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Aswins Uswins : ‘Riders on the Steed of Life’, the twin gods of Vedas. They are beneficent powers of Truth whose special function is to perfect the nervous & vital being to act as instruments of divine action bringing right enjoyment.
... Aswapati the "Traveller of the Worlds", the climber towards the far Himalayas of the Spirit, rather recalls the Vedic Aswins, the twin horse-riders, who are inseparably together, inviolably youthful, irresistibly swift-moving. In one of his hymns, Rishi Vamadeva invokes the Aswins as follows: Full of honey upward rise the delight; upward horses and cars in the wide-shinings of the Dawn... the movement and its paths; full of honey, O Aswins, is the skin that you bear. Full of the honey are the swans that bear you, golden-winged, waking with the Dawn, and they come not to hurt, they rain forth the waters, they are full of rapture and touch that which holds the Rapture... 72 The Aswins, blissful riders to the seas of delight, now ride... this upward movement of the chariot of the Aswins with its burden of uplifted and transformed satisfactions the veil of Night that encompasses the worlds of being in us is rolled away. All these worlds, mind, life, body, are opened to the rays of the Sun of Truth. 73 Such is the marvellous effect of the upward movement of the Aswins, who really embody the Vedic dualism of Light ...
... subjective function of the Aswins? We get it, I think, in the key words chanasyatam, rásáthám. Whatever else may be the character of the Aswins, we get from the consonance of the two Rishis this strong suggestion that they are essentially gods of delight. Is there any other confirmation of the suggestion? Every epithet in this first rik testifies strongly to its correctness. The Aswins are purubhujá, much... sense of bounteous giving seems to be fixed on the kindred word dasra also, at least when it is applied to the Aswins, by the seventeenth rik of the thirtieth Sukta, Śunahśepa’s hymn to Indra & the Aswins,— Áświná, aśvávatyá, ishá yátam śavírayá, gomad dasrá hiranyavat. “O Aswins, arrive with energetic force of a bright-flaming strength, givers of that which is radiant and brilliant” or... the evidence of this passage and determine the subjective physiognomy of the Aswins,—purudansasá & násatyá. Sayana interprets dansas as active,—the Aswins are gods of a great activity; I suggest fashioning or forming activity,—they are “abundant fashioners”. Sayana’s interpretation suits better with the idea of the Aswins as gods full of strength, speed and delight, purudansasá, full of a rich activity ...
... Aryaman too, and Varuna and the twin Aswins. May Saraswati, Mother of bliss, create happiness for us. (4) That healing draught, creative of Delight, may the Wind blow over to us; may Earth the mother and Heaven the Page 7 father and also the Grinding Stones that press out soma-juice and create delight blow over the same to us. O Aswins, Masters of knowledge, listen to us, ...
... bring to us all the felicities (perfect enjoyings). Page 12 (16) O Aswins, you are luminous workers, of golden hue and of one mind. Turn your moving chariots downward towards our habitations. (17) Thus have you together created this lustrous hymn from heaven for the people. O Aswins, do you both bring to us the vital energy. (18) May the wakers in the Dawn bring ...
... If there was anything wrong in the attitude I had taken, kindly let me know, Mother. Your attitude was quite correct and the best one to have in the occurrence. They might have been the Aswins, the twin riders, the healers. With my love and blessings 18 February 1952 ...
... or spiritual being in charge of it. He is not its master, but its protector and the protector of all who are born in the sign. Indra (Zeus, Odin) protects the Ram, Agni (Moloch, Thor) the Bull, the Aswins (Castor & Pollux) the Twins, Upendra (Baal) the Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama (Ares) the Scorpion ...
... scholars into a sun myth because the name of the Greek Helena, sister of the two Greek Aswins, Castor & Pollux, is philologically identical with the Vedic Sarama and that of her abductor Paris is not so very different from the Vedic Pani. It may be noted that in the Vedic story Sarama is not the sister of the Aswins and is not abducted by the Panis and that there is no other resemblance between the Vedic... To identify the Aswins with the two sons of the Greek Dyaus, Kastor and Polydeuces, and again these two pairs conjecturally with two stars of the constellation Gemini is easy & carries with it a great air of likelihood; but an air of likelihood is not proof. We need more for anything like rational conviction or certainty. In the Veda there are a certain number of hymns to the Aswins & a fair number... astronomical conception and reconciled with it. Then only can we accept it as a proved probability, if not a proved certainty, that the Aswins are the constellation Gemini and, in that known character, worshipped in the sacred chants. For we must remember that the Aswins might easily have been the constellation Gemini in an original creed & yet be worshipped in a quite different character at the time of ...
... runs the first verse, Aswin yajwaririsho dravatpani subhaspati, Purubhuja chanasyatam. O Aswins, cries Madhuchchhanda, I am in the full rush, the full ecstasy of the sacrificial action, O swift-footed, much-enjoying Page 48 masters of happiness, take in me your delight. Again they are purudansasa, wide-distributing, nara, strong. “O strong wide-distributing Aswins,” continues the singer... sufficient. There are three passages, also of three verses each, consecrated successively to the Aswins, Indra & the Visve Devah. I shall give briefly my own view of these three passages and the gods they invoke. The master word of the address to the Aswins is the verb chanasyatam, take your delight. The Aswins, as I understand them, are the masters of strength, youth, joy, swiftness, pleasure, rapture... meaning which, for philological reasons, I take to mean gods of movement.As the movement indicated by this and kindred words nâ, (natare), especially meant a gliding, floating, swimming movement, the Aswins came to be especially the protectors of ships & sailors, and it is in this capacity that we find Castor & Polydeuces (Purudansas) acting, their Western counterparts, the brothers of Helen (Sarama) ...
... , the "fabulous griffin-like creature with body of horse", 83 naturally calls to our mind the Aswins of the Veda rising upward in the "wide-shinings of the Dawn"; and since the hippogriff is also a winged creature, it is seen affiliated to the hamsa, the golden-winged swans that carry the Aswins to their goal of liberation and realisation. Sri Aurobindo has, however, conceded that, "these ...
... The sacrifice offered by the mind—दाशेम कस्य मनसा यज्ञस्य 6 नस्करो गिरः सुक्षितीः 7 गो परीणसो धियः .. गोषाता गिरः 8 मर्जयंत सुक्रतुं 85. 5 छर्दियँतमदाभ्यं 7.8 The Ass of the Aswins (रासभ) & their triple car with the three fronts. 9 गिरः .. प्रावतं 86. 1 दस्रा—fulfilling the Karma; दस्रा भिषजा मयोभुवा दक्षस्य वचसः either the discerning Word or the expressive Discernment ...
... friendship? who his brotherhood for the wisdom? who for his soul’s growth? (3) Who takes into himself today the presence of the gods? Who seeks Infinity and her Sons and the Light? In whose mind do the Aswins and Indra and Agni drink the brightness of the Joy outpoured nor depart from their delight? (4) For him may Agni of the Fullness work out peace, he may set his long-persisting gaze on the Lord of ...
... 192, 194 Andamans, the, II Androgyne, 296-7 Anu, 71n Arabia (L'Arabie), 1I8 Arcturus, 297 Arjuna, 38, 68, 112 Asura, 148,272 Aswins, the, 144 Ashram (Sri Aurobindo), Iin., 63, 70-1 BACH, Richard, 82n. –Jonathan Livingston Seagull, 82n. Bajula, 280 Bali , 148-9 Baroda ...
... (or for you) I call, the Aswins, Dawn & Agni kindled high & Bhaga for my increase; Indra & Vishnu & Pushan, Brahmanaspati & the sons of Aditi, Earth & Heaven & the waters & Swar. अपः waters or the Antariksha? (2) Let us awaken by adoration Dadhikra & impel him upward; let us approach the sacrifice & seating Ila the goddess on the seat of fullness, let us invoke the Aswins illumined & swift to the ...
... them the very highest and the most sublime, provided they are a manifestation of the soul itself, provided they rise and flow from the same level. Whether it is Agni or Indra, Varuna, Mitra or the Aswins, it is the same supreme and divine inflatus. The cosmic soul is true. But that truth is borne out, effectuated only by the truth of the individual soul. When the individual soul becomes ...
... them the very highest and the most sublime, provided they are a manifestation of the soul itself, provided they rise and flow from the same level. Whether it is Agni or Indra, Varuna, Mitra or the Aswins, it is the same supreme and divine inflatus. The cosmic soul is true. But that truth is borne out, effectuated only by the truth of the individual soul. When the individual soul becomes itself ...
... move all around equally night and day and flow unerringly. That wide material earth opulent in her streams yields water like milk, may she pour upon us a shower of lustres. (10) The twin Aswins have measured her out; upon her Vishnu strode wide. Indra, the Lord of the Lights, for his own sake, has freed her of enemies. That wide material earth of ours as a mother to her son pours out her ...
... the deeds that I shall do. Come then both of you one in comradeship to the offering, that it may go to its goal. (8) Now that we offer to you a delight 16 free from the Rakshasas who detain, O Aswins rich in the plenty of substance, come bringing forward the Supreme Lady of the offering and protect her, O ye Purushas, ye whom the hymns of Jamadagni express. (9) To our sacrifice that reacheth... declare ever in themselves the Maruts for the drinking of the Soma wine. (4) This is the Soma that has been distilled; of this the Maruts drink and they who are the self-ruling lords and the two Aswins. (5) Mitra and Aryaman drink and Varuna of this Soma that is purified by the extension in matter and established in the three seats of our being and has with it the daughter 2 of the worlds. ...
... experience by identity with the Truth. Indra is the Idea- Form, the architectonic conception of the work or achievement. Mitra and Varuna are the large harmony, the vast cadence and sweep of movement. The Aswins, the Divine Riders, represent the intense zest of well-yoked Life-Energy. Soma is Rasa, Ananda, the Supreme Bliss and Delight. The Vedic Poet is doubtless the poet of Life, the architect of Divinity ...
... experience by identity with the Truth. Indra is the Idea-Form, the architectonic conception of the work or achievement. Mitra and Varuna are the large harmony, the vast cadence and sweep of movement. The Aswins, the Divine Riders, represent the intense zest of well-yoked Life-Energy. Soma is Rasa, Ananda, the Supreme Bliss and Delight. The Vedic Poet is doubtless the poet of Life, the architect of Divinity ...
... occult tact can be developed to discern the true nature of the embodied force or the being? Your attitude was quite correct and the best one to have in the occurrence. They might have been the Aswins, the twin riders, the healers. 18 February 1952 If, while meditating in front of a flame, I think that it is the Divine and that it is within me, if I feel that the flame and I are one ...
... your births, dwellers in the wideness,O Mitra and Varuna, you establish for us a judgement effective in its works. SUKTA 3 (1) O Aswins, drivers of galloping hooves, lords of happiness with your many joys, take delight in our forces of sacrifice. (2) O Aswins, O Strong Ones, doers of your many deeds, wise of understanding, delight in our Words with your forceful thought. Page 199 ... brightness and he preserves, ’tis for secure enjoyment that he gives. (17) O Aswins, lo she that is full of strong enjoying, by her in her brilliance do ye come, givers of that which is luminous and full of golden light. (18) O bounteous givers, your car immortal that is equally yoked, moveth over the sea, O ye Aswins. (19) Ye have driven, labouring, a wheel of your car over the head of the ... of red activity, then bring to us all enjoyable things. (16) Ye,Obounteous Aswins, drivers of the Steed, with one mind direct your downward car along the path of the luminous rays, the path of the golden Light. (17) Ye who have made for the creature the Light of heaven thus a splendour, carry force to us, ye, O Aswins. (18) Twin bounteous gods with your luminous movements who create the bliss ...
... "a parallel to the awakening of consciousness", 44 with any number of gradations. For example, the ancient Hindus imagined that each phase of sunrise was presided over by an appropriate deity: the Aswins first, then Usha (or Dawn) in her three forms, the grey, the bright, and the resplendent, and finally, the Sun with his five phases. 45 In the Vedic system of linked equivalences, the ...
... तमस्तिरः । तामस्मे रासाथामिषं ।। The force of light, O Aswins, which brought us through the darkness to its other shore, in that force do you for us take delight. नासत्या. Lords of our voyage. Cf 46.7. आ नो नावा मतीनां यातं पाराय गन्तवे । युंजाथामश्विना रथम् ।। O ye who are the ships of our thoughts come to travel to the other shore; O Aswins, yoke your car. दंससा. Fashioning. Cf 30.16. स नो हिरण्यरथं... नोऽदात् ।।It was he (Indra) who fashioned for us a brilliant car; he is our saviour, for our safety he gave it. दस्रा. Givers. Cf 30.17. आश्विनावश्वावत्येषा यातं शवीरया । गोमद्दस्रा हिरण्यवत् ।। O Aswins, come with a force full of impetuosity and vital energy, O givers of a radiant & brilliant wealth. रत्न. Cf 41.6. स रत्नं मर्तौ वसु विश्वं तोकमुत त्मना । अच्छा गच्छति अस्तृतः ।। Here Sayana says ...
... Winging like bees to thy limbs we made haste like flames through the azure; O we were ploughed with delight, we were pierced as with arrows of pleasure. Page 496 Rapture yearned and the Uswins cried to us; Indra arising Gazed from the heights of his mental realms and the moonbeams surprising Flowed on him out of the regions immortal; their nectar slowly Mixed with the scattered roses ...
... purity the Road, divine bliss the gate, the immortal nature the seat & kingdom, this is the formula of Vedic aspiration. Truth the road—Praskanwa the Kánwa makes it clear enough in his hymn to the Aswins, the 46th of the Mandala—“Made was the road of Truth for our going to that other effectively fulfilling shore, seen was the wide-flowing stream of Heaven.” It is the heaven of the pure mind of which... sacrifice offered by this son of Kanwa, by the season; in the same single sacrifice the priests or the gods are to be impelled by the seasons, by many seasons on a single sacrificial occasion! the Aswins are to drink the Soma by the sacrifice-supporting season! To Agni it is said, “by the season thou art leader of the sacrifice”. Are such expressions at all probable or even possible in the mouth of ...
... स्तोमतष्टा. S. स्तोमकारिभिः कृता—rather active? or “formed by the hymn of affirmation”. Object of Mantra. 2 दिवश्चित् The interaction of the higher thought & the lower. 3 यमा. S. Usha mother of the Aswins. Perhaps Yama & Yami. तपुष्= Tapas. S. day. एता. P.P. आ +इता S. एतावागतौ. Perhaps P.P. wrong & एता = एतौ. 4 निंदिता—blame or limit, obstruct. दृंहिता = दृंहितानि 5 नवग्वैः .. दशग्वैः ...
... Artemis, 195 Asia, 16, 48, 70, 101, 148, 152-3, 240, 245 Asoka,93,195 Asura, 18, 69-74, 186, 201, 234, 267, 272, 291, 376, 382-3, 386 Aswatthama, 298 Aswins, 9 Athena, 222 Atlantic, 210 Atlantis, 223 Augustan Age, 205, 212 Augustine, St., 150 Augustus, 207 Australia, 106 Avatara(s), 49, 55 ...
... Apollo, 180, 182 Aragon, 88 Aristotle, 89, 248 Arjuna, 254 Arnold, Matthew, 71, 189,234 -Essays in Criticism, 234n Arya, the, 131,227-8 Asia, 284 Asuras, 159 Aswins, 45 Atri, 162 Auden,88 Aurelius, 70 BACCHUS, 182 Bacon, 108 Banerji, Sanat Kumar, 230n Banquo, 171 Barnardo, 173-5 Baudelaire, 66, 78, 94, 96, 214, 287 -us ...
... vision of His universal form: "Thou shalt see my hundreds and thou- sands of divine forms, various in kind, various in shape and hue; thou shalt see the Adityas and the Rudras and the Maruts and the Aswins; thou shalt see many wonders that none has beheld; thou shalt see today the whole world related and unified in my body and whatever else thou wiliest to behold."¹ Sri Krishna then makes His universal ...
... 4) Aryamaṇam Varuṇam Mitram eshám, Indrávishṇú Maruto A sh winota; Sva sh wo Agne surathah surádhá, edu vaha suhavishe janáya. Aryaman, Varuna & Mitra of these, Indra&Vishnu, theMaruts and the Aswins, do thou, O Agni, good in thy steeds, good in thy chariot, good in thy delight, bear hither to men good in their offerings. 5) Gomán Agne avimán a sh wí yajno, nṛivatsakhá sadam id apramṛishyah; ...
... happy signs and omens, prophetic of these desirable events, have appeared in the political heavens. Hence this war-dance of victory in Hare Street and Sankaritola. The great Twin Brethren, the black Aswin and the white, the two heavenly physicians of our political maladies, have laid a joint finger on the national pulse and discovered that the fever of Nationalism is passing away and the patient returning ...
... deified mentality, to Vayu a pure & divine vital joy & action, to the four great Vasus, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga & Aryamá the greatnesses, felicities, enjoyments & strengths of perfected being, to the Aswins the youth of the soul & its raptures & swiftnesses, to Daksha & Saraswati, Ila, Sarama & Mahi the activities of the Truth & Right, to the Rudras, Maruts & Adityas, the play of Page 704 ...
... I now give to thee. Thou shalt see, he says, my hundreds and thousands of divine forms, various in kind, various in shape and hue; thou shalt see the Adityas and the Rudras and the Maruts and the Aswins; thou shalt see many wonders that none has beheld; thou shalt see today the whole world related and unified in my body and whatever else thou willest to behold. This then is the keynote, the central ...
... The prāna must be fall of strength and agility and a tireless drive of radiant energies. It is for the fairness and brimming wealth of the vital that the Vedic Rishis invoked the aid of the Aswins, "the twin divine powers whose special function is to perfect the nervous or vital being in man in the sense of action and enjoyment." The sacrifice of aśwamedha ¹ was also a ¹ The horse ...
... religion which knew its own ideas and its own psychology. If we can find out what precisely are these ideas, what notions of God and the world are covered by these images of Indra, Agni, Vayu, the Aswins, Varuna, we may find out the real secret which the lapse of ages keeps concealed from us in the hymns. We may even find that our opening conjecture was justified and we were only speaking an ancient ...
... heavenly artificers, य इन्द्राय वचोयुजा ततक्षुर्मनसा हरी .. तक्ष्न्नासत्याम्यां परिज्मानं सुखं रथं, "who fashioned, by the mind, yoked to speech, for Indra his yoke of steeds, and fashioned for the Aswins a spacious car of ease." प्रमतिः. Throughout the Veda I take प्रमतिः in its simple and obvious etymological sense of प्रज्ञा, mental knowledge. The Greek & Latin sense of प्र, beforehand, need ...
... incomplete ] [4] [RV I.3] Rig Veda Hymns of Madhuchchhandas, son of Visvamitra I. 3. Madhuchchhandas’ hymn of the Soma-Sacrifice (1) O Aswins, swift-footed lords of bliss, wide-enjoying, take delight in the impulses of the sacrifice. (2) O Aswins, ye strong Purushas of the many activities, firmly-seated with your bright-flashing thought, take joy of our Words. (3) O givers , O masters... 4.1-6 Indra Maker The Fourth Hymns of Madhuchchhandas. Indra is the God to whom by preference Madhuchchhandas Vaiswamitra raises the Vedic chant. Agni indeed claims his opening homage; the Aswins and Vayu,Mitra and Varuna, Saraswati and the Viswadevas have shared Indra’s praises in the two succeeding hymns; but from the fourth Sukta to the eleventh we have an unbroken series devoted to the ...
... The Angirasa is a seer, and Agni-power, and a Brihaspati-power besides; the "seven Angiraras" represent "different principles of Knowledge. Thought or Word harmonised in a universal Knowledge". The Aswins are "lords of bliss... they seek the honey, the sweetness and fill all things with it". Here is Vamadeva's Rik(IV.45.2): Full of honey upward rise the delight, upward horses and cars in the... considerable undertaking". 22 Although many of the hymns are addressed to gods other than Agni - that is to say, Indra, Surya, Mitra, Varuna, Savitri, Soma, Brihaspati, the Ribhus, Usha, the Aswins, the Maruts, the Vishvedevas, Ila, Saraswati, Mahi, and so on - yet Agni is somehow the dominant deity in the Rig Veda. In the various Mandalas, the Suktas addressed to him are placed first, even Indra ...
... in human history, Savitri has its affiliations with the epics and epic narratives of other times and of our own time. Thus we may start with the Veda, follow the symbolism of Ahana, Usha, Savitri, Aswin, the lost herds and their ultimate recovery, linger on the Mahabharata story of Savitri and Satyavan, linger too near the field of battle where Krishna and Arjuna enact the dialectic of the Bhagavad ...
... of the favouring Shakti. Then the Aswins are to enjoy the object pressing the Soma out of it like stones of the distilling, to hasten to enjoyment like kites to their nest, to take enjoyments & actions as delightful offerings to the gods & to do all this as soul powers expressing the thing desired Page 428 in the knowledge, not in the ignorance. The Aswins are the gods of vital Strength &... murti of the Kăli-Deva descended for a while into the bodily consciousness & also the old image of the Christ consciousness. Linga shariras & influences of Indra & Agni have also manifested & of the Aswins, the former in the mental rupadrishti. Page 435 The trikaldrishti & effectiveness were today entirely obstructed & the karmasiddhi suffered, as the result apparently of My's liberation ...
... (Rig-Veda – Mandala X, Sukta 125) I move with the Rudras and the Vasus, with the Adityas, yea, with all the gods. I bear both Mitra and Varuna, both Indra and Agni and the twin Aswins. [1] I bear the Soma that is to be pressed, I bear the Fashioner and the Fosterer and the Enjoyer. I give the Treasure to the sacrificer who carries the offering and delivers it, one who ...
... environing Prakriti. 2) eno—confirming (1) from another stand-point & throwing light on Vedic images in the hymns to the Aswins (Kaksh[ivan]) read yesterday & today. enodate. enodatio—confirming (1) from another stand-point & throwing light on Vedic images in the hymns to the Aswins (Kaksh[ivan]) read yesterday & today. Lipi, rupa etc are now taking the pragmatic turn more decidedly; but this ...
... Lord and Master of all the people. (7) You are the eighth Rudra (Mahadeva) of the (eleven) Rudras and the fifth (VTryavan by name) among the Sadhyas (a particular class of celestial beings). The twin Aswins (the physicians of the gods) are your ears and the sun and the moon likewise constitute your eyes. (8) Nay, You are seen (to exist) at the end as also at the beginning, as well as at the middle (of ...
... prevailing cult. The hymns were written round this institution and were understood by the vulgar as ritual chants in praise of the Nature-gods, Indra, Agni, Surya Savitri, Varuna, Mitra and Bhaga, the Aswins, Ribhus, Page 677 Maruts, Rudra, Vishnu, Saraswati, with the object of provoking by the sacrifice the gifts of the gods,—cows, horses, gold and other forms of wealth of a pastoral people ...
... Your (the Aswins') active forcefulnesses are nervous energies well-controlled— Tejas was first established permanently, tapas based on that tejas has now been firmly established, but it is apt to outrun the bounds of the ritam ( अध्वानं यमगाम दूरात् ); the permanent prakasha is now being added. But the result of the prakasha is to dominate unduly the tapas. Therefore Ananda of the Aswins (ever-youthful ...
... translations from Veda, 455; Hymns to Agni, 455-57; language of the Veda, 456; who is Agni, 456; a god elect, eclectic, unique, 457; 'Apri' hymns, 457; Varuna, Mitra, Indra, Vayu, 457; Usha, Aswins, 458; Savitri, Ribhus, Vishnu, Soma, 458; Veda Unveiled, 459,473,490 Seetaraman, M. V, 672 Sen, Indra, 760 Sen, Keshub Chunder, 16, 185 Sen, Kshitish Chandra, 244 ...
... length of thread from our mother's sewing box, wound one end of the thread round my finger and tied the other end to a bit of brick. I began going down the paved steps of our ghat. The month was Aswin (September), the annual Pooja was near. Like the house the ghat was empty too. After the rains the tank was full to the brim. I went jumping down the steps. I threw the brick-end of the thread ...
... beginning to realise itself. It is indeed realised in the Saguna Brahman, but not in the Ishwara (Lilamaya). The fusion of Indra into the Agni-Vayu-Aryaman (containing already Mitra-Varuna-Surya-Bhaga-Aswins-Brihaspati-Twashtri-Maruts-Ribhus) seems to have been effected. The female energies have already been resumed in the Mahakali bhava. Only shadows now remain of the separate bhavas, shadows that... of incoherence & the intrusion of present personality and present associations. All were of the nature of pranic dream. 12 October 1914 अयं वां यज्ञो अकृत प्रशस्तिं वसुधिती अवितारा जनानाम्—The Aswins. There is a preliminary Siddhi completed in all but the fourth & fifth chatusthayas, in preparation even in those chatusthayas. In the first two there is a perfect organisation, the only defect ...
... waterlily — a group of lilies कुमुद्वत् abounding in lotuses. कुमुद्वती, कुमुदवती waterlily collection of lilies. कौमुदः month Kartik. कौमुदी moonlighṭ. Kartika or Aswin full moon. festivity. कौमोदी, कौमोदकी Vishnu’s mace. +कौमार youthful.. maidenly.. soft, tender .. +कौमारं childhood.. maidenhood कौमारकं +कौमारिकः father ...
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