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Christendom : communities dominated by any sect of Christianity.
... there came instead the phenomenon of nation-units formed or in formation coexisting as disunited parts of the loose geographical and cultural unity, first, of Christendom, then, of Europe, and with it the problem of the union of this Christendom or of this Europe which, though more than once conceived by individual statesmen or political thinkers, was never achieved nor even the first steps attempted ...
... evil of humanity. It isn’t the evil of humanity. It’s the evil of Christendom … Hitler was brought up to hate the Jews, particularly to hate the Jews as the people of the Devil. He lost his Christian faith, but he retained the hatred of the Jews as the people of the Devil … I don’t blame Germany for the Holocaust; I blame Christendom for the Holocaust.” 546 The anti-Judaic standpoint arrived at by ...
... Three times, did you say? Three times: on the 9th, 11th and 18th of May. What number? One billion six hundred million. It seems, according to him, to represent more or less all of Christendom: not just the Catholics, but the Christians. That's what I had been told. I had been told it was the first movement—the first indication, the first movement of Christendom's conversion to the... beginning of a great age. 1 I had never felt that. That was before he left [for the Vatican]. Then I looked and saw it was decreed from on high: the beginning of Christendom's conversion to the Truth—Christendom as a whole. They have felt something there: I told you there was such a violent attack.... It's mostly P.L. who has been the victim, and me in part: it touched this body. But you know, even ...
... ignore it in practice while professing it in precept or else must sink under the weight of its own impotence and the sense of the illusion of life or of the curse of God upon the world as mediaeval Christendom sank into ignorance and obscurantism or later India into stagnant torpor and the pettiness of a life of aimless egoism. The promise for the individual is well, but the promise for the race is also ...
... question of the prevalence of either the divine or the human aspect of the Avatar has, throughout history, caused endless disputation and sectarian attitudes — about Christ in Gnosticism and early Christendom in all its varieties, as well as about the Avatars of the Hindus in their philosophical disputations. It is necessary to consider this question in some detail, for it is a matter of importance to ...
... mystical afflatus because he fears it often leads to a fruitless introversion and a hallucinated happiness that have no issue in action, no world-transforming power like that of the great Saints of Christendom. Mysticism of the type he has in mind is truly "cheap and jejune" - but it is no mysticism at all: it is something "pseudo" and it is not less hollow when it tries to be active - its activity has ...
... original drift. Dante's Divina Commedia closes with the line: L'amor che muove il sole e l'altre stelle, which may be Englished: The love that moves the sun and the other stars. Christendom has been haunted for centuries by this grand Page 94 finale to its greatest poem and, as a rule, understood it to imply God's universal dynamic harmonising love by which the ...
... ecclesiasticism and monasticism became anti-intellectual and it was left to the Arabs to reintroduce the beginnings of scientific and philosophical knowledge into a Page 76 semi-barbarous Christendom and to the half-pagan spirit of the Renaissance and a long struggle between religion and science to complete the return of a free intellectual culture in the re-emerging mind of Europe. Knowledge ...
... point is whether it openly asserts Arianism and whether, without the help of the treatise, we could take Milton to have made it Arian in its theology rather than such as would appeal to the whole Christendom of his day. As Rajan 157 puts the situation: "To say that the epic is consistent with Milton's heterodox theology is very different from saying that it implies it." Sir Herbert Grierson 158 has ...
... The third is the religious principle. Religion, that is to say, institutional religion has also sought to unify mankind on a larger basis, as large indeed as the world itself. The aim of Christendom, of Islam was frankly a conquest of the whole human race for the one jealous Lord. Buddhism and Hinduism did not overtly or with a set purpose attempt any such worldwide proselytism, but their influence ...
... Christian religion or even their cultural unity in a common European civilization was never so real and complete as the ancient spiritual and cultural unity of India. The spiritual unity centred on Christendom was not the centre of their life, nor even its basis or firm ground of existence, but only its general air or circumambient atmosphere. And this is because the centre of gravity of Europe lies not ...
... was he who thus uttered the famous mantra so well known to all. Dante wondered and felt illumined hearing the reply of the saint. Apart from the saints and sages and wise men (theologians) of Christendom, the higher Heavens sheltered also non-human, that is to say, godly or divine beings – angels and archangels, cherubs and seraphs – powers of Love, powers of Knowledge – Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms ...
... his back, heaved a sigh and prayed to the Lord to pardon all those who did not know what they were doing. In the early centuries of the Christian era when Rome sought to spread her gospel of Christendom and extend its frontiers, the vandals rose up against it and from their barbarian soil of Germania swept through the countries like a hurricane, laying waste everything before them till they reached ...
... principle. The third is the religious principle. Religion, that is to say, institutional religion has also sought to unify mankind on a larger basis, as large indeed as the world itself The aim of Christendom, of Islam was frankly a conquest of the whole human race for the one jealous Lord. Buddhism and Hinduism did not Page 94 overtly or with a set purpose attempt any such world-wide ...
... dominant in the world towards large imperial aggregations. The position would then Page 400 be for a time very much like that of feudal Europe while it was in abortive travail of a united Christendom,—a great criss-cross of heterogeneous, complicated, overlapping and mutually interpenetrating interests, a number of small Powers counting for something, but overshadowed and partly coerced by a ...
... had not the wisdom to do by his organised empire,—for even the profoundest and surest political instinct is not wisdom,—had to be done by Nature herself in the loose but living unity of mediaeval Christendom. Page 316 The example of Rome has haunted the political imagination of Europe ever since. Not only has it been behind the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne and Napoleon's gigantic attempt ...
... Europe had accepted Christ only to crucify him afresh; she had entombed him alive with his pure & gracious teaching and over that living tomb she had built a thing called the Church. What we know as Christendom was a Page 154 strange mixture of Roman corruption, German barbarism and fragments of ancient culture all bathed in the pale light that flowed upward from the enhaloed brows of the entombed ...
... of "relay" enabling the Light to enter there—the very fact of his being there. That's what I had told him. As for me, I'll add something. You understand, they made an attempt to unify all of Christendom, and the Pope went to Geneva to unite with the Protestants—which wouldn't have been so good. That's not the thing needed, because it would have strengthened Christianity—division takes away some ...
... married to Valerie, who loved him (and who has so admirably edited these letters). And T.S.E. did not evade his suffering, but endured and transmuted it. He was, surely, the last great poet of Christendom and the old civilization? Yeats spoke for a more universal, timeless reality, and the future. He too fell short of wisdom, and perhaps did not die happy? He was insatiable - his daughter Anne agrees ...
... or esoteric members (perfecti) was "ascetic to the point of cruelty" - the same conduct including strict celibacy, fasting, etc., which made saints of Catholic monks and nuns in conventional Christendom. The great body of ordinary members lived decent human lives, according to Alphandery. The only fault of the community was doctrinal difference. St. Dominic was prominent in the group that tried ...
... pre-history when the human was not divorced from the divine. A general aspect to note is that here we have an experience which is mystical without falling into the framework of con-ventional Christendom. Rousseau is the first individual in Christian Europe who, according to Havelock Ellis, "presents a typical picture of 'conversion' altogether apart from any conventional religious creeds". By " ...
... can recognise two great cycles of change, one of the ancient races leading from the primitive ages to the cultured society of the Graeco-Roman world, the other from the semi-barbarism of feudal Christendom to the intellectual, materialistic and civilised society of modern times. In the East, on the contrary, the great revolutions have been spiritual and cultural; the political and social changes ...
... essentially a place of worship. The idea was that over the course of centuries, by tradition and venerability, it would acquire an importance similar to that St. Peter’s in Rome has for Catholic Christendom.” 772 When one surveys the landscape of Hitler’s mind as we have been discovering it up to this point in our story, a big divide seems to run straight through it. On the one side is everything ...
... country governed by an apparently helpless Queen, and the Pope did his utmost to remove that heretic woman from the throne. ‘Since that guilty woman of England rules over two such noble kingdoms of Christendom [England and Scotland] and is the cause of so much injury to the Christian faith and loss of so many million souls, there is no doubt that whosoever sends her out of the world [i.e. murders her] ...
... throughout their amazing history they were never secure – till the calling of the first crusade by Urban II in 1095. Taken by a sudden fervour, thousands of the most destitute people in Western Christendom left the little they possessed, if anything, and followed preachers like Peter the Hermit in the hope of finding lasting happiness, or a full stomach, beyond the forests which formed the horizon ...
... ical" illness. × A page in the history of the world has been turned, the conversion of all of Christendom to the new Truth ( Agenda of April 3, 1968 ). × A few days later, P.L. sent Mother a telegram ...
... nothing but pawns, like that ( gesture as on a chessboard ), which are set in motion, but... We'll see. We should note that. Still, does it have something to do with the Pope? Yes. With Christendom. ( Mother again goes into a long contemplation ) Since yesterday (it didn't seem related to the first experience), but the whole day, my way of reacting (inwardly, not outwardly), my way of ...
... it, Man's original state and its loss, the role of Evil in world-history, God's providential bringing of Good out of Evil through Christ's intercession. And perhaps this part has mattered most to Christendom. But it should not induce us to agree with Rajan. For, we can show how Milton, at least once, makes no bones about his poor opinion of Roman Catholicism, the creed of the Christian majority ...
... Duke of Bedford, the Maid prays you not to bring about your own destruction. If you do her right, you may yet go in her company where the French shall do the finest deed that has ever been done in Christendom, and if you do not, you shall be reminded shortly of your great wrongs.' In that closing sentence she invites them to go on crusade with her to rescue the Holy Sepulchre. No answer had ...
... spring of A.D. 29, and witnessed the transfiguration of Christ. Apostle of Spain, his body reposes at Compostella in Spain, it is claimed, which has become one of the great pilgrimage centres of Christendom. In art, St James is sometimes portrayed with a sword. "He played a part in Spain's history." Mother described the story they painted. "He had appeared Page 133 during a ...
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