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Collins : William (1721-59), English lyricist whose odes adhered to neoclassical forms but they were Romantic in theme & feeling. Though his literary career was brief & his output slender, he is considered one of the finest English lyric poets of 18th century.

48 result/s found for Collins

... spirits as in Gray's Bard & Collins' Ode or of Norwegian mythology as in Gray's translations from the Norse. This impulse towards the supernatural is extremely marked in Gray & finds its way even into his humorous poems; & tho' less prominent in Collins, it was sufficient to offend Johnson, the chief critic of the Pope school, who especially animadverts on it in his life of Collins & his remarks on Gray's... abstract than a direct manner; Collins' Ode on the Passions is the main instance of this abstract handling of emotion which is peculiar to the school. In the same spirit they dealt with high & general feelings, especially the love of Liberty, which inspires Collins' Ode to Liberty, Gray's Bard & Progress of Poesy, and much of Akenside's writing. It is noticeable that Collins was a republican, Akenside... classical. Gray, Collins and Akenside endeavoured by study of Milton & the Greek writers to recover the true classical style. They were however all greatly hampered by the traditions of eighteenth-century poetry and none of them quite succeeded. Besides this similarity in general aim, there are several particular resemblances. 1st in metre. They all avoided the heroic couplet. Collins' Persian Eclogues ...


... question really at issue is   6.Letter of August 21, 1925, to Auguste Valensin. quoted in Christopher Mooney's Teilhard de Chardin and the Mystery of Christ (Collins, London, 1966), p. 199. 7.Writings in Time of War (Collins, London, 1968), pp. 55-56. 8.Science and Christ, p. 124. 9.Letters to Two Friends, 1926-1952, p. 106. Page 184 whether... bedrock. This bedrock may be felt also through   14.Ibid., pp. 648p-19. 15.Letters to Two Friends, 1926-1952, p. 40. 16.Ibid., p. 44. 17.Utters to Leontine Zanta (Collins, London 1969), p. 72. Page 187 an expression of Teilhard's 18 like: "the Saint... loses his materiality. Everything is God for him, God is everything for him, and for him... observes: "He tried to show in Our Lord Jesus Christ 'the synthesis of the created Universe and its   18.Writings in Time of War, p. 108. 19.The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin (Collins, London, 1967), p. 202. Page 188 Creator': did he not sometimes seem to establish this synthesis at a too accessible level and thus, in spite of the qualifications and corrections ...

... by Sidney Spencer (Pelican, Harmondsworth, 1963), p. 249. 10. Ibid., p. 250. 11. Ibid, 12. Ibid., p. 251. 13. Activation of Energy, translated by Rene Hague (Collins, London, 1970), p. 225. Page 42 to be aware of considerable traces of fusionism in the appeals directed towards the inexpressible by an Eckhart or even a John of the Cross..." And... 26. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: His Life and Spirit, translated from the French by Martin Jarrett-Kerr (Barrie & Rockliff, London, 1960), p. 61. 27. An Introduction to Teilhard de Chardin (Collins, A Fontana Original, Theology and Philosophy, London, 1968), pp. 78-79. Page 47 of his definitions of Teilhard's "phenomenology". He 28 calls the tatter "a science which seeks... that there is a   28. Ibid., p. 48. 29. Ibid., p. 50. 30. Ibid., pp. 62-63. 31. Ibid., p. 64. 32. The Eternal Feminine - Teilhard and the Problems of Today (Collins, London, 1971), p. 73. Page 48 certain tendency to pan-psychism in his thought." First, de Lubac 33 refers us to the book, Teilhard de Chardin {p. 122) by Teilhard's friend, Mgr ...

... reconciliation comes is when the "friend" meditates before a picture of Christ. What happens is thus related: 6   2. Writings in Time of War, (Collins, Fontana Books, London, 1968), p. 121, fn. 10. 3. Science and Christ (Collins, London, 1968), p. 124. 4. The Hymn of the Universe (Harper & Row, New York, 1965), p. 42, fn. 2. 5. Ibid., pp. 53-54. 6. Ibid., 42-43... cosmicising Christ. But he tried always to counterbalance this tendency because of his intellectual misconception that to unite with the Divine of   14. The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin (Collins, London, 1967), p. 262. 15. The Design of Teilhard de Chardin, An Essay in Theological Reflection, translated by Arthur Gibson (The Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1967), pp. 121-22 ...

... translated by Susanne K. Langer (Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1946).       Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de. The Phenomenon of Man, translated by Bernard Wall (Collins, London, 1960).       Letters from a Traveller (Collins, London, 1962).      Chaudhuri, Haridas, The Philosophy of Integralism, or the Metaphysical Synthesis inherent in the Teaching of Sri Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo... Ashram, Pondicherry, 1961).       Sadhana in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1962).       Pasternak, Boris.An Essay in Autobiography, translated by Manya Harari (Collins & Harvill, London, 1959).       Payne, M.A. Creative Education (William Maclellan, Glasgow, 1958).       Pearson, N. Sri Aurobindo and the Soul Quest of Man (Allen & Unwin, London, 1952) ...


... Ibid., p. 292. 40. Christianity and Evolution, pp. 157-58. 41. Writings in Time of War (London: Collins, 1973), p. 95. 42. Ibid., n. 4. 43. Ibid., p. 163. 44. Ibid., p. 95. 45. Ibid., p. 104. 46. Activation of Energy (London: Collins, 1970), p. 225. 47. Selected Writings on Contemplation, p. 228. 48. The Ladder of Perfection (trans... Ramsey, The Resurrection of Christ (Collins, Fontana Books, London, 1961), pp. 60-61. 68. Ibid., p. 61. 69. Rediscovering the Bible (Association Press, New York, 1951), p. 218. 70. Searching the Scriptures, p. 118. 71. The Man from Nazareth, pp. 16-17. 72.Barclay, The Plain Man Looks at the Apostles' Creed (Collins Fount Paperbacks, 1979), pp. 11-12. ... Chardin: Pilgrim of the Future, edited by Neville Braybrooke (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, Libra Books, 1966), p. 94. 20. Ibid., p. 93. 21. Christianity and Evolution (London: Collins, 1971), p. 72. 22. Dialogue with Teilhard de Chardin (London: Sheed and Ward, 1961), pp. 189-90. 23. Ibid., Pp. 71-2, 73-4. 24. Ibid.,, P. 121, n. 10. 25. The Jerusalem ...

... Ibid. 19. Ibid., 20. Ibid., Page 39 21. Hymn of the Universe (Collins, Fontana Books, London, 1971), p. 51. 22. Le coeur de la Matiere, quoted in Emile Rideau's Teilhard de Chardin: A Guide to HisThought (Collins, London, 1967), p. 502. 23. Activation of Energy (Collins, London, 1971), p. 74. 24. The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin, p. 358,note 67. 25... His touch is infinite and lends A yonder to all ends. Notes and References 1.Quoted in Henri de Lubac's The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin 2.Letters to Two Friends (Collins, The Fontana Library, Theology and Philosophy, London, 1972), p. 155. 3. Ibid., 4. The Design of Teilhard de Chardin: 5. Christianity and Evolution 6. Letters to Two Friends,... 25. Activation of Energy, p. 69. 26. Ibid. 27. Ibid., p. 68. 28. Ibid., p. 369. 29. The Vision of the Past (Collins, London, 1966), p. 137. 30. The Phenomenon of Man, p. 272. 31. The Life Divine (The Sri Aurobindo Library, The Greystone Press, New York,1949), pp. 680-681. Page 40 ...


... man. REFERENCES 1. The Living Stream: A Restatement of Evolution Theory and Us Relation to the Spirit of Man (Collins, London, 1965), p. 254. 2. Ibid., p. 170. 3. Ibid., p. 163. 4. Ibid., p. 165. 5. Chance and Necessity (Collins, London, 1972), pp. 120-21. 6. Ibid., p. 122. 7. Ibid. 8. The Theory of the Living Organism (Melbourne University... the end of his article in Scientific American, September 1957. Page 337 28. The Divine Flame: An Essay towards a Natural History of Religion (Collins, London, 1966), p. 222. 29. Chance and Necessity (Collins, London, 1972), pp. 148-49. 30. Ibid., p. 148. 31. Ibid. 32. Ibid., p. 37. 33. Ibid. 34. Ibid., p. 30. 35. Ibid., p. 223. ... 42. Hardy, op. Cit., p. 227. 43. Ibid., p. 228. 44. The Life Divine, p. 473. 45. The Living Stream: A Restatement of Evolution Theory and Its Relation to the Spirit of Man (Collins, London, 1965), p. 257. 46. The Mystery of the Mind (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1975). Page 338 ...

... deepest 'pantheist' aspirations are satisfied, guided and reassured". 21   17. Letters from a Traveller (Collins, Fontana Religious Books, London, 1967), p. 132. 18. Teilhard de Chardin: A Biography (Collins, London, 1968), p. 209. 19. Letters to Leon tine Zanta (Collins, London, 1969), p. 36 (Introduction by Henri de Lubac). 20. Christianity and Evolution, p. 126, ... original, the capital letters wherever they were used. 2.18 November 1965, p. 1027. De Lubac's book, in the hardbound edition which was reviewed, is entitled The Faith of Teilhard de Chardin (Collins, London, 1965). The paperback is named Teilhard de Chardin: The Man and His Meaning {A Mentor-Omega Book, The New American Library, New York, 1967). The version, in de Lubac, of the debated passage ...

... as our old Christianity, but with a new life drawn from the legitimate evolution of its dogmas as they come into contact with new ideas."   1.Teilhard de Chardin: A Guide to His Thought (Collins, London, 1967), p. 643. 2.[bid. We follow the translations of Teilhard's writings as they appear in Rideau's book. They were published before the official versions in English came out and... p. 546. 13. Ibid. 14. Ibid., pp. 538-39. 15.'in whom all things hold together' (Col. 1:7). 16."Fall, Redemption, and Geocentrism," Christianity and Evolution (Collins, London, 1971), p. 44. Page 105 aspect of Teilhardism; but the resemblances are accidental and to Teilhard unnecessary. He has his own all-or-nothing Christ-fixation which is for... not only an illusion but a secret pride. Its equivalent can be found in a number of his letters." 19   17."Teilhard and the Problem of Today", included in the volume The Eternal Feminine (Collins, London, 1971), p. 194. 18.Ibid., p. 195. 19.For example in a letter to Pere Gorce, 4 October, 1950. Cf. Teilhard missionnaire et apologiste, (Ed. 'Pri£re et Vie,' Toulouse, 1966) ...

... it translates Hebrew 'ah, even when used in the sense of 'kinsman' (Genesis 13:8; 29:12-15; see AG 42 15). Greek papyri from Egypt also preserve the wide sense of adelphos, 'relative' (see J.J. Collins, TS 43 ). In view of the NT teaching on the virginal conception of Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:34) and the Christian tradition about Mary 'ever virgin,' in the Creeds, adelphos is understood as... Gospels, Second Edition (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977), pp. 43,44,45. 8.  Encyclopedia Americana (New York: American Corporation, 1966), Vol. 18, p. 346, col. 1. 9. Glasgow: Collins, Fontana Books, 1975, p. 55. 10. The Jerusalem Bible (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1966), p. 346 of The New Testament. 11.  The Virginal Conception ..., p. 28, fn. 32. 12.  Ibid ...

... the Germanic invasions into the Roman Empire. True, Hitler did not give the order to destroy Paris as long as he had it in his grip, but he did so the moment he saw that it was going to escape him. Collins and Lapierre, in their bestseller Is Paris Burning?, quote the order from the German headquarters, which was Hitler’s order: ‘Paris must not fall into the hands of the enemy, or, if it does, he must... had spent the first part of her life, for she said later, in a recorded conversation on 5 November 1961, that an emanation of her had been protecting Paris ‘every night of the last war.’ 56 And Collins and Lapierre write that on the day of its liberation ‘every Parisian looking out of his window … could gaze at one of the wonders of the war: Paris was unharmed.’ Regretfully, the published Talks ...

... not anti-God or atheistic. … I do believe, however, that religious belief can explain more than unbelief can do.” 37 Another prominent scientist who wrote about his religious belief is Francis Collins, the leader of the International Human Genome Project. In his book The Language of God he writes: “For me the experience of sequencing the human genome, and uncovering this most remarkable of all... Owen Gingerich: God’s Universe , pp. 73 ff., passim. × Francis Collins: The Language of God , p. 3. × Jean Delumeau (ed.): Le savant et la foi , p. 40-1. ...

... Stephen: Revolutions in the Earth , Phoenix, 2003 Bassler, Moritz, and others (ed.): Mystique, mysticisme et modernité , PUS, 1998 Barash, David: Sociobiology – The Whisperings Within , Fontana/Collins, 1981 Bauer, Henry H.: Scientific Literacy and the Myth of the Scientific Method , University of Illinois Press, 1992 Behe, Michael J.: Darwin’s Black Box , Free Press, 2006 — The Edge... Mind in the 19th Century , Cambridge University Press, 1975 Chown, Marcus: Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You , Faber and Faber, 2007 Cobb, Matthew: The Egg & Sperm Race , Pocket Books, 2006 Collins, Francis: The Language of God , Pocket Books, 2007 Crombie, A.C.: Medieval and Early Modern Science , Doubleday Anchor Books, 1959 Darwin, Charles: The Origin of Species , Goyal Publishers ...

... Religious Perspective Series, New York). 22.P. 18, col. 2. 23.P. 19, col. 1. 24. The Biology of Ultimate Concern (Collins, Fontana, London, 1971), pp. 108-37. 25. Ibid., p. 109. 26.P(Pelican Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1969), p. 117.. 27... 49.Op. cit.,139-97 50.Op. cit., p.91 51.P. 18, col. 1. 52.Op. cit., pp.45,59 53. Chance and Necessity (Collins, London, 1972), pp. 35-36. 54. My View of the World (The Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1964). 55. The Living Stream: A Restatement ...


... Ibid., p. 526. 43.  Ibid., fn. 25. 44.  Ibid., p. 526. 45. Michael Ramsey, The Resurrection of Christ: A Study of the Event and Its Meaning for the Christian Faith (London: Collins, Fontana Books, 1961), pp. 60-61. 46. "Aspects of New Testament Thought", The Jerome Biblical Commentary, p. 794, col. 2. 47. "Wisdom", ibid., p. 563, col. 2. 48. The Virginal...   Ibid., p. 339. 61.  Ibid., p. 309. 62.  Ibid., col. 2, note o. 63. David Edwards, Jesus for Modern Man: An Introduction to the Gospels in Today's English Version (Glasgow: Collins, Fontana Books, 1975), p. 139. 64. 77k Virginal Conception. .., p. 86, fn. 147. 65.  Ibid., pp. 87-88. 66.  Ibid., pp. 88-89. 67. "The Letter to the Galatians", 77k Jerome... Testament, p. 314. 224.  Ibid., p. 315, col. 2, note h. 225.  Ibid., p. 278. 226.  Ibid., p. 293. 227. William Barclay, The Plain Man looks at the Apostles' Creed (Glasgow: Collins,Fount Paperbacks, 1979), p. 96. 228.  Paul's First Letter to Corinth, p. 13 and fn. 105. 229. The Jerusalem Bible, The New Testament, pp. 339-40. 230.  Ibid., p. 102. 231 ...

... world", if I deserted the post I have been assigned to. In this sense I love them both, and I want to   29.Letters to Two Friends, 1926-1952 (The Fontana Library, Theology and Philosophy, Collins, London, 1972), p. 103. 30.Op. cit., p. 298. 31.Ibid. Page 155 work, as an individual atom, to perfect them from within, with no trace of antagonism..... this stage, hastens to add: "the precise reason does not matter for the moment. Before looking for an explanation of the thing, 1   27.op. cit., p. 96. 28.Science and christ ( Collins, London, 1966), p 29.Ibid., p. 41. Page 178 that is to say (in virtue of our first principle) of arriving at a certain higher degree of consciousness." 30 Then comes the... section and dimension of which there is no explicit mention in the Gospel."   In the essay's English translation, Christ the Evolver, included in the collection Christianity and Evolution (Collins, London, 1972), the words carry a footnote (p, 142) by the Editor, N.M. Wildiers, Doctor of Theology: "Christ had foretold it: 'I have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When ...

... itself to a glorification of the purely human or moral qualities of Jesus. If Jesus were no more than 'a father, a   9. Ibid., p.110. 10. Letters to Two Friends, 1926-1952, (Collins, The Fontana Library of Theology and Philosophy, London, 1972), p. 48. Page 18 mother, a brother, a sister' to us, I would not have need of Him: and, in a sense, the past does not... both St. Paul and Teilhard would be seen as endowing their Christ with a cosmicity foreign to the   11. Ibid., pp. 55-56. 12. Christianity and Evolution, translated by Rene Hague (Collins, London, 1971), p. 68. 13. Ibid. Page 20 Christian religion, insisting, as this religion does, that God in no way is constitutive of the universe or identical with its finite ...

... corollary ensues: Christian history after c. 100 A.D. is a phenomenon not envisaged or intended by Christ.   References   1. William Barclay, The Mind of St. Paul (London: Collins, Fontana Books, 1972), p. 105. 2.  Ibid., p. 169. 3. Raymond E. Brown, The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke (New York: Image Books, 1979)... Religious History of the Jews (Columbia University), I, p. 156. 8. Fosdick, op. cit., p. 171. 9.  A Handbook of Christian Theology, edited by Marvin Halverson and Arthur Cohen (London: Collins, Fontana Books, 1962), p. 19. Page 93 ...

... also. But do we listen to logic? quite often, not. Well, here is Amal Kiran defending himself against the Mother calling him imbécile [in French, translated as “moron”; “idiot”; Collins: “idiotic”, “idiot”]: “It has always appeared to me that the Divine, by the very fact of assuming a body, through the common human process must be prone at times to make mistakes, at least small ones ...


... of Moscow and Leningrad …” 1142 The order for the destruction of Paris was finally given after the Allied invasion in Normandy, and is printed with all references in Is Paris Burning? by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre. It read: “Paris must not fall in the hands of the enemy, or, if it does he must find there nothing but a field of ruins.” And the authors write that the day after the liberation ...


... his nature of unconditional egoism, raging fury and the orgiastic pleasure of destruction. The order of the OKW, the German headquarters, is printed with all references in the best-seller by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Is Paris Burning? ‘Paris must not fall into the hands of the enemy, or, if it does he must find there nothing but a field of ruins.’ And the authors write that the nght of ...


... Foakes Jackson and Lake, II, pp. 349-55. 6.  Enc. Brit., Macropaedia, Vol. 2, p. 957, cols: 1 & 2. 7.  The Young Church in Action: The Acts of the Apostles in Modern English (London: Collins, Fontana Books, 1966), p. 19. 8. The Jerusalem Bible (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1966), The New Testament, p. 215, col. 1, note a. 9.  Ibid., p. 196 (Introduction to the Acts of the ...

... Christ     10.The Divine Milieu, p. 102. 11.Prayer of the Universe, p. 102. 12.Science and Christ, pp. 54-55. 13.Teilhard de chardin and the Mystery of Christ (Collins, London, 1966), p. 170. Page 58 and apparently it is always the concrete, historical God-Man of whom he is thinking, never the Word independent of his humanity. How this is to ...

... thoughts. Piloo Nannavutti's review of your Tyger is now with the printer and will go in the next Temenos, which will be delayed, again, by the time it will take to have plates made of work by Cecil Collins, a wonderful painter - he died in June, when there was a big retrospective exhibition of his work at the Tate. It was like seeing the fields of Paradise disclosed in the heart of London's opening streets ...

... answer was, "He would certainly have been President, but a president of a different kind." ________________ From John Gunthere, Roosevelt in Retrospect, A Profile in History, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 1950 Page 467 Roosevelt waves to supporters in 1920, the year before he had polio. Roosevelt onboard a warship in the mid-1930s ...

... _ 7 Narayan Prasad: Life in Sri Aurobindo Ashram . × Pp. 164-65, by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre. ...

... broken and fell down on the table below in two separate pieces. The doctor was puzzled, and he became still more puzzled when news came to him that his friend had died a few days back. (Vide B. Addy Collins, Death Is Not the End, p. 69) Second Event. - There were two cousin sisters, Julia and Benja by name. Both of them were agnostics and did not have any perceptible belief in conscious existence ...

... and Deity, Macmillan, London, Paperback edition, 1966. 13 Vide., Teilhard de Chardin, P, Le Phenomene Humaine, Editions de Seuil, Paris, 1955: Translation by B.wall, The Phenomenon of Man, Collins, London, 1959. 14 Vide,, Lowe, V. Alfred, North Whitehead: The Man and His work, MD: The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1985, 1990 15 Vide., Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, ...

... Chitrangada 363,458 Clark, A.B. 9 Clemens, Prudentius 336 Clough, Arthur Hugh 53 Cocteaujean 268 Collected Poems and Plays 39 Collins, Douglas C. 455 Cotton, James S. 8 Coulton, G.G. 412 Cousins, James H. 17 Coxe, Louis O. 398,408 Crane, Hart 390   Dante 33,102, 111 ...


... chance occurrences. Might it be that Sri Aurobindo found the need to hammer out these word-combinations much as the old Anglo-Saxon poets felt the need to coin their 'kennings'? According to Douglas C. Collins, "In essence a kenning is a metaphorical expression: it is because the Anglo-Saxon mind did not make the comparison in the obvious way that there are few similes. The comparison is much closer: the ...


... Pope and the production of the Lyrical Ballads in 1798 are to be found in Gray's writings. Of the other poets of the time, Johnson & Goldsmith mark the last development of the Augustan style, while Collins, Blake, Cowper, Burns, Chatterton each embody in their poetry the beginnings of one or more tendencies which afterwards found their full expression in the nineteenth century. Gray alone seems to include ...


... from the prison of the formal metrical mould, rhetorical style, limited subject-matter, absence of imagination and vision imposed by the high pontiffs of the pseudo-classical cult. Poets like Gray, Collins, Thomson, Chatterton, Cowper seek liberation by a return to Miltonic blank verse and manner, to the Spenserian form,—an influence which prolonged itself in Byron, Keats and Shelley,—to lyrical movements ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... given that all must be seen as Paramatman & Para Purushah, Krishna, in the two states of status & dynamis, rest & motion. (2) Are all mere representatives & agents of the Standard. Story of Trusts (Collins) p. 106 This is a very remarkable instance of the sortilege; for there is no connection between the Kathakopanishad & the Story of Trusts, yet a sortilege immediately taken from the latter after ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... how I shall pay the next printer's bill, but in need I can sell another painting. When my friends were young and unknown I sometimes bought paintings which now have become extremely valuable -Cecil Collins, Winifred Nicholson. David Jones I shall keep till my last resource is exhausted! Not deterred by this we now contemplate setting up a small College to be called the Temenos Academy of Integral ...

... of itself, there glimmers out a presage of Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats. A forerunner more immediate in time as well as in several moods is the effort made by poets like Gray, Collins, Thomson, Chatterton and Cowper in the third quarter of the eighteenth century to break away, in Sri Aurobindo's words, 5 "from the prison of the formal metrical mould, rhetorical style, limited ...


... , pp. 707, 712. 1140 Albert Speer: Inside the Third Reich, p. 249. 1141 Ernst Hanfstängl: Hitler – The Missing Years, p. 120 1142 Joachim Fest: Der Untergang, p. 153. 1143 Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre: Is Paris Burning? p. 435. 1144 Nirodbaran, op. cit., p. 919. 1145 John Lukacs: The Hitler of History, p. 129. 1146 Ron Rosenbaum: Explaining Hitler, p. 268. ...


... Geist des Gehorsams Krockow, Christian von: Hitler und seine Deutschen Kubizek, August: Adolf Hitler, mein Jugendfreund Langer, Walter: The Mind of Adolf Hitler Lapierre, Larry Collins and Dominique: Is Paris Burning? Large, David Clay: Hitlers München Lebert, Norbert and Stephan: Denn Du trägst meinen Namen Leeb, Johannes (ed.): Wir waren Hitlers Eliteschüler ...


... subsequently Dum Dum Factory, Calcutta. 36 . Premanand: a Gujarati sadhak who was the Librarian of the Ashram Library. 37 . Mrs. Elizabeth Montgomery connected with Harper & Collins publishing house of America. She arranged for the publication of Sri Aurobindo’s books in America and Canada. 38 . Sunil Bhattacharya (1920-1988), came to the Ashram in the 1940’s and ...

... midnight on 15 August 1947. Lord Mountbatten had been responsible for the choice of the date, thus putting into motion at breakneck speed a sequence of highly important and far-reaching decisions. Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre have narrated, in Freedom at Midnight, how Mountbatten chose the date on the spur of the moment during a press conference, though he pretended to have had a date in mind. ...

... Heaven is to be consummated on Earth, as an event of a purely catastrophic nature - that is to say, liable to come about at any moment in   6. The Future of Man, translated by Norman Denny (Collins, Fontana Books, London, 1969), p. 280, Page 36 view of Mankind in an actual state of anthropogenesis, that the parousiac spark can, of physical and organic necessity, only be kindled ...

... House Book, Associations Press, 1951), p. 221. 16. The Jerusalem Bible, The New Testament, pp. 222-23. 17.  The Young Church in Action: The Acts of the Apostles in Modern English (London: Collins, Fontana Books, 1966), p. 23. 18.  The Virginal Conception ..., p. 57, fn. 91. 19.  Harvard Theological Studies VI, "The Style and Literary Method of Luke". 20. Raymond E. Brown ...

... John Reumann (Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 1981, originally published in London by Cassell Ltd., 1978), pp. 42-44. 13.  The Plain Man Looks at the Apostles' Creed (Glasgow: Collins, Fount Paperbacks, 1979), p. 77. 14.  The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1964), p. 1502, col. 2. 15. The Jerusalem Bible (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1966), The Old Testament, p. 743 ...

... Divine of Book II, he now gets ready for the Yoga of the Transcendental Divine in Book III. MANGESH NADKARNI Page 301 Select Bibliography J. E. Collins(1970) M. P. Pandit (1971-73) A. B. Purani (1952) The Integral Vision of Sri Aurobindo, Upublished doctoral dissertation. Readings in Savitri: Vols. IV, V ...

... Illusionism, which held life to be an imperma-nence or ignorance that must be transcended and cast away, yet did not lose sight of the truth that man must develop   1.christianity and Evolution (Collins, London, 1971), p. 122. 2.Ibid., p. 130. 3.Ibid., p. 4.The Foundations of Indian Culture (The Sri Aurobindo Library Inc., New York, 1953), pp. 79, 203-05. Page ...

... throughout the universe - a sense which would be a natural and logical step towards pantheism.   A pronouncement at some length in our support meets us on pp. 98-100 of The Vision of the Past (Collins, London, 1966). The article where it occurs is called "The Transformist Paradox" and refers to "the new perspectives of discontinuity and polyphyletism", which seemed to the anatomist Louis Vialleton ...

... s'ramanya phalasutra, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1988. Madhusudan Saraswati, Adaivaita Siddhi & Siddhanta Bindu, Govemment Oriental Series, Bombay, 1962 . Magee, B. , Popper, Fontana,Collins, London, 1973. PAGE–147 Madhusudan Saraswati, Giidhartha-dipika (on Bhagavad Gita), Chaukhamba Sanskrit Prathishthan, Delhi, 1992. Mahadevan, T.M.R, Outlines of Hinduism, Chetana ...

... account of a debate between Richard Dawkins, who holds the view that on the basis of the physical evidence that we possess today of the universe, evolution should lead towards atheism, and Francis Collins, who holds the view that material science not only points to Immanent God but also to Transcendental God, who exists outside of space and time, — the account was reported in Time, January 15, 2007) ...