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20 result/s found for Cartier Bresson

... Notes Champaklal Speaks Cartier-Bresson and Photographs Madhav: “Champakbhai, do you remember Cartier-Bresson who was allowed to take photographs of Sri Aurobindo? If I remember right, Sri Aurobindo had not been photographed after he retired in 1926. I have heard that when Cartier-Bresson stood to photograph Sri Aurobindo and Mother giving Darshan on 24... Sri Aurobindo and he consented. I also asked Sri Aurobindo if I could rearrange his sofa and see that the light was enough. He indicated his approval with a smile. Then I went down and told Cartier-Bresson that he could come upstairs earlier to the room and arrange things as he desired. But he came only at the scheduled time and took a number of photographs. But of the full figure he took only ...


... reproduced above. There also was the exceptional fact that Sri Aurobindo had allowed himself to be photographed, for the first time since his withdrawal in 1926, by the now world-famous Henri Cartier-Bresson 94 , during the darshan days of April 1950. Sri Aurobindo in his room, April 1950 Sri Aurobindo in his room, April 1950 A very important indication, in retrospect,... the talk “Sri Aurobindo’s Descent into Death” in Preparing for the Miraculous , 2012. × Henri Cartier-Bresson, held to be ‘the father of modern photo-journalism’, was at the time travelling through India with his Indonesian wife. He had read French translations of some of Sri Aurobindo’s books and requested... the Photo Agency Magnum, which he had founded with war photographer Robert Capra and others. After the Mother, herself not photographed since her stay in Japan, had seen an album with work of Cartier-Bresson, he got permission to shoot freely during a couple of days in the Ashram. At his instance the Mother asked Sri Aurobindo’s permission for him to be photographed in his room and even during the ...


... India too published some pictures. Page 43 So we wrote to Cartier Bresson to send us the photos. What he sent us were some small photos of half-passport size. They had a lot of scratches and no copies could be made. In the meantime Sri Aurobindo left his body. In despair, we wrote to Cartier Bresson that there was no question of not paying him as these were priceless negatives... made three films: A Short Life of Sri Aurobindo; Sri Aurobindo Ashram; and The Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. These too are now available on video cassettes. Once Henri Cartier Bresson came from France to photograph Sri Aurobindo. As a press photographer, he had made a name for himself during the Korean War. He had a very expensive Leica camera. Mother wanted to buy me a similar... because for a very long period Sri Aurobindo did not allow himself to be photographed. These false rumours came to Mother's ears and she thought that a famous international photographer like Cartier Bresson was the best person to silence them by taking his photos. That is why Mother permitted him to take Sri Aurobindo's photos on certain conditions. One, all the pictures by him would be shown ...


... Speaks Cartier-Bresson’s Photographs 1950-07-27 Mother informed Sri Aurobindo that news had come from America about the the photographs taken by Cartier-Bresson. Tata had been to enquire at the Company and he was told that the film had been received. 1 But as the lady in charge of that section was not there, the work of development the film had not... × V.S. Tatachari, a disciple living in New York who founded the Sri Aurobindo Library, a publishing concern. The New York company was Magnum Photos which Cartier-Bresson partially owned. Magnum asked for and was paid $3000.— Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research , December 1990, pp. 299, 233. ...


... the Governor of Madras, in November of the same year. The first photographs to be taken of Sri Aurobindo since the early 1920's were made by Henri Cartier-Bresson, the famous French photographer, in April 1950. Among the Cartier-Bresson photographs is one taken on the occasion of the darshan of 24 April 1950. This photograph is reproduced as the frontispiece of this book. Sometime ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Cartier-Bresson’s Negatives 1951-06-26 Negatives of the photographs taken by Cartier-Bresson have come—in all 460 of them, some spoiled, some faded. “They are all locked up in my safe,” Mother said. ...


... simple life. Everything is quite evident, quite simple, quite natural—we're the ones who make complications. × Cartier-Bresson had photographed Sri Aurobindo in 1950. × The famous scene of the strangling with Richard. ...


... moon and stars in His hair, deep in stilled meditation, to this almighty Being Siva, I make my Obeisance. Page 398 Ram Gopal with Retna Mohini-Cartier Bresson Ram Gopal as Siva in the Temple of Belur Ram Gopal as Siva, God of Dance Page 399 ...

... interested in photography, Mother gave me the responsibility of looking after photography in the Ashram. Mother consented to have her photograph taken from 1950 when she permitted Henry Cartier Bresson to take photographs of Sri Aurobindo, herself and the Ashram. How did cinema start in the Ashram? What sort of films were shown? Did Mother see the films before screening them to the ...


... Bluysen, Paul 46, 89-90 Buddha, Gautama, Siddhartha (Shakyamuni) 42, 60, 96,164-6,172,180, 317, 460, 482, 552, 631, 639ff, 772 Bula (Charuchandra Mukherjee) 820 Carlyle, Thomas 483 Cartier-Bresson, Henri 489 Catherine of Siena, Saint 93 Centre of Education, Sri Aurobindo International The Mother opens the School 432-3 interest in the children 432-4, 507-8, 529-30, 668-9 ...


... aspiration does..." At last this aspiration is coming to fruition. * About Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo was a poised stillness and a tremendous power. Cartier Bresson was struck by the stillness when he was going around him taking photographs. There was Sri Aurobindo totally oblivious of everything going around him including the presence of Bresson and others ...


... her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.” Matth. 10: 34-36) Sri Aurobindo is generally seen as in the photos of Henri Cartier-Bresson: the old wise man seated unmoved and unmovably in his big chair, Nirodbaran’s “Golden Purusha”. But if this is the sole aspect of Sri Aurobindo, or the sole one taken into consideration by so many ...

... Aurobindo’s hurry to finish Savitri. There had also been the fact that for the first time since the Mother’s coming he let himself be photographed by the world-famous French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. Both occurrences can only be taken as indications post facto. Actually the only clear indication was something that had happened in early 1950 and that only the Mother knew. She said to ...

... thin. As for Cartier-Bresson's photos, they were taken in 1950. It's a pity nothing was taken before. Oh, he would never have let himself be photographed! But when I saw the photo [of Cartier-Bresson, taken in 1950], when I saw he had that expression... Because, with me, he never had it; he never showed it. But I wasn't in the room when the photo was taken, and suddenly he... (he was sitting ...


... Calcutta Celebrations 1950-07-27 There was a letter from Calcutta. They wanted to celebrate tie 15th of August and for that purpose wished either to have the new photographs taken by Cartier-Bresson or to send an artist to do s sketch of the Mother. Or they could send someone who would take a photograph of Mother. Mother: “No, no.” ...


... and went on up to 3.30 p.m. 1176 people attended. There was a March Past before the regular Darshan stared. For the first time a photograph of the Darshan was taken. It was taken by Henri Cartier-Bresson. 1 × A renowned French photographer who travelled all over the world. Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research ...


... The 5ppramental Manifestation upon Earth, April 24: After 4o years Sri Aurobindo allowed himself to be photographed by the well- known French photographer Henri Cartier Bresson. August 4: Mother's Message to America: 'Stop thinking that you are of the Vilest and others of the East. All human beings are of the same divine origin and meant to manifest ...

... this too necessarily affected the Mother. In April 1950, for the first time in about thirty years, the Mother permitted fresh photos of Sri Aurobindo to be taken. The French artist, Henri Cartier-Bresson, not only photographed Sri Aurobindo and the Mother at Darshan time on 24 April, but took also numerous other photographs of the Master, the Mother and the Ashram. Was there, after all, a purpose ...


... the Veena and said: “I am here.” She also gave a kerchief saying it was used by Sri Aurobindo in last August's Darshan. Nolini had brought a German magazine 1 sent from London, containing Cartier-Bresson's photographs. Mother took out the pages with the pictures and gave them to Kamala. I cut out those pictures; they were printed on both sides of the pages. Then I cut out the middle portions ...


... to look at?" But our requests for the new photographs were gently turned down with a humorous (or was it solemn?) reply that only after the descent of the Supermind they could be taken. Henri Cartier-Bresson's photographs, impressive though they are, are still a poor apology for Sri Aurobindo's real physical appearance. Can they do Justice to all that God-like majesty, beauty and serenity? Those who ...
