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Constantinople : (renamed Istanbul in 1930) capital of the Byzantine Empire, built on seven hills, it had an almost inconceivable wealth of artistic & literary treasures before it was sacked in 1204 & in 1453. [See Abdul-Hamid II]
... positive idea that Turkey had asked to be included in the Balkan Confederacy; today the same is given (in yesterday's evening paper reaching here this morning), as a strange piece of news from Constantinople and Sofia. This is striking as there was neither data nor probability & the knowledge, of the fact or rumour, came suddenly without previous thinking in that direction. Vyapti & prakamya of precise... intended to send more money, confirmed a few days afterward; the previous knowledge of the rumour that the Turks had asked to join the Balkan Confederacy, the knowledge of the Unionist conspiracy in Constantinople & a number of other instances relating to the Balkan war. This power, indeed, has been working for a long time, but it is only now regularised. It is, in fact, part of the vyapti. The proof of ...
... away. Today's telegrams all show the exact working of the Will except with regard to Adrianople, which is the one serious point of attack. Especially the action of the Powers, the situation at Constantinople and the opinion of the Triple Alliance with regard to the Aegean islands are in exact consonance with the line laid down by Will & prakamya vyapti. Today, the action of the vijnana is very much... —although the failure of the saundarya to emerge is a powerful auxiliary obstacle. The news today confirms the trikaldrishti, especially vyaptiprakamya in a striking fashion—eg the hesitations in Constantinople, the fears of the Ministers about disruption and defeat, the want of real unanimity among the Powers, the easier state, yet continuance, of the Roumanian difficulty, fresh wrecks etc. One unexpected ...
... discovered. It was at first imagined & expected that this discovery would lead to results as important as those which flowed from the discovery of Greek literature by Western Europe after the fall of Constantinople. But these expectations have remained unfulfilled. European knowledge has followed other paths and the seed of the nineteenth century has been Newton’s apple and not Sir William Jones’ Shakuntala ...
... because everything in the outer India is not desirable, nor has it been desirable at all periods of the past. * We have heard of the fall of Rome starting the Dark Ages, and the Fall of Constantinople beginning the Renaissance, and the Fall of Paris commencing the horror of the Hitlerite Festung Europa. But nothing has moved me so much as the Fall of Florence a few weeks before, initiating ...
... impulse to move east) was, except for rare periods of friendly relations, something like a cyclic instinctive urge. Waves of Vikings rowed down the Dnieper from “Gothland”, mainly Sweden, to Kiev and Constantinople; the Teutonic Knights subjugated Prussia and the territories of what is now called Poland, the Balticum and the Ukraine; later, German settlers became landlords in these regions and their descendants ...
... Czardom in internal affairs and helped to overturn autocracy, but preserved its ideas in external affairs minus the German influence and stood for the expansion of Russia and the possession of Constantinople. Certainly, there is an important difference. The monarchical or aristocratic State is political in its mentality and seeks first of all territorial aggrandisement and political predominance or ...
... Muhammad was born into a poor family in a country three-quarter desert, sparsely peopled by nomad tribes whose total wealth could hardly have furnished the sanctuary of St Sophia, the famous church of Constantinople. No one in those years would have dreamed that within a century these nomads would conquer half of Byzantine Asia, all Persia and Egypt, most of North Africa and be on their way to Spain. The explosion ...
... This phrase has led astray many a Page 43 literary generalisation. It got coined because the event to which it applies occurred when the scholars of Classicism whose centre was Constantinople were scattered all over Europe with their precious manuscripts after the fall of that city to the Turks in 1453 and, by giving the right direction, completed a movement which had already started ...
... the Catholic dogma concerning rebirth followed a long and complicated succession of changing positions, definitions and condemnations, from the Council of Nicea in AD 325 to the Second Council of Constantinople in AD 553, when the official tenet of the Church concerning ‘the supposedly continued existence of the souls’ was decreed once and for all. This is not the place for a detailed review of the arguments ...
... settlers in southern Italy, participated in the First Crusade under king Bohemund; who descended the great Russian rivers and traded at Kiev; who even became the palace guard of the Emperor at Constantinople. “The German, in his historic reality, is hardly more than a fiction”, states Klaus von See. 473 In how far were the Nibelungs Germanic? Brunehild was “Norse”, probably Icelandic; Siegfried ...
... the harbour and, as Catherine caught her first sight of the harbour, the ships at once fired salvoes in her honour. Heightening the impact of this scene on all present was the knowledge that Constantinople itself was within two days sailing, and with the Black Sea stretching before her, it was as though she had already conquered Turkey. After looking down for some time on the crowded harbour ...
... arrested and he may give us certain information. I may be mistaken but I don't think he is really dangerous. A possible future event is the arrival of M.P. Tirumala Chari, lately in Constantinople. I have already reported this to the Director of Criminal Intelligence in my D.O. letter No. 706 dated 20th July 1912. I have informed Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Rangoon and Colombo and all these ...
... and the chief eunuch has been fasting for the last three days." Sri Aurobindo laughed loudly saying "How funny this Reuter's correspondent seems to be !" Ismet Pasha remarked : "We are in Constantinople because we fought the Greeks and the Khalifa. Sympathy of the people was due to our being strong and not to the presence of the Khalifa." Sri Aurobindo : The first four were the real Khalifas ...
... immediately after Mohammed's death in A.D. 632, and soon Page 61 large parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia were conquered. It was only defeats suffered by Mahomedans in Constantinople (717) and in central France (732) that saved Christian Europe from succumbing to the sweeping Islamic wave. In India, it took the Mahomedans four to five centuries and repeated invasions before ...
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