Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... all forms are made. In that ether cosmic Life and Mind move as the Breath of things, an atmospheric sea in the ethereal, and constitute from it all these forms; but what they constitute are merely name and form and not realities; the form of the pot we see is a form of earth only and goes back into the earth, earth a form resolvable into the cosmic Life, the cosmic Life a movement that falls to rest in ...
... Upanishads increasing steadily as time goes on into an over-emphasis, on the salvation of the individual, on his rejection of the lower cosmic life. This note increases in them as they become later in date, it swells afterwards into the rejection of all cosmic life whatever and that becomes finally in later Hinduism almost the one dominant and all-challenging cry. It does not exist in the earlier Vedic ...
... Inconscient creating a temporary soul, a consciousness which after a brief play is extinguished and goes back into the Inconscient. Or there may be an eternal Becoming, which manifests itself in a cosmic Life-force with the appearance of Matter as one objective end of its operations and the appearance of Mind as the other subjective end, the interaction of these two phenomena of Life-force creating our... and a cause without effect; it would be a fragmentary present without a past or a future. The life of the individual must have the same rhythm of significance, the same law of progression as the cosmic life; its place in that rhythm cannot be a stray purposeless intervention, it must be an abiding instrumentation of the cosmic purpose. Neither in such an order can we explain an isolated advent, a one ...
... the ideal of the attainment of collective harmony. As a result, there came about increasing overemphasis on the individual's rejection of the lower cosmic life. This note increases, and it swells in due course of time into the rejection of all cosmic life whatever, and that becomes finally in India almost the one dominant and all-challenging cry. In the earlier Vedic synthesis, the liberation of ...
... cannot form the best literature. The reason we have indicated is that such literature is exclusively confined to a particular time and clime; the free air of the world, the myriad waves of the vast cosmic life have no play there, it does not see man and creation in the perspective of the universe as a whole. That is not the sole reason of the matter, but we should clearly understand the deeper implication... Hugo, or in the poised classicism of a Leconte de Lisle we get a glimpse of this very thing. That is why with all the defects we feel that the sleeping Brahman is, as it were, astir in them; that a cosmic life-force, a generous universal breath sways by in their creation, and we do not hesitate to hail them as poets of the world. The same thing holds good with regard to the literature of a particular ...
... ascension and therefore the one proper business of life in this world of Matter. Finally, in all these theories, the role of the individual and the way in which the individual can relate itself with the cosmic life, cosmic consciousness and even with supra-cosmic reality is underlined. Supra-cosmic Aim of Life But there are theories and even yogic experiences which, even while admitting the relative... of the aim of life that we find in the entire system of the synthesis of yoga in the Upanishads, what is counseled to the soul is that the truth and law of its temporal becoming once fulfilled, cosmic life has no ultimate fulfillment, and the soul has to turn back to its final self-realisation, for its natural highest fulfillment is a release, a liberation into its original being, its eternal self ...
... for instance more easy—but it is not essentially spiritual; if there is not a coming of wider spiritual experiences, then it need not be spiritual at all. Opening to the Cosmic Life One [ who is open to the cosmic Life ] becomes aware of all the life-forces and of how they act upon oneself and others, upon mind, upon body—also the force movements behind events. One becomes too directly aware... of one's own true vital being and act from it and not from the surface or desire vital in relation to all these things. All this effect does not come at once,—it develops as the contact with the cosmic Life increases. Page 284 In the universal vital especially there is a deceptive attraction and an exhilarating rush of power (not true quiet power but mere force) which those who yield ...
... later Upanishads there is an over- emphasis on the salvation of the individual and on the rejection of the lower cosmic life. This note increases later 1" date, and it swells afterwards into the rejection of all cosmic life. This explains the dominant note of a later yoga, where cosmic life came to be the outcome of Ignorance and Desire, and escape from life and refusal of the ascetic "became an all ...
... touches it, is in constant relation and commerce with it. The subliminal mind in us is open to the universal knowledge of the cosmic Mind, the subliminal life in us to the universal force of the cosmic Life, the subliminal physicality in us to the universal force-formation of Cosmic Matter; 1 the thick walls which divide from these things our surface mind, life, body and which Nature has to pierce... more usually there are results of less amplitude; there is a direct awareness of universal being and nature, there is a greater openness of the mind to the cosmic Mind and its energies, to the cosmic Life and its energies, to cosmic Matter and its energies. A certain sense of unity of the individual with the cosmic, a perception of the world held within one's consciousness as well as of one's own ...
... consciousness, 79, 219-25, 351, 367, 371-72 and the ego, 220-21 levels of, 221-22 and Nirvana, 223-25 and ordinary consciousness, 219-20 and Overmind, 153 and Self-realisation, 222-23 Cosmic Life, 78-79 Cosmic Matter, 78-79 Cosmic Mind, 78, 79 Culture, 279-83 and barbarism, 281; see also Barbarism not the directing light of life, 283 cf. Civilisation Desire-soul... of the lower nature, 173-74 meaning, 168, 169-70, 172 Truth-Consciousness, 224, 358, 159-60 See also Gnosis; Supermind Turiya, 206, 213 Universal Life, see Cosmic Life Universal Matter, see Cosmic Matter Universal Mind, see Cosmic Mind Upanishad(s), 90fm\n, 296, 297 record of experiences, 184 Vedanta (Vedantic), 170-71, 303, ...
... drśtī). The integrality of the Upanishadic knowledge is confirmed in all the Principal Upanishads, although one can see an increasing emphasis in due course of time on the rejection of the lower cosmic life. In the Vedic system of Yoga, individual liberation or salvation was regarded as a means towards a great cosmic victory, the eventual conquest of heaven and earth by the super conscient Truth and... to ensure lokasangraha, solidarity of people under his empire. In the esoteric sense, ashwamedha is a process of yoga, in which the yogin has to expand himself and become the Cosmic Horse, the cosmic Life-Force, and offer the integrality of life, including all cognitive, volitional and affective faculties and powers, to the Highest, so that all that is offered is touched and transformed by the ...
... and therefore the one proper business of life in this world of Matter. Finally, in all these theories, the role of the individual and the way in which the individual can relate itself with the cosmic life, cosmic consciousness and even with supra-cosmic reality is underlined. Supra-cosmic Aim of Life But there are theories and even yogic experiences which, even while admitting the... of the aim of life that we find in the entire system of the synthesis of yoga in the Upanishads, what is counseled to the soul is that the truth and law of its temporal becoming once fulfilled, cosmic life has no ultimate fulfillment, and the soul has to turn back to its final self-realisation, for its natural highest fulfillment is a release, a liberation into its original being, its eternal self ...
... need be thrust in to justify its way of existence. It will be obvious that an escape from life is not necessary for the Divine to find itself or its reality; it possesses that always whether in cosmic life or in its transcendent existence. The divine life cannot Page 562 be a contradiction of the Divine or of the supreme reality; it is part of that reality, an aspect or expression of it ...
... principles that it can at once maintain them in perfect undisturbed existence and compel them to bear a wide, vast, richly filled, even perhaps an infinite intensity & complexity of the functionings of cosmic life-energy or cosmic mind-energy rushing upon its instrument, informing it and using it for its own delight of self-fulfilment. Such a form, such a harmony, such a hold, life would presumably possess ...
... else in us would diminish, to the point of asphyxiation. This would be an inwardly experienced end of the world, much greater and more disastrous than the outward end we foresee. The breath of cosmic Life would little by little withdraw from us. Thought would be eliminated, feelings and emotions would become dull, matter would decompose. All would be paralysed in Death—or, more precisely, in a lower ...
... Solar Light, the regions of golden light or Truth, at times, the moonlit worlds of infinite Delight, at times, deep chasms of the Darkness of the Inconscient and the whole whole world of teeming cosmic life. Savitri is like a vast band of lightning steadied into the poetic empyrean, illuminating the cosmos from end to end, from the deepest and the darkest Night of the Nescience to the highest heights ...
... And so be not offended if I tell you That all you say is true and yet false, false, Like love or death enacted on the stage, Whose aim is to perpetuate the Maya, The great Illusion, which is cosmic life Espousing compromise to breed perversion. Forgive me if, when I applaud your thesis, I flout it still as null — as when you quote: "Who finds Him here must find Him everywhere." But what ...
... that makes free, the divinely prepared cure for faithful but ardently moved minds that suffer because they 20. The Prayer of the Universe, Selections from Writings in Time of War, "Cosmic Life", p. 83. 21. Ibid., p. 84. 22. Ibid., p. 92 Page 12 cannot reconcile in themselves two almost equally imperative and vital impulses, faith in the world and faith ...
... and containing it. Till then there may be direct contacts, communications, interchanges with cosmic forces, beings, movements, but not the full unity of mind with the cosmic Mind, of life with the cosmic Life, of body and physical consciousness with the cosmic material Energy and its substance. Again there may be a realisation of the Cosmic Self which is not followed by the realisation of the dynamic ...
... touches it, is in constant relation and commerce with it. The subliminal mind in us is open to the universal knowledge of the cosmic Mind, the subliminal life in us to the universal force of the cosmic Life, the subliminal physicality in us to the universal force-formation of cosmic Matter; the thick walls which divide from these things our surface mind, life, body and which Nature has to pierce with ...
... Synthesis of Yoga Chapter IX The Release from the Ego The formation of a mental and vital ego tied to the body-sense was the first great labour of the cosmic Life in its progressive evolution; for this was the means it found for creating out of matter a conscious individual. The dissolution of this limiting ego is the one condition, the necessary means for ...
... even if he so wills, live for himself alone. But, Page 837 if there is a continuity of his own life by rebirth for the individual and not only a continuity of the mass life and the cosmic life, if he has an ever-developing self, nature and experience, then it is inevitable that for him too the working of his energies should not be cut off abruptly but must bear their consequence at some ...
... abstraction or a state of existence, but a conscious Being; secondly, that he meets us in the universe and is in some way immanent in it as well as its source,—otherwise, we should have to go out of cosmic life to meet him; thirdly, that he is capable of personal relations with us and must therefore be not incapable of personality; finally, that when we approach him by our human emotions, we receive a response ...
... into the manifestation rather than of something which has separated itself from the cosmos. It is the nature that has formed itself out of the cosmic forces—mind out of cosmic mind, life out of cosmic life, body out of cosmic matter. For the soul there are three realisations—(1) the realisation of the psychic being and consciousness as the divine element in the evolution, (2) the realisation of ...
... first met someone who told me it could be otherwise (I was already past twenty), I said, "Oh, really? Is that so?" ( Mother laughs ) And then when he told me all about Théon's teachings and The Cosmic Life and about the inner God and a new world that would be a world of beauty and (at least) of peace and light... well, I rushed into it headlong. But even then I was told: "It depends on YOU alone ...
... populated twilights within and divinely inhabited dawns above - all these quickenings of the spiritual consciousness, together with the American Whitman's dynamic delight under the touch of a Cosmic Life and the miniature snapshotting of an infinite Mystery by the American Emily Dickinson, are already present in English and have turned it to what may be called Indian uses. Doubtless, the uses ...
... " 3 And since we are assured by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that, given the fulfilment of a certain set of conditions, death can be done away with in the life of the individual, and cosmic Life can fulfil itself in a continuously progressive way, we seek to find out the basic metaphysical factors that render the advent of death inevitable in the life of a human being. And for that we ...
... result seems to have been not less calamitous. When we form and fashion each other, we are not building with anything more substantial than sand. Personalities are thus mere eddies in the swirl of cosmic life, they rise up and die down, separate and melt into each other and have no consistency and no reality in the end. The freedom too which is ascribed to such individuals, even when they feel it so, ...
... the earliest times of Indian history. This exhaustion was also due to the fact that since the sixth century B.C., there entered a current of culture which negated the meaning and significance of cosmic life. It created confusion and disbalance resulting in excessive asceticism. It impoverished life and led to the neglect of social, economic and political conditions of the country. High ideals began ...
... of yogic experiences and not to enter into the realm of philosophical debate. 6. The Vedas and the Upanishads provide descriptions of the cosmic yoga that is constantly being practised by the cosmic life that can be seen pulsating in this vast universe. The Upanishadic metaphor of that pulsation is the galloping horse that rises from the inconscient ocean and whose limbs symbolize movements in the ...
... physical, the vital and the mental consciousness, the mastery of which leads one to the other shore, the abode of perennial existence where the human soul enjoys its eternity and unending continuity in cosmic life. Therefore, Agni, the master of the psychic being, is called jātavedās, he who knows the births, all the transmigrations from life to life. The third boon is the secret of secrets, for it is ...
... the earliest times of Indian history. This exhaustion was also due to the fact that since the 6th century B.C. there entered a current of culture which negated the meaning and the significance of cosmic life. This created confusion and disbalancement resulting in excessive asceticism. This impoverished life and led to the neglect of social, economic and political conditions of the country. High ideals ...
... Light, the regions of golden light or Truth, at times, the moonlit worlds of infinite Delight, at times, deep chasms of the Darkness of the Inconscient and the whole world of teeming cosmic Page 58 life Sāvitrī , is like a vast band of lightning steadied into the poetic empyrean, illuminating the cosmos from end to end, from the deepest and the darkest Night of the Nescience to the ...
... consciousness is "only a little trickle of the vast cosmic current, his mind, his life and even his body, all derive their sustenance from an infinitesimal flow of current from the vast cosmic mind, cosmic life and cosmic matter. In fact, it is these mighty cosmic forces from the subliminal and dark unknown but powerful forces from the subconscient that govern man's life. "Our lives translate these ...
... concomitant or mind as much vaster than our minds, as the matter of which it is composed is vaster than the matter of our bodies, there would be the possibility of a rapport between the larger cosmic life and the lesser lives of the individuals contained within it. The intuitions and the revelations of the mystic would then be grounded not only upon subconscious memory and instinct, but also upon ...
... so that you will be able to prevent suffering." The Madonna of Might is the second power whom Savitri meets when she goes into inner life. The Madonna of Might is the will working in the cosmic life, in the whole of human life; it keeps a sort of rough order in the evolutionary movement, keeps the upward trend. The Madonna of Might is the human race gathering all its will-power in order to maintain ...
... subliminal or deeper realities of Mind, Life and Matter: The subliminal mind in us is open to the universal knowledge of the cosmic Mind, the subliminal life in us to the universal force of the cosmic Life, the Page 423 subliminal physicality in us to the universal force-formation of cosmic Matter... 19 There are, then, the two hemispheres, the parārdha of Sachchidananda ...
... cannot seize and master so long as it is protected against him by the shield of the Omnipotent. Vayu too returns, not having discovered. One thing only is settled that this is no form or force of cosmic Life which operates within the limits of the all-grasping vital impulse; it is too great for Vayu. Indra next arises, the Puissant, the Opulent. Indra is the power of the Mind; the senses which the ...
... changed and vital again into poetry to interpret the realities behind the veil. Nature wears already to our eye a greater and more transparent robe of her divine and her animal and her terrestrial and cosmic life and a deeper poetry of Nature than has yet been written is one of the certain potentialities of the future. The material realm too cannot for very much longer be our sole or separate world of experience ...
... come to the sense of their oneness. That which the old Indian seers called the mahān ātmā , the Great Self, the Great Spirit, which is seen through the vast strain of the cosmic thought and the cosmic life,—the French poets, influenced in their form and substance by Whitman, have seized on this element with the clear discernment and intellectual precision and lucidity of the Latin mind and given it ...
... all the universe within you, yourself one with the self of all beings? Do you feel the one cosmic Force acting everywhere? Do you feel your mind one with the cosmic mind? your life one with the cosmic life? your matter one with the cosmic Matter? separative ego unreal? the body no longer a limitation? What is the use of merely saying that the higher being is wide and infinite? Do these realisations ...
... as means and steps towards a transformation of our whole being and nature. Our life is thenceforth no longer a little rolling wave on the surface, but interpenetrant if not coincident with the cosmic life. Our spirit, our self rises not only into an inner identity with some wide cosmic Self but into Page 182 some contact with that which is beyond, though aware of and dominant over the ...
... But more usually there are results of less amplitude; there is a direct awareness of universal being and nature, there is a greater openness of the mind to the cosmic Mind and its energies, to the cosmic Life and its energies, to Page 561 cosmic Matter and its energies. A certain sense of unity of the individual with the cosmic, a perception of the world held within one's consciousness as ...
... material universe. God, if God exists, is an eternal Becoming; or if God does not exist, then Nature,—whatever view we may take of Nature, whether we regard it as a play of Force with Matter or a great cosmic Life or even admit a universal impersonal Mind in Life and Matter,—is a perennial becoming. Earth is the field or it is one of the temporary fields, man is the highest possible form or only one of the ...
... ultimate reality, Brahman. Or it sees all as born of Life-Force or Mind, existing by Life or by Mind, going back into the universal Life or Mind, and it concludes that this world is a creation of the cosmic Life-Force or of a cosmic Mind or Logos. Or again it sees the world and all things as born of, existing by and going back to the Real Idea or Knowledge-Will of the Spirit or to the Spirit itself and it ...
... act which is its life, which is the very movement of its self-existence. Therefore this comprehensive divine consciousness in its aspect of Will does not so much guide or govern the development of cosmic life as consummate it in itself by an act of power which is inseparable from the act of knowledge and from the movement of self-existence, is indeed one and the same act. For we have seen that universal ...
... itself becomes imprisoned in an individual action. It exists and acts as a separate life with a limited insufficient capacity undergoing and not freely embracing the shock and pressure of all the cosmic life around it. Thrown into the constant cosmic interchange of Force in the universe as a poor, limited, individual existence, Life at first helplessly suffers and obeys the giant interplay with only ...
... of the cosmic sense; the nervous system and vital organs are not the creators of life's action and reaction, but themselves the creation, the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Life-force; the brain is not the creator of thought, but itself the creation, the instrument and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Mind. The necessity then is not absolute, but teleological; ...
... phenomenal truths of the Time-consciousness. But these are only the personifications of monotheism. Polytheistic religions, less exalted perhaps, but wider and more sensitive in their response to cosmic life, have felt that all in the cosmos has a divine origin; therefore they conceived of the existence of many divine personalities with a vague sense of an indefinable Divine behind, whose relations with ...
... laterally, as we have said, and then calling down into them the light and largeness of the higher existence. Not only Spirit is one, but Mind, Life, Matter are one. There is one cosmic Mind, one cosmic Life, one cosmic Body. All the attempt of man to arrive at universal sympathy, universal love and the understanding and knowledge of the inner soul of other existences is an attempt to beat thin, breach ...
... the Highest, free, secure and unattached, possesses and enjoys the play. The Mutable is the substance and immediate motive of that changing flux of personality through which the relations of our cosmic life are made possible. The mental being fixed in the Mutable moves in its flux and has not possession of an eternal peace and power and self-delight; the soul fixed in the Immutable holds all these in ...
... a movement of universal Matter, a cell of the cosmic Body. We shall come to feel all the consciousness of the physical world as one with our physical consciousness, feel all the energies of the cosmic life around as our own energies, feel all the heart-beats of the great cosmic impulse and seeking in our heart-beats set to the rhythm of the divine Ananda, feel all the action of the universal mind flowing ...
... to the sense of their oneness. That which the old Indian seers called the mah ā n ā tm ā , the Great Self, the Great Spirit, which is seen through the vast strain of the cosmic thought and the cosmic life, the subject of some of his highest strains..." Adverting to Whitman in the context of Free Verse, Sri Aurobindo 1 declares: "He is a great poet, one of the greatest in the power of ...
... the Self, but no longer in a purely individual narrowness — We shall come to feel all the consciousness of the physical world as one with our physical consciousness, feel all the energies of the cosmic life around us as our own energies, feel all the heart-beats of the great cosmic impulse and seeking in our heart-beats set to the rhythm of the divine Ananda, feel all the action of the universal mind ...
... significance-expanding similes and metaphors and its expression as of an archetypal form, there is accomplished what the poet seldom accomplishes in his own consciousness - a contact with a single Cosmic Life whose common essence permits the interfusion of different parts, a contact with an Overworld of Perfection which the world here seeks to manifest. His imagination is the channel conducting a greater ...
... 1942 Please forgive me for having to ask something about your philosophy. It is because I have been of late discussing a lot with Haridas about different aspects of your vision of our cosmic life and your new clues. I told him that I have the impression that you have either written to somebody or somewhere in the Synthesis that those who want like the Moksha-lovers, to be merged for ever ...
... truly thirst to understand The rhythm of His deep lila, outgrow you must Your mental way of assaying mystic truths, The way your purblind ego would goad you on To plumb the uncharted deeps of cosmic life. Accept now once for all that as a boy Has to outgrow his juvenile consciousness Before he can understand the adult's ways, Even so one must outgrow life's twilight glimmers, The preconceptions ...
... itself becomes imprisoned in an individual action. It exists and acts as a separate life with a limited insufficient capacity undergoing and not freely embracing the shock and pressure of all the cosmic life around it." 2 But because of the inherent limitation of individual life cabined in the confines of a rigidly static material frame, the life-being in the poor individual existence cannot but ...
... modem science, with its intoxicating immensity and unity, is the snare par excellence for stealing the heart away from the Christian pursuit of the "above", the transcendent Perfection beyond cosmic life. Yet Teilhard the modernist can hardly shut his eyes to this universe. How then to be a genuine Christian as well as an authentic modernist - how to keep Jesus as "Our Lord" even while leaping to ...
... corroboration in the Secret Knowledge or the received perennial philosophy, and he proceeds from the ground of such knowledge to a heightened spiritual power of penetration into all the continents of cosmic life and experience. But He climbed to meet the infinite more above... Opponent of that glory of escape, The black Inconscient swung its dragon tail Lashing a slumberous Infinite ...
... its enrichment of its mental, vital or physical existence. The Life Divine, p. 624 The formation of a mental and vital ego tied to the body-sense was the first great labour of the cosmic Life in its progressive evolution; for this was the means it found for creating out of matter a conscious individual. The dissolution of this limiting ego is the one condition, the necessary means for ...
... containing it. Till then there may be direct contacts, communications, interchanges with cosmic forces, beings, movements, but not the full unity of mind with the cosmic Mind, of life with the cosmic Life, of body and physical consciousness with the cosmic material Energy and its substance. Again, there may be a realisation of the Cosmic Self which is not followed by the realisation of the dynamic ...
... Aurobindo states: "Now certainly there is an emphasis in the Upanishads increasing steadily as time goes on into an over-emphasis, on the salvation of the individual, on his rejection of the lower cosmic life... .It does not exist in the earlier Vedic revelation where individual salvation is regarded as a means towards a great cosmic victory, the eventual conquest of heaven and earth by the superconscient ...
... all the universe within you, yourself one with the self of all beings? Do you feel the one cosmic Force acting everywhere? Do you feel your mind one with the cosmic mind? your life one with the cosmic life? your matter one with the cosmic Matter? separative ego unreal? the body no longer a limitation? What is the use of merely arguing that the higher being is wide and infinite? Do these realisations ...
... physical, the vital and the mental consciousness, the mastery of which leads one to the other shore, the abode of perennial existence where the human soul enjoys its eternity and unending continuity in cosmic life. Therefore, Agni, the master of the psychic being, is called jatavedas, he who knows the births, all the transmigrations from life to life. The third boon is the secret of secrets, for it ...
... ion in the 'Secret Knowledge' or the received perennial philosophy, and he proceeds from the Ground of such knowledge to a heightened spiritual power of penetration into all the continents of cosmic life and experience. But before the start of his adventure into the occult worlds he is for a while caught between primordial opposing forces: He climbed to meet the infinite more above. ... ...
... first met someone who told me it could be otherwise — I was already past twenty —I said, 'Oh, really? Is that so?'" Mother laughed. "And then when he told me all about Théon's teachings and the 'Cosmic Life' and about the inner God and a new world that would be a world of beauty and, at least, of peace and light . . . well, I rushed into it headlong." After a moment she went on, "But even at the ...
... justify its way of existence. It will be obvious that an escape from life is not necessary for the Divine to find itself or its reality; Page 176 it possesses that always whether in cosmic life or in its transcendent existence. The divine life cannot be a contradiction of the Divine or of the supreme reality; it is part of that reality, an aspect or expression of it and it can be nothing ...
... you feel your mind as one with the Cosmic Mind; in that case your own mind does not exist. If you feel the unity in the vital, then your vital being becomes a part of the cosmic vital, one with cosmic life. You can experience the Unity on the physical plane; then you feel your body as a speck of Universal Matter. Or, the identity can be above the Mind, by breaking open the lid that divides the Mind ...
... the level of life and even on the plane of matter. It is not the sense-organs that create sense perception; only cosmic sense creates sense organism. The nervous system does not create life; it is cosmic life-force which creates the nervous system for its own work. Brain does not create thought but brain is the result of cosmic mind trying to prepare for it an instrument for action in the cosmos. So what ...
... permanent. Does an Avatar create a new mind, life and body from the cosmos for himself, or take hold of some liberated human being and use his outer personality for his manifestation? That would be a possession not an Avatar. An Avatar is supposed to be from birth. Each soul at its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality for himself... world and its movements like an ordinary man of the cosmic product [Sri Aurobindo's marginal remark: "Exactly"]. But behind he is perfectly conscious of what happens. The universal forces cannot make him their tool as they make us. That does not prevent the Avatar from acting as men act and using the movements of Nature for his life and work. Does your above answer mean... limit him? Living in such a world he has to govern all the three universes! It is the omnipresent cosmic Divine who supports the action of the universe; if there is an Incarnation, Page 278 it does not in the least diminish the cosmic Presence and the cosmic action in the three or thirty million universes. When the Avatar comes down here how does he ...
... Does an Avatar create a new mind, life and body from the cosmos for himself or take hold of some liberated human being and use his outer personality for his manifestation? Page 74 That would be a possession not an Avatar. An Avatar is supposed to be from birth. Each soul at its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality... Page 75 ordinary man of the cosmic product [Sri Aurobindo's marginal remark: "Exactly"]. But behind he is perfectly conscious of what happens. The universal forces cannot make him their tool as they make us. That does not prevent the Avatar from acting as men act and using the movements of Nature for his life and work. Does your above answer mean that the... earth necessarily limit him? Living in such a world he has to govern all the three universes? It is the omnipresent cosmic Divine who supports the action of the universe; if there is an Incarnation, it does not in the least diminish the cosmic presence and the cosmic action in the three or thirty million universes. When the Avatar comes down here how does he take on a mind, vital and ...
... ss and power. Not in their entirety [ will cosmic Mind, Life and Matter be transformed ]—for that is not our business. It is ourselves that we have to transform and change the earth consciousness by bringing in the supramental principle into the evolution there. Once there it will necessarily have a powerful influence on the whole earth-life—as mind has had through the evolution of men, but... Vedantist says, all is Brahman, life is a dream, an unreality, only Brahman exists. One has Nirvana or Page 288 Mukti, then one lives only till the body falls—after that there is no such thing as life. They do not believe in transformation, because mind, life and body are an ignorance, an illusion—the only reality is the featureless, relationless Self or Brahman. Life is a thing of relations;... relations; in the pure Self, all life and relations disappear. What would be the use or the possibility of transforming an illusion that can never be anything else (however transformed) than an illusion? There is no such thing for them as a "Nirvanic life". It is only some Yogas that aim at a transformation of any kind except that of ignorance into knowledge. The idea varies,—sometimes a divine knowledge ...
... any conscious reaction or participation or initiation of action by the mind or by the life-being, without any ripple of thought or eddy of the vital parts: it must be done under the impulsion, by the initiation, by the Page 241 working of an impersonal cosmic or a transcendent Force. A cosmic Mind, Life, Substance must act, or a pure transcendent Self-Power and Bliss other than our own personal... renunciation of ego and desire and personal initiation and the surrender of the being to the cosmic Self or to the universal Shakti; it can come in the Yoga of knowledge by the cessation of thought, the silence of the mind, the opening of the whole being to the cosmic Consciousness, to the cosmic Self, the cosmic Dynamis or to the supreme Reality; it can come in the Yoga of devotion by the surrender of... energy, an accomplished harmony and poise of the whole being is the consummate achievement of the sattwic nature. No existence is cast entirely in the single mould of any of these three modes of the cosmic Force; all three are present in everyone and everywhere. There is a constant combining and separation of their shifting relations and interpenetrating Page 234 influences, often a conflict ...
... contact with the cosmic Consciousness is a normal part of Yoga. The Cosmic Consciousness and the Overmind The cosmic consciousness does not belong to overmind in especial; it covers all the planes. The overmind is the basis of the total cosmic consciousness, but the cosmic consciousness itself can be felt on any plane, not only above mind, but in mind, life, matter. The Cosmic Consciousness... limitation breaks down, the consciousness enlarges itself, becomes directly aware of the Cosmic Self and knows the individual self to be one with it; of the Cosmic Energy and meets directly the action of the cosmic forces; of the cosmic mind, life, matter and feels first a contact of its individual mind, life, body with them, then a unity in which one's own individual mentality, vitality, physicality... proceeding from that essential Reality. 2) The cosmic consciousness is that in which the limits of ego, personal mind and body disappear and one becomes aware of a cosmic vastness which is or is filled by a cosmic Spirit and aware also of the direct play of cosmic forces, universal Page 271 mind forces, universal life forces, universal energies of Matter, universal Overmind forces. But ...
... to a high-up balcony only on special occasions. Looking at the old one I suddenly received a tremendous sense of life's emptiness. It was like a knock-out blow. The physical absence of the Mother whom 1 had daily seen on this balcony was driven home to me like a cosmic catastrophe. Life seemed utterly meaningless without her bodily presence. Never in all these years in the Ashram had such a feeling... the loan as there is nothing interesting about them. I hope that what the Upanishads call "the Ear behind the ear", the hidden listener to the universe's subtle hints, the undertones and overtones of cosmic existence, has a prettier configuration. Enough of comments on "the counterfeit presentment", as Hamlet would have said, of what modern slang would term my "mug". Let me turn to more congenial... majesty of the flowing Immense into which I had been partly taken up. When I look back on that rapt quarter of an hour - 5.15 to 5.30 -1 am reminded of the tradition of a sound in which the cosmic consciousness exists: the mantra OM. What I sensed was inseparable from an eternal-seeming rhythm sustained on all sides. Perhaps I would best characterise it as an infinite honeyed hum. Does OM echo ...
... Avatar is supposed to be from birth. Each soul at its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality for himself. What prevents the Divine from doing the same? What is continued from birth to birth is the inner being. Page 471 Each being in a new birth prepares a new mind, life and body—otherwise John Smith would always be John Smith and would have... Divine Consciousness and Being manifesting through a physical body. It is possible from any plane. It is the omnipresent cosmic Divine who supports the action of the universe; if there is an Incarnation, it does not in the least diminish the cosmic Presence and the cosmic action in the three or thirty million universes. The descending Power chooses its own place, body, time for the manifestation;... relations between the cosmic consciousness and the individual and collective consciousness of man. From the point of view of spiritual and occult Truth, what takes shape in the consciousness of man is a reflection and particular kind of formation, in a difficult medium, of things much greater in their light, power and beauty or in their force and range which come to it from the cosmic consciousness of which ...
... inherent defect of reason when it turns to govern life and labours by quelling its natural tendencies to put it into some kind of rational order. Life differs from the mechanical order of the physical universe with which the reason has been able to deal victoriously just because it is mechanical and runs immutably in the groove of fixed cosmic habits. Life, on the contrary, is a mobile, progressive and... active life-evolution, if it at all means to rise out of life's more confused, painful and obscure movement, out of the compromises made by Nature with the ignorance of the Life-mind and the nescience of Matter. This can only be truly and satisfactorily done when the soul discovers itself in its highest and completest spiritual reality and effects a progressive upward transformation of its life-values... self-expression of the life and the mind or the life-soul in the individual, it tends to exaggerate the egoism of the mental and vital being and prevent the recognition of unity with others on which alone a complete self-development and a harmless freedom can be founded. Collectivism at least insists upon that unity by entirely subordinating the life of the isolated ego to the life of the greater group-ego ...
... Even the Tantra and Vaishnavism end in the release from life; here the object is the divine fulfilment of life. 2. Because the object sought after is not a an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to the-gained for the earth-consciousness here, a cosmic, not solely a supra-cosmic achievement. The thing to be gained also is the bringing... it on the external life, to bring the inmost psychic into the front and by the power of the psychic to purify and change the being so that it may become ready for transformation and be in union with the Divine Knowledge, Will and Love. Secondly, to develop the yogic consciousness, i.e., to universalise the being in all the planes, become aware of the cosmic being and cosmic forces and be in union... earth-life. (Letters on Yoga, p. 15.) * * * It (the descent of the supermind into the earth-consciousness) would not necessarily be known by everybody. Besides, even if the descent were here one would have to be ready before one could get the final change. (Letters on Yoga, p. 15.) * * * Not in their entirety — for that [the transformation of the Cosmic Mind, Life and Matter] ...
... its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality for himself. What prevents the Divine from doing the same? What is continued from birth to birth is the inner being." Evidently the Avatar is not only a descent from above but also an "inner being", a soul, evolving from below an individual psychic entity passing from life to life with a new mind, vital being... Krishna (the Divine as the "Overman", openly exemplifying a more-than-mental Consciousness, what Sri Aurobindo calls the Overmind, the world of the Great Gods) and, later, Buddha who shoots beyond the cosmic formula to the sheer Transcendent but to that Transcendent's absolutely immobile aspect (Nirvana, an indescribable Permanence void of all that we know as existence, or, in positive Vedantic nomenclature... diversity of statuses which he claims as his. Sri Aurobindo¹ recognises it in his comprehensive phrase: "the Krishna of the Gita who is the transcendent Godhead, Paramatma, Parabrahma, Purushottama, the cosmic Deity, Master of the universe, Vasudeva who is all. Immanent in the heart of all creatures..." And such a status would be capable of issuing a multiplicity of Avatars who do not run on a straight ...
... vision".— Life Divine. "Even to what is discordant it gives a place in the system of cosmic concordances—discords become a part of a vast harmony therefore of beauty. It feels Oneness, sympathy, love for all—sees the face of the Divine everywhere".— Life Divine. "The Overmind is a principle of cosmic Truth and a vast and endless catholicity is its very spirit".— Life Divine. ... hidden and withheld realities".— Life Divine. Besides, "it has a cosmic character, not the stamp of an individual thinking".— Life Divine. He makes it further clear: "If we accept the Vedic image of the Sun of Truth—an image which in this experience becomes a reality,— we may compare the action of the Higher Mind to a composed and steady sunshine".— Life Divine. "This higher... experience that the Self is something greater than the instruments of nature—mind, life and body, that the Self is Eternal and Infinite. Even Nature has many powers hidden behind her outer appearance which can be brought to the surface and developed. In his voyage over the cosmic planes he at last came to the Cosmic Being and from there saw the possibility of transcending the Cosmos. He realised ...
... creatures merely because they are connected with our personal life and thought and sentiment or because the ego takes a preferential interest in their welfare. In this way of doing and seeing all works and all life become only a daily dynamic worship and service of the Divine in the unbounded temple of his own vast cosmic existence. Life becomes more and more the sacrifice of the eternal in the individual... multitude of cosmic or particular aspects, and if we Page 114 avoid this confusion, it will be at the price of getting chained to some mental formula or shut up in a limited personal experience. The one secure and all-reconciling truth which is the very foundation of the universe is this that life is the manifestation of an uncreated Self and Spirit, and the key to life's hidden secret... line of experience appears which justifies an intuition deeply-seated behind the heart and in our very life-force, that personality, like consciousness, life, soul, is not a brief-lived stranger in an impersonal Eternity, but contains the very meaning of existence. This fine flower of the cosmic Energy carries in it a forecast of the aim and a hint of the very motive of the universal labour. As an ...
... protoplasm. When it was a mass of gases, no life had been born, ergo life could not be born—when only life was there, mind was not born, so mind could not be born. Since mind is there but nothing beyond, as there is no supermind manifested in anybody, so supermind can never be born. Sobhanallah! Glory, glory, glory to the human reason!! Luckily the Divine or the Cosmic Spirit or Nature or whoever is there... Human Birth Does an Avatar create a new mind, life and body from the cosmos for himself, or take hold of some liberated human being and use his outer personality for his manifestation? Page 401 That would be a possession, not an Avatar. An Avatar is supposed to be from birth. Each soul at its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality for... himself and deal with the world and its movements like an ordinary man of the cosmic product. Exactly. But behind he is perfectly conscious of what happens. The universal forces cannot make him their tool as they make us. That does not prevent the Avatar from acting as men act and using the movements of Nature for his life and work. 23 July 1936 Avatars can of course be married and satisfy ...
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