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Barcelona : capital of Barcelona province in North-Eastern Spain, a major Mediterranean port, & the second largest city of Spain. It was repeatedly bombed by the state-of-art warplanes of Hitler & Mussolini in the civil war was triggered by their ally, General Franco who was fully backed by the Catholic Church, against the legally elected Republican Government. It was a foretaste of what awaited all humanity when Hitler, Mussolini, & their allies unleashed their New World Order.

13 result/s found for Barcelona

... Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo 26th January, 1939 Disciple : It seems Barcelona – in Spain – is going. The French people are waking up at the eleventh hour. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, democracies are showing such courage at present! Disciple : It seems, political ideas and ideals are not worth fighting for. Thousands fought for democracy and... units can be scattered all over country and they can combine or co-ordinate their activities for a common purpose. Page 192 26th January, 1939 Disciple : It seems Barcelona – in Spain – is going. The French people are waking up at the eleventh hour. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, democracies are showing such courage at present! Disciple : It seems, political ideas ...

... Filled with the Crash of War I am filled with the crash of war and the shout of Cain, Victories and marchings and agonised retreats, I feel the bombs burst and the cries of pain In Barcelona and in Canton streets. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... invisible masters of the ruling order and so end their sovereignty. I look across the world and no horizon walls my gaze; I see Paris and Tokyo and New York, I see the bombs bursting in Barcelona and on Canton streets … 34 Sri Aurobindo wrote these lines in September 1938. The unifying world suffered the labour pains of the birth of a new era — from the beginning of the century, actually ...


... 4834 1251 92 22 1980 Moscow, U.S.S.R. 4265 1088 81 23 1984 Los Angeles, USA 5458 1620 141 24 1988 Seoul, South Korea 159 25 1992 Barcelona, Spain 172 26 1996 Atlanta, USA. 197 27 2000 Sydney, Australia. 199 28 2004 Athens, Greece. (scheduled) 29 2008 Beijing, China ...

... not foresee what others did from far away as to what would become of Czechoslovakia, as a result of the separation of Sudetenland. He said it would be all right. SRI AUROBINDO: Didn't he go to Barcelona during the Spanish War? PURANI: Yes, and he said that the Republicans would win. SRI AUROBINDO: Prophecy didn't come true. PURANI: No. Amery is bringing in an Emergency Bill. SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... September 1938, Sri Aurobindo could write in his poem "The Cosmic Man": I look across the world and no horizon walls my gaze; I see Paris and Tokyo and New York, I see the bombs bursting on Barcelona and on Canton streets. Man's numberless misdeeds and rare good deeds take place within my single self. I am the beast he slays, the bird he feeds and saves. The thoughts of unknown minds ...


... the first oil embargo and the fifteenth Chinese thermonuclear bomb, the fifth French nuclear explosion, Watergate and the filth plain for all to see everywhere, commandos and students’ unrest in Barcelona, Bangkok, Athens…. Almarik, Solzhenitsyn, the first American space laboratory⎯towards what truer space? What less suffocating air? It springs up from all sides, through all the pores of the carbon ...

... The Cosmic Man Know more > I look across the world and no horizon walls my gaze; I see Tokyo and Paris and New York, I see the bombs bursting on Barcelona and on Canton streets. Man's numberless misdeeds and small good deeds take place within my single self; I am the beast he slays, the bird he feeds and saves; The thoughts of unknown minds exalt ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... in 1986, in which is clearly shown that not one theory of life comes even near to explaining the origin of a living, self-reproducing organism on our planet. The papers of the 1993 congress in Barcelona on the same subject contain masses of data and a lot of hopeful surmises, but they have not taken us a step nearer to the explanation of life. The truth is that science knows little about the ...


... Page 354 in conflict with the interests of the mind, was to be verified times without number. The present writer himself witnessed a striking example. It happened in a Montessori school in Barcelona run by the Sisters of Charity in connection with a maternity home. A little girl of about five to five-and-a-half years was doing sums with the help of the number rods on a rug on the floor, recording ...

... 1939 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 26 JANUARY 1939 PURANI: Barcelona is going! The French people are waking up at the eleventh hour. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. The democracies are not showing much courage at present at any rate. SATYENDRA: It seems political ideas are not worth fighting for. Today one fights for democracy, tomorrow for monarchy or, dictatorship ...


... come up in future whom he can kill. Disciple : Spain is finished. Sri Aurobindo : Yes. Disciple : But Madrid remains and General Mioja is there. Sri Aurobindo : When Barcelona has fallen Mioja cannot do anything. Besides, what can he do without arms and food. Disciple : Mussolini does not intend to remove the troops from Spain. Sri Aurobindo : That is what ...

... commandoes carried out their machine gun attacks in Khartoum, Athens, Fiumi- cino. There was a coup d'etat in Afghanistan, a coup d'etat in Chile, terrorism in Ireland. Students were demonstrat­ing in Barcelona, in Bangkok, in Greece. There was the Cultural Revolution in Libya, the Cultural Revolution in China. There were droughts in the Sahel, the devaluation of the dollar, Watergate. It was the fifteenth ...