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A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
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Bande Mataram [10]
Beyond Man [3]
Catherine the Great [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Hitler and his God [42]
How to Bring up a Child [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Karmayogin [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On The Mother [4]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [3]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Record of Yoga [4]
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Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [14]
The Mother (biography) [3]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [2]
The Story of a Soul [1]
Uniting Men [2]
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English [137]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Bande Mataram [10]
Beyond Man [3]
Catherine the Great [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Hitler and his God [42]
How to Bring up a Child [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Karmayogin [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On The Mother [4]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [3]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Record of Yoga [4]
Reminiscences [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [14]
The Mother (biography) [3]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [2]
The Story of a Soul [1]
Uniting Men [2]

Austria : currently a land-locked federal republic in central Europe. Before World War I (1914-19) it was with Hungary an empire & one of the great powers of Europe.

137 result/s found for Austria

... Sonderweg , Germany’s “road apart”. In Austria were invented some fundamental beliefs and convictions which would lead to Nazism. This is not always recognized because this beautiful country is usually associated with Tyrolean hats, yodelling and Gemütlichkeit , and also because in the tense political situation between the post-war occupying powers Austria escaped its own Nuremberg trial. The feeling... the Austrian Germans, leading to pan-German fanaticism, was the result of the hostile relations between the various races and language communities in the ever less governable empire-cum-kingdom of Austria-Hungary. There the German speaking population had to fight for the preservation of their leadership status against no less patriotic or racist Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Ruthenians, Slovenes, Serbo-Croats... Its Esoterics and Exoterics; The Armanenhood of the Ario-Germans; The Secret of the Runes … List’s influence spread widely; List Societies and secret Armanen loges were founded in many towns in Austria and still more in Germany. No doubt, his books bolstered the Germanic ego by the evocation of a glorious past and a radiant future. And in List many read for the first time about reincarnation and ...


... 1772-1795 The kingdom of Poland had many weaknesses. The nobles elected its kings. The election campaigns to determine who would be king invited domestic and international troubles. Prussia, Austria, France and Russia each repeatedly plotted to put its favorite on the Polish throne. Only nobles were represented in Poland's legislature, the Diet. The Diet rarely accomplished anything because any... minority groups of various nationalities and religions. The Roman Catholic Poles and their leaders often discriminated against and oppressed the minorities, and sometimes they appealed to Prussia, Austria or Russia for help. In 1772 these three powers decided to take advantage of Poland's weak condition and seize a slice of Polish territory. This action is known as the First Partition of Poland... Poland.... In 1793 Russia and Prussia took a second helping of Polish lands. The rebellion that broke out over this Second Partition was crushed but it brought about the Third Partition in 1795 by Austria, Prussia and Russia. With that, Poland disappeared from the map of Europe until 1919. 1 1 Extract From 'World History' People and Nations by Anatole G. Mazour, John M. Peoples, HBJ Harcourt ...


... the workers wanted to have leaders with university education, often only the Jewish intellectual remained – the type which might have liked to become a judge or Government official, but in Germany, Austria or Russia simply could not. Yet, though many Socialist leaders are Jews, only few Jews are Socialist leaders. To call the mass of modern Jewry Socialist, let alone revolutionary, is a bad propaganda... when the largely Jewish leaders of the revolutionary period (Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev) were bloodily shoved aside by a dominantly non-Jewish class (Stalin, Voroshilov, etc.).” 606 In Germany and Austria “hundreds of thousands” of the higher classes believed in “the threat of Judeo-bolshevism”, especially because their new governments after the First World War “were run by socialists, always assumed ...


... racist pure and simple, supporter of Anschluss [the joining of Austria with Germany] and an enemy to the death of both Slavs and Jews, he would become Hitler’s ideological model.” 139 A failure Hitler would never make, though, was Schönerer’s open belligerence against the Catholic Church in anti-Semitic but predominantly Catholic Austria. Schönerer’s “Away from Rome” movement cost him the adherence ...


... which to a British historian, writing two decades after the passions had cooled, was a ‘humiliation without precedent or equal in modern history’. It deprived Russia of a territory nearly as large as Austria-Hungary and Turkey combined, with 56 000 000 inhabitants, or 32 per cent of her whole population; a third of her railway mileage, 73 per cent of her total iron ore, 89 per cent of her total coal p... merciless than the dictate of Versailles. 1. Germany was to expand into a Mitteleuropa (a central European block) and exert political and commercial domination over France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Austria-Hungary, Poland, and eventually Italy, Sweden and Norway; 2. France would have to part with the coal and iron basins of Longwy-Briey and the Atlantic ports facing southern England; it would have to ...


... so. ‘Brave peoples expand, cowardly peoples perish.’ Treitschke looked forward to the day when a German fleet would sail up the Thames and a German army occupy London … If Austria and Russia fought, Germany must support Austria [as it would do in 1914 and by so doing unleashed the war], for it was the racial duty of Germans to rule over ‘inferior’ Slavs. In politics, all was force. War united the race ...


... funny. Page 310 There was another reason.... My father was wonderfully healthy and strong—well-balanced. He wasn't very tall, but stocky. He did all his studies in Austria (at that time French was widely spoken in Austria, but he knew German, he knew English, Italian, Turkish...), and there he had learned to ride horses in an extraordinary manner: he was so strong that he could bring a horse ...


... third, the destruction of America by all mixed races, coloured and white. I suppose Hitler will pick out an American gaulieter as he has done in Austria. NIRODBARAN: What is a gaulieter? SRI AUROBINDO: Gau is province; gaulieter is province-protector. Austria has been divided into various provinces and each put under a gaulieter. The same has been done in Norway, Denmark and Belgium. I hope he won't ...


... one nation without sacrificing a single one of these diversities. In France three different languages are spoken; in America the candidates for White House address the nation in fourteen languages, Austria is a congeries of races and languages, the divisions in Russia are hardly less acute. Page 94 That unity in race, religion or languages is essential to nationality is an idea which... political science and involves the most important consequences. When an empire like 7 Sri Aurobindo: Social and Political Thought, Centenary Edition, Vol. 15, pp. 285-86. Page 104 Austria, a non-national empire, is broken to pieces, it perishes for good; there is no innate tendency to recover the outward unity, because there is no real inner oneness; there is only a politically m ...

... Nations' Secretary General, Sir Eric Drummond. He set out to work on finding solutions to some problems (the question of Silesia, a region disputed by Poland and Germany, a financial package for Austria, etc) Monnet remembers: Certainly, the organization which was set up, and which without major changes went on working in Geneva until 1939, did not always have the strength of its intentions... lay so many great men. Jean Monnet then would rest close to Victor Hugo, another visionary who one century earlier had prophesized, All of us here, we say to France, to England, to Prussia, to Austria, to Spain, to Italy, to Russia, we Page 53 say to them, "A day will come when your weapons will fall from your hands, a day when war will seem absurd and be as impossible between Paris ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... issue of peace versus war was debated with mounting anxiety but diminishing hope. Austria declared war against Serbia on 28 July, Germany declared war against Russia on 1 August, and against France on 3 August; and, on 4 August, Great Britain declared war against Germany. The First World War had begun. Germany and Austria on the one side, and on the other, Russia, France and Britain were engaged from ...


... "There was another reason," Mother went on. "My father had a wonderful health, and was he strong! What a stability! He wasn't tall but stocky. He had done all his studies in Austria (in those days French was widely spoken in Austria, but he also knew German, he knew English, Italian, Turkish . . .); and there he learned to ride horses in a fantastic manner: he was so strong that he could bring a horse ...

... from within and owe their continuance to a force imposed on their constituent elements or else to a political convenience felt or acquiesced in by the constituents and favoured by the world outside. Austria was long the standing example of such an empire; it was a political convenience favoured by the world outside, acquiesced in until recently by its constituent elements and maintained by the force of... same time the world outside no longer favours the combination, then force alone remains as the one agent of an artificial unity. There arose indeed a new political convenience which the existence of Austria served even after it suffered from this tendency of dissolution, but that was the convenience of the Germanic idea which made it an inconvenience to the rest of Europe and deprived it of the acquiescence... partnership to crush down the Slav nations within it and, secondly, on the continued power and dominance of Germany and the Germanic idea in Europe, that is to say, on force alone. And although in Austria the weakness of the imperial form of unity was singularly conspicuous and its conditions exaggerated, still those conditions are the same for all empires which are not at the same time national units ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... federation employed with Hungary as a second partner or of a pressure tempered by leniency, by concessions and by measures of administrative half-autonomy, might have been tried, but their success in Austria has been small. Federation has not as yet proved a successful principle except between States and nations or subnations already disposed to unite by ties of common culture, a common past or an already... already developed or developing sense of common nationhood; such conditions existed in the American States and in Germany and they exist in China and in India, but they have not existed in Austria or Russia. Or, if things and ideas had been ripe, instead of this attempt, there might have been an endeavour to found a free union of nations with the Tsar as the symbol of a supra-national idea and bond of... disunited, they were each exposed and they exposed each other to the oppressive contact of any powerful neighbour, Sweden, Turkey, Poland, while Poland was a hostile and powerful State, or Germany and Austria. The union of the Ukraine Cossacks with Russia was indeed brought about by mutual agreement as a measure of defence against Poland. Poland itself, once weakened, stood a better chance by being united ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body Arnold Schwarzenegger A rnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria in 1948. He started body building at the age of 15 and by the age of 19 had won several power lifting contests as well as the Mr. Europe (Junior) and the Mr. Europe bodybuilding contests. In 1968 he became a resident of the United States and went on to... hero. And they gave you anything, People recognized my athletic talents; but my choice of a sport confused them. They shook their heads. "Why did you have to pick the least-favorite sport in Austria?" they always asked. It was true. We had only twenty or thirty bodybuilders in the entire country. I couldn't come up with an answer. I didn't know. It had been Page 355 instinctive... I was put through a lot of changes. I locked up my emotions even further and listened only to my inner voice, my instincts. I went into the Army in 1965. One year of service was obligatory in Austria. After that, I could make my decision about a future. For me the Army was a good experience. I liked the regimentation, the firm, rigid structure. The whole idea of uniforms and medals appealed to ...

... (Hong Kong)   d) Pg. 37 - Koulatsoglou Constan tin (Greece)   e) Pg. 47 -Alois H. Bernkopf (Austria)   j) Pg. 57 - Karl Vock Junior (Austria)   g) Pg. 58 - Dr.Weissenbock (Coa Wienn)   REFERENCES ...


... of liberty is therefore doubly and trebly immoral and Page 627 restoration of liberty the first condition of peace and good-will. There has been good feeling between Austria and a free Italy, but between Austria dominant and Italy enslaved it was impossible. The English have long been boycotting us in our own country. They boycotted our industries out of existence, they boycotted our ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... lasting revival. Monarchy has thus fallen or is threatened almost everywhere—and most suddenly in countries where its tradition was once the strongest. Even in these days it has fallen in Germany and Austria, in China, in Portugal, in Russia; it has been in peril in Greece and Italy; 1 and it has been cast out of Spain. In no continental country is it really safe except in some of the smaller States... upon the present political configuration of the world. But even for these empires the symbol has not proved to be indispensable. France has done without it, Russia has recently dispensed with it. In Austria it had become odious to some of the constituent races as the badge of subjection and was bound to perish even without the collapse of the Great War. Only in England and in some small countries is it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... quality of these lines is of secondary importance. The writing of “The Dwarf Napoleon” was much more a yogic act, an act of yogic magic, to counter the aggression of a dictator who had already annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia and was therefore, now that Poland’s turn had come, frequently compared with Napoleon. Sri Aurobindo has often stressed the importance of standing up against a spreading negative... scope He seized and gave coherence to its hope. It is now usually forgotten how often Adolf Hitler, at the zenith of his glory, was favourably compared with Napoleon Bonaparte. The annexation of Austria, the cutting up of Czechoslovakia, the invasion of Poland and afterwards the surprise attacks on Denmark and Norway, and the invasion of France – all these were occasions of praising Hitler to the ...


... Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo. The following day Austria declared war on Serbia; on 1 August Germany stood by its Austrian ally and declared war on Russia, and two days later on France; on 4 August German troops invaded neutral Belgium and Britain declared war on Germany; on 12 August Britain and France declared war on Austria; on 23 August Japan declared war on Germany … The German armies ...

... for the education of women. Baffled by the dearth of qualified teachers, she sent Russian students to study pedagogy in England, Germany, Austria, and Italy. A teachers' college was founded inl786. She admired Joseph II's reforms of education in Austria, and asked him to lend her someone familiar with his procedure. He sent her Theodor Yankovich, who drew up for her a plan which she promulgated ...


... began to travel extensively. Her writings were translated into many languages and her ideas spread remarkably quickly. In certain countries they even led to a new form of architecture. In Germany, Austria, America, Holland, India und Italy, special "Children's Houses " were built, many of them in collaboration with Dr. Montessori herself. In these buildings everything was constructed in proportion to... to the dimensions of the physical and mental needs of children. She received many invitations and gave teacher-training courses in Italy, France, Holland, Germany, Spain, England, Austria, India and Ceylon. She also went to South America. Wherever she went, she made a deep impression. Her profound insight into the soul of the child; her long and varied experience; her scientific outlook ...

... the birthday of Sri Aurobindo, and I think the war broke out on 3 August." As for the War, it came about with the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the throne, at Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. Austria declared war on Serbia on 28 July. Germany declared war on Russia on 1 st August. France entered the conflict on 3 rd August. Great Britain followed suit on 4 th August ...

... cruelty of Spanish repression were shattered in the Netherlands, which brought to nought the administrative genius, the military power, the stubborn will of Aurangzeb, which loosened the iron grip of Austria on Italy. In all such instances the physical power and organisation behind the insurgent idea are ridiculously small, the repressive force so overwhelmingly, impossibly strong that all reasonable, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... nation without sacrificing a single one of these diversities. In France three different languages are spoken, in America the candidates for the White House address the nation in fourteen languages, Austria is a congeries of races and languages, the divisions in Russia are hardly less acute. That unity in race, religion or language is essential to nationality is an idea which will not bear examination ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... secret knowledge and special authority. At the same time, the putative existence of a modern Armanenschaft suggested to believers that the golden age might be soon restored, and that Germany and Austria would be united in a theocratic pan-German realm, wherein non-German interests would play no part. Within thirty-five years this vision was instituted as the foreign policy of the Third Reich.” 698 ...


... his God – The Background of the Nazi Phenomenon. × His birthplace, Braunau-am-Inn, was known in Austria as a cradle of mediums. × The Mother no doubt means the Berghof , Hitler’s villa in Obersalzberg ...


... gospel truth, he also “changed the map of Europe, destroyed empires, and promoted the rise of new powers, evoked revolutions, and brought the colonial age to an end.” 5 The “man from nowhere” united Austria with Germany and entered as conqueror into Prague, Warsaw and Paris. He conquered, enslaved and killed – and intended to conquer more, kill more and enslave more. How had this come to pass? How ...


... the time. In 1936, Hitler’s troops had entered the Rhineland, welcomed by priests honouring them with waving censers. The German rearmament programme was already in full swing. The Anschluss with Austria, approved by a plebiscite of more than ninety-nine per cent of the Austrian population, was effected on 12 March 1938. On 29 September of the same year Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain and Daladier signed ...


... understandable because of the political instability in the region of Eastern Europe from which he is supposed to have come. At the time Poland was the defenceless common prey of Prussia, Russia and Austria, and borders changed easily and on many occasions. It was also a time of frequent pogroms which destabilized the Jewish communities, to one of which Louis Bimstein must have belonged. He left Eastern ...

... 70 Asura, 110, 111. 116 Atharvaveda, 56, 85, 87, 116 Aurobindo, Sri, i, iii, iv, 18-19, 24-26, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43. 44, 65, 77-83, 104, 106, 107-121, 133 Austria-Hungary, 1 Avesta, 34-35, 77, 82 ayas, āyasi, 37, 104, 119 Babylon, 66 "baga", 35 Bahlika, 12 Balsara.P.P. 17 Baltic region, 1 ...


... social-democratic, but the deeper tendency was doubtlessly nationalistic, pan-German and anti-Semitic. Hitler’s mind, at the age of thirty, was not a blank sheet, of course. During his youth in Austria he had imbibed the pan-Germanic ideas of his father, of his history teacher Leopold Pötsch and of Georg von Schönerer, and anti-Semitism was part of the air one breathed there. Besides, young Adolf ...


... Money to come within this fortnight from R. Fulfilled, but only half the sum expected. Peace in the Balkans.                                      —not fulfilled. Fulfilled afterwards. A & I [Austria & Italy?] to insist successfully on their points—signs of fulfilment Letter to be written today.                                      Fulfilled Lipi. "Break", fulfilled 20 November 1912 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

...     अमर्धंतीरुप नो यंतु मध्वा महो राये बृहतीः सप्त विप्रो     मयोभुवो जरिता जोहवीति । Trikaldrishtis realised. 1) Russian check & partial defeat in East Prussia 2) Their success against Austria. 3) Resumption of forward movement. Aishwarya 1) Sale of Review. Script. The effective activity of the seven forms of consciousness & the farther establishment of Ananda are predicted ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... apparently in 1938. (The date is inferred partly from a footnote he added while revising Chapter 5 — later replaced by a different footnote — referring to the "Anschluss", Germany's annexation of Austria in March 1938. Sri Aurobindo is unlikely to have worked on the revision after his accident in November 1938.) The revised text remained unpublished for more than a decade. In June 1949, asked about ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... well to highlight the work which has been done by the International Interaction Council in drafting a Declaration of Human Responsibilities. This Council had a preliminary meeting in Vienna, Austria in March 1996, April 1997, and the Plenary Session was held in Noordwijk, Netherlands, in June 1997. On 1st September 1997, the Inter-Action Council proposed a universal declaration of human res ...

... well to highlight the work which has been done by the International Interaction Council in drafting a Declaration of Human Responsibilities. This Council had a preliminary meeting in Vienna, Austria in March 1996, April 1997 and the Plenary Session was held in Noordwijk, Netherlands, in June 1997. On 1st September, 1997, the Inter Action Council proposed a universal declaration of human respo ...


... diversities. He referred to France where three different languages are spoken; he pointed that in America, the candidates for White House addressed the nation in fourteen languages; he referred to Austria, a congeries of races and languages, and he referred to acute divisions in Russia. Page 73 Sri Aurobindo maintained that the contention that unity in race, religion or language is essential ...

... Right in what sense?  Morally? Disciple : He means spiritually, perhaps. Sri Aurobindo : How can you say his voice is not true? He has seen that by following it he has been able to get Austria, Czechoslovakia and he has been successful in many other things. Then how can you say it is not a true voice? As I said, the Cosmic Spirit may want him to go that way. Even morally, you can't say that ...

... everything. And such a gift of vision may have been a terrible burden, for that involved also a proportionate responsibility. II 1938: it was a year of continuing crisis. On 12 March 1938, Austria was annexed by Hitler. Then day after day, week after week, Hitler mounted pressure on Czechoslovakia: A bull-throat bellowed with its brazen tongue; Its hard and shameless clamour filling ...


... giving his nationality as Austrian. History books say that Poland has a chequered political history. In the last couple of centuries it was parcelled up by its three greedy and powerful neighbours, Austria, Russia and Prussia, each grabbing in turn what it could and when it could. The many Polish attempts at independence proved abortive. The uprisings were heavily repressed, which caused large-scale ...

... was as strong as the Turk he was and could bring a horse to the ground simply by pressing his knees, for he was a very good rider (a luxury soon banned by Mathilde); he had had all his schooling in Austria, where he attended the best riding schools, and spoke German, English, Italian and Turkish fluently (he would soon be naturalized French). 101 They definitely were a solid bunch at boulevard Haussmann: ...

... the great-grandson of Louis XIV, his successor, and king of France from the age of five. Many were the wars fought during his reign. One of these was the Seven Years War (1756-63), between France, Austria and Russia on the one side, and ranged against them were Prussia of Frederick the Great (1712-86), and Great Britain of George II (1683-1760) and later his grandson, George III (1738-1820). An enfeebled ...

... Government that acted, but with the help of the people. On the other hand, the countries sympathetic to Napoleon, Italy, Ireland, Poland, or those which acted weakly or falsely, such as Spain and Austria, have declined, suffered, struggled and, even when partially successful, could not attain their fulfilment. But the punya is now exhausted. Page 521 The future with which the victorious ...


... of British goods—but of British goods only; for there was little in the country to replace foreign articles: so they recommended the substitution for the British of foreign goods from Germany and Austria and America so that the fullest pressure might be Page 57 brought upon England. They wanted the Boycott to be a political weapon and not merely an aid to Swadeshi; the total boycott of ...


... matured in two or three centuries, flourished for another two, and two more were sufficient for her decline and death. How few in years are the modern European nations, yet Spain is already dead, Austria death-stricken and suffering from gangrene and disintegration, France overtaken by a mortal and incurable malady, England already affected by the initial processes of decay. Germany and America alone ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the Balkans previous to their independence or of the Austrians in Lombardy before the Italian Revolution. It is a position which endangers, demoralizes and eventually weakens the ruling nation as Austria and Turkey were demoralized and weakened, and which disorganizes and degrades the subject people. A very brief consideration of the effects of British rule in India will carry this truth home. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... compound of several races except, possibly, the Scandinavian peoples. In England up to the present day the Celtic races preserve their separateness and distinct individuality: in Page 667 Austria there are a superfluity of different races and languages: Russia is a congeries of peoples: Italy was built up out of various races and even after the accomplishment of national unity the Gallo-Lombard ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Central and South America which may in certain contingencies materialise itself into Page 401 a confederate inter-American State. The idea of a confederate Teutonic empire, if Germany and Austria had not been entirely broken by the result of the war, might well have realised itself in the near future; and even though they are now broken it might still realise itself in a more distant future ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... geographical position and economic convenience to that empire, moved strongly towards separation and, where local sentiments permitted, to union with their racial, cultural and linguistic kin. If Austria had dealt with her Slav subjects as with the Magyars or had been able to build a national culture of her own out of her German, Slav, Magyar and Italian elements, it would have been otherwise and her ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... by the sense of German nationality but only by military force. Let us suppose this Teutonic aggregate to have lost its foreign elements and at most have acquired instead the Teutonic provinces of Austria. Then we should have had an example of a homogeneous aggregate which would yet be an empire in the true and not merely in the honorific sense of the word; for that would be a composite of homogeneous ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... t has become a settled necessity awaiting speedy formulation. Subsequent events have rendered certain speculations and balancings out of date, for they have been solved by the logic of events. Austria is a name of the past, the Empire of the Hohenzollerns has disappeared like a dream of the night, all Europe between the Rhine and the Volga is republican. Finally, most important of all, the League ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... case of the ejection of Turkey from Europe, either by the formation of a young, hungry and ambitious Slav empire under the dominance of Serbia or Bulgaria or by their disappearance into the shadow of Austria and Russia. The Teutonic States were coveted by expanding Germany and, had that Power been guided by the prudently daring diplomacy of a new Bismarck,—a not unlikely contingency, could William II have ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... of its higher life and thought. A language that survives only as a patois or a provincial tongue like Welsh after the English conquest or Breton or Provenҫal in France or as Czech survived once in Austria or Ruthenian and Lithuanian in imperial Russia, languishes, becomes sterile and does not serve all the true purpose of survival. Language is the sign of the cultural life of a people, the index ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... give it precedence and to unite internationally to bring it about. That combination of the Page 559 intellectuals with Labour which created the Socialist parties in Germany, Russia and Austria, formed anew recently the Labour party in England and has had its counterparts in most other European countries, seems to be travelling in that direction. This world-wide movement which made inter ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... felt to be full of dangers (Abdulla Pacha, the Powers, Russia, lack of money, possible defeat,) but also there are possibilities if the Aishwarya can prevail (sympathy of Triple Alliance, at least Austria & Germany, Page 216 energy of the Young Turks, desire of the army for war, finally, the Aishwarya itself, which is growing stronger every day). No definite trikaldrishti of the result arrives ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... covetousness! And then finally one day a crash, a war, a case in the law-courts, a separation for ever. What the joint-family is on a small scale, that on a big scale is an united nation, Russia or Austria or Germany or the United Kingdom. Mankind as an united family would mean in practice mankind as an united nation. How much would you gain by it? You would get rid of war,—for a time—of the mangling ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... record of this revelation of the eternal in time, of the absolute in history. I would have thought that this was congenial to a disciple of Sri Aurobindo. I visited Italy, Israel, Germany, Austria, Denmark and Sweden in my travels talking on the 'marriage of East and West'. There is considerable interest in the West about this. I did not like the 'holy land' at all. It is most unholy. I felt ...

... of Mahmud Shevket Pasha seized her and drew her back. Even so, the deposition of the cunning and skilful diplomatist of Yildiz Palace might have been the signal for a general spoliation of Turkey. Austria began a rush for the Balkans, Greece tried to hurry a crisis in Crete. The shaking of the Turkish sword in the face of the Greek and the rapid and efficient reorganisation of army and navy against ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... publishing activity reached another peak between the years 1906 and 1912. It was the flourishing of the German occult movement which would influence the German speaking (and dominant) population in Austria. “The impetus came largely form Germany, and both List and Lanz drew their knowledge of theosophy from German sources … Theosophy in Vienna after 1900 appears to be a quasi-intellectual sectarian religious ...


... up everywhere in Germany. And it was with these associations as a basis that Fritsch founded, in 1912, the Germanenorden. “The most important carriers of Listian ideas across the border [between Austria and Germany] were the members of the List Society in the German Reich who were involved in the founding of the Reichshammerbund and the Germanenorden ”, writes Goodrick-Clarke. 42 Fritsch’s multiple ...


... and weird hairdo, were so highly visible, and who therefore put into question the security which the integrated Jews thought they had obtained. The stream of Ashkenazi Jews from the East towards Austria, Germany and, in their tens of thousands, towards the USA, had started moving because of a wave of pogroms in Russia in the wake of the 1903 events in Kichinev. Kichinev was the capital of Bessarabia ...


... reluctant ally in 1923, withdrew into the woods of his own estate, taking a couple of shotguns with him and, as soon as the Gestapo had left his house, got some friends to smuggle him across into Austria”. 195 He escaped with his life. Röhm and many others, including von Kahr, were not so lucky.) ...


... report on him for Dietrich Eckart.” 91 Hitler’s flaming retort towards the end of the meeting to a certain professor Baumann, who had dared to defend the idea of an alliance between Bavaria and Austria, both Catholic, against Protestant Prussia, may have been less impromptu than Hitler himself would have us think. “At this juncture I felt bound to ask for permission to speak and to tell the learned ...


... barren or allows it to run to seed, but labours to exact from it its full yield’. The word Aryan in the original Sanskrit is not tainted with the racist connotations it later developed in Germany and Austria, and of which Sri Aurobindo was of course aware. Basing himself on his extensive linguistic studies, he gave in the second issue of the review the following definition: ‘The Aryan is he who strives ...


... discrimination, but this meant competition with Germans unable to count on family connections, fearful of becoming an academic proletariat. Consequently they were among the most extreme racists in Austria as well as Germany, highly overrepresented in the Nazi elite. In western societies university attendance tended to lessen racism and conservatism; in Germany emphasizing one’s racial uniqueness and ...


... things than in philosophical or religious abstractions. He was so strong, the Mother once said, that he could bring a horse to its knees simply by pressing his legs into its sides. He had studied in Austria and knew French, German, English, Italian, Turkish and Egyptian. He had, moreover, an uncommon gift for numbers. Mirra’s mother was an intelligent but very strong-minded woman – at one time compared ...

... of 'attracting him,' at least under this form, seems remote. × On June 28, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated at Sarajevo. × Satprem no longer remembers the source of this false information ...


... guardians and the bearers of all those who cling to them towards the goal of the world's evolutionary pilgrimage.   (19.6.1991)   Note of june 27 I learned by a phone-call from Austria that our cherished friend - a lovely man all round - had passed away soon after receiving my letter as well as a letter from another of his intimate friends in the Ashram: Dimitri. He was only 56 years ...


... of two young men who met with accidents and used a cat as a vital support to inform Mother of their death. ) Charles de F.! That's it, I remember, he was the son of an ambassador of France (to Austria, I think). He was sublieutenant. Page 41 With his company he went out to attack a trench, and they all died. It was a massacre. But there is a sequel to the story.... He came afterwards ...


... recesses of the being and prove short-cuts to a new light which had been glimpsed afar but could not be attained over years of good fortune. (5.9.1988) Thanks for ringing me from distant Austria on August 15. To be thought of by you is honour enough, but to be associated in your mind with an anniversary of the epoch-making birth of Sri Aurobindo is to feel beatified and sanctified. Thanks ...


... of considerable importance in India to ascertain whether the so-called Aryans of the Rigveda are outsiders whose home a little earlier was, as historians variously hold, either the Baltic region, Austria-Hungary, the Ukraine, Turkestān or some other location beyond our frontiers. But, of course, the fact that the idea of extra-Indian origins of Aryanism has been a pernicious force amongst us ...


... of considerable importance in India to ascertain whether the so-called Aryans of the Rigveda are outsiders whose home a little earlier was, as historians variously hold, either the Baltic region, Austria-Hungary, the Ukraine, Turkestan or some other location beyond our frontiers.   But, of course, the fact that the idea of -extra-Indian origins of Aryanism has been a pernicious force amongst ...


... well to highlight the work, which has been done by the International Interaction Council in drafting a Declaration of Human Responsibilities. This Council had a preliminary meeting in Vienna, Austria in March 1996, April 1997 and the Plenary Session was held in Noordwijk, Netherlands, in June 1997. On 1st September 1997, the Inter-Action Council proposed a universal declaration of human respon ...

... well to highlight the work which has been done by the International Interaction Council in drafting a Declaration of Human Responsibilities. This Council had a preliminary meeting in Vienna, Austria in March 1996, April 1997, and the Plenary Session was held in Noordwijk, Netherlands, in June 1997. On 1st September 1997, the Inter-Action Council proposed a universal declaration of human respo ...

... 1992 — Signature of the Maastricht Treaty which led to the creation of the European Union. It was the result of separate rate negociations on monetary union and political union. 1995 — Austria, Finland and Sweden join Europe 2002 —The Euro becomes the currency for 11 countries of the European Union. 2004, May 1st — Ten new countries join the European Union (The Czech Republic, Estonia ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... sense? Morally? PURANI: Perhaps Nirodbaran means spiritually right. SRI AUROBINDO: How can one say that Hitler's voice is not right? He has seen that by following it he has been able to get Austria and Czechoslovakia and has been successful in many other things. As I said, the Cosmic Spirit rnay want him to go that way. Even from the standpoint of ethics, one can't say Hitler is immoral. He is ...


... so. The inner state of Germany also is not known. They are trying to conceal everything as far as possible. PURANI: Jawaharlal says that Hitler and his generals didn't expect non-resistance from Austria. They were all very much surprised. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, the generals were opposed to Hitler's plan, for they were not prepared to fight. Now Hitler will say, "Have you seen that I am right? Things ...


... immediate post-war years (1916-20), Japan was still on the rising tide of her prosperity and influence. Japan was an ally of Great Britain, and fought on the side of the Allies against Germany and Austria. There was a visible British presence in Japan during the War, and after the Allied victory, Japan was one of the Big Five of the world. The Japanese Page 172 Emperor - the Mikado - was ...


... British goods – but of British goods only; for there was little in the country to replace foreign articles : so they recommended the substitution for the British of foreign goods from Germany and Austria and America so that the fullest pressure might be brought upon England. They wanted the Boycott to be a political weapon and not merely an aid to Swadeshi; the total boycott of all foreign goods was ...


... biggest air-force. But according to Hindenberg it does not seem to be so. Disciple : Jawaharlal says that Hitler and his generals did not expect the non-resistance – which they met – from Austria. They were all very much surprised. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, the generals were opposed to Hitler, for they were not prepared to fight. Now Hitler will say :  “Have you seen that I am right? Things ...

... and springs, and the abduction and murder of Christian children. “In Germany, France and the Austrian Empire the ritual-murder legend was far from dead. It was revived periodically, especially encouraged by intellectuals, and grew to a popular clamour that took on the proportions of a movement. In the Austrian Empire alone there were no less than twelve trials for ritual murder between 1867 and 1914 ...

... several weeks until the ice broke on the Dnieper, making the river navigable for their onward journey by galley², he had arranged every possible comfort and entertainment for them. The French, Austrian, and English ambassadors each had a private palace with a host of liveried³ servants, private coaches and horses, and they lived in splendour. Comte de Ségur, the witty French courtier whom Catherine... moved southwards, the music floated over the water to the crowds who had gathered from near and far to line the river banks and watch this fantastic spectacle. The Prince de Ligne, the gallant Austrian soldier, who, like ______________ ¹ Homage: a public show of respect or honour towards someone or something (esp. in the phrases pay or do homage to). 2. (in feudal society) the act of respect ...

... decorated for bravery, and 12 000 were killed. ‘The Jews were pathologically patriotic’, says Rabbi Prinz. ‘My father served in the war, and my grandfather was wounded in 1866, in the war against the Austrians. He was enormously proud of that’ … The Jewish population in Germany was only one half of one percent. The Jewish deaths in the war were three percent’.” 612 In spite of this, the contribution ...

... , to do the decisive deed, the nation exulted. Sharing in the exultation on the Odeonsplatz in Munich was a twenty-five year old painter of watercolours who had been rejected as unfit by the Austrian army, but who now volunteered to sacrifice his life for Germany in a Bavarian regiment. In Adolf Hitler’s later speeches and writings one can trace all the thoughts touched upon above, but fitted ...

... A profusion of tastefully-arranged flowers mingled their perfumes with it. The atmosphere was celestial. There was his large bed, and behind it a bronze bust of him, made—I learned later—by an Austrian sculptress. My whole being became unusually calm and quiet. I re-entered the passage-room and came into the Meditation Hall. I moved slowly, and paused in front of the small room where there was a ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... throw up any remarkable military genius like Foche. If Foche had been placed in command sooner, the war would have ended much earlier. The Balkan peoples and the Turks are also good fighters. The Austrians are not. DR. BECHARLAL: What about the Sikhs and the Gurkhas? SRI AUROBINDO: They are unsurpassed. But a war does not depend only on soldiers: it depends more on generals. PURANI: Schomberg ...

... writings in his anti-Semitic magazine In Plain German. Hitler too began taking to this wonderful region, dominated by the Watzmann and the Untersberg. (The fact that Berchtesgaden is practically on the Austrian border may have played a part in Hitler’s appreciation; for during his climb to power he might have to flee before the German law at any moment. He became a German citizen only in 1932.) In 1925 he ...

... enforced by much the same methods as the Indian boycott but with a much more stringent Page 638 and effective organisation. The Italian uprising of 1848 was heralded by the boycott of Austrian cigarettes and the tobacco riots in Milan. The boycott was the indispensable weapon of the Parnell movement in Ireland, and boycott and Swadeshi are the leading cries of Sinn Fein. The first practical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... People Hitler and his God List and Lanz We have met Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels in the first chapters of our story. We recall that these Austrian mythic visionaries were widely read and exerted a direct influence on the Germanenorden, of which the Thule Society was a chapter. Both saw the Germanic race as a people of god-men who temporarily ...

... political motive has been mainly a cover for the commercial. Not the political subjugation of Serbia which could only be a fresh embarrassment to the Austrian empire, but the commercial possession of the outlet through Salonika was the motive of Austrian policy. Pan-Germanism covered the longings of German industry for possession of the great resources and the large outlet into the North Sea offered ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Raktabij, men who to their own strength add the strength, doubled and quadrupled by death or persecution, of the martyrs for the cause. It was the exiled of Italy, it was the men who languished in Austrian and Bourbon dungeons, it was Poerio and Silvio Pellico and their fellow-sufferers whose collected strength reincarnated in Mazzini and Garibaldi and Cavour to free their country. Let there be no ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... our liberation. If the Bengal Moderates cling to the Convention they too will be no longer a factor in the work of liberation but an enemy and an obstacle like the Italian Moderates who clung to the Austrian Page 1063 domination as necessary to Italy. They are forfeiting their future when they deny the future of their country. If parties are to arise henceforth it must be among those who are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... two-faced. Röhm is a pig. This is the old guard of the Führer.” 204 And Gregor said, shortly before he too would be murdered in “The Night of the Long Knives”: “From now on Germany is in the hands of an Austrian [Hitler] who is a congenial liar, a former officer [Göring] who is a pervert, and a clubfoot [Goebbels]. And I tell you the last is the worst of them all. This is Satan in human form.” 205 “The ...

... but one suffering the more, and the deeper the suffering the greater the glory, the more celestial the reward. We cannot suffer more than Poerio in his Neapolitan dungeon or Silvio Pellico in his Austrian fortress or Mazzini in his lifelong exile. It is with the lifeblood of a nation's best and the unshed tears that well up from the hearts of its strong men that the tree of liberty is watered. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... their continuance either to a force imposed on their constituent elements or else to a political convenience felt or acquiesced in by the constituents and favoured by the world outside. The Austrian empire or the Holy Roman Empire that was on its last legs before the First World War, was long the standing example of such an empire; it was a political convenience favoured by the world outside ...

... remember that all revolutionary movements originated in the fringes of one or other established paradigm, as Impressionism did in the fringes of classicist painting, and as Nazism, led by an unknown Austrian corporal, did in the fringes of a Germany in turmoil. ...

... asserted that non-Nordic man occupied an intermediary position between Nordic man and the animal world. The non-Nordic man was not a whole man, for he still shared traits with the apes.” 571 The Austrian Antisemitenbund was founded in 1889, in a country which was even more anti-Semitic than Germany, and where figures like Georg von Schönerer and Karl Lueger made a lasting impression on “Adi”. The... comparable in [other] Western nations. From 1890 to 1914 the generation that would support the Nazis found the superiority of Germanic racial stock a textbook cliché. Countless memoirs of German and Austrian Jews tell of harassment received from public school teachers, petty classroom tyrants enforcing the discipline of the barracks, spiritual warriors for the Germanic soul. Although millions of Germans ...

... Eckart, who was scheduled to give another talk on that day; being prevented by illness he had himself replaced by Gottfried Feder and delegated Dr Gutberlet to report on the first appearance of the Austrian corporal outside the Reichswehr. Eckart’s initial encounters with Hitler must therefore have taken place before 12 September and after the first days of June, when Hitler was following the special... was the way in which he would soon introduce him to his circle of well-heeled acquaintances. Captain Mayr’s respectful address of his lowly subordinate, General von Möhl’s special interest in the Austrian corporal, Eckart’s support for “a man from nowhere” whom he had known only shortly, and his introduction to a branch of the Thule Society with far-reaching albeit hidden ambitions, plus Hitler’s career ...

... and convinced his professor to attend one of Hitler’s speeches. “Professor-General” Haushofer would not take the risk (as yet) of compromising himself with that outlandish political upstart, the Austrian corporal, who at that time was still in the Army. Moreover, as reported afterwards by Hess’ wife, Haushofer resented Hitler’s influence on his favourite student and close companion. Hess’ enthusiasm ...

... whom he bought copies of In Plain German for distribution among the military. We may presume that Mayr introduced Hitler to Eckart in June or at the latest in July, and that both agreed that this Austrian Corporal with the Iron Cross and the gift of the gab might be an asset for the Thule Society’s floundering DAP. Hitler was not an anti-Semite (at least not outspoken) in May, under the Republic ...

... and industry as a necessary concomitant of the revolutionary endeavour." Both Tilak and Sri Aurobindo were in favour of an effective boycott of British goods —but British goods only, not American, Austrian or German. They were for national self-sufficiency in key industries but it did not seem desirable to them to go in for a complete self-sufficiency "since a free India would need to export goods as ...

... this Society; in Otto Rahn, the SS-man with a mission to find the Holy Grail; and in Heinrich Himmler and his Ahnenerbe (ancestral heritage), who relied for several years on the assistance of the Austrian seer Karl Maria Wiligut, alias Weisthor. Himmler made the SS into a combatant occult order. There was a socialist tendency represented by the brothers Gregor and Otto Strasser, by Goebbels (till ...

... Jews seems to have been a phenomenon with a sudden origin in which his mentor Dietrich Eckart was involved and for which he was possibly responsible. It can hardly have been a coincidence that the Austrian corporal without a future contacted the German Workers’ Party, founded as an initiative of the Thule Society, in the days his military superior asked him respectfully to write a letter on the Jewish ...

... I try to explain to myself today how Hitler could exert this psychological power for hours on end.” 883 The following two stanzas are from a volume of poems written by anonymous members of the Austrian Hitler Youth. “Even when a thousand people stand before you, / each one feels your gaze for himself / and thinks this must be the great moment for him, / and you will look deep into his soul … For ...

... t Hitler was, as a fanatical Pan-German, an arch-opponent of Bavarian separatism, with a deep resentment against royalty and nobility in general. The triumvirate, for its part, looked down on the Austrian ex-corporal who, in their eyes, was “a pretentious young man of obscure origin who seemed somewhat cracked”. 213 Ernst Hanfstängl will bear witness to the fact that “Hitler’s fight against this attitude ...

... but not crazy, not to the degree of proclaiming himself publicly as the Führer of the German people when he was still “a lonely wanderer out of nothingness” (his own words), a practically unknown Austrian, a lowly former corporal, a political backstreet adventurer and beer hall orator – while Ludendorff “was regarded as the symbol of the national struggle”. 167 But Hitler’s attitude was quite different ...

... Hitler’s mind from the beginning of his career and remained always present, even when circumstances forced him to agree for a while with the Madagascar plan or with the emigration of the German and Austrian Jews. The ultimate settlement of accounts between the false and the true Chosen People was, in Hitler’s vision, inevitable. The growth of the National Socialist movement, the regained prosperity of ...

... article of his, later on published in the American review Current History under the title “I was Hitler’s Boss – By a former Officer of the Reichswehr”. It was in this article that Mayr compared the Austrian corporal in the first months after the Great War to “a worn out stray dog” who would accept a crust of bread from anyone who wanted to be his master, even from a Frenchmen or a Jew. Mayr was caught ...

... Great War); the protagonist of the Aryan race, the Jew, had to be discarded in one way or another. But now Hitler dared to express what could only have drawn ridicule when he was still known as the Austrian corporal: Germany must conquer the world for the Aryan race, and they would begin where they had left off six centuries ago, in “the East”. In Landsberg prison he had had the time to reflect, to meditate ...

... court-martialed, that consequently the trial would not be accessible to the public and that his means of defence would be limited. The other reason, and the most important one, was that he, as an Austrian citizen, would be extradited to his country of origin. 1 But his fears were allayed when he learned that he would appear before an ordinary, civil court and that the presiding judge, appointed ...

... fusion attach the foreign element to the Empire. Nor is there any such powerful outside attraction or clash of formed cultures or incompatible temperaments as made so difficult the real union of the Austrian Empire. All that is needed is that England should continue to handle the problem with a right instinct and not commit anything like her fatal American blunder or the mistake she committed but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... often breaks into a shrill falsetto when he becomes aroused. Nor is it his diction that makes him a great orator. In the early days this was particularly bad. It was a mixture of High German with an Austrian dialect. Nor was it the structure of his speeches that made him a great orator. On the whole, his speeches were sinfully long, badly structured, and very repetitious. Some of them are positively painful ...

... Germany of today are having a Slavonic name?” 457 The appearance of Hitler himself, as of most Germans, hardly agreed with the Aryan norm. Many tribes from the West and the East had traversed the Austrian Waldviertel, the region where he came from, and one of his grandfathers remains unknown. He was acidly mocked in the pre-1933 leftist press for his “emphatically non-Aryan appearance”, especially ...

... time, this youth was repeating a curious mantra in his heart: Sri Aurobindo-Mauthausen. Only these two words remained to live and walk with. Behind, there was a world collapsed once for all under the Austrian watchtowers. Although the watchtowers might as well have been Boulevard Montparnasse—it was the same thing; another searchlight would have pierced the scenery perfectly well. And there was in that ...

... that an independent Finland would profit much more by encouraging the passage of Russian commerce through Finnish ports or an Italian Trieste by encouraging the passage of the commerce of the present Austrian provinces than by setting up a barrier between itself and its natural feeders. An Ireland politically or administratively independent, able to develop its agricultural and technical education and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... convictions and his closeness to Hitler. Deep within himself he could not accept that Adolf Hitler was the one and only God-sent Führer, for had he himself not been an anti-Semite long before the Austrian even had become interested in such notions, and had he not seen Hitler come to the fore among equals, even among mentally superior people who had acted as his promoters and mentors? When Ludendorff ...

... used to deal in wild animals. He had a menagerie, and he used to buy wild animals everywhere, in all countries where they are caught, in order to sell them again on the European market. He was an Austrian, I think. He had come to Paris, and he said to me, "I have to deal with two kinds of tamers. I would like to know very much which of the two is more courageous. There are those who love animals very ...

... have followed it, unknown and nameless, up to the final success. Often declared dead and always wished dead, in the end I have nonetheless been victorious “. When bullying like a gangster boss the Austrian Chancellor von Schuschnigg during his fateful visit to the Obersalzberg in February 1938, shortly before the Anschluss, Hitler shouted: “I have a historic mission, and this historic mission I will ...

... Regiment”, and the day he requested the corporal most respectfully to explain the Jewish problem to another army propagandist. There something must have happened that led to the introduction of the Austrian corporal to the small and secret political offshoot of the Thule organization, the DAP, and to the astonishing fact that Hitler entered politics fully prepared to use the irrelevant political circle ...

... purity of their blood. Himmler stimulated these pretences to superhumanity in every way he could. One of his close consultants, with whom he had for some years a most cordial friendship, was an Austrian seer, Karl Maria Wiligut aka Weisthor, “the last descendant of a long line of German sages, the Uiligotis of the Asa-Uana-Sippe, which dated back to a remote prehistoric era”. 833 Impressed by the ...

... similar direction: “The race pushes itself once more to the fore, pure and irresistible … From now on a destiny of heroes in the style of ancient times is possible again.” 514 And René Alleau quotes the Austrian author Otto Höfler who wrote: “The most honored god of the German tribes was the lord of demonic possession … Wotan is the savage god of possession, the divine master of the ecstatic Männerbünde ...

... Among the books reviewed I saw the title: Wittgenstein's lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge, 1939. The editor had drawn upon the notes of four students of that brilliant Austrian who had become the most influential thinker of his day with his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. In the list of the students I noticed the name : R. G. Bosanquet. My mind flew back to the ...

... creatures of this type. They say this about Napoleon too. He went on winning his victories without end and no one could stop his onward march. The old experienced generals of the enemy Powers, the Austrians for example, practically gave up trying. On being criticised for their failure, they said, "But what on earth can we do? The fellow does not observe any of the principles of warfare. How can one ...

... creatures of this type. They say this about Napoleon too. He went on winning his victories without end and no one could stop his onward march. The old experienced generals of the enemy Powers, the Austrians for example, practically gave up trying. On being criticised for their failure, they said, "But what on earth can we do? The fellow does not observe any of the principles of warfare. How can one ...

... sovereigns, the powerful neighbors of a greatly weakened state, had decided Poland's ruin. Three successive partitions had dismembered it into fragments which became officially German, Russian and Austrian. On several occasions the Poles rose against their oppressors: They succeeded only in strengthening the bounds that held them prisoners. After the failure of the heroic revolution of 1831 the tsar... common life. We knew by our experiments that in the treatment of pitchblende at the uranium plant of St. Joachimsthal, radium must have been left in the residues, and, with the permission of the Austrian government, which owned the plant, we succeeded in securing a certain quantity of these residues, then quite valueless, and used them for extraction of radium. How glad I was when the sacks arrived... that of the primitive ore! It was a stroke of luck that the residues had not been thrown far away or disposed of in some way, but left in a heap in the pine wood near the plant. Some time later, the Austrian government, on the proposition of the Academy of Science of Vienna, let us have several tons of similar residues at a low price. With this material was prepared all the radium I had in my laboratory ...

... built and made and what is the secret of its functionings or the way out of its disorder." 2 The first major development which ushered in a deeper view of psychology came through the work of the Austrian psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). The study of psychopathological behaviour led Freud to the discovery of what he called the unconscious - that part of the mind which is the storehouse of instincts ...

... property on the banks of the Oosteri lake, and these too received her attention. The Ashram itself continued to attract sadhaks and visitors from all over the world. Mr. Josef Szarka, a dedicated Austrian seeker came for good in August 1957, Since he was also a holder of the Black Belt in Judo, the Japanese art of wrestling, the Department of Physical Education was able, in February 1958, to introduce ...

... days before, viz three days. There will be still flying clouds & temporary spells. For some days there have been continual proofs of vyapti prakamya. eg the presence of an Austrian warship at Durazzo, the rumour of the Austrian consul being killed, etc. Yesterday there came in the mind the positive idea that Turkey had asked to be included in the Balkan Confederacy; today the same is given (in yesterday's ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... to start from Bombay in the Austrian Lloyds steamer leaving on the 1st of April, but finding that he could not catch that steamer, he decided to leave Calcutta for Pondicherry in the M.M. boat. "Some rumours state that Arabinda Ghose has taken Rs. 25,000 in sovereigns with him, but if it is true that he intended to proceed to Berlin via Trieste in the Austrian Lloyds steamer and eventually ...

... of a living cause, there would arise, "like the giants from the blood of Raktabij", men of redoubled or quadrupled strength: It was the exiled of Italy, it was the men who languished in Austrian and Bourbon dungeons, it was Poerio and Silvio Pellico and their fellow sufferers whose collected strength reincarnated in Mazzini and Garibaldi and Cavour to free their country. When John ...

... an architecture, the vital function of growth, adaptation, reproduction - the final function of death - are not merely cellular but organic phenomena." Ludwig von Bertalanffy, perhaps the greatest Austrian biologist of our day, avers: "The fact that the processes in an organism are regulated according to the needs of the whole is the most striking characteristic of the phenomena of life." J.B.S. Haldane ...

... "Hundreds of us in the Ashram are far away from home, ten thousand miles away in some cases. But somehow we are not homesick, for after all 'home is where the Mother is'. " 13 Another, A. Baudisch, an Austrian-German, had long been puzzled by the hiatus created by modem technology between man and his ultimate source of origins: Modern applied science, technocracy based on it, 'sport', at least its ...

... our chances & what we ought to do in these circumstances. The war is open to a certain number of broad chances. I. Those bringing about the destruction of the two Teutonic empires, German & Austrian. This may happen either by an immediate German defeat, its armies being broken & chased back from Belgium & Alsace-Lorraine to Berlin, which is not probable, or by the Russian arrival at Berlin ...

... Andrée Karpéles, demonstrated the art of wood-engraving in Page 56 which she was an expert. In the same year came Mr Fryman, a Mexican connoisseur. Also in the twenties came the Austrian, Madame Liza Von Pott, who was the first instructor in sculpture. She was followed by Madame Millward, an English student of the great Bourdelle; let us recall that the Belgian was a student of Rodin's ...

... Rio de Janeiro Bay is really very beautiful. An island covered with red flowers: red flame trees. And there was an Page 43 old house on it that was supposed to have been occupied by an Austrian, I think. It was truly a stunning place. The gardens were dotted with Greek Venuses; the rooms were full of antique furniture.... Oh, really an extraordinary place, and in the middle of nowhere. And ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... us ever fulfil a hundredth part of such countless conditions ? At times I felt on the verge of despair and had to shut it up and turn to D.H. Lawrence's letters (850 pages presented to me by my Austrian Freundin Frau Rene Fülöp Miller) published by Aldous Huxley to come to—for this is a fascinating book though Lawrence suffered enormously. However from Lawrence's "absorbingly beautiful” ...