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Calvary : hill outside Jerusalem where Christ was crucified for all citizens to witness.
... inexplicable agony, denial and betrayal. Calvary is the Latin form of the Hebrew word Golgotha meaning "the place of the skull," a place on the hill near Jerusalem, where criminals were crucified. As is mentioned in the passage under discussion two thieves are crucified along with Jesus. We also see that he is insulted and jeered by the crowd. Calvary, therefore stands for human callousness in... life and light to balance here The dark account of mortal ignorance. It is finished, the dread mysterious sacrifice, Offered by God's martyred body for the world, Gethsemane and Calvary are his lot, He carries the cross on which man's soul is nailed; His escort is the curses of the crowd; Insult and jeer are his right's acknowledgement; Two thieves slain with him... with the words "God's martyred body" focuses on the "Son of God" who is not really different from God who is also called the Creator and the Eternal. The second part beginning with "Gethsemane and Calvary" focuses on the Son of Man, who identifies himself with God and declares himself at the end, "I am God." We shall later discuss the question of the identification, "I and my father are one." Here ...
... on an organ or guitar. A scientist, she could formulate a new Heaven and Earth, a new cosmogony. I do not know what Mirra had not become or was not able of becoming.’ 29 Calvary I have mounted the Calvary of successive disillusionments high enough to attain to the Resurrection. 30 – The Mother Meanwhile, what had become of Paul Richard? He had been active all the time... with happiness as before my soul smiled to Thee. And surely hereafter Thou wilt withdraw no more from me this joy, O my God! for this time, I think, the lesson has been sufficient, I have mounted the Calvary of successive disillusionments high enough to attain to the Resurrection. Nothing remains of the past but a potent love which gives me the pure heart of a child and the lightness and freedom of thought ...
... again, to say The time is out of joint: – O cursed spite, That ever I was born to set it right!¹ No, the Son of Man and every man has to bear his cross heroically and triumphantly. Life is a calvary and the Kingdom of Heaven can be reached only by traversing Gethsemane. There is no short cut. However, let us begin from the beginning. For Pasternak has a well-pronounced view of things and it... Zhivago says "A thing which has been conceived in a lofty ideal manner becomes coarse and material." Page 186 An element of the human tragedy – the very central core perhaps – is the calvary of the individual. Pasternak's third article of faith is human freedom, the freedom of the individual. Indeed if evolution is to mean progress and growth it must base itself upon that one needful thing... the peace that passeth understanding, the purity and freedom and harmony with oneself and with the entire creation, including even one's neighbours. Inner divinity does not save you from an outer calvary. But you know how to accept it and go through it, not only patiently but gladly, for thereby you take upon yourself the burden of sorrow that is humanity's share in the life here below. I referred ...
... possible for the human creature to open to the urgency of the new beauty and offer his surrender. It was not easy to prepate the Feast. I had to bear the full load of the cross and ascend the calvary. Jesus as he mounted to his destiny with the Cross on his back stumbled often and fell and rose again with bruised limbs to begin again the arduous journey. Even so, this being too had to go through... disillusions and deceptions, many painful and brutal experiences. It was not a smooth and straight going, but a tortuous and dangerous ascent. But at the end of the tunnel there is always the light. The calvary and the crucifixion culminated in the Resurrection: the divine Passion of Christ flowered into this supreme Recompense. Here too after all the dark and adverse vicissitudes lies the fulfilment of ... suffering and difficulty, the ¹The Mother: Prayers and Meditations, 3 September 1919 Page 283 renunciation and self-denudation that the ascent to the Goal involves. The Calvary of the Christian legend means Ascension and Resurrection is Transformation in our sadhana. The Cross is also symbolic of the Transformed consciousness. It has three branches and represents the triple ...
... (Esquisse d'un Univers personnel, 1936, in L'energie humaine, p. 113). 12 "Christ's essential message is not to be found in the Sermon on the Mount, not even in the significant act of Calvary: it consists entirely in the proclamation of a 'divine fatherhood': to put it in another way, in the affirmation in which God, a personal being, offers himself to man as the term of a personal union"... heart and face our own humanity keenly wants. Yet once the sense of a heart and face in the Universal Christ is acquired by us, Teilhard would like to forget the Man bom in Nazareth and Crucified on Calvary: only the Risen Christ, the Christ who, after his human body had been crucified, appeared with a 11. Ibid., p. 622. Page 130 glorified divine form to the Apostles and... behaviour. On the other hand, Teilhard's spirituality, though it never excludes this, does not go further than to pre-suppose the journey of the faithful soul on the roads of Galilee and the hill of Calvary. One may well wish, too, that Teilhard's enhancement with the greatness of the universe had been balanced by a more loving examination of the humble station and the negation of the greatness ...
... The time is out of joint. O cursed sprite That ever I was born to set it right. No, the son of man and every man has to bear his cross heroically and triumphantly. Life is a calvary and the Kingdom of Heaven can be reached only by traversing Gethsemane. There is no short cut. Page 38 However, let us begin from the beginning. For Pasternak has a well-pronounced... degradation. As Zhivago says "A thing which has been conceived in a lofty ideal manner becomes coarse and material." An element of the human tragedy—the very central core perhaps—is the calvary of the individual. Pasternak's third article of faith is human freedom, the freedom of the individual. Indeed if evolution is to mean progress and growth it must base itself upon that one needful... peace that passeth understanding, the purity and freedom and harmony with oneself and with the entire creation, including even one's neighbours. Inner divinity does not save you from an outer calvary. But you know how to accept it and go through it, not only patiently but gladly, for thereby you take upon yourself the burden of sorrow that is humanity's share in the life here below. I referred ...
... possible for the human creature to open to the urgency of the new beauty and offer his surrender. It was not easy to prepare the Feast. I had to bear the full load of the cross and ascend the calvary. Jesus as he mounted to his destiny with the Cross on his back stumbled often and fell and rose again with bruised limbs to begin again the arduous journey. Even so, this being too had to go through... ns and deceptions, many painful and brutal experiences. It was not a smooth and straight going, but a tortuous and dangerous ascent. But at the end of the tunnel there is always the light. The calvary and the crucifixion culminated in the Resurrection: the divine Passion of Christ flowered into this supreme Recompense. Here too after all the dark and adverse vicissitudes lies the fulfilment of... divine nature as his own body and substance. ⁂ The Cross symbolises all the suffering and difficulty, the renunciation and self-denudation that the ascent to the Goal involves. The Calvary of the Christian legend means Ascension and Resurrection is Transformation in our sadhana. The Cross is also symbolic of the Transformed consciousness. It has three branches and represents the triple ...
... way, as we may notice in the play of world politics today. The limbs declared their independence and sought and fought for this independence but that could only be at the cost of the Heart. The calvary of the Divine lay precisely here: it is due to this sense of separation, an individual exclusive self-existence prevailing in his children, issues of his own body. The ¹ Virgil: ... component units. Page 74 Weare thus in a transition period, it is an interregnum, it is beset with great difficulties but they are also great opportunities. The calvary is not merely a passage of pain and suffering, it is a purgatory, that is to say a period or a zone, a process where the being and consciousness is cleaning itself, throwing off its own scales, shuffling ...
... way, we may notice in the play of world politics today. The limbs declared their independence and sought and fought for this independence, but that could only be at the cost of the Heart. The calvary of the Divine lay precisely here: it is due to this sense of separation, an individual, exclusive self-existence prevailing in His children, issues of His own body. The units in the cosmic body of... clearer light and a harmonic weaving of all component units. We are thus in a transition period; it is an interregnum, beset with great difficulties, but they are also great opportunities. The Calvary is not merely a passage of pain and suffering; it is a Purgatory, that is to say, a zone, a process where the being and consciousness is cleaning itself, throwing off its own scales, sloughing off ...
... possesses a Page 271 mellowness, an understanding, a sweet reasonableness and a resilience all its own. And because of its intimacy with the tears of things, because of its long travail and calvary, human consciousness is suffused with a quality that is peculiarly human and humane-that of sympathy, compassion, comprehension, the psychic feeling of closeness and oneness. The gods are, after all... particular factor of terrestrial evolution. For the journey here is a sacrifice, a passage through pain and suffering, even through frustration and death. The tears that accompany the mortal being in his calvary of an earthly life serve precisely as a holy unction of purification, give a sweet intensity to all his urges in the progressive march to Resurrection. This is the Immanent Divine who has to be worshipped ...
... spiritual lore, there is also a good deal of Bible in it. We have references such as God's covenant with the Night, the Son of God, the Father, the Holy Ghost, God's martyred body, Gethsemane and Calvary, or Christian Madonna's or images of cathedral and tabernacle. About the Great who come to save this suffering world we have in Narad's speech a picture of Christ. If Savitri was bom in the greatness ...
... vivid examples. (21.1.1990) I have carefully re-read those lines on page 445 of Savitri (Centenary Edition) strikingly reminding us of Christ with their references to Gethsemane and Calvary, bleeding brow, crucifixion, two thieves and the last words "It is finished." We both saw that if the verse immediately following these lines - Hewn, quartered on the scaffold as he falls ...
... but it is always there, delaying things indefinitely. If even for the greatest it is impossible in the integral manifestation to escape these lamentable limitations, why, O Lord, impose upon me the calvary of this constraint?... If Thou willest that it be thus, Thou shouldst rend the last veil and Thy splendour come in all its purity and transfigure the world! Accomplish this miracle or else let me ...
... with happiness as before my soul smiled to Thee. And surely hereafter Thou wilt withdraw no more from me this joy, O my God! for this time, I think, the lesson has been sufficient, I have mounted the Calvary of successive disillusionments high enough to attain to the Resurrection. Nothing remains of the past but a potent love which gives me the pure heart of a child and the lightness and freedom of thought ...
... Prayers and Meditations Undated A few days later Lord, how many times, giving way before Thy decree, I have prayed to Thee: "Spare me this calvary of earthly consciousness; let me merge in Thy supreme unity." But my prayer is faint-hearted, I know, for it remains unfruitful. Page 371 ...
... dissolution. But knowledge also can be equally disastrous if it is not of the right kind. The knowledge that is born of spiritual disobedience, inspired by the Dark ones, leads to the soul's fall and its calvary through pain and suffering on earth. The seeker of true enlightenment has got to make a distinction, learn to separate the true and the right from the false and the wrong, unmask the luring Māra, ...
... some have chosen the path of denial and revolt. They are all looking ahead or beyond or deep down, always yearning for another truth and reality which will explain, justify and transmute the present calvary of human living. Such an acute tension of consciousness has necessitated an overhauling of the vehicle of expression too, the creation of a mode of expressing the inexpressible. For that is indeed ...
... dissolution. But knowledge also can be equally disastrous if it is not of the right kind. The knowledge that is born of spiritual disobedience, inspired by the Dark ones, leads to the soul's fall and its calvary through pain and suffering on earth. The seeker of true enlightenment has got to make a distinction, learn to separate the true and the right from the false and the wrong, unmask the luring Mara, ...
... tensely," it is said, "sorrow and sigh deep, mourn still, and stoop low till thine eye water for anguish and for pain." Remorse and grief are necessary attendants; the way of the cross is naturally the calvary strewn with pain and sorrow. It is the very opposite of what is termed the "sunlit path" in spiritual ascension. Christian mystics have made a glorious spectacle of the process of "dying to the world ...
... Divine himself becoming an earthly creature, wearing as his own body of flesh and blood this mortal frame of pain and suffering and ignorance, of obscurity and incapacity and falsehood. This is the calvary he has accepted, the sacrifice of his divinity he agreed to in order that the undivine too may gracefully serve the Divine, be taken up and transmuted into the reality from which it fell, of which ...
... as he lay at the last fateful hour confronting the mighty shadow ― as if there were no gap or hiatus in between, the great intervening experience was just a momentary vision and not the ageless Calvary that it seemed to be in the other sphere. But now The waking gladness of her members felt The weight of heaven in his limbs. . . . And all her life was conscious of his life. . . Human ...
... ordeals she had to pass through, and the battle she had to wage against the grim forces of Inconscience and Ignorance, Falsehood and Death. It was the greatest test of her love for the Divine, this "Calvary of the terrestrial consciousness, ” this descent into "the unfathomable depths of matter, ” this touching with her fingers "the horror of the false-hood and the inconscience, ” "the seat of oblivion ...
... picture which was, I must confess, abominable. On one picture she commented thus (this is one of the few letters she wrote to me in English): "Do you know what you have represented? The Christian Calvary, that is to say, the mountain on the top of which the Christ was put on the cross with the thieves. Is it a copy or the reminiscence of a picture seen? Or is it from your imagination? I would be interested ...
... but it is always there, delaying things indefinitely. If even for the greatest it is impossible in the integral manifestation to escape these lamentable limitations, why, O Lord, impose upon me the Calvary of this constraint? … If Thou willest that it be thus, Thou shouldst rend the last veil and Thy splendour come in all its purity and transfigure the world! Accomplish this miracle or else let me withdraw ...
... such a location "of itself does not authenticate the site". Only the statement of Robert North 253 in The Jerome Biblical Commentary is somewhat unclear: "The very ancient tradition of localizing Calvary in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre has shown itself strong enough to rise above its own legendary accretions and a concerted attack in the last century in favor of a less congested spot." One should ...
... Hieronymus Bosch Page 86 [Luke 23:32] Two others also, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with him. [Luke 23:33] And when they came to the place which is called Calvary or The Skull, there they crucified him, and the criminals, one on the right and one on the left. [Luke 23:34] And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. "* And ...
... testament with his blood": Page 164 It is finished, the dread mysterious sacrifice, Offered by God's martyred body for the world; Gethsemane and Calvary are his lot, He carries the cross on which man's soul is nailed; His escort is the curses of the crowd; Insult and jeer are his right's acknowledgement; Two ...
... exactly as he lay at the last fateful hour confronting the mighty shadow - as if there were no gap or hiatus in between, the great intervening experience was just a momentary vision and not the ageless Calvary that it seemed to be in the other sphere. But now The waking gladness of her members felt The weight of heaven in his limbs... And all her life was conscious of his life... ...
... Divine himself becoming an earthly creature, wearing as his own body of flesh and blood this mortal frame of pain and suffering and ignorance, of obscurity and incapacity and falsehood. This is the calvary he has accepted, the sacrifice of his divinity he agreed to in order that this undivine too may gracefully serve the Divine, be taken up and transmuted into the reality from which it fell, of which ...
... Not lost, but requiring, pointing to the agony Of death and birth. It is the song of redemption, of salvation achieved, of Paradise regained. The full story of the purgatory, of man's calvary is beautifully hymned in these exquisite lines of a haunting poetic beauty married to a real mystic sense: The dove descending breaks the air With flame of incandescent terror Of ...
... consenting Voice of Supreme Grace? The chiming of the instrumentation of Time? The uncompleted explosion of the Supramental consciousness? Mirra writes again, after a few days: "Spare me this calvary of earthly consciousness; let me merge in Thy supreme unity." Well, if she cannot change the Earth and Man, she might at least return to the Peace and the Felicity, although leaving the work here ...
... delivered of their burden. Now are they light and joyful as my inner being has been for a long time past. My body smiles to Thee with happiness as before my soul smiled to Thee .... I have mounted the Calvary of successive disillusionments high enough to attain to the Resurrection. Nothing remains of the past but a potent love which gives me the pure heart of a child and the lightness and freedom of thought ...
... name, and it is the one common aim of all theistic religions. But is that the end ? Why did the soul come down into birth, assume the perishable human form, consent to pass through death, mount the calvary of suffering, and endure the yoke of the world's labour ? Why did it leave the eternal bliss of the divine embrace and descend into mortality ? Was it only to discover its blunder and return to the ...
... Thy sweet law of love. Lord, wilt Thou permit Thy enemies to prevail, false- hood and ugliness and suffering to triumph?”¹ With the unflinching heart of a divine warrior the Mother mounted the calvary of physical transformation, so that the resistance of Matter might be broken once and for all, its imprisoned aspiration released into a flaming will to transfiguration, ¹ Prayers and ...
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