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Athene Pallas Athene Athena : sprang, unmothered, from the forehead of Zeus, goddess of reason & skill, the arts of peace & war, & guardian of cities, esp. Athens, she depicted as a woman of severe beauty in armour, who fights to uphold the right & establish order. Her statue, the Palladium, stood in Troy & assured its protection so long as it remained undisturbed. Athene sided with Odysseus in the Trojan War which destroyed Troy as had been the will of Zeus.

69 result/s found for Athene Pallas Athene Athena

... Is Maheshwari on the Intuitive and the Overmind levels? These Powers can manifest on all levels from the Overmind to the Physical. 25 August 1933 I had a talk with X in which he said that Athena is a form or representation of Maheshwari. Some of my visions of Gods like Shiva were in forms resembling human forms, but I thought this was due to my having seen them on the planes relating to the... to which the God belongs. All creation has the two sides, the formed and the formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only. 1 ...

... Agamemnon, (XX) engages Aeneas, and is about to kill him when Poseidon rescues him. (XXI) Achilles slaughters a host of Trojans. The gods take up the fight: Athena lays Ares low with a stone, and when Aphrodite, going for a soldier tries to save him, Athena knocks her down with a blow upon her fair breast. Hera cuffs the ears of Artemis; Poseidon and Apollo content themselves with words.- (XXII) All Trojans... filled with horror!" When Achilles is almost overwhelmed, by the river's fury, Poseidon and Pallas Athene encourage him with these words: "Courage, Achilles! Why such fear, such terror? Not with a pair like us to urge you on — gods-in-arms Sent down with Zeus's blessings, I and Pallas Athene. It's not your fate to be swallowed by a river: He'll subside, and soon — you'll see for yourself... chest was pounding, torn... Should he draw the long sharp sword slung at his hip, Thrust through the ranks and kill Agamemnon now? Or check his rage and beat his fury down?" Hera and Athena rush to intervene, demanding self-control and obedience from their favored hero: "Down from the skies I come to check your rage — Stop this fighting, now. Don't lay hand to sword. And I ...

... to which the God belongs. All creation has the two sides, the formed and the formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... and cruel gods, to a more evolved and sunlit stage. Perseus, son of Diana and Zeus, and protected by Pallas Athene, goddess of wisdom and intelligence, comes to deliver Andromeda from the rock she is chained to (the rock symbolizes the Inconscient for the Rishis), and founds the religion of Athene, "... the Omnipotent / Made from His being to lead and discipline / The immortal spirit of man, till it attain ...

... movement. 4) A beautiful butterfly (dark colours) emerged for a moment from the jagrat chittakash into the sthula—chhayayukta. 5) In the akash, head and bust of Assyrian Pallas Athene helmeted over the sun chhayamay Athene and tejoghana sun. Jan 30ṭḥ 6) 2 small birds on a branch, on the wall, chhaya.    Seen sometime afterwards in life on the tree in the next garden. 7) A Ghose—a future signature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... intervenes:   Page 126 Syrians, I am Perseus, The mighty son of Zeus and Danae. The blood of gods is in my veins, the strength Of gods is in my arm: Athene helps me.... What I have done, is by Athene's strength.... I have dashed back the leaping angry waters; His Ocean-force has yielded to a mortal. Even while I speak, the world has changed around you ... conflict in the play is both individual and cosmic; and the conflict is waged in different ways and on different levels. Cephus, King of Syria, is pitted against Polydaon, priest of Poseidon; Pallas Athene is pitted against Poseidon (Olympians though both of them are) - it is Wisdom against brute Force; one might almost say, the Devas are waging a bitter war against the Asuras! Sri Aurobindo... terror and pity, of conflict and change, and power and Grace. There is a background drama, and there is the foreground drama, and they have their intimate filiations too. Poseidon and Pallas Athene, symbolising Power and Grace respectively, decide to fight it out through their terrestrial representatives, the subhuman sea-monster and the superhuman Perseus. The human intermediaries are Andromeda ...

... Heroes, was explained as meaning "the foam-risen" (Aphros meaning foam in Greek). 6. About Athena's birth: Legend tells us that Athena was the favorite child of Zeus and that she sprung directly from his head. Here is a short tale about her birth as told in D' Aulaires Greek Myths: "Athena's mother was Metis, goddess of prudence, the first wife of Zeus. He depended on her for he needed her... sprang Athena, wearing the robe and the helmet, her gray eyes flashing, Thunder roared and the gods stood in awe." Hephaestus is shown here splitting Zeus's skull open. Athena springs forth fully armed. Page 69 Left: Apollo (bronze, 500 BC). This staute portrays the god in the act of receiving an offering. Right: Athena in war... the reign of the Great Mother is receding, so is the reign of Mystic Apollo. The age of illumination is soon to be replaced by the age of logic and reason inspired and guided by young clear- minded Athena, who, we are told, was born directly from her father's head. 6 Wroth is my splendid heart with the cowering knowledge of mortals' Wroth are my burning eyes with the purblind vision of reason ...

... going out. Athene appears. What is this light, this glory? who art thou, O beautiful marble face amid the lightnings? My heart faints with delight, my body trembles, Intolerable ecstasy beats in my veins; Page 404 I am oppressed and tortured with thy beauty. ATHENE I am Athene. ANDROMEDA Art thou a goddess? Thy name We hear far off in Syria. ATHENE I am she... if dead, O still at peace! ATHENE Thou fearst not then? They will expose thee, child, To slaughter by the monsters of the deep Who shall come forth to tear thy limbs. ANDROMEDA Beyond too Shall I be hated, in that other world? ATHENE Perhaps. ANDROMEDA Wilt thou love me? ATHENE Thou art my child. ANDROMEDA O mother, O Athene, let me go. They linger in a... the untamed waters? ATHENE I am Pallas, Daughter of the Omnipotent. VOICES What wouldst thou? For we cannot resist thee; our clamorous hearts Are hushed in terror at thy marble feet. ATHENE Awake your dread Poseidon. Bid him rise And come before me. VOICES Let thy compelling voice Awake him: for the sea is hushed. Page 331 ATHENE Arise, Illimitable Poseidon ...

... Worker and fighter and builder and thinker, light of the reason, Men shall leave all temples to crowd in thy courts, O Athene. Go then and do my will, prepare man's tribes for their fullness." But with her high clear smile on him answered the mighty Athene. Wisely and soberly, tenderly smiled she chiding her father Even as a mother might rail at her child when he hides... mortality's ages of greatness, Ruthless Ananke's deeds and the mortal conquests of Hades. Then in the fane Palladian the shuddering priests of Athene Entered the darkened shrine and saw on the suffering marble Shattered Athene's, mighty statue prostrate as conquered, But on its pedestal rose o'er the unhurt image of darkness Awful shapes, a Trinity dim and dire unto mortals... in her pride, the spouse of Zeus and his sister. As at her birth from the foam of the spaces white Aphrodite Rose in the cloud of her golden hair like the moon in its halo. Aegis-bearing Athene, shielded and helmeted, answered Rushing the call and the heavens thrilled with the joy of her footsteps Dumbly repeating her name, as insulted and trampled by beauty Thrill might the ...

... small country craft carrying a pavilion. The four principal pillars of this pavilion are the four Continents of Asia, Europe, Africa and America. Asia is represented by the Buddha, Europe by Pallas Athene, Africa by Isis and America by the Statue of Liberty. The spiritual supports upbear the globe of the world on which the Dove of Peace descends from on high. On either side of the globe stand an Indian ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... small country craft carrying a pavilion: The four principal pillars of this pavilion are the four Continents of Asia, Europe, Africa and America. Asia is represented by the Buddha, Europe by Pallas Athene, Africa by Isis and America by the Statue of Liberty. The spiritual supports upbear the globe of the world on which the Dove of Peace descends from on high. On either side of the globe stand an Indian ...

... Aphrodite. Athene: goddess of reason and skill who sprang, unmothered, from the forehead of Zeus. Depicted as a woman of severe beauty in armour, she is a virgin warrior but fights, not like Ares for the sheer assertion of strength and love of battle, but to uphold the right and establish order. She is also known as Pallas. Her statue, the Palladium, stood in Troy, but Athene herself aided... whom none looked upon without perishing." They were the Gorgons, three sisters out of whom Medusa alone was mortal. Perseus, in his quest, had to kill Medusa which he did with the help of Athene. Later on, Athene fixed the Gorgon's head at the center of her breast-plate, the Aegis. Grace: Goddess of the beauty, brightness and joy in Nature and humanity. Hecate: Native of ancient Thrace... founder of the Orphic mysteries, who was able to charm even wild beasts and birds by his music. Palladium: an ancient sacred image of Athene which was the guardian of a city. The Palladium of Troy is especially famous. Pallas: A title of Athene, of uncertain meaning and origin. Pandemian: Of Pandemos, "goddess of all the people", an epithet of Aphrodite. Paphos: A city ...

... locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word that is Fate and the order Fixed in the sight of a Will foreknowing and silent and changeless, Hera sent by Zeus and Athene lifting his aegis Guarded the hidden decree. But for Ilion, loud as the surges, Ares impetuous called to the fire in men's hearts, and his passion Woke in the shadowy depths the forms... his own phrase at the end of an account of the Sum-god leaving the divine mountain in suppressed anger because Zeus denies him continuance of his supremacy and decides the future in favour of Pallas Athene. A more psychological tinge is imparted by Sri Aurobindo with a symbolic gleam, but a "smashing through the world into universes beyond" is Homerically achieved through sheer pressure of poetic sound: ...

... planes to which the Gods belong. All creation has two sides, the formed and the formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi, etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms — man also has not always seen them in human forms only.’ ...

... planes to which the Gods belong. All creation has two sides, the formed and the formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi, etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms – man also has not always seen them in human forms only.’ ...

... Poseidon and Hera and Athene, are with the Greeks. And above them all are the "awful three" - Themis, Dis and Ananke - and Zeus of course is above everybody. These gods and goddesses have their divers powers and personalities, yet they are not the ultimate Power - as Agni, Vayu and Indra are made to realise in the Kena Upanishad. In the Council of the Gods when Zeus tells Athene that she shall rule as... Zeus and his sister. As at her birth from the foam of the spaces white Aphrodite Rose in the cloud of her golden hair like the moon in its halo. 90 And others too, "aegis-bearing Athene, shielded and helmeted", "Artemis, archeress   Page 641 ancient", "immortal Apollo", Themis, and Ananke, and Hephaestus, and the "ancient Dis", "into the courts divine they crowded... In Sri Aurobindo's play, Eric, as we saw earlier (Chapter VI), the end-note is "not Thor... but Freya"; in Perseus the Deliverer, the change is from ruthless Poseidon's to enlightened Pallas Athene's rule. There is on the terrestrial as well as the cosmic scale a continual push of evolution - from war and revenge to peace and compassion, from the reign of violence and hate to the rule of reason ...

... their limitless spirits." 4 And let us listen to the direction that Zeus gives to Athene: "Girl, thou shalt rule with the Greek and the Saxon, the Frank and the Roman. Worker and fighter and builder and thinker, light of the reason, Men shall leave all temples to crowd in thy courts, O Athene. Go then and do my will, prepare men's tribes for their fullness." 5 It was... indeed, in an earlier phase aggressive and brutal, but his soul-power pushed him to higher grades of a noble and visionary hero. Already in the Iliad of Homer, the way in Page 38 Athena Page 39 which he responds to Priam's request to deliver Hector's dead body manifests a noble salute of a hero to a hero and a deeper perception and urge for harmonization. The character... forbidden how shall a greater dawn be effected?" 3 In terms of the Greek Mythology, the. immediate issue was that of the departure of Apollo, the god of spiritual light, and enthronement of Athene, the goddess of Reason. The beautiful mystic Apollo knows this and responds to Zeus: "Zeus, I know that I fade; already the night is around me. Dusk she extends her reign and obscures ...

... was the general aspect of the ancient worship in Greece, Rome, India and among other ancient peoples. But in all these countries these gods began to assume a higher, a psychological function; Pallas Athene who may have been originally a Dawn-Goddess springing in flames from the head of Zeus, the Sky-God, Dyaus of the Veda, has in classical Greece a higher function and was identified by the Romans with ...

... grammatical structure and intricate rhythmical order, ceaseless articulate passion but with a perfect polish, multifarious learning deployed in balanced organisation - all issued from him as Pallas Athene is said to have been born, leaping splendid-limbed and golden-armoured, sudden yet complete, from the head of Zeus, a complex grandeur of form and function manifested in the simplest manner, without ...

... He will outstrip his fate by leveling the walls of the city." These words of Cronos' son Zeus awoke stubborn war, And the gods went down to join their differing favorites Hera and Pallas Athena went to the ships Of the Argives, and with them Poseidon and luck-bringing Hermes, The wiliest god of all. And with these went Hephaestus, Exulting in might, for though he limped, his... tremble At sight of quick-footed Achilles, flaming in arms Like the man-maiming War-god himself. But when the Olympians Entered the tumult, host-harrying Hatred arose With a vengeance. Athena screamed her great war-cry, now From beside the deep trench outside the wall, now From the surf-beaten shore of the sea, and, opposite her Dread Ares, ominous as a dark whirlwind, screamed... loathing. Such was the mighty uproar When god clashed with god in strife. For against lord Poseidon Stood Phoebus Apollo, god of the winged shafts, And opposite Ares stood bright-eyed Athena. Opposing _______________ * Moldering: crumbling to dust; decaying. Page 49 Hera was Phoebus' sister, the archer Artemis, Goddess of golden shafts and the echoing shouts ...

... wall of his mysteries Delphic Apollo. Athene, not Apollo, is the clear and tempered light of the thinking mind, though still not without the breath of inspiration that always works when this mind is not all on its own but knows a rapport with a greater illumination, the intuitive Truth Consciousness beyond the intellect. Not Apollo, but Athene is the divinity of mental Wisdom. Even as far... far back as the drama Perseus the Delioerer 2 of Sri Aurobindo's Baroda days we have those lines on Athene: A noble centre of a people's worship, To Zeus and great Athene build a temple Between your sky-topped hills and Ocean's vasts: Her might shall guard your lives and save your land. In your human image of her deity A light of reason and calm celestial force ... al and intuitive luminosity. And, when we turn to his poetry, the two Greek powers mixed 1 Heraclitus (Calcutta, 1947). pp. 3-4. Page 317 up emerge distinctly. They are Athene and Apollo. Apollo, God of the Sun, Leader of the Muses, Inspirer of Poetry, Lord of the Delphic Oracle, cannot be the voice of Reason. Thinker also he could be, as we gather from some lines in Ilion ...

... convinced the dispirited army to build up a huge wooden horse, deceitfully dedicated to Athena, in which hollow stomach warriors could be hidden, and to leave it on the beach. Then the Achaean fleet took to the sea and hid out of Troy’s view. The Trojans, persuaded that the Greeks had sailed away, and fearing Athena’s anger, took the horse within their walls. At night, when everybody was asleep, Odysseus... decision resulted in needless suffering and death among the Greeks. The war by now had reached Olympus. The gods were ranged against each other. Aphrodite was on the side of Paris, Hera and Athena against him. Ares, god of war, always took side with Aphrodite, while Poseidon, Lord of the sea, favored the Greeks, a sea people and great sailors. Apollo helped the Trojans for the sake of Hector ...

... There is no universal rule. Women can be as sexual as men or more. But there are numbers of women who dislike sex and there are very few men. One Sukhdev 30 in a million, but many Dianas and Pallas Athenes. The virgin is really a feminine conception; men are repelled by the idea of eternal virginity. Many women would remain without any wakening of the sexual instinct if men did not thrust it on them ...

... an acropolis, or citadel. Destroyed by the Persians, the Athenian Acropolis was rebuilt in the late 5th century BC. Right: Athena. This Roman version is the only evidence we have of the sumptuous appearance of the gold and ivory image of Athena made by Phidias for the Parthenon. Page 152 These supporting pillars in female form, the Caryatids, form part of the ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... and regains his Kingdom as well as wins a bride in Kamal Kumari. In the maturer play, Perseus the Deliverer, Sri Aurobindo projected his dialectical idea of progress through the Poseidon-Pallas Athene confrontation as played in terrestrial Syria by Polydaon and the sea monster on the one hand and Andromeda and Perseus on the other. Translated in general terms, the Asuric and Divine forces wage a ...

... now to forbid it feeling. She is going out. Athene appesrs What is this light, this glory? who art thou, Obeautiful marble face amid the lightnings? My heart faints with delight, my body trembles, Intolerable ecstasy beats in my veins; Iam oppressed and tortured with thy beauty. Athene I am Athene. Andromeda Art thou a goddess... Athene I am she Who helps and has compassion on struggling mortals. Andromeda (falling prostrate) Do not deceive me! I will kiss thy feet O joy! thou art! thou art! Athene Lift up thy head, My servant. Andromeda Thou art! there are not only void Azure and cold inexorable laws. Athene ... Stand up, O daughter of Cassiope, Wilt thou then help these men of Babylonia, My mortals whom I love? Andromeda I help myself, When I help these. Athene To thee alone I gave This knowledge. O virgin, O Andromeda, Page 81 It reached thee through that large and noble heart Of woman beating in a little child. But dost thou know ...

... Hera promised to give Paris rule over Asia and Europe; Athena promised heroism and victory; and Aphrodite promised love, in the person of the lovely Helen. Although Paris had never seen Helen, he had heard of her reputation, and his desire for love was so strong that he offered the apple to the beautiful Aphrodite. Thereafter, Hera and Athena showed their opposition to Paris, while Aphrodite offered... an inscription was found, which declared that the horse was dedicated by the Greeks to Athena. At that point, Cassandra, one of the Princesses of Priam, who had the power of divination, prophesied that the horse would bring evil on the Trojans. But not one was prepared to listen to her. The Trojans felt that Athena would punish them if they failed to take the gift. So they towed it into the city. At... their gifts and take part in the banquet, but Eris, goddess of discord, had been left out. Eris, therefore, waited for the moment when she tossed a golden apple in from of three of the goddesses: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. The apple bore an inscription: "To the most beautiful". When the quarrel broke out amongst three goddesses, each claiming the apple, the task was given to Paris, the Trojan Prince, to ...

... perfectly than the trikaldrishti of prakamya and vyapti. There are four tendencies that prevent its proper action & effectuality; (1) the tendency to miss the object of the prayoga, as when Pallas Athene turns the shafts from the hero of her preference, so that the aishwarya or vashita does not act upon it at all; (2) the tendency because of habit, previous purpose or tendency or mere recalcitrance ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Indra, where the consciousness was more mentalised, intellectualised, made more rational, sense-bound, external, pragmatic. The legend of Athena being born straight out of the head of Zeus is a pointer as to the nature and character of the gods. The Roman name for Athena, Minerva, is significantly derived by scholars from Latin mens, which means, as we all know, mind. The Greek Mind, as I said ...

... Roman. Worker and fighter and builder and thinker, light of the reason, Men shall leave all temples to crowd in thy courts, O Athene. Go then and do my will, prepare man's tribes for their fullness."     But with her high clear smile on him answered the mighty Athene,– Wisely and soberly, tenderly smiled she chiding her father Even as a mother might rail at her child when he hides and dissembles:... lamenting mortality's ages of greatness, Ruthless Ananke's deeds and the mortal conquests of Hades. Then in the fane Palladian the shuddering priests of Athene Entered the darkened shrine and saw on the suffering marble Shattered Athene's mighty statue prostrate as conquered, But on its pedestal rose o'er the unhurt image of darkness Awful shapes, a Trinity dim and dire unto mortals. Dumb they... that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word that is Fate and the order Fixed in the sight of a Will foreknowing and silent and changeless, Hera sent by Zeus and Athene lifting his aegis Guarded the hidden decree. But for Ilion, loud as the surges, Ares impetuous called to the fire in men's hearts, and his passion Woke in the shadowy depths the forms of the Titan ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... You feel as if you were saying to people, "Keep still!" I am going to try it on A. [the American disciple], I'll see if it makes him steady on his feet again.... He'll believe it's his statue of Athena! It doesn't matter. Even those who think well still think nonsense, so... This sadhu, "it" tried to pull him within, but when the pressure became very strong, he started talking! He couldn't... ...

... attributes of the supreme divinity. He was "The Father of all”, head and source of the moral order of the world, the mighty ruler of gods and men. He was omnipotent, saw and, knew everything. His daughter Athena, "born from his head fully armed”, in whom some scholars have seen a personification analogous to the Vedic Saraswati, but who had been most probably a storm and lightning goddess — hence her normal... the goddess of learning and wisdom. Her wisdom which earned her the epithet pronoia (the foreseeing) made her the counselor goddess and the goddess of the assembly. Even more worshiped than Athena was Apollo, son of Zeus by Leto, goddess of the night. Apollo was the solar god without being the sun himself, which was represented by a special divinity, Helios. Apollo had assumed high moral qualities... that of the passion of Dionysus. Son of Zeus and Demeter (or sometimes of Kore), Dionysus- Zagreus was torn to pieces by the Titans who threw the remains of his body into a big caldron. Pallas Athena however was able to rescue the god's heart which she brought to Zeus. With the still beating heart Zeus created Dionysus while Zagreus became an underworld deity, who in Hades, welcomed the souls of ...

... to which the God belongs. All creation has the two sides, the formed and the formless,—the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herielf has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only. ...

... A poem may be written all at once or it may come through by driblets. But, just because it is not bom fully formed and perfectly panoplied like Pallas Athena from the head of Zeus, we cannot say that the ultimate structure of it has nothing of Athena-shape or Zeus-substance. The process of a poem's birth may be slow, gradual, piecemeal. What we have to see at the end is whether the final product, which ...

... of Athens, and its ruins still dominates the city today. Its buildings were constructed in the second half of the 5th century B.C. The greatest was the Parthenon, the temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. Sparta, one of the city-states, had military ambitions and a well-trained professional army. Athens and Sparta fought together against Persian attacks, but afterwards became rivals. In the long P ...

... fruition of this architectural programme. The Acropolis 12 was crowned with the Parthenon within which stood the marvelous statue of Athena, executed in ivory and gold by Pheidias, and the Erectheum,13 created also by Pheidias, with its colossal statue in bronze of Athena Polias, the defender of her favourite city, along with altars devoted to Poseidon, god of the sea, and Hephaestus, god of fire, and... constellation. 57. Xenophon, "The Memorabilia of Socrates", literally translated from the Greek by J.S. Watson (Philadelphia: D. McKay, 1899), iv, 8. Page 44 Athena (430 BC) "Hear, Oh Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, conceived in Mother Metis, but born out of the of Father Zeus; Goddess of Battles, Goddess of Strategies, Goddess of Cities and Strong Citadels, Parthenos; Bearer... Greek term for the central place of a city containing the municipal and religious buildings, preferably located on a hill, as is the one in Athens, which has the Parthenon, a temple of the goddess Athena and the treasury and other buildings located on it. For purposes of defense, early settlers naturally chose elevated ground, Page 33 frequently a hill with precipitous sides, and these ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... be given. They finally agreed to take the judgment of a fair shepherd boy, Pans, who was actually a son of Priam. Each goddess offered him something: Hera, to be king of the richest realm on earth, Athene, to gain fame as the wisest and bravest of men, and Aphrodite, the most beautiful woman as his wife. He gave the apple to Aphrodite who later arranged for him to abduct Helen, who was the acknowledged ...

... high rock, Sri Aurobindo sat in his comer of the exposed cage absorbed in meditation, not listening to the evidence, not attending to the trial; while, in the background, like Poseidon and Pallas Athene the powers of the Bureaucracy and of Nationalism were anxiously awaiting the outcome of the issue; there, in the foreground - like the formidable sea-monster and the bright Sun-God Perseus - the ...

... and an admixture even of psychological & philosophical ideas. If in their origin, they were material and barbarous, they had already been moralised & intellectualised. Already even in Homer Pallas Athene is not the Dawn or any natural phenomenon, but a great preterhuman power of wisdom, force & intelligence; Apollo is not the Sun—who is represented by another deity, Helios—but a moral or moralised ...

... There is no universal rule. Women can be as sexual as men or more. But there are numbers of women who dislike sex and there are very few men. One Sukhdev in a million, but many Dianas and Pallas Athenes. The virgin is really a feminine conception; men are repelled by the idea of eternal virginity. Many women would remain without any wakening of the sexual instinct if men did not thrust it on them ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... effaced or have become subordinate to psychological conceptions. The impetuous God of Fire has been converted into a lame God of Labour; Apollo, the Sun, presides over poetical and prophetic inspiration; Athene, who may plausibly be identified as in origin a Dawn-Goddess, has lost all memory of her material functions and is the wise, strong and pure Goddess of Knowledge; and there are other deities Page ...

... first Page 358 miracle and the greatest revelation the world has ever seen". 20S Usha in the Veda is also Ahana; Usha had her affiliations with the Greek Eos, and Ahana with Athene and Daphne; and these bright goddesses were the harbingers of light, life, beauty, joy. 206         Throughout the Veda, according to Sri Aurobindo, Dawn as the daughter of Heaven, "...has ...

... 195 Asia, 16, 48, 70, 101, 148, 152-3, 240, 245 Asoka,93,195 Asura, 18, 69-74, 186, 201, 234, 267, 272, 291, 376, 382-3, 386 Aswatthama, 298 Aswins, 9 Athena, 222 Atlantic, 210 Atlantis, 223 Augustan Age, 205, 212 Augustine, St., 150 Augustus, 207 Australia, 106 Avatara(s), 49, 55, 69, 161, 205, 261 ...

... movement such as the one that developed in the period of intuition of the Upanishads. To use the terminology of the Greek gods, the reign of Apollo, the God of revelation, was followed by the reign of Athena, the goddess of Reason. The reason why the Indian trend of thought, during the Age of Reason, came to be greatly influenced by knowledge derived from intuition can be traced to the recurrence of the ...

... look, men swell in selfhood, titan pride, And would bring ruin upon themselves and all If we don't intervene. Enter Athene and Aphrodite in great haste, almost breathless. Seeing Ananke, who quickly draws her veil, they turn away with a cry. Aphrodite and Athene ( turning their faces away ) O Lord! Aphrodite ( turning back ) O Father, Pray, hasten and send forth your... Stygian glooms, and - oh! I could not bear The ugly sights... ( She covers her eyes and half-swoons ) Zeus Why, Child, where hast thou been? An exploring trip? Athene ( supporting Aphrodite ) Ay, Father, we dared peep Into those caverns where no gods can live - Only Persephone's white Fire-Soul, And she too knows the pain - we peeped and saw Those... and that thy promise stands. Page 40 Forgive that I could doubt, and give me leave.( She bows ) Zeus Go, Gaia, blessed for ever are you now. ( Gaia goes out .) Athene and Aphrodite stand rapt, thrilled, speechless. Marvellous music fills all space, and a hymn of praise arises. Immortal Love, O Love Divine, Compassion endless, pure, Vast Wisdom, Majesty ...

... or the girl with blazing eyes 1 . They clung to their deathless hate of sacred Troy, Priam and Priam's people, just as they had at first when Paris in all his madness launched the war. He offended Athena and Hera — both goddesses. When they came to his shepherd's fold he favored Love who dangled before his eyes the lust that loosed disaster. But now, at the twelfth dawn since Hector's death, lord Apollo... the man, shame that does great harm or drives men on to good. No doubt some mortal has suffered a dearer loss than this, a brother born in the same womb, or even a son... he grieves, ____ 1. Athena Page 20 he weeps, but then his tears are through. The Fates have given mortals hearts that can endure. But this Achilles — first he slaughters Hector, he rips away the noble prince's... out on shore they soared to the high sky and found farseeing Zeus, and around him all the gods who live in bliss forever sat in a grand assembly. And Thetis took a seat beside the Father, a throne Athena yielded. Hera placed in her hand a burnished golden cup and said some words of comfort, and taking a few quick sips, Thetis gave it back... The father of men and gods began to address them: "You have ...

... neither male nor female, and as intrepid as the vital can be, with a calm but absolute power.... Ah, I found a very good description of it in one of Sri Aurobindo's plays, when he speaks of the goddess Athena (I think it's in Perseus , but I am not sure); she has that kind of... it's an almighty calm, and with such authority! Yes, it's in Perseus —when she appears to the Sea-God and forces him to retreat ...

... most of what he possessed in Macedonia. These were his preparations and this was the adventurous spirit in which he crossed the Hellespont. Once arrived in Asia, he went up to Troy, sacrificed to Athena and poured Page 104 libations to the heroes of the Greek army. He anointed with oil the column which marks the grave of Achilles, ran a race by it naked with his companions, as the custom... of Athens, and its ruin still dominates the city today. Its buildings were constructed in the second half of the 5th century BC. The greatest was the Parthenon, the temple dedicated to the goddess Athena. Sparta, one of the city-states, had military ambitions and a well-trained professional army. Athens and Sparta fought together against Persian attacks, but afterwards became rivals. In the long P ...

... stars of a heavenly constellation! It is evident that if this was the physical origin of the Ashwins, they have as in Greek mythology long lost their purely stellar nature; they have acquired like Athene, goddess of dawn, a psychological character and function. They are riders Page 82 on the horse, the Ashwa, symbolic of force and especially of life-energy and nervous force, the Prana. ...

... the Upanishads to Vedic riks or Vedic symbols taken in a psychological and spiritual sense, eg, the four closing verses of the Isha Upanishad. Hermes, Athena represent in classical mythology psychical functions, but were originally Nature gods, Athena probably a dawn goddess. I contend that Usha in the Veda shows us this transmutation in its commencement. Dionysus the wine-god was intimately connected ...

... human genius or are they creations of the Cosmic Mind, perceived by the bhakta or the sage. “The question extends itself to the forms of the great Powers of the Ishwara: is the Goddess Athena the expression of the Greek national thought form or was there a form of a great Devi who moulded the Greek mind and body in her own image? Does the Goddess Isis similarly represent the soul of ...

... that are locked in the caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word that is Fate and the order Fixed in the sight of a Will foreknowing and silent and changeless, Hera sent by Zeus and Athene lifting his aegis Guarded the hidden decree. But for Ilion, loud as the surges, Ares impetuous called to the fire in men's hearts, and his passion Woke in the shadowy depths the forms of the Titan ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... Olympian Games, the Page 289 greatest of the four international festivals, were held in honour of Zeus of Olympia, the Pythian Games in honour of Apollo, the Panathenaic Games in honour of Athena. Moreover, they were held in the sacred precinct. The feeling that prompted this was a perfectly natural one. The contest was a means of stimulating and displaying human arete, and this was a worthy ...

... history”, most of the Greek gods were the counterparts of the Egyptian gods. “In the Egyptian language”, he writes, “Apollo is called Horus, Demeter Isis, Artemis Bubastis”. Neith is identified with Athena, Osiris with Dionysus, Hathor with Aphrodite, Ammon with Zeus, and so on. 5 In the present context more need not be said about this fascinating topic. Its importance will be clear because it... Sri Aurobindo: Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, p. 143. × See e.g. Martin Barnal: Black Athena, and Christos C. Evangeliou: The Hellenic Philosophy – between Europe, Asia and Africa. × Jacqueline ...

... to live, to be. असु      breath, life, strength. असुरः NB. Persian अहुरः from अह् not अस् अस्      to blow, (wind), rush, throw. अहना      She who breathes, is strong. शक्ति, देवी. Pallas Athene अन्      to breathe, OS intensitive, eg हन् from ह or हा (strike), मन् from म [or] हा (measure), जन् from ज or जा. Cf हत, मत, जात, जाये etc. अहा      vigour, life, joy OS अहालु      joyous ...

... either case there has been a farther development by which these gods or demigods have become in vested with psychological functions, perhaps by the same process which in the Greek religion converted Athene, the Dawn, into the goddess of knowledge and Apollo, the sun, into the divine singer and seer, lord of the prophetic and poetic inspiration. Page 160 In the Veda it is possible that another ...

... of what he possessed in Macedonia. These were his preparations and this was the adventurous spirit in which he crossed the Hellespont.1 Once arrived in Asia, he went up to Troy,2 sacrificed to Athena 3 and poured libations 4 to the heroes of the Greek army.... Meanwhile Darius' generals 5 had gathered a large army and posted it at the crossing of the river Granicus, so that Alexander was obliged... notable theme from ancient Greek literature and forms the basis of Homer's Iliad. Ancient Troy commanded a strategic point at the southern entrance to the Dardanelles (Hellespont). 3 For the Greeks, Athena is the goddess of war, handicrafts and practical reason. She is also the protector of Athens. 4 Libation: the pouring out of a wine, etc., in honour of a deity. 5 Darius III was the Great King ...

... caverns of Nature. Calm and unmoved, upholding the Word that is Fate and the order Fixed in the sight of a Will foreknowing and silent and changeless, Hera sent by Zeus and Athene lifting his aagis Guarded the hidden decree. But for Ilion, loud as the surges, Ares impetuous called to the fire in men's hearts, and his passion Woke in the shadowy depths the forms... a moving and penetrating power impossible except to a Yogi. Here we have Homeric figures driven with a Homeric energy to an Aurobindonian goal. Less Yogic, however, is the light thrown on Hera and Athene and Apollo. The tone and texture of the language presentingthem is in keeping with their call to and contact with more evolved strata of our consciousness: it is not the dense and dreadful subliminal ...

... to spiritual values, forced as they felt to comply with the positivism of their academic environment and the dominant Abrahamic religions. It is only recently that authors like Martin Bernal ( Black Athena ) and Christos Evangeliou ( The Hellenic Philosophy: Between Europe, Asia and Africa ) have shown how frequent the exchanges around the eastern Mediterranean were in ancient times, and how deeply Egypt’s ...

... pity who yearnst and who helpest, Durga, our Mother! Brooder in Delphi's caverns, Voice in the groves of Dodona! Goddess serene of an ancient progeny, Dian, Latona! Virgin! ascetic frank or remote, Athene the mighty! Harlot supine to the worlds, insatiate white Aphrodite! Hundred-named art thou, goddess, a hundred-formed, and thy bosom Thrills all the world with its breasts. O starlight, O mountain ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... unless of course you like to fix the penalty at what I could pay. I suppose I could probably afford five pounds.38 I suggest a fine of that amount. Silver coin with image of Goddess Athena, 6th century BC One moment, gentlemen. Plato here, and Crito and Critobulus and Apollodorus, want me to propose 150 pounds, on their security. Very well, I agree to this sum, and you can... up, gentlemen, it you think that they are putting money or anything else before goodness, take your revenge by plaguing them as I plagued Page 80 The Parthenon (temple of Goddess Athena built on the Acropolis) you; and if they fancy themselves for no reason, you must scold them just as I scolded you, for neglecting the important things and thinking that they are good for something ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... reply has got delayed by a little over a fortnight after the receipt of your letter, so I don't know if it will catch you still in England. What you write about your poetry brings up to me the image of Athene full formed and perfectly panoplied from the head of Zeus. Where then is any room left for "improvement"? Your early work is essentially as good as any "grown-up" might compose. Once you realise this ...

... grasped the idea that everything had a name she at once became mistress of the treasury of the English language, or that "her mental faculties emerged, full armed, from their then living tomb, as Pallas Athena from the head of Zeus," as one other enthusiastic admirers would have us believe. At first, the words, phrases and sentences which she used in expressing her thoughts were all reproductions of what ...

... time "the animals which originally represented the beings did not entirely disappear from iconography; they became the companions or slaves of the divinities whom they used to embody, e.g., the owl of Athene, the eagle of Zeus, the hind of Artemis, the dolphin of Poseidon, and the dove of Aphrodite. In other cases, the bestial or repugnant forms have been left to evil spirits, the enemies of gods and men ...

... these identities, the question of Vedic interpretation & the sense of Vedic worship is not settled. In the Greek religion Apollo was the god of the sun, but he was also the god of poetry & prophecy; Athene is identified with Ahana, a Vedic name of the Dawn, but for the Greeks she is the goddess of purity & wisdom; Artemis is the divinity of the moon, but also the goddess of free life & Page 190 ...

... the municipal and religious buildings, preferably located on a hill, as ;¦ is the one in Athens. The Parthenon is the main shrine of the Athenian Acropolis dedicated to the patron deity, the goddess Athena, Page 60 Socrates' concept of the excellent and perfect human life is an integral one, encompassing the development of all physical, vital and intellectual potentialities. Pursuing ...

... represented moral & subjective functions. Apollo is not only the god of the sun or of pestilence—in Homer indeed Haelios (Saurya) & not Apollo is the Sun God—but the divine master of prophecy and poetry; Athene has lost any naturalistic significance she may ever have had and is a pure moral force, the goddess of strong intelligence, force guided by brain; Ares is the lord of battles, not a storm wind; Artemis ...

... sure we shall succeed." My eyes had become fresh and as I looked at her, she appeared to me to be a white luminous angel of uncomparable beauty. I felt her transported into the Greek image of Athene, the calm goddess of Wisdom that destroys darkness in a flash. I smiled and I knew that she knew that I had become different. Her smile and my smile mingled, and I at once understood that all music ...

... to say that nobody has ever touched this Truth? Of course it has been touched, but on the mental heights, in rare illuminations that left a trace here or there, on a Buddha's face in Indonesia, an Athena in the Parthenon, a smile in Rheims, in some marvelous Upanishads, a few words of grace that have survived as a golden and adorable anachronism, hardly real amidst our concrete structures and civilized ...