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Brahma Samaj Brahmo Samaj : a religion founded by Raja Rammohan Roy in 1828 which spread throughout Bengal. It rejected the Vedas & Hindu forms of worship & caste system without caring or daring to see that evils of caste-creed-class have always been universally practised in East & West, South & North of this blessed earth, but generously accepting ‘some’ Christian doctrines & rituals then introduced to save the souls of Hindu natives. In 1860s the religion split into two – one under Debendranath Tagore & the other under Keshab Sen. In 1878, some of Keshab’s followers formed the Sādhāran Brahmo Samāj.

31 result/s found for Brahma Samaj Brahmo Samaj

... to join the Medical College of the Calcutta University. As a college student K. D. Ghose became attracted to Brahmoism. As we have already seen, Rajnarain Bose was one of the leaders of the Brahmo Samaj. His eldest daughter, Swarnalata, was stunningly beautiful. So there is nothing strange that the young man from Konnagar should fall in love 1. Calcutta Gazette, April 1859. 1 feel that... grandmother ? The marriage was solemnized in 1864. Swarnalata was twelve and Krishna Dhan nineteen. 2 1.Keshab Chandra Sen (1838-84) was to break away from the original Brahmo Samaj, form another branch and disclaim any relation with Hinduism. But ironically he was a great admirer of Ramakrishna, whom he met in 1875, and wrote glowingly about him in his daily, The Indian Mirror... in the Bethune College, Calcutta. She edited several books of her father's work. Page 93 Book 1882 has this to report: "After Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose had joined the Bhagalpur Brahmo Samaj it received a strong impetus to work social reform. This was mainly directed towards the improvement of women.... In fact such was the attention bestowed by the Bhagalpur Brahmika Society to the ...

... Murshidabad, Bengal, and poet and friend of Dilipda. 42 . Keshav Chandra Sen (1838-1884) joined the Brahmo Samaj in 1857 and launched a dynamic program of social reforms. He was given the title of ‘Acharya’ in 1862 by Devendranath Tagore. He went on to form the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj in 1878. 43 . King Antigonus (382 BCE-301 BCE), son of Philip and founder of the Antigonid dynasty ...

... took place in 1864, when he was nineteen years old, to Swarnalata, the eldest daughter of Sj. Rajnarayan Bose. Swarnalata's age was twelve. The marriage was performed according to the rites of Adi Brahmo Samaj, towards which Dr. Ghose had leanings. In 1869 Dr. Ghose went to Britain for further medical studies. He had then two sons, Benoybhushan and Manmohan, whom he left with Swarnalata and a nurse, Miss ...

... Our Hope in the Future 27-August-1894 But profound as have been its effects, this revolution is yet in its infancy. Visible on every side, in the waning influence of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj, in the triumph of the Bengali language, in the return to Hinduism, in the pride of birth, the angry national feeling and the sensitiveness to insult, which are growing more and more common among... themselves, yet zealous for the honour of the ancient religion and hating all that makes war on it. With that generation the future lies and not with the Indian Unnational Congress or the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. Already its vanguard is upon us. It has in it men of culture, men of talent, men of genius. Let it only be true to itself and we shall do yet more marvellous things in the future than we have done ...

... in all Indian languages for a long time. If you say that such expressions should not be used, that is different. But how are they vulgar? Since when has Bengal become so puritan? It seems to be a Brahmo Samaj influence. NIRODBARAN: Tagore never uses such words. In Sanskrit they are used extensively. SRI AUROBINDO: Has Bhattacharya been to Shantiniketan? NIRODBARAN: But he is a Sanskrit scholar ...

... of his works? NIRODBARAN: I haven't seen any. SRI AUROBINDO: I have read neither any translation nor his original work. During his time, there was quite a strong cult of him. NIRODBARAN: Brahmo Samaj? SRI AUROBINDO: No. He was Brahmo only at the beginning, The three nationalist leaders of the day were his disciples—the first, I forgot his name, started the nationalist university, the second ...

... AUROBINDO: Tagore won't like that. NIRODBARAN: In this same issue has come the second instalment of your life by Girija S. R. Chowdhury. This man has brought out the whole history and origin of Brahmo Samaj to show its influence on your birth and your connection with it. SRI AUROBINDO: What have I got to do with that? My father was an atheist. NIRODBARAN: Your grandfather, Rajnarayan, was a Brahmo ...

... he had a non-sectarian view of his Vedic religion. In 181.4 he started the Atmiya Sabha which was a forerunner of the Brahmo Samaj, founded in 1828. These social and religious activities were to run parallel to the political regeneration he attempted to bring about. The Brahmo Samaj in its long history is inextricably linked to the nationalist discourse of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Roy... twentieth century to show how modernity in India was implicated in our spiritual traditions. I am, of course, referring to the movement from Derozio to Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the establishment of the Brahmo Samaj in Bengal, the Prarthana Samaj in Western India, the Arya Samaj in the North and the political, cultural and educational offshoots of these events. The Indian Renaissance, as it is called, is rooted ...

... by the very nature of the human mind. So long as men differ in intellect, in temperament, in spiritual development, there must be different religions and different sects of the same religion. The Brahmo Samaj was set on foot in India by Rammohan Roy with the belief that this would be the one religion of India which would replace and unite the innumerable sects now dividing our spiritual consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... : I understand that Ramakrishna used to say "Kama Kanchana". When the division came after his death one party said that he never uttered "Kamini" but "Kama". I don't think there was anyone in Brahmo Samaj with spiritual realization. Dwijendra Nath had something in him and Shiva Nath Shastri too and perhaps Keshab Sen. Bejoy Goswami ceased to be a Brahmo. Disciple : Lele had realization? ...

... attainments, synthesising in himself the cultures of both the East and the West, and widely known in Bengal as a leader of the Adi Brahmo Samaj and as "the grandfather of Indian nationalism" .² The marriage was performed according to the rites of the Brahmo Samaj to which Krishna Dhan then belonged. After taking his degree from the Medical College of the Calcutta University, Krishna Dhan ...

... Pradesh. Born in an orthodox Andhra family, he is widely considered as the man who first brought about a renaissance in the Telugu people and Telugu literature. He was influenced by the ideals of the Brahmo Samaj, particularly those of Keshub Chunder Sen. He got involved in the cause of social reforms. In 1876 he started a Telugu journal and wrote the first prose for women. He encouraged education for women... years old. When Bapamma grew up, she played an important role in his life, sharing his progressive ideas and extending support to him in his difficult days. He was influenced by the Brahmo Samaj leader, Atmuri Lakshmi Narasimha. The ideas of Raja Rammohun Roy, Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar and Keshub Chunder Sen had a powerful impact on him. David Kopf says; 'The new social conscience and c... dedicated to the well being of others. It is because Veerasalingam got a wife like her that he was able to carry on with his work in spite of social oppression.' [3] In the History of the Brahmo Samaj, Sivanath Sastri writes about Kandukuri Veeraselingam Pantulu: 'He constructed the first Brahmo Mandir in the Andhra country at Rajahmundry in 1887, he constructed a Widows' Home, a two storied ...

... political and cultural history of Bengal. Among the many outstanding men who have sprung up from the fertile cultural soil of Konnagar, special mention may be made of Sib Chandra Deb, a leader of the Brahmo Samaj movement and one of the great philanthropists of Bengal and, besides, one whose munificence gave Konnagar most of its public institutions; Dr. Trailokyanath Mitra and Raja Digambar Mitra, once... Medical College. When he was in his fourth year at the Medical College, he married Swarnalata Devi, aged twelve and the eldest daughter of Rishi Rajnarain Bose, according to the rites of Adi Brahmo Samaj. It was the alliance of two authentic and forceful currents in the inner life of Bengal. A contemporary of Michael Madhusudan Dutt, a student of Henry Derozio and David Hare, Rajnarain Bose was... country — Vedantic, Islamic and European" .* He has been called "the militant defender of his country, the Olympian champion of truth, the ruthless antagonist to sham"; 3 he was a leader of the Brahmo Samaj in its palmiest days, and Devendranath Tagore said of his books: "Whatever falls from the lips of Rajnarain Babu creates a great sensation in the country"; undoubtedly one of the makers of modern ...

... no hesitation in running the risk. Even earlier, as a student of the Medical College, he had broken away from orthodoxy by marrying Swarnalata, the daughter of Rajnarayan Bose, in accordance with Brahma Samaj rites. Rajnarayan himself was an outstanding product of the new India that was then rising. A contemporary of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and a close friend of the poet ...

... instinct of the Indian mind was that, if a reconstruction of ideas and of society was to be attempted, it must start from a spiritual basis and take from the first a religious motive and form. The Brahmo Samaj had in its inception a large cosmopolitan idea, it was even almost eclectic in the choice of the materials for the synthesis it attempted; it combined a Vedantic first inspiration, outward forms ...

... names like Keshub Chander Sen, Debendranath Tagore and Rajnarain Bose were connected with the Brahmo Samaj and its various branches. In 1875 Dayanand Saraswati founded in Gujarat the much more nationalistic Arya Samaj. Dissatisfied with the watered-down Christianism of much of the mainly Bengali Brahmo Samaj and its offspring, he returned to the Vedas and the chief tenets of Hinduism, but kept the social... moral experimentation cast Rajnarain into anguished introspection. He found support in the Vedanta philosophy, and, after coming into contact with Debendranath Tagore, became a member of the revived Brahmo Samaj.’ 3 It was the time of the Bengal Renaissance. The whole of India was dominated by the colonial masters, the British, under Queen Victoria, Empress of India. With a relatively small army, mainly... these trends.’ 4 The rediscovery of their own traditions went hand in hand with a critical re-evaluation of them. This resulted, for instance, in the foundation, in 1828, of the reformist Brahmo Samaj by Rammohan Roy. Having learned to look at their own religion through the eyes of Christian Westerners, Roy and his contemporaries wanted to discard its superfluous and superstitious excrescences ...

... advent of the modern age the conscience of the best Hindus has always rebelled against it. As far back as the days of Ram Mohan Roy the progressive movement started and reform organisations like the Brahmo-Samaj and the Arya-Samaj fought untouchability for decades on end. The biggest uproar against it came from a Hindu - Gandhi. And the Indian Constitution which expresses a good deal of the contemporary ...

... century may be said to have been marked by his occurrence in Bengal, his advocacy of English education, his fervent plea for urgent social reform (like the abolition of sati), his founding of the Brahmo Samaj, and his success in starting a dialogue with the British ruling class — a dialogue conducted with authority and responsibility as well as mutual esteem and regard. Rammohan was truly an Olympian... a, in the spectacular ministry of Dayanand Saraswati, in the seasoned evangelism of Ranade and Telang, the 'new' forged syntheses with the yet living, the perennially enduring past of India. Brahmo Samaj (with its later variations), Arya Samaj, Prarthana Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission, Theosophical Society are among these syntheses, each with its own secret of power and its own circle of influence ...

... a descendant of Adwaitacharya. He was married to Yogmaya Devi and became a brahmo. After he started his Yoga and was told by his guru that he could give diksha to others, he went out of the Brahmo Samaj, and later founded an ashram near Dacca. At the end of his life he became a Vaishnav. He wrote a book called Prashnottor [Questions and Answers]. 45. mayamrga: a magical golden deer which ...

... Indian Religion. Rammohan Roy may be called an imitative reformer, if Dayanand is a protestant reformist. He was among the first to oppose the blind orthodoxy of Hindu Religion and to found the Brahmo Samaj based on some ideas of the Unitarian Church and Upanishadic Vedanta. He worked, even at great risk, for the emancipation of Indian womanhood. one of his outstanding achievements being the abolition ...

... Aurobindo after his return from England studied the Hindu religion and culture and must have found profound truths which must have influenced him in his choice. Besides, in Bengal the reformist Brahmo Samaj was at that time much in fashion and educated people were attracted by the modes and manners of that society. Sri Aurobindo, I am afraid, did not have much sympathy with it though his own maternal ...

Nirodbaran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Mrinalini Devi

... Prakriti, so necessary to establish the basis of the spiritual life Disciple : The prayers in the Ashram are a fixed routine. Disciple You know, I once conducted a prayer in Nava Vidhan Brahmo Samaj ! It was greatly appreciated while I uttered absolute platitudes, I believe. Sri Aurobindo : They only appreciated it, that's all ? Disciple : No, they said : "it was poetic and ...

... influence and alien domination. While Keshub 9 was seeking to reconstruct Indian and specially Hindu social life more or less after 9. Keshub Chandra Sen, one of the foremost leaders of the Brahmo Samaj. Page 19 the modem European model, Rajnarayan's sturdy patriotism and national self-respect rebelled against the enormity, and came forward to establish the superiority of Hindu... instinct of the Indian mind was that, if a reconstruction of ideas and of society was to be attempted, it must start from a spiritual basis and take from the first a religious motive and form. The Brahmo Samaj had in its inception a large cosmopolitan idea, it was even almost eclectic in the choice of the materials for the synthesis it Page 71 attempted; it combined a Vedantic first inspiration... the time. He was the first Bengali to found and edit a journal in Bengali. He is called the Father of modern Bengali literary prose. He was also a poet whose Bengali hymns, which were sung in the Brahmo Samaj, founded by him, have a moving devotional quality and lyrical sweetness. Ram Mohan was also the father of constitutional political agitation 82 in India. He was a passionate lover of freedom ...

... and who care not for Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, a generation national to a fault.... With that generation the future lies and not with the Indian Unnational Congress or the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. Already its vanguard is upon us. ... Let it only be true to itself and we shall do yet more marvellous things in the future than we have done in the past. 4 Even the grand achievement of ...

... capacities of head and qualities of heart. Also he ruled like an uncrowned king both at Rangpur and Khulna, where he served as the District Medical Officer. Dr. K. D. Ghose had leanings towards the Brahmo Samaj before he went to Europe, but after his return he was an atheist and an agnostic. 2. Mr. Kulkami speaks of Sri Aurobindo's residence in England as if it was a period of very serious life... Brahminical Smritis which outrage his sense of social justice. Page 364 He conveniently forgets, first, that the Smritis are not being followed today in practice, secondly, that Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, and the Congress and many other all-India organisations have been trying to carry into practice many social reforms, and thirdly, that Mahatma Gandhi has done more as a single leader ...

... in isolated individuals that the Indian spiritual tradition persisted but that it had entered into the conscious life-forms, religious, social and even the sub-conscious of the whole race. The Brahmo Samaj, the Prarthana Samaj, the Arya Samaj are some of its well-known expressions. The national awakening and the struggle for political freedom gave inspiration to many writers and poets who boldly ...

... merely in isolated individuals that the Indian spiritual tradition persisted but that it had entered into the conscious life-forms, religious, social and even the sub-conscious of the whole race. The Brahmo Samaj, the Prarthana Samaj, the Arya Samaj are some of its well-known expressions. The national awakening and the struggle for political freedom gave inspiration to many writers and poets who boldly ...

... Bose in December 1890. To His Grandfather. 11 January 1894 . Sri Aurobindo wrote this letter to his grandfather Raj Narain Bose (1826 - 1899), a well-known writer and leader of the Adi Brahmo Samaj, while posted in Gujaria, a town in northern Gujarat, which then was part of the princely state of Baroda. To His Sister. 25 August 1894 . Sri Aurobindo wrote this letter to his younger ...

... educationist. He was the great social reformer whose tireless effort made the Widow Marriage Act of 1856 possible. —Keshav Chandra Sen (1838-84) was a religious reformer. He founded the Brahmo Samaj. It was Kathiawar (Gujarat), that land of rocks and hills, whose fair and robust humanity hears the voice and the puissance of the sea that flings itself upon those coasts and, hearing, becomes ...

... though not necessary, is advisable. In the first place by your action you declare your commune to be an entirely separate thing from the rest of Hindu society; you will be following in the way of the Brahma Samaj or more exactly in that of Thakur Dayananda. That means a violent scission and a long struggle, which is likely greatly to complicate your other work and put difficulties in the way which need not ...

... Father had left her in the care of a friend of his, an English doctor. My mother was expecting a child, She wasn't a typically timid Bengali girl, either. Firstly she was a Brahmo. In those days, the Brahmo Samaj allowed its women both education and freedom. My grandfather had seen to it that his daughter studied literature and several other subjects. Secondly, after marriage, she was encouraged by Father ...