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Comte : Auguste (1798-1857), founder of Positivism – a system of thought & knowledge claiming to provide a basis for political organization in industrial society.
... played in Germany a role comparable in many aspects to that of Spencer in Great Britain (and Auguste Comte in France), strengthened by his stature as a university professor. He was the main propagator of Darwinism, which he interpreted as a framework for a universal philosophy based on science. Just like Comte and Spencer before him, he projected a vision which resembled a religion. He proposed to fuse the ...
... precedence over personal ambition, marriage and love. [... ] The philosophical doctrines of the period gave this national progressionism a special direction. For some years past the positivism of Comte and Spencer had instigated new ways of thinking in Europe. At the same time, the work of Pasteur, Darwin and Claude Bernard had endowed the exact science with immense prestige. At Warsaw as elsewhere... Sklodovski had transmitted his passionate curiosity to her. But that world was not enough for impetuous Manya; she plunged eagerly into other sections of the world's knowledge; she grasped at Auguste Comte and social evolution, she dreamed no longer of mathematics and chemistry alone, but wished to reform the established order and enlighten the masses of the people. Forty years later, Maria ...
... philosophical thinkers, notably Pythagoras, Descartes, Pascal and Leibnitz, were great mathematicians as well. Some others like Thales, Democritus, Plato, Saint Augustine, Condorcet, Kant, Auguste Comte and Husserl were not professional mathematicians, but their acquaintance with 'the Queen of the Sciences' was certainly not negligible. One remembers in this connection a pregnant remark made by Leibnitz: ...
... Claude Bernard (1813-1878) : French physiologist who defined the fundamental principles of scientific research in his treatise: An introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine. Auguste Comte (1798-1857) : French philosopher, who was considered as one of the founders of sociology (the study of human social behavior). His school of thought, Positivism, was influential towards the end of the ...
... and beast. He prayeth best, who loveth best All things both great and small; 76"The style is the man himself?' from Discour sur le style (Discourse on Style) by Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, spoken before the French Academy on 25 August 1753. 77Letter to Robert Lloyd (October 1798), Th e Poetry and Prose of Coleridge, Lamb and Leigh Hunt (The Christ's Hospital Anthology ...
... occultism. The magic component of the Renaissance has been mentioned. The inspiration of Descartes’ philosophical re-evaluation of the bases of Western knowledge was revealed to him in three dreams. August Comte, the theorist of positivism, launched a new religion of humanity. Nietzsche’s thinking, however this-worldly in its intention, started from and returned to a-material suppositions. And theoretical physics ...
... is the object with many biologists and historians of biology. We will see that some quite level-headed authors allege that ‘Darwinism’ has become a fanatical sect, a scientific Church. Darwin, like Comte, Freud and Jung, did indeed show traits of the founder of a faith, while remaining subject to devouring doubts. The anti-Lamarckism and the false rumours it has turned into clichés seems to be the result ...
... were defeated, and survivors crept back to their tasks. Some serfs were trained to arts and crafts, and supplied nearly all the needs of their masters. At a feast given to Catherine II (the Comte de Ségur tells us) the poet and the composer of the opera, the architect who had built the auditorium, the painter who decorated it, the actors and actress in the drama, the dancers in the ballet ...
... and entertainment for them. The French, Austrian, and English ambassadors each had a private palace with a host of liveried³ servants, private coaches and horses, and they lived in splendour. Comte de Ségur, the witty French courtier whom Catherine found so entertaining, was a special guest, and he was in good spirits because of the commercial treaty just concluded between his country and Russia ...
... Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. The Battle of Wandiwash was a continuation of the Anglo-French armed struggle and rivalry in Europe and other parts of the world. Eyre Coote commanded the English troops while Comte de Lally commanded the French troops. The British captured the fort near Wandiwash in 1759. This battle sealed the fate of the French empire in India. The French were no longer in a position to challenge ...
... accompanied by philosophical ideas that would in part direct them: positivism, socialism, communism and the idea of continuous material progress leading ultimately to a Utopian world on Earth. Auguste Comte’s Course of Positive Philosophy was published in six volumes between 1830 and 1842, Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto in 1848 and Das Kapital in 1867, Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1859 ...
... century Enlightenment is also called the Age of Reason. The 19th century philosophical and sociological thinkers prided themselves on having cleared the human mind of all remnants of irrationality (Comte’s positivism and Marxism were supposed to be “scientific”). The 20th century proved all of them to be badly mistaken. That the postmodern kaleidoscopic bedlam is caused by a misvaluation of reason ...
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