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Calcutta University : “Although the beginnings of English education on a sound basis are to be traced to the momentous decision of 1835 (see Macaulay), the evolution of a comprehensive & co-ordinated system of education had to wait…till the next revision of the Charter. A Parliamentary Committee was appointed to examine the whole subject. The result was the memorable Despatch of Sir Charles Wood, President of the Board of Control, dated 19th July 1854, which laid down the foundations on which the educational system in British India subsequently developed. The most characteristic feature…was the creation of a properly co-ordinated system from the lowest to the highest stage…. For co-ordinating higher education a University should be established in each Presidency town…. As regards religious instruction in the Govt. institutions, the Despatch clearly lays down that as these ‘were founded for the benefit of the whole population of India…the education conveyed to them should be exclusively secular’.” [R.C. Majumdar in Advanced History of India, 1973-74, pp.813-814] The first Indian Universities were created in 1857 by Charles John Canning (1812-62), then Gov.-Gen. of India under the East India Company, & from1st November 1858, Great Britain’s first Governor General–cum–Viceroy of India on the model of the University of London – they were set up in Calcutta (then capital of British India), Madras & Bombay. That they were in effect a fleshing out the xenophobic Minute on Education by Macaulay which just 22 years before had laid the seed of India’s debilitating Anglo-phobia, is proved by the fact that they were merely affiliated & examining bodies with a nominated Vice-Chancellor, who held office on an honorary basis, & was to act with the advice & consent of a Senate & a Syndicate. The earlier Vice-Chancellors were all Europeans while the European Governor of the province was, as its Chancellor, the ultimate authority (see Bombay University). [S. Bhattacharya] In 1859, an Education Department was set up to administer & supervise all education institutions. [History & Culture of the Indian Peoples, R.C. Majumdar et al, vol. X, part II: 50-60] In 1859, an Education Department was set up to administer & supervise all education institutions. [History & Culture of the Indian Peoples, R.C. Majumdar et al, vol. X, part II: 50-60] The Universities Act Curzon passed in 1904 was based on the recommendations made by a Commission presided over by Mr (afterwards Sir) Thomas Raleigh, the Law Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council (See Baroda College). Although it made provisions for the three universities to appoint professors & lecturers & equip laboratories & museums, it tightened Govt. control over these institutions by limiting the numbers of senators & syndics & creating a majority of Govt. nominated members in the Senate. Its main intention was to restrict their territorial jurisdictional by laying down stringent conditions for the affiliation of new colleges, & a prescribed systematic inspection of the affiliated colleges by the Universities. This provoked a great deal of popular agitation. But it had one merit. It aimed at turning the Universities from only examining bodies into institutions as well, esp. for Post-Graduate teaching, provided them the power to appoint their Professors, & Lecturers, & equip their laboratories & museums. …. Sir Gurudās Banerjee (1844-1918), who retired as a Puisne Judge of the Calcutta High Court in 1904, was appointed the first Indian Vice-Chancellor of Calcutta University since he had been a Professor in a college in Bengal until 1876 when he took up law but had kept abreast of education in Bengal. Although Curzon’s Act of 1904 was fashioned to restrict the expansion of education in Bengal, Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee (1864-1924), who succeeded Sir Gurudās in 1906, inaugurated the Post-Graduate Dept., & made provision for teaching in different branches of humanities & the practical & applied sciences. He secured princely donations from Maharaja of Darbhanga, Sir Tārak Nath Palit & Sir Rāshbehari Ghosh to construct the University Library & Science Colleges which were supplied with adequate laboratories. He invited Englishmen, Germans, & Americans, besides Indians to occupy Chairs in the University which he raised to the position of the premier University in the East. [S. Bhattacharya; s/a Curzon’s Convocation Address at Calcutta University in February 1905 in Macaulay T.B.]
... On invitation from the Calcutta University and the Director of public instruction, Dilip wrote Geetashree for the music syllabus of Calcutta University, with notations and technical details of Hindustani music. Another book, Sangitikee, gave a historical account of classical and folk music of Northern India. Both books were pre- scribed texts of the Calcutta University. 22 Jan. 1942 ...
... arrived. SRI AUROBINDO: Delegation? It is not a delegation. PURANI: Hasn't it been sent by Calcutta University? The Vice-Chancellor of the University is the President. SRI AUROBINDO: Calcutta University? I thought he had done it in his own capacity. Does he want to Mahommedanise Calcutta University? NIRODBARAN: Dilip says he is not impressed by them. Almost all look "stolid", he says. PURANI: ...
... Bengal in India, like France in Europe, is the Page 38 land of clear and keen intellect. From there came: -Sir Asutosh Mukherjee (1864-1924). Vice-Chancellor of the Calcutta University for four consecutive terms, then Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court, he wrote a strongly worded letter to Lord Litton, then Viceroy of India (1876-80), vehemently protesting against the... nineteenth century that Calcutta, the capital of British India, became the centre of the new-found culture of the country. - Bankim Chandra Chatterjee 1 (1838-98), the first graduate of Calcutta University, remoulded the Bengali language. "It was Bankim's first great service to India that he gave the race which stood in its vanguard such a perfect and satisfying medium of expression." Thus commented ...
... me to Sahebganj to my brother Narendra Kumar Sircar, who was assistant Jailor at Bhagalpur. My father wished me either to get employment or continue my studies. I had no mind to learn at the Calcutta University or to get an official employment. I therefore left my brother after about 15 days and went to Calcutta and became acquainted with Barindra Kumar Ghose. Q: When was that? A: About a year and... because of the Swadeshi agitation, and secondly because he failed in the school examination. He was then sent to his elder brother Narendra Kumar Sarkar, but as he had no mind to learn at the Calcutta University, or to get an official employment, he came to Calcutta and then made the acquaintance of Barindra Kumar Ghose, whom he met at the Jugantar Office. He assisted in the publication of the Jugantar ...
... and a cultured man, was Dilip's friend. He graduated from the Calcutta University with honors in 1910 and from Oxford in 1914. He became secretary to the Artistic section of the League of Nations. Later on he became Nizam Professor of Indian Studies at Vishvabharati, and then Bageswari Professor of Comparative Arts at Calcutta University. He gave brilliant lectures from 1923 to 1943. After Partition... English poet, author of "Hound of Heaven". 54. Blake, William (1757 -1827). English poet, painter and mystic. 55. Esha: Maya's daughter. 56. Adhar Das: a Professor of Philosophy at Calcutta University. 57. The typed letter continues with the following passage: "If and so far as publicity serves the Truth, I am quite ready to tolerate it; but I do not find publicity for its own sake ...
... that act an admiring populace called him the "Bengal Tiger". Syamaprasad was no mean achiever either. He brilliantly completed his law studies. In 1934 he became the Vice- chancellor of Calcutta University, and introduced new subjects. He left a mark as an educationist. But his imprint as a politician is deeper. He was a minister when Fazlul Huq formed his second ministry in Bengal in 1941. Became... "1 toured India, hunting for music in the heart of din, learning new styles of our classical music..." to quote Dilipda himself. At the request of the then Vice-Chancellor of Calcutta University, Dilipda wrote three text books—'Sangitik', 'Chhandasiki' and 'Geetashri'. (Notation books explaining in detail about Classical and Modern music.) Here he is writing about Geetashri—one of the... details the reader may see Nirodbaran's "Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo". Khagendranath Mitra, Raibahadur (1880-1961). Author. Professor and Head of the department of Bengali, Calcutta University, which he represented at the International Linguistic Congress held in Norway (1936). He was an eminent exponent of kirtan music. Comments on the poem: Astik. (Madhu Murali, 1st ...
... Suhrawardy, a Bengali poet and Dilip's friend. He graduated from the Calcutta University with honours in 1910 and from Oxford in 1914. He became secretary to the artistic section of the League of Nations. Later on he became Nizam professor of Indian Studies at Vishwa Bharati, then Bageswari professor of Comparative Arts at Calcutta University. He gave brilliant lectures from 1923 to 1943. After India's ...
... results to be announced, we told ourselves, "This won't do, we can't join college now; we must continue this national work." We made a fanciful and romantic move - we wrote to the Registrar of Calcutta University not to publish our results, and to strike out our names from the rolls! Somehow, the news of our dubious deed leaked out, and my mother was very worried and said, "You foolish fellow,... things in a trunk: books and clothes. Then I went to meet some friends and relatives. There was also a monk, a far-off relative of mine, who was a lecturer in the ancient language of Pali at Calcutta University. He was a very fine man; there was something spiritual in him. I went to tell him about my decision that I was going for picketing. Then I gave him two letters - one for my mother, the other ...
... of Konnagar, a small village in the district of Hoogly, which had already produced remarkable leaders of religious and social movements. Krishna Dhan passed the Entrance Examination of the Calcutta University from the local school and was admitted into the Calcutta Medical College. When he was nineteen years old and still studying in the Medical College, he married Srimati Swarnalata Devi, the eldest... Indian nationalism" .² The marriage was performed according to the rites of the Brahmo Samaj to which Krishna Dhan then belonged. After taking his degree from the Medical College of the Calcutta University, Krishna Dhan proceeded to England for an advanced course of medical studies. He was one of the first Indians to go to England from Bengal, defying the ban of his orthodox society. His fat ...
... hoping that Your Highness will consent to his joining whatever work may be assigned to him in June after he has recovered his health by a change. My brother has read up to the F. A. of the Calcutta University. He had to give up the University course for certain family reasons, but since then he has studied privately with my elder brother and myself and can both speak and write English well and fluently; ...
... and a whole mass of unshaken testimony. But our one and only Asanuddin declared that the evidence of respectable men was not to be believed because they were respectable and graduates of the Calcutta University and partakers in the Conference; the police apparently were the only disinterested and truthful people in Khulna. But the most remarkable dictum of this remarkable man was that when one is charged ...
... the Guptas patronized Jainism no less than Buddhism but they were, 1."Aśoka the Great", The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 89. 2. The Political History of Ancient India, 5th Edition (Calcutta University, 1950), p. 376. The author's footnote refers to Vincent Smith's Early History of India, 4th Edition, p. 202 n. Page 28 first and foremost, followers of typically Hindu cults ...
... elder brother is undoubted. We know that the libraries of both brothers were filled with volumes of Greek Poetry and Art. Mr. Sailendranath Mitra, Secretary of the Post-Graduate Council of Arts, Calcutta University, a nephew of the scholar and linguist Harinath De and a pupil of Manmohon Ghose, once told me how he often accompanied the latter to the house of Raja Subod Mullick where Sri Aurobindo was staying ...
... p. 132. 7.Quoted in "The Myth of Aryan Invasion", p. 441, cols. 1-2. 8. Scientific American (New York 1966), p. 95 Page 186 "Religion and Society" delivered at Calcutta University by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya 9 a spirited front is put up against the plea of Dales and Srivastava to exonerate Indra. Chattopadhyaya mentions the views of archaeologists that floods arising ...
... home of the Vedas, New Delhi, 1984. Upadhayaya Gopal Baldev, Bhdratiya Darsana, Chokhamba, 1984, Varanasi. Wintermitz, M. History of Indian Literature (English tr.), 3 Vols., Calcutta University Press, 1959. Zimmer, H., Philosophies of India, Keghpaul, 1952, London. Page 78 Kireet Joshi (b.1931) studied philosophy and law at the Bombay University. He was selected ...
... whole mass of unshaken testimony. "But our one and only Asanuddin declared that the evidence of respectable men was not to be believed because they were respectable and graduates of the Calcutta University and partakers in the Conference; the police apparently were the only disinterested and truthful people in Khulna. But the most remarkable dictum of this remarkable man was that when one is charged ...
... four times that time before they get the real sign. A child of nine might say Look here. I have been studying for 2 years and yet nobody has decided to propose me as the Vice Chancellor of the Calcutta University. You have had signs that you can get Ananda, that a channel can be made through your physical brain (your poetry) for something that wasn't there before. That's sign enough. I hear J jumped ...
... before; perhaps something more could be added here. As I have said, he returned from England after attaining great distinction. at Oxford. Ashutosh Mukherji took him on as a professor at the Calcutta University. I met him several times during my trips to Calcutta from here. While in England he used to read with interest all my articles in the journals. Our relations grew more intimate several years ...
... the Ashram. SRI AUROBINDO: Is he one of the three brilliant students! P. C. Roy? PURANI: He is a student of Meghnad Saha. NIRODBARAN: He is a professor or lecturer of climatology in Calcutta University. SRI AUROBINDO: He has come to study the climate? NIRODBARAN: The climate of the Ashram perhaps. EVENING CHAMPAKLAL: It seems the Bengali professor was very much impressed by the ...
... first picture we have of his childhood is his mastering the alphabet at a single reading," which was an image and prophecy of the rest; he was, together with another, the first B. A. of the Calcutta University which had come into being in 1857. Its jurisdiction then extended to Burma and Ceylon till 1904 when its territory was curtailed by Lord Curzon's decree. Bankim, with his usual distinguished ...
... father's death and passed the Entrance Examination in 1858 (2 nd division) from Konnagar High School (Aided) when he was running fifteen. 1 Then he went up to join the Medical College of the Calcutta University. As a college student K. D. Ghose became attracted to Brahmoism. As we have already seen, Rajnarain Bose was one of the leaders of the Brahmo Samaj. His eldest daughter, Swarnalata, was ...
... Shakespeare had it to any degree, and in our own century Meredith, and among ourselves Bankim. The social reformer, gazing, of course, through that admirable pair of spectacles given to him by the Calcutta University, can find nothing excellent in Hindu life, except its cheapness, or in Hindu woman, except her subserviency. Beyond this he sees only its narrowness and her ignorance. But Bankim had the eye ...
... instruction, he shaped his versatile intellect to the study of law. He had then some project of qualifying as a High Court Pleader, but at the Page 92 right moment for literature the Calcutta University came into being and Bankim took literary honours instead of legal. The Courts lost a distinguished pleader and India gained a great man. Bankim, however, seems to have had some hankering after ...
... real nature of this promulgation. To parties circumstanced like the authorities of the Bengal Colleges official or private it is one of those hints which do not differ from orders. The whole Calcutta University has been placed under the heel of the Executive authority and no amount of writhing or wry faces will save Principals and Professors from the humiliating necessities proper to this servile and ...
... and spasmodic efforts when, as annually happens, there is a deficit in the budget. The academical problem of teaching so many subjects in so short a time without outdoing the exploits of the Calcutta University as a brain-killing and life-shortening machine, does not seem to occur to these lofty and secluded minds. They are content with creating the problem and maintaining it by their system of examinations ...
... I used to send up to him daily. To explain to me how modulations are introduced he scanned it carefully for me thus: ______________ * CHHANDISIKI, the second edition published by Calcutta University. Page 114 All eye has seen, all that the ear has heard Is a pale illusion, by that greater voice, that mightier vision. Not the sweetest bird Nor the thrilled ...
... think Shakespeare has many words coined by him or at least some that do not occur elsewhere. 16 January 1937 A Language Grows and Is Not Made Will it be a narrowness on the part of the Calcutta University if it does not include foreign words for the enrichment of Bengali literature? It is a matter of opinion and tastes differ. But I don't see how a University can change the language. A language ...
... The Age of Imperial Unity, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalker (Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavan, Bombay, 1953) Raychaudhuri, H. C., The Political History of Ancient India (Calcutta University), 3rd Edition and 5th (1950) Edition "Note on the Date of Arthaśāstra", The Age of Imperial Unity, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalker (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay 1953) ...
... there's a woman who... Mother who..."—that doesn't exist! ( Mother laughs ) × P. K. Basu, vice-chancellor or the Calcutta University. He paid a visit to Mother in June. × M. Karunanidhi, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. ...
... SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, now we find that Narvik was taken by the French, Poles and Norwegians. The British helped only with their navy. PURANI: Sisir told me to ask Azizul Huque for the Calcutta University publications for our Ashram. Huque consented to give them. It seems he was only an ordinary pleader at Krishnanagar. It was because he was somehow connected with Fazlul Huque that he got a lift ...
... Banarasi Dass, 1962, Delhi, Vol. XXXIV. Upadhayaya Gopal Baldev, Bhāratiya Darśana, Chokhamba, 1984, Varanasi. Winternitz, M. History of Indian Literature (English tr.), 3 Vols., Calcutta University Press, 1959. Zen-Avesta, The, Vendidad, James Dermesteter (tr.), Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1990. Zimmer, H., Philosophies of India, Keghpaul, 1952, London ...
... admirer of Bankim, he wrote in his essays on Bankim one year after his arrival in India: "The social reformer, gazing, of course, through that admirable pair of spectacles given to him by the Calcutta University, can find nothing excellent in Hindu life, except its cheapness, or in Hindu woman, except her sub-serviency. Beyond this he sees only its narrowness and her ignorance. But Bankim had the eye ...
... to take up science or arts for his higher studies and finally he took admission in arts at the Krishnanath College, in his home town at Berhampur. He graduated from there in 1945, under the Calcutta University. From his early childhood, Pranab was highly interested in sports and Physical Education and he wanted to build a strong, healthy and powerful body. He had his first lesson in Boxing at ...
... day Sri Aurobindo addressed both the teachers and the students together. But the subject of his talk was not an educational one. He spoke of a sad accident that had happened. A student of the Calcutta University had fallen from the verandah of the first floor of a University Building and lost his consciousness. A crowd immediately collected there, but all it could do was to look on helplessly and wring ...
... Krishnadhan, although "living almost entirely by charity of friends", by his "superhuman perseverance" had a meritorious school and college career. 2 He passed the Entrance Examination of the Calcutta University from the local school in 1858 and then proceeded to the Calcutta Medical College. When he was in his fourth year at the Medical College, he married Swarnalata Devi, aged twelve and the eldest ...
... w grandfathers— were schoolchildren in the Ashram, studying in Cinquieme (today's class 7,1 think), they had a teacher for arithmetic who was a brilliant mathematician, Nolini Sen. In the Calcutta University Nolini Sen's classmates were Meghnad Saha and Satyen Bose. 1 Well, the problem was precisely his brilliance. He would start on a problem and immediately ask, "you have understood?" ("tu as ...
... day Sri Aurobindo addressed both the teachers and the students together. But the subject of his talk was not an educational one. He spoke of a sad accident that had happened. A student of the Calcutta University had fallen from the verandah of the first floor of a University Building and lost his consciousness. A crowd immediately collected there, but all they could do was to look on helplessly and wring ...
... land they knew not how. Local people say that the Spirit of the Lake Page 121 always returns to the Earth what belongs to her. From Bhupal Chandra Bose —a graduate from the Calcutta University, a State Agricultural Officer, and co-founder with Girish C. Bose of the Bangabasi College —we have a simple biography of his eldest child. This statement was also made from Ranchi, but ten years ...
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