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... he stopped: 'That's my house.' It was red! Painted red! And he added, 'When Barley came here, he asked me, "Why did you paint your house red?"' (Barley was a French occultist who put Theon in touch with France and was his first disciple.) There was a mischievous gleam in Theon's eyes and he smiled sardonically: 'I told Barley, "Because red goes well with green!" 'With that, I began to understand the ...
... sites in the Punjab; and, in the early phase, the settlements were not cities but villages with impermanent huts as ordinary dwellings. The economy was based on cattle-raising and cultivation of rice, barley and wheat. No graves or burials have been found at any PGW site. Cremation, therefore, was perhaps the usual manner of disposing of the dead as in the Vedic culture. Many of the PGW sites figure centrally... across Europe with the increase and spread of agriculture from Anatolia, which is regarded as the first centre of Indo-European. Renfrew 137 surmises that "the cultivation of cereal crops (six row barley, eincorn, emmer and bread wheat) preceding 6000 B.C. at Mehrgarh may be due to "some sort of wave of advance" from Anatolia to south and east like the one to north and west. Thus the people of the ...
... older (I met Schuré, by the way—a rather hollow individual). His name began with a B and he's the one who formulated these "Axioms." You once mentioned someone called Barley.... Ah, that's it! Barley. Yes, it must be Barley. Madame Théon, who was English, was the one who wrote, but she used to write stories, while this... this looks like Barley's work to me, because I read something at the ...
... a kind of grain ? smallness passion emotion कुन्तलः hair, lock Substance (tufted, hairy) drinking cup contain plough pressure (break) barley Substance (rough) Page 639 a perfume scent. कुंतलिका butter knife Pressure — pierce कुथ् कुथं, कुथः, कुथा elephant’s housings, carpet. Cover... fighter. जाजिन् जनमेजयः Janamejaya (conqueror in battle) जन्यं war, battle जयंतः Son of Indra; Shiva, Vishnu. जयंती daughter of Indra .. Durga .. flag, banner .. Dasera barley. जि to conquer, win, surpass.. *expect from (exact) जय, जयः जया, जयक, जयत्सेनः, जयद्वलः, जयनं, जयिन्, जरूय, जायिन्, जिगीषा, जिगीषु, जित, जित्, जितिः, जित्य, जित्या, जित्वन्, जित्वर (-री) ...
... 3) Varuna poured forth over earth and heaven and the mid-air the holder of the waters whose windows open downward; by him the King of all the world floods the earth as the rain floods a field of barley. उनत्ति भूमिं पृथिवीमुत द्यां यदा दुग्धं वरुणो वष्टयादित् । समभ्रेण वसत पर्वतासस्तविषीयन्तः श्रथयन्त वीराः ॥४॥ 4) Varuna floods the wide earth and heaven, yea, when he desires the milk of... forth over our earth and heaven and Page 547 mid-world the holder of wisdom with his doors opening downward; 14 with him the king of all our being floods our earth like rain flooding the barley. 4) He floods our earth in its wideness and our heaven, yea, Varuna when he desires that milk, 15 pours it forth; the mountains are covered with the cloud, his heroes 16 put forth their strength ...
... gripped your father's fancy though I am afraid his more esoterically-minded daughter would have had to run a commentary to him at certain places. White Stallion White stallion champing the barley Of silent bliss -Gathering into thy heart's Vermillion abyss A power outrunning time, As if to a witching west Out of a wizard east Racing were one with rest, A calm that suddenly ...
... The Adventure of the Apocalypse White stallion White stallion champing the barley Of silent bliss— Gathering into thy heart's Vermilion abyss A power outrunning time, As if to a witching west Out of a wizard east Racing were one with rest, A calm that suddenly views Here grown to There, A wide-awake sleep ...
... cast their shadow. 547 Where was I when my face lay numb 729 White birds of magic depths, 536 White horse, white horse, 142 White stallion champing the barley 264 "Who knows the travail of my earthward vow— 453 Who rings those bells, 656 Why, Soul, look ever ahead to the unborn Gods? 245 Why ...
... and a half years.” Others to be slain are the money-lenders, rich merchants, overcharging shopkeepers, unscrupulous lawyers. Then will start the reign of the common people in “abundance of bread and barley and wine and oil at a low price … All property shall become one common property; then there will indeed be one shepherd and one sheepfold”. These were the common expectations of the Middle Ages, a ...
... The Secret Splendour White stallion champing the barley Of silent bliss— Gathering into thy heart's Vermilion abyss A power outrunning time, As if to a witching west Out of a wizard east Racing were one with rest, A calm that suddenly views Here grown to There, A wide-awake sleep devouring Aeons with a ...
... the Pythia delivered the inspired messages of the god. Demeter: Daughter of Cronos and Rhea, sister of Zeus, Demeter was an ancient goddess of agriculture and of the fruitful soil. Wheat and barley were sacred to Demeter and her daughter Persephone, with ears of corn Page 114 her. She was called "thesmophoros”, "who gives laws", and presided over marriage ...
... cleaned each time we apply Listerine, or shall we clean it with Listerine itself? Listerine itself can be used for cleaning. November 8, 1937 N is taking now: 5 cups of milk, 1 litre barley water, soup, 1 loaf bread, 2 or 3 oranges. Is it sufficient? It seems to me sufficient. November 9, 1937 J says there is much burning by Listerine. I apply it 4 times a day. The powder ...
... spear Like a frenzied god of battle trampling all he killed And the earth ran black with blood. Thundering on, On like oxen broad in the brow some field hand yokes To crush white barley heaped on a well-laid threshing floor And the grain is husked out fast by the bellowing oxen's hoofs — So as the great Achilles rampaged on, his sharp-hoofed stallions Trampled shields ...
... had all the large benevolence, sweet reasonableness and placid self-satisfaction of a man who had legislated as he had dined, wisely and well. It reeked of the olives and turtle soup and bannocks o' barley meal, it had the generous flavour of the liqueurs and the champagne. He first assured the assembled clans that the unrest was not purely a seditious movement nor an anti-partition movement,—Sir Harvey ...
... exertion; यशः is fame, glory, beauty, wealth,—in Bengali, success, attainment, probably a survival of its original sense; in यविष्ठ youngest, from a lost यवः, not lost to the Veda, युवन् youth etc, & in यव barley, यवसः grass, the root sense is "strong, flourishing, vigorous"; यस्, यासः (आयासः, प्रयासः) bring us back to the idea of effort and labour. These significations arise [as] developments from the sense ...
... प्राणापानौ व्रीहियवौ तपश्च श्रद्धा सत्यं ब्रह्मचर्यं विधिश्च ॥७॥ 7) And from Him have issued many gods, and demi-gods and men and beasts and birds, the main breath and downward breath, and rice and barley, and askesis and faith and Truth, and chastity and rule of right practice. सप्त प्राणाः प्रभवन्ति तस्मात्सप्तार्चिषः समिधः सप्त होमाः । सप्त इमे लोका येषु चरन्ति प्राणा गुहाशया निहिताः सप्त सप्त ...
... death, like sleep, is only a shifting of the habitation, a transference of activity to another field. It is no more rest than the passing of a labourer reaping in a field of corn to work in a field of barley. His temporary & partial realisations of that he seeks are also not man's rest, for from these halting places he moves forwards towards a new activity and a continued journey. Like everything else ...
... moves wide over earth, when swiftly thou tearest thy food with thy jaws, the movement of thy march is like a charging army; O strong doer, with thy tongue of flame thou art like one sifting-grain of barley. तमिद् दोषा तमुषसि यविष्ठमग्निमत्यं न मर्जयन्त नरः । निशिशाना अतिथिमस्य योनौ दीदाय शोचिराहुतस्य वृष्णः ॥५॥ 5) Him in the dusk, him in the dawn, the ever youthful Fire men groom like a horse ...
... । तासामध्वर्युरागतौ यवो वृष्टीव मोदते ॥६॥ 6) When the sister of the Mother comes to him bringing the yield of the Light, the Priest of the pilgrim-sacrifice rejoices in her advent as a field of barley revels in the rain. Page 44 स्वः स्वाय धायसे कृणुतामृत्विगृत्विजम् । स्तोमं यज्ञं चादरं वनेमा ररिमा वयम् ॥७॥ 7) Himself for his own confirming let the Priest of the rite create ...
... Strabo (IX.1.64), 1 believed to be drawing upon Megasthenes, recounts the speech of the Indian ascetic Calanus to Alexander's messenger Onesicritus: "In olden times the world was full of barley-meal and wheaten-meal, as now of dust, and fountains then flowed, some with water, others with milk and likewise with honey, and others with wine, and some with olive oil; but, by reason of his ...
... protein." 1 Carbohydrates on their part can be converted into body fat. This was well demonstrated by the classical experiments of Lawes and Gilbert. "Young pigs were fed on a diet of barley containing very little fat, and it was found that the amount of body fat present when the animals were killed was greater than could have been obtained from the fat supplied or even the fat and protein ...
... He was often seen mending his clothes or shoes, kindling the fire, sweeping the floor, milking the family-got in his yard, or shopping for provisions in the market. His staple foods were dates and barley bread; milk and honey were occasional luxuries and he obeyed his own interdiction of wine. Courteous to the great, affable to the humble, dignified to the presumptuous, indulgent to his aides, kindly ...
... whether what is given to adults for that purpose can be administered to children. They say that the pains seem to have decreased, as the child slept well. As regards diet, he is given freely barley water, whey and glucose water. Shall we give milk? Milk might be too heavy. The diet seems all right. Now I am wondering if Nolini heard it right. Did Mother disapprove only of emetine or all ...
... And changing himself to a glossy-maned black stallion He sired twelve colts on them. These, when they galloped The grain-giving earth, could cross in their sport a field Of ripe barley without so much as disturbing a kernel, And when they cavorted across the broad back of the brine, They would skim the high waves that break on the gray salt-sea; Erichthonius, then, begot ...
... e if he is supposed to digest, it is all right—otherwise! July 30, 1935 Yes, I permitted the stove since he was complaining of much flatulence, so that he could take milk diluted with barley and sago, but rasogollas not at all. I am informed that he ate 2 rasogollas and offered to P. P told him to confess, but he has not done so—for fear I suppose that his stove should be taken away ...
... N's. Rubbish! If D wants to meet the Mother in the vital, he has to go through N's vital, he says. Bejabbus! Ramchandra wants S's stove, sign (?) and coals, kerosene, spirit, cocoa and barley to be removed from his room bodily and summarily. We don't know how to organise this raid. Mother suggests that you might undertake it, the things to be distributed afterwards to the proper quarters ...
... born from the Spirit. "And from Him are many kinds of gods produced and the demi-gods and men and the beasts and the birds, and the breath and the nether breath, and grain of rice and grain of barley, and faith and truth and holiness and rule. "And the seven breaths are born of Him, and the seven tongues ’ of the flame, and the seven kinds of fuel and the seven kinds of offering, and the ...
... a concrete experience. Even the wall, the books are Brahman. I see you no more as Dr. Manilal but as the Divine living in the Divine. It is a wonderful experience." It all began in the Magistrate Barley's court. "I looked and it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the ...
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