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Chand Candaraya : (d.1601), one of twelve Bengali zamindars who were brilliant naval commanders. He did not submit to Akbar & remained independent all his life.

43 result/s found for Chand Candaraya

... property. Chand and 'his mother are also partners. Shall I ask Chand to do what he thinks best or approach my people to do something? My people won't do anything, I fear, and I don't rely on Chand either; he is lazy, except for his own matters. I can't say your exposition of the matter 'is clear. It is your family property? If so, your family ought to look after it. However you can tell Chand as you... unconvincing or purely decorative. So! Repetition all right and very effective. April 28, 1938 [Chand's wire.] "Progressing again debt case Tomorrow." Voila, another, Sir! I wrote to him not to waste money on unnecessary registered letters and telegrams, but Chand is Chand! So! Well, well, let us accept the inevitable প্রকৃতিং যান্তি ভূতানি 195 means All animals follow their... Guru, I feel rather dry and barren! The other poem you have uplifted twice. Excuse me, no! You uplifted once, I repeated the operation Changed back the second uplift to a mere lift. [Chand's wire:] Inspectors contact uncongenial Trying avoid. What the hell! He seems to have plenty of money to waste on unnecessary telegrams! Why wire about the Inspector's contact? H had pain in ...

... called Nagen and told him that he and his mess-mate Surendra Kumar Chakravarty, with whom Sukumar had already spoken, should hire a boat at the Bagbazar Ghat that afternoon. They were to go to the Chand Pal Ghat with the trunks and put them in the cabin on the steamer Dupleix . Sukumar also informed Nagen that the two passengers would arrive by boat. Nagen was a little puzzled. He asked Sukumar... river and missed the boat carrying Sri Aurobindo, Amar and Manmatha. Failing to meet them, Nagen and Surendra returned to Sukumar and told him of the mishap. Sukumar then told them to go immediately to Chand Pal Ghat and remove the trunks from the cabin. Surendra left the work at this stage. It was now six o'clock in the evening. Nagen found out that the doctor who issued the health-certificates had already... were waiting in a carriage. He was to give them the tickets and arrange to get the medical certificate. Sukumar gave money for the doctor's fees to Nagen. Nagen, taking the trunks, drove back to Chand Pal Ghat. He found Sri Aurobindo's carriage waiting on the wayside. The coolie came to Nagen's carriage and informed him that the passengers for whom he was waiting had already arrived and that he had ...

... waste on unnecessary telegrams! Why wire about the Inspector's contact? CHAND'S WIRE: Progressing again, debt case tomorrow. MYSELF: Voila, another, Sir! and not the last, if you please! I wrote to him once not to waste money unnecessarily on registered letters and telegrams but Chand is Chand! SRI AUROBINDO: Well, well, let us accept the inevitable. —[Prakrtim... why not a supramental ass? Page 27 1938 Chand sent a wire: Why silent? great struggle, protection. MYSELF: Guru, I don't know why he says 'silent'. I have sent the darshan blessings on 23rd or 24th which he must have received. SRI AUROBINDO: But you have not given him protection. CHAND'S WIRE: Inspector's contact uncongenial trying avoid. ... their nature. CHAND'S WIRE: Great inertia again, letter follows. MYSELF: Guru, another bombardment! What an impulsive fellow! almost unparalleled. I think he is another fellow who will find life extremely difficult here. SRI AUROBINDO: Well, there's no inertia in his wrong activities at any rate. He is full of energy there. MYSELF: Chand writes there is no ...

... seems to have plenty of money to waste on unnecessary telegrams! Why wire about the Inspector's contact? NB: Chand's wire again: "Progressing again debt case Tomorrow." Voila, another, Sir! I wrote to him not to waste money on unnecessary registered letters and telegrams, but Chand is Chand! So! Sri Aurobindo: Well, well, let us accept the inevitable. Prakrtim yanti bbutani which means All animals... Page 413 One cannot sufficiently admire Sri Aurobindo for his limitless human kindliness! Now our last piece for this chapter: this one concerns one Chand, a devotee from outside and a close friend of NB's. Chand was rather wayward and somewhat eccentric; yet the readers will not fail to note how Sri Aurobindo's compassion and generosity flowed towards him in profuse streams of humour... all over the world. It will be no wonder if he loses all he has. NB: Chand's wire to me: "Why silent great struggle protection". Guru, I don't know why he says "silent". I have sent the Darshan blessings on 23 rd or 24th which he must have received. Sri Aurobindo: But you have not given him protection! NB: Chand's another wire: "Inspectors contact uncongenial Trying avoid." Sri Aurobindo: ...

... discovered a surprising amity between the Hindus and Mahomedans in Burdwan and his prophetic eye foresees a splendid future for the capital city of the allied and friendly Principality of Maharaja Bijoy Chand on the basis of this amity. The object of giving this uncalled-for prominence to the old and natural relations between the two communities is of course to convey the idea that they are anomalous, surprising ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... miraculous power of the Mother’s blessing-flower which even a sceptic like me could not brush aside. Now, a new and more subtle danger was laying its trap in the guise of spirituality. My old friend Chand who belonged to the same town brought to me a middle-aged woman, first as a patient, then as some sort of a spiritual seeker. She had abandoned her family life and was looking for a shelter where she... without telling even my poor mother, I started for the Ashram. It was in February 1935, three years to the day after my last Darshan in 1930.1 came to know later that, with regard to the woman brought by Chand, I had been saved from a snare I was unwittingly falling into in the name of spirituality. The woman’s later life confirmed the suspicion. Page 17 ...

... and our elbow-room has diminished since you were here. Sri Aurobindo Ma, I speak with Kakima [aunt Shanti Kumari, Uday Singh's wife], another Kakima [Kiran Kumari, Umir Chand's wife], and Pisima [Nirmal Kumari, Uday Singh's sister]. 1 1. Abhay Singh and Sujata, aged 11 and 9. Page 25 Mother, this time every day during meditation and ...

... line for two. Guru, this fellow Chand wants a power of attorney. It is a bother to find out Notaire Public, buy a French (?) form and all that. Shall I wait for Doraiswamy's coming? There is no certainty about the time of Duraiswami's coming and meanwhile Chand may have gone to join. himself to his better half, the Calcutta Corporation. Why does not Chand send you the power of attorney ready... Because ignorance is bliss and they would feel very uncomfortable if they felt these things or were at all aware of them. As for the elation they get it without needing to know the cause. [Chand's telegram:] "Great inertia again letter follows." Guru, another bombardment! What an impulsive fellow! Almost unparalleled. I think he is another fellow who will find life extremely difficult here... expected to come back? May 27, 1938 André will be going on the 3rd or 4th and will be back within a week. He is not allowed a longer leave as there are all new hands at the hospital. Chand says that one day he will commit suicide due to lack of faith! My Gracious, are you specialising in a lot of sentimental screw-loose fellows as disciples? It looks like it! What a museum! But this ...

... when my father P.S. Nahar took his family to Santiniketan, the educational establishment of the Poet Tagore. The Nahars' acquaintance with the Tagores was of long standing. My grandfather Puran Chand Nahar was one among the train-load of people who went from Calcutta to Santiniketan in November 1913 to felicitate the Poet on his being awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. My father, Prithwisingh ...

... and yet at the same time, he received Sri Aurobindo’s Grace and has been immortalised by him in our correspondence as the unique and unparallelled Page 10 Chand. His pet name was Chandu. Sri Aurobindo baptised him Chand. He was a Muslim by birth, but in every other way, a Hindu. He studied Sanskrit in school, could recite the Gita and other scriptures, worshipped Hindu deities, etc., etc ...

... leave of mortality—quite natural. September 18, 1938 Chand writes: "You have said 'Well, well!' The meaning has appeared quite clear to me." [11.9.38] Queer! He seems cleverer than myself. About the property tangle, he writes that if I share the sale money with my cousins, they will at once sell the propetry with Chand's help. They are 4 partners. My share should be half. So? A... arranging? Doesn't Mother think my medical work may suffer? She does. Couldn't you write something in my notebook tonight? I don't expect I shall be able to do so, but will see. Chand writes there is no letter from you. So, one word, Guru! Well, well! (That's one word twice repeated). September 11, 1938 Mother must have told you all about the room incident, so I... starry-stumps of infinity." I am sorry that you didn't put 4 lines. My shout, you see, was due to a shock—seein 4 lines—a shock of delight. It didn't sound like it! You are surprised at Chand's cleverness! Well, Sir, your non-committal Supramental answers are sometimes damned puzzling, so I wouldn't blame him. Anyhow, shall I pass on the remark to him? You can if you like. But he ought ...

... mosquito coils. If I had not given up smoking, I could have given some cigar ash. Telegraphic misrepresentations are common. There is Chand's recent wire. NIRODBARAN: Yes, the telegram read "Nirodasram" instead of Nirodbaran". CHAMPAKLAL: When is Chand coming here? NIRODBARAN: Soon after "arranging his affairs". SRI AUROBINDO: Is he still "arranging"? CHAMPAKLAL: Has he much property ...

... man the mighty wise and strong,     Born to rule the peopled earth, Shall he bear the alien's insult, shall he brook the tyrant's wrong     Like a thing of meaner birth? Sreepoor in the east of Chand and Kédar, bright with Mogul blood,     And the Kings of Aracan And the Atlantic pirates helped that hue,—its ruined glory flood     Kîrtinasha's waters wan. Buried are our cities; fallen the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Ajay The Mother [ST] Ayati (l'avenir) The Mother [ST] Bhagavata Jiveshwara 22.11.59 The Mother [ST] Bhupriya A name for Murakoshi (Paul) 9.7.56 The Mother [ST] Chand (Moon) Chhotanarayan's son The Mother [ST] Cheta (awake) Madan's Baby 9.6.57 The Mother [ST] Chinmayi Chit, the pure spirit consciousness. Chinmayi, one who is full or all made ...

... woven incense heaven-reveried." NK's poem? Please see if you can manage it so that I can write at least that you have seen it, what? Nishikanta later on. Have done too much for one night. [Chand's wire:] "Why silent great struggle protection." Guru, I don't know why he says "silent". I have sent the Darshan blessings on 23rd or 24th which he must have received. But you have not given him... X to make some time for taking soup? Today it got spoilt. After seeing you he can come this way. [ Mother :] I shall tell him but I'm not quite sure he will listen. March 22, 1938 Chand writes: "... I shall try to come to Pondicherry after joining service..." [Sri Aurobindo underlined the word "try".] "Try!" What about our permission? March 23, 1938 "Voices of ...

... Are there no previous births. Sir? PURANI: The point is whether all that is said is true. After this Dr. Manilal was going away. Suddenly he came back and said, "Mother has said to Sir Hukum Chand, 'I know you.'" SRI AUROBINDO: Well, what about it? DR. MANILAL: That means there are previous births. SRI AUROBINDO: Nobody denies it. DR. MANILAL: Nirod doesn't believe it. NIRODBARAN: ...

... Sarita Apartment 12, 174-B Sainik Farm WLane, New Delhi - 110062 28.Chaddha, Sarita 174-B, Golf Links New Delhi -110003 Page 727 s29.Chand, Puran Head, Publication Department NCERT Sri Aurobindo Marg New Delhi -110016 30. Chandel, Bhuvan Department of Philosophy Punjab University Chandigarh... -110085 89.Joshi, Kireet Chairman Indian Council of Philosophical Research 36 Tughlakabad Institutional Area New Delhi -110062 90.Jyoti, D.D. NG148, Kot Kishan Chand Jalandhar City, Jalandhar 91.Jyoti, Jeevan AG. DAV School Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi -110009 92. Jyoti, Krishna Shiv Jyoti Public School Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Nagar... al Area New Delhi- 110062 149.Prakash, Suraj Principal, CRPF Public School Sector XIV, Rohini Delhi 150.Prasad, Rajendra Opposite Stadium Main Gate Prem Chand Path Rajendra Nagar Patna 800016 151.Rajput, J.S. Director, NCERT Sri Aurobindo Marg New Delhi -110016 152. Rakesh Vraja Academy C/o. 5/3482-A Rehgarpura ...

... ly do involuntary movements in sleep, I wonder! Not likely. March 21, 1937 Another letter from Chand—family matters and something about his Bank trouble! What a fine thing to be an Avatar, what? Why? You think an Avatar has to take in the Bank troubles of his Chands? No fear! How the devil could I mean that I don't want my poetry to improve? I certainly want it to improve to... to us already. He wants to make a marriage and farewell to the world trip, somewhat like X's... But he has been tottering, as you call it, ever since he was here, so that is nothing new... Guru, Chand wants to know what will be the true spirit of surrender for him and how he ought to receive Mother's flower "Surrender" which he has been getting often. Why for him? Surrender is the same for everybody ...

... all right. We have no kājal . If kajal is wanted, why not have some prepared? People are asking, but Mother can't supply everybody. I am sending you the power of attorney draft sent by Chand. It's in Bengali; you will see how difficult it is to translate the terms into English. What the hell am I to do? I have not the hell of an idea! Doraiswamy is coming this Sunday, I hear. Shall... expressions may not be apt and felicitous but coherence there is, what? Yes, except at the end where you make the bird a surrealistic animal with sails and stir the sails with a vision. Guru, Chand has sent me the power of attorney. But out of laziness I didn't move. Is it necessary to show it to you or to Doraiswamy after typing it? To me, no. You can show it to Duraiswami. Better get the ...

... Don't you think the thrill is justified? The thrill but not the damn. It seems tomorrow's affair is going to be a regular feast. But this is the last one. November 16, 1938 Guru, Chand writes to me to ask your opinion on the "tampering with figures". Can there be any opinion? Really, I don't know what to do with this fellow. But I suppose in worldly life such things are necessary ...

... height Unshadowed by time's sudden change Or the bulk of night." Night has a bulk? It may have, but it is not polite or poetic to talk about it—gives the idea that she is corpulent. [Chand's telegram:] "Embarkment enquiry 13th July protection." Guru, is he embarking for Mecca? Looks like embankment which, he said, he demolished, of a tenant. It is the telegraph office here that is... clear mental consciousness and strong will of self-control or else those who are incapable of a passion for more than one person in their life and you are lucky enough not to be that person. [Chand's telegram:] "Partial sex failure must succeed." Guru, after the "embarkment", "partial failure"! What the deuce does he mean by "partial sex failure"—beginning of the operation but no conclusion ...

... found out? Let us have it in a tangible form, if possible... I told you it was unintelligible to anybody but myself, so how the deuce do you expect me to give it to you in a tangible form? Chand writes that while he was meditating in a quiet place, he saw a very brilliant mass of reddish light above the temple there. What does it mean? Don't know. Red means a hundred different things and ...

... Coomaraswamy drawings This series of drawings dates from the latter part of the 18th century and is attributed to painters of the Kangra state under the enlightened patronage of Raja Sansar Chand (1775 1823), a king who had many artists in his employ. Except for one or two, these pictures represent unfinished Kangra paintings similar to many others of their kind (perhaps master sketches kept ...

... have been reading of late Sri Aurobindo's criticism of Savitri 1 in 'Mother India'. I wish Srsi Aurobindo's comments on literary criticism may be collected in book-form.   Who is Rishabh Chand? His exposition is masterly. More when we meet. With kind regards,   Yours sincerely, K. M. Munshi   1. Editor's Note: What is meant is critical comments in answer to questions ...

... its peace or Ananda. November 17, 1936 May I ask Ardhendu to play a little sitar here in the dispensary, at night? I shall invite just a few friends. I suppose it can be done. Chand has asked your advice and protection for going to Chittagong in January. Protection is possible, advice not. November 18, 1936 Guru, Mother said I was receptive? But how? I don't know ...

... for Supramentalisation, what? Well, sir, in the supramental world all kinds will be needed, I suppose. Then why not a supramental ass? July 24, 1937 I hadn't understood " Psh " in Chand's letter. Got it at the last moment, by intuition, Sir: Paresh! Yes. I see! It needed intuition to find that out! S's same trouble continues or worse. Why are you silent on liver extract? ...

... with all science (an encyclopaedia in knowledge). What is more important is to have an instrument of knowledge that will apply itself accurately, calmly, perfectly to all that it has to handle. Chand has sent a rupee to buy something for you on New Year's day. I don't know what to buy. Nor do I. December 29, 1934 × ...

... beautiful. I hope you won't disappoint me this week-end. I have waited long enough. One of J. B.'s letters must be answered. What? Can't say—so many people waiting for an answer. A flower for Chand. Take from Nolini. July 4, 1936 S's jaundice still seems to be the same. I propose to give him about half an ounce of mag. sulph. tomorrow. Mother suggests that a small lavement ...

... complete rest. I suppose there is no call for her to work. ... Is it possible for R to take her up? I am asking R. You will have to tell him all about the case. August 11, 1936 Chand has sent money to buy garlands for you. You can bless him without garlands, can't you? Yes, of course—quite able. Jatin has brought me a pair of dhotis. I shall feel highly gratified if you ...

... length in another letter that there was a Dream-Consciousness of a higher type. Are these distinctions really so difficult to understand? February 19, 1937 What does this telegram from Chand mean? All I know is that this loan company is a company in Chittagong where he has kept deposits. Is it the position of his complex self or the self of the company that is risky? Which? Both perhaps ...

... Spiritual surrealism with a vengeance. Unfortunately I had no time—A mass of work standing over from the week and no time to finish even that. I will look more carefully into the poem tomorrow. Chand's letter, if you can make out anything. Have made something out of it by my immense power of divination. January 17, 1937 So, you have found a splendid meaning in yesterday's poem, Sir ...

... I come to this world But to bear the pain of my knees! * Going through a pile of letters Dada remarked one I've found a new name, Suryendu. The sun (surya) an moon (chand) together. I remember there was a visitor who had come to the Ashram called Chandrabhanu. He asked me to tell something on his behalf to the Mother. In those days I would often forget names. ...

... with him. He is bound by his science and his ideas of treatment, and could not possibly understand much less appreciate her point of view. May 16, 1936 I send you a letter of our dear Chand. If you are still interested in the chap, you can take the trouble to decipher it. I have had several letters from him. He wants to know many things: 1) Descent of the Supra. M. Tail—on ...

... deybey chaal muthi muthi ­ Bhaaand. . . . . bol! Tar haubey laak-kaata beti. Bhaaand. . . . . bol! Jey deybey chaal katha katha, Bhaaand. . . . . bol! Tar haubey shonar chand beta. Bhaaand. . . . . bol! Bolo bhai shi. . . bo, Bhaaand. . . .. bol! Ek katha chaal lota bawdi lota poysha Ii. .. bo Bhaaand. . . .. bol! Then we had to give them ...

... persistence and passing away of the world." Śankara's Brahma-sūtrabhāsya, Bibliotheca Indica, p. 90, 1. 3. Cf. Deussen, System of the Vedânta, p. 123. 3. Brahmasutra II, 3, 9. 4. Chand. Up. II, 2, 2. 5. Śvet. Up. II, 9. 6. BrahmasOtrabhasya, Bibliotheca Indica, pp. 627-628. Page 100 × ...

... THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1997. Zaidi, A. M., et al., eds., Encyclopedia of the Indian National Congress , volumes 9 and 10. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co., 1980 - 81. P ART T WO L ETTERS OF H ISTORICAL I NTEREST Most of Sri Aurobindo's published letters were written to members of his Ashram and outside disciples... in August 1935. During his stay he wrote a letter to Sri Aurobindo, asking him questions about spiritual matters. Desai published Sri Aurobindo's reply in The Story of My Life (New Delhi: S. Chand and Co., 1978), vol. I, pp. 126 - 27. On a Proposed Visit by Jawaharlal Nehru. 5 October 1936 . India's first Prime Minister (1947 - 64), Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 - 1964) was a leader of the ...

... [At the end of the day's medical report:] About Mulshankar? How is he progrgsing? Have you asked him to take up some work? so we learn from B.S. 168 March 10, 1936 Herewith Chand's letter. He wants to change his residence. But if he goes to a Mohamedan mess, it would be from the frying pan into the fire. However, he wants your opinion. Have you any to offer? Have no opinion ...

... be bothered. Over the rest I am still cogitating. Can your letter on Force be read out to a limited few? Yes, but only a few. No copies. April 11, 1937 Guru, another wire from Chand! "Nirod Asram Pondicherry Biswanath asks look arya Correspondence Tomorrow blessings." If you understand what he means, please give an answer, if any! You can wire to him that it is not sanctioned ...

... be able to see them as things coming from the universal Prakriti – world-nature. You must externalize them all. Page 184 Medicine _II 14-10-1925 A letter from Nirmal Chand about Jagatsingh's illness. In reply the following points were mentioned : 1. Improvement in his cancer is encouraging. It shows his receptivity. 2. I had been working on those points where ...

... Macdonell, A. A., A History of Sanskrit Literature (Willian Heinemann, Ltd., London, 1928) Mahābhārata, critical edition by S. K. Belvelkar Mahajan, V. D., Ancient India (S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 1974) Mahaniddesa (The Pali text Society) Majumdar, R. C, "The Rise of the Guptas", "Foundation of the Gupta Empire", "The Expansion of the Gupta Empire", "The ...

... Stone Inscription - bear no dates at all: 9 they do not bring in either regnal years or a family-era. By omitting both, they stand in stark contrast to 1.V. D. Mahajan, Ancient India (S. Chand & Co., New Delhi 1974), p. 395. 2."The Rise of the Guptas", A New History..., p. 132. 3.Mahajan, op. cit., p. 404. 4. Op. cit., p. 132. 5. Op. cit., p. 17. 6."The ...

... towards Śrī Krsna and though eager to behold Him, did not stir out, afraid as they were of Karhsa. Page 83 Sri Krishna holding Mount Govardhan, by the artist Nihal Chand (Kishangarh, about 1755) The worship and lifting of mount Govardhana* ... At this season, when the heavens were clear and bright with stars, Śrī Krsna, once repairing to Vraja ...