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Constance : Arthur’s mother in Shakespeare’s play King John.
... No one person can do all things. "Sebastian is not staying there. He goes there for dance only." "That is all the more the reason why she should collaborate with him. It is needed." Constance has been engaged since ten years in research into the ancient Egyptian civilisation. He is able to find nether the nature of his connection with it nor the door to that civilisation. He asks for Mother's... period of transition. The length of the transition depends upon the transformation of consciousness. "A Mother answered the questions coming from Katak, John Page 213 Walker and Constance, who wish to make a film to express the spirit of Auroville using the symbols of Tibetan Buddhism and the figure of Maitreya, a personification of Love. Q. What is the reality behind the prophecy ...
... way. As for the Princes in King Henry VI and Richard III no real lover of children could endure them; one feels almost thankful to the crookback for mercifully putting them out of the way. Nor is Constance a sympathetic figure; her shrieking, her rant, her selfishness, her bold and bitter volubility, could Shakespeare give us no sweeter & truer picture of a mother? Urvasie seems at first sight ...
... And what is this? It is superb! What soul, what charm, what expression!" Artist: "Yeah! That's where I clean the paint off my brushes!" In July 1959 I joined the evening classes at the Constance Spry School of Flower Arrangement. There were quite a number of young women and girls. Miss Simmons was our teacher, a nice person. After all the lessons, we had to do practicals. So we practiced ...
... it does not even require an audience. The greatest minds have their limitations and Shakespeare's overabounding wit shut him out from two Paradises, the mind of a child and the heart of a mother. Constance, the pathetic mother, is a fitting pendant to Arthur, the pathetic child, as insincere and falsely drawn a portraiture, as obviously dressed up for the part. Indeed throughout the meagre and mostly ...
... × MS of × MS constance × MS perfectness × ...
... christologie teilhardienne de toutes les christologies 'gnostiques' ou gnostici-santes. Dieu personnel, Jesus historique: ce sont les deux poles fixes de tout son effort d'intelligence de la foi (d'ou la Constance, dans sa vie spirituelle, de ['adoration, de la priere, de l'amour, et de la fidelite a I'Eglise qui nous conserve la presence du Christ). A vrai dire, on ne constate aucune evolution fonciere dans ...
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