not abolished both of them by that time. Of course I could sponge upon my father-in-law in Assam, becoming a ghor jamai for the time being, but then who would send money to Deoghur and Benares? To such a pass have an allwise Providence and the blessings of British rule brought us! However let ...
... Karmayogin Bakarganj Speech Delivered at Bakarganj, Eastern Bengal and Assam, on 23 June 1909. Text noted down by police agents and reproduced in a Government of Bengal confidential file. I have spent the earlier part of my life in a foreign country from my very childhood, and even of the time which I have spent in India, the greater part ...
... stupendous beginning and send the same stream of life beating through the atrophied veins of all India, till one unanimous voice, one tremendous impulse works from the Himalayas to Cape Comorin, from Assam to Bombay and the whole country, molten into a burning mass of enthusiasm, is finally fused in one and ready to be hardened into steel of perfect temper, beaten into shape and fined to perfect sharpness ...
... 112 Mother doesn’t remember the name; it was long ago; nothing recent; since then things have been all right in that respect. My own impression is that it was a zamindar, perhaps from Assam side, but I may be mistaken. J am very grateful for your kind letter. If the rationing, etc. becomes too stringent I will put Sachin off. W. Dutt (and his wife) has written. They sent Rs ...
... long been in a quandary. That part of the imperial territory was too big to be governed by one lieutenant-governor and his staff. It comprised what is now West Bengal, Bangladesh, Orissa, Bihar, and Assam – a territory bigger than modern France and with half as many inhabitants. The British administration knew full well how sensitive the Partition was to the pride of the Bengali Hindus, who formed the ...
... tired?" She answered: "No, I am not tired but worried about the Punjab situation. They are making a lot of trouble and killing many people." And she became grave. I asked her: "What about the Assam situation? Is it bad also?" She replied: "No, it is not so bad. The situation is improving." Then the talk turned on other subjects. In the course of it she referred to Suharto and his regime ...
... presidency would be partitioned or divided into two provinces. There would be one province consisting of West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa; another new province would be created to include East Bengal and Assam. The plan created an uproar. In the undivided presidency the Bengali Hindus were the leading community. They had been the first to he exposed to the new ideas and forces from the West and the first ...
... doubt that the temples of India were a very powerful unifying factor. Starting from the South in Madura and Rameswaram right up to the north in Kashmir, in the East from Dwarka to the great temples in Assam, they have been a powerful religious, cultural and aesthetic unifying force. Another method they adopted was the repetition of the sacred text, which in ancient times Indians used every time ...
... since their rule was established in 1194 A.D. left a trail of bitterness in the regions that came under their domination. Hindu tradition survived only in remote corners of the country like in Orissa, Assam and parts of South India. The problem, however, was not merely a political one; it was much more a civilisational problem. The real problem introduced by the Mussulman conquest was not that ...
... well, for no one knew what the British or the French would do in case the news got abroad. Amarendra had suddenly disappeared one day. He lived the life of a primitive savage in the jungles of Assam; he had been selling poultry and eggs at the steamship stations along the rivers of East Bengal, in the garb of a Muslim complete with lungi and fez. And so many other things he had done just in order ...
... price on his head too. Nolinida and the others were full of joy and excitement to see their Amarda amidst them in person! "Amarda had been to many places, in various disguises: a primitive savage in Assam, a Muslim selling eggs in East Bengal, etc. Finally in the guise of an ascetic, a Guru, he set up an Ashram near Tanjore. Now he had come to see you, in order to ask you what he should do next!" ...
... And Sri Aurobindo answered: “Think of Me, I shall always be with you.” And more than once my father was miraculously saved. Sudhir Kumar Sarkar before the Mother Once in the jungle of Assam, he found himself face to face with a royal Bengal tiger, but the tiger simply growled, then jumped over his head and did not hurt him. My father was on a cycle and could do nothing. The Mother: Yes ...
... × * There is the striking example of the first Chinese attack on India in September 1962. While the Indian troops were losing their foothold in the north of Assam and the Chinese seemed ready to descend unopposed into the plains, they abruptly stopped their advance, as if frozen on the spot, and they themselves declared the cease-fire on November 21. No one ever ...
... professor; a journalist, he was also the editor of a weekly, Page 70 Sanjibani, in which he exposed the barbarian and ruthless activities of the Europeans owners of tea estates of Assam and of the indigo planters. His initial disgust at British justice —which let off scot-free English murderers of breastfeeding infants and pregnant women —turned to a profound hatred for the foreign ...
... called 'Bead tree' (Elaecarpus ganitrus). 2.Lord Carmichael was the first Governor of Bengal (1912-16) after its eastern and western parts were reunited and made into a province but without Assam, Bihar and Orissa. Page 549 Sri Aurobindo, while denying that there was ever any ban on his re-entry into British India, said, "On the contrary, Lord Carmichael sent somebody ...
... laying squarely the blame on Sri Aurobindo, says, "His is the master mind at the back of the whole extremist campaign in Bengal." "A dangerous character," opined the Lt-Governor of East Bengal and Assam, "more especially dangerous in that he is preaching a religious patriotism." This was in reaction to the article in the Karmayogin of 31 July 1909, where Sri Aurobindo had written, "Our ideal is that ...
... part of the Government of the failure of the policy which prompted the Partition scheme, and which subsequently came to be so closely associated with the late Lieutenant-Governor of East Bengal and Assam. This failure is distinctly due to the resistful attitude that has been assumed by the people of late, and in view of the complications with which the Government is threatened by the present anti-Partition ...
... Karmayogin Jhalakati Speech Delivered at Jhalakati, Bakarganj District, Eastern Bengal and Assam, on 19 June 1909. Text published in the Bengalee on 27 June and reproduced in the Karmayogin on 3 July. Another version, taken down by police agents and reproduced in a Government of Bengal confidential file, appears in the last volume of THE ...
... COMMITTEE: — 1) Each of the six Provinces, namely, Bengal, Bombay, Madras, United Provinces, The Punjab and the Central Provinces shall return Members to the Subjects Committee as follows:— Bengal & Assam - 20. Bombay - 15. Madras - 15. United Provinces - 15. Punjab - 10. Central Provinces - 10. 2) No subject shall be brought up for discussion at the Congress unless it should have been ...
... Allies was desperate everywhere, in Africa, in Asia, in Europe. Then he continues: ‘At this jubilant moment of the enemy, India’s destiny intervened. A heavy downpour from heaven inundated the dense Assam jungles for days together, so that, bogged in the flood and mud, the invading [Japanese] army with its [Indian] liberation force had to liberate itself from the wrath of Nature and beat an ignominious ...
... First Secretary of the Bengal government described him as ‘the most dangerous of our adversaries now at large.’ The same epithet was used by the Lieutenant-Governors of Bengal and Eastern Bengal and Assam, and afterwards by the Viceroy of India, who called him ‘the most dangerous man we have to deal with at present.’ 13 In the beginning of 1910 Aurobindo was warned by Sister Nivedita, an English ...
... Singapore, and developed the "Indian National Army," which was to join Japan in its campaign against British India. In 1944, the I.N.A. launched its offensive from Burma, but could not proceed beyond Assam as the Japanese forces became increasingly engaged elsewhere. Subhash Bose disappeared in a plane accident in 1945. Page 211 mean some quarter inch behind the surface. One must a deep ...
... Unless they become, all of them , true to their aim , nothing true can be done. 1964 Mother, X is going north on the 1st. Most of his business dealings are in West Bengal, Assam and Sikkim. He has good sales there, but he has to give on credit. He wants to know whether he can continue. Honest business is getting more and more risky. Page 246 There is one Y ...
... 479, 507 Kālidāsa, i, ii, 374, 564, 566-7, 572, 601 Kalinga, Kalingas, 41, 209, 210, 244, 245, 472, 475, 491, 492 Kalki, 142, 143-44, 224 Kālsi, 268 Kāmarūpa (Assam), 213, 485, 487, 490 Kambistholi, 262, 263 Kambojas, 234, 248, 254, 255-6, 263, 289, 290, 308, 309, 310, 311, 530, 592, 594 Kambu (Cambodia), 550 Kambujiya, Kambujiyas ...
... Champaklal on the left. Finally he too was dropped. As soon as it came to be known that the Master was using a walking stick, several were presented to him — and there was one even of tea-wood from Assam! Thus everyday after the noon and night meals the Mother would come to his room and present the stick, and he would walk about for half an hour in her presence. While waiting for the Mother's arrival ...
... the procedure would be immediately after HMG had made their announcement. For example, would a general election in India be necessary? How would we set about the partition of the Punjab, Bengal and Assam? Presumably, the decision will be left to HE and will not be open to argument. What will be the machinery... Yours very sincerely, Ismay.' Later on the Viceroy ...
... and plastic explosives.41 The ISI is also believed to be cooperating with Bangladesh's intelligence service in contacting Bangladeshi insurgents in India's northeastern region and the province of Assam.42 EFFORTS TO BRING THE ISI UNDER CONTROL The ISI is believed to have assassinated Shah Nawaz Bhutto, the brother of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto,43 in 1985 by poisoning him on ...
... unwieldy Bengal Presidency was partitioned for purely administrative reasons; and it was only as a by-product that there came about the emergence of the Muslim majority province of East Bengal and Assam. According to the Muslim leaders, the anti-Urdu agitation in U.P., and Bihar; the cow-protection activities, the setting up of Shivaji Clubs, the demand for elections on a non-denominational basis which ...
... as well, for no one knew what the British or the French would do in case the news got abroad. Amarendra had suddenly disappeared one day. He lived the life of a primitive savage in the jungles of Assam; he had been selling poultry and eggs at the steamship stations along the rivers of East Bengal, in the garb of a Muslim complete with Lungi and Fez. And so many other things he had done just in order ...
... we should do next; we were still wandering about like floating weeds or moss. But both of us used to go and see him every afternoon. About this time, he went out on tour for a short while in the Assam area in connection with political work and he took the two of us along. On return from tour he told me one day that he had decided to bring out two weekly papers, one in English and the other in Bengali ...
... should do next; we were still wandering about like floating weeds or moss. But both of us used to go and see him every afternoon. About this time, he went out on a tour for a short while in the Assam area in connection with political work and he took the two of us along. I shall speak about that on another occasion. On return from the tour he told me one day that he had decided to bring out two ...
... That’s why in 1903 the British administration thought of a plan to divide the province of Bengal into two: Bihar, Orissa and the western half of Bengal on one side and the eastern part of Bengal and Assam on the other. The Bengalis were indignant. The real intention of dividing the Province of Bengal was to break the backbone of Bengali strength and will. In a flash, the whole of Bengal rose as one in ...
... regular rolling oceans of fresh water, and everything so green — continual production. The villages are the cleanest and prettiest in all India. He wrote again: I paid a long visit of two months to Assam and the different parts of East Bengal. For combined mountain and water scenery this part of the country is unrivalled. O earth of my country, My head is bowed at Thy feet. The Mother of the ...
... Minute In August last the C. S. Commissioners reported that Mr Ghose, a native of India and allotted to the Lower Provinces of Bengal and Assam, who had passed his Final Examination, had still to satisfy the Commission in respect of Health and Riding. He has passed the medical examination (see note of 4th Nov.) and the Commission now ...
... second great quality was his love for the Motherland. He was a great nationalist. He used to say, “This is the time to drive out the British! Can’t you all do something?” Hunted by the British, he left Assam and came to Khulna. In Khulna District, my uncle was the first to introduce sanitary privies with septic tanks. My father Amritalal Mitra, an overseer by profession, spoke highly of this. My uncle ...
... Part II Delusion or Prophetic Vision? An article written by Sudhir in 1952 on his wife Suniti Devi. I had been released from prison and was then travelling extensively on business in Assam, Calcutta, Rajshahi, Khulna. At the Calcutta office of the Bengali magazine “Bijoli” I received a telegram: “Suniti ill come at once.” I took the night train and reached Khulna, my home town, in the ...
... among them - had been released, and these two young men, "wandering about like floating weeds or moss", 6 used to meet him in the afternoons, and also accompanied him on his short political tour of Assam. Presently, Sri Aurobindo decided to start two weekly papers, the Karmayogin in English and the Dharma in Bengali. The Nationalist party of Bengal had all but disintegrated, and Sri Aurobindo ...
... during the Dussera celebrations all over India. The induction of fighting sannyasins into the Temple may seem a novel feature, but for this too there have been precedents as well as anticipations. In Assam centuries ago, some of the followers of Madhava Deva, the Mayamariy as, took to fighting and suffered persecution and martyrdom. In the latter half of the eighteenth century, different bands if sannyasins ...
... apt to feel demoralised. On the other hand, the divine singers of Tamil Nad, the Virasaivas and Dasas of Andhra-Karnatak, the Saints of Maharashtra, and the followers of divers bhakti cults in Assam, Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and the Punjab did keep the embers of spirituality alive and hold the people together even in those dark dark days. The Muslim rulers (with notable exceptions) ...
... and stand poised there to strike at the right moment and with the right strategy.... With Tibet incorporated in China, we shall have Mao touching Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Assam. According to Truman, our ambassador in China at the time, K. M. Panikkar, "had in the past played the game of the Chinese Communist fairly regularly", 48 and this too must have weakened ...
... death. Even in the best of times half of the agricultural population never knew from year's end to year's end what it was to have their hunger fully satisfied. Sir Henry Cotton, Commissioner of Assam, averred, "The resources of India will vie with those of America itself ... yet no country is more poor than this." Affirmed Digby in 1900, "Because among other things we have destroyed native industries ...
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