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Bauls : Bengali sannyāsis (comprising Hindu & Muslim Sufis) known for the spontaneity of their mystical verse.

10 result/s found for Bauls

... personality? Ramakrishna once said, of the God-intoxicated dervishes of India, “The Bauls came, they sang, they danced and they departed, but none understood them.” At the time of the joint manifestation of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, there appeared on earth a group of Bauls. Truly, they possessed the qualities of Bauls. They were not attached to anything on earth. They were born free. They came down... down upon earth to express their heart’s ecstasy by hailing the divine manifestation on earth. Sudhir-da was one of those ecstatic Bauls. ...

... philosophers and the influence of the saints; they heard and followed Buddha and the many who came after him; they were taught by the Sannyasins and sang the songs of the Bhaktas and Page 247 Bauls and thus possessed some of the most delicate and beautiful poetical literature ever produced; they contributed many of the greatest names in our religion, and from the outcastes themselves came saints ...


... Ashram 92 Asuras 5 Athens 47 Atri 8 Atul Gupta 102 Auchathya 8 Avatara 27 B Bacchus 34 Balaka 92 Bamardo 23, 24 Baudelaire 72 Bauls 84 Beethoven 9 Bengal 91, 104 Bengalis 98 Bengal mysticism 88 Bengali Poetry 82 Bhakta 78 Boris Pasternak 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45 Brahman 12 Brihat ...


... sheer symbolism we rise into some kind of mental apprehension of the symbolistic experience. That mental element further gains ground and seeks even an intellectual illumination in the songs of the Bauls and Fakirs that form, the next stage of the evolution. Lalan the Fakir says: Page 84 It is within this man that the other man dwells; It is Him that saints and sages through ...


... lyrics are not the creation or meant for the appreciation of a cultivated class, but with few exceptions the expression of a popular culture. The Ramayana of Tulsidas, the songs of Ramprasad and of the Bauls, the wandering Vaishnava devotees, the poetry of Ramdas and Tukaram, the sentences of Tiruvalluvar and the poetess Avvai and the inspired lyrics of the southern saints and Alwars were known to all classes ...


... -us Fleurs du Mal, 95n -"Correspondances", 287n -"L'Aube spirituelle", 95 -"Le Couvercle", 95 -"L'Elevation",78n -"L'Irremediable," 95 -"Les Petites vieilles", 66n Bauls, 223 Bayle, 1O9n -Nouvelle de la Ripublique des Lettres, 1O9n Beethoven, 163 Bengal, 164, 228, 235, 261 Benois, 153 Berdyaev, Nicholas 129 Bergson, lOin., 248, 286 ...

... sheer symbolism we rise into some kind of mental apprehension of the symbolistic experience. That mental element further gains ground and seeks even an intellectual illumination in the songs of the Bauls and Fakirs that form the next stage of the evolution. Lalan the Fakir says: It is within this man that the other man dwells; It is Him that saints and sages through the ages had sought ...

... [ ↩ ] Sudhir used to say with admiration, “Nolini Gupta is not Nolini Gupta he is Gupta Nolini (‘gupta’ means ‘hidden’). You need to look into his eyes to fathom the hidden depths.” [ ↩ ] Baul – Spiritual minstrel. [ ↩ ] Editor — S. Kasturirangan Aiyangar, B.A., B.L. Hindu , 44 years. Published at National Press, 19, Wallajah Road, Madras (3130 copies) Madras Newspaper Report, p. 4 ...

... Bangali manush ar holo na. Makey bauley 'my dear', Bapkey boley 'damn shuar', Ma hoey jhiyeyr shathey tulona. Dadarey - Bangali manush ar holo na .... Occasionally, a Baul used to come too. He was a middle-aged man, his head covered with long, salt-and­ pepper hair, wearing a white robe and carrying an ektara in his hand. And as soon as we asked him to sing, he would ...

... in themselves..." (The Synthesis of Yoga, Cent. Ed., pp. 314-15) So one has to learn in time how to love men and objects without Page 22 out any inordinate attachment. The Baul mystics of India have a principle of sadhana which they significantly call "jyanté mora" "to die while still living": that is to say, to eliminate attachment in all its forms and from all objects ...