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93 result/s found for Cosmic Mind

... emanations of our own self, the universal or cosmic mind would deal with matter and radiation. But just as we are aware of a background of which our self appears to be a projection and our thoughts a semi-mysterious substance which we do not feel to be entirely Page 28 controlled by us as our own, so too the cosmic mind would be conscious of a secret background... sometimes forgets the many-sided whole of which it is a portion and becomes exclusively concentrated in itself. The ignorance that is ours would not be there without the cosmic mind becoming ignorant. Of course the cosmic mind is not completely ignorant, the complete ignorance takes place when a total plunge is made by the Spirit into a self-formulation at the opposite pole of its supreme knowledge... background and the physical objects which are its substance would be a half-mystery which it cannot master and shape to integral perfection. The cosmic mind would not escape the dim sense that it is working out what it receives from it-knows-not-where and that, while its working out is as if it were acting in itself and by its own right, it is being used by some power vaguely present behind it. Its ...

... and does not bring in the whole mass or body of the identity knowledge. At the source of the intuitive mind, there is, according to Sri Aurobindo, a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the Supermind. This cosmic Mind is not a mind as we know it, but, in the words of Sri Aurobindo: ... an Overmind that covers as with the wide wings of some creative over soul this whole lower... occur as currents or ripples in the cosmic wideness. Thought, for the most part, no longer seems to originate individually in the body or the person but manifests from above or comes in upon the cosmic mind-waves: all inner individual sight or intelligence of things is now a revelation or illumination of what is seen or comprehended, but the source of the revelation is not in one's separate self but... own source and supreme origin. Overmind can bridge that division up to the point at which separative Mind enters into Overmind and becomes a part of its action; it can unite individual mind with cosmic mind on its highest plane, equate individual self with cosmic self and give to the nature an action of universality; but it cannot lead Mind beyond itself, and in this world of original Inconscience it ...

... one has achieved the overmind one opens directly to the supramental consciousness. The cosmic consciousness has many levels—the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the Overmind and still above that the Supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live on the Intuitive plane (not merely to... consciousness enlarges itself, becomes directly aware of the Cosmic Self and knows the individual self to be one with it; of the Cosmic Energy and meets directly the action of the cosmic forces; of the cosmic mind, life, matter and feels first a contact of its individual mind, life, body with them, then a unity in which one's own individual mentality, vitality, physicality is felt as only a part of the universal... cosmic consciousness or in contact with it. If one has this feeling of enlargement or wideness above the head one is in contact with the universal Self; below it is according to the level with the cosmic Mind, the cosmic vital or the cosmic physical consciousness. When Page 273 one is entirely freed from the body limitation, then one feels the consciousness as infinite with the body only as ...


... and the lines on which they work and get a glimpse of the Cosmic Self and the Cosmic Mind and Will. Everything here is not perfect, but all works out the cosmic Will in the course of the ages. Page 283 Opening to the Cosmic Mind What is happening is that you have got into touch with the cosmic Mind where all sorts of ideas, possibilities, formations are moving about. The individual... or perhaps come into distinct form when they touch it. But these are possibilities, not truths, so it is better not to let them run free like that. One [ who is open to the cosmic Mind ] is aware of the cosmic Mind and the mental forces that move there and how they work on one's mind and that of others and one is able to deal with one's own mind with a greater knowledge and effective power. There... results, but this is the fundamental one. This is of course if one opens in the right way and does not merely become a passive field of all sorts of ideas and mental forces. The opening to cosmic mind makes the experience of the Divine everywhere for instance more easy—but it is not essentially spiritual; if there is not a coming of wider spiritual experiences, then it need not be spiritual at ...


... therefore a widening, however rudimentary, of these restricted mind areas towards cosmicity, towards a quality which is the very character of the higher mental planes,—towards that superconscient cosmic Mind which, we have suggested, must in the nature of things be the original mind-action of which ours is only a derivative and inferior process. Again, there is not an entire absence of penetration from... more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of our too narrow mental, vital, physical existence. This widening can extend itself to a complete entry into the consciousness of cosmic Mind, into unity with the universal Life, even into a oneness with universal Matter. That, however, is still an identification either with a diminished cosmic truth or with the cosmic Ignorance. But... own distinct character and is very clearly an intermediary of a greater Truth-Light with which our mind cannot directly communicate. At the source of this Intuition we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the Supramental Truth-Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all movements below it and all mental energies,—not Mind as we know it, but an Overmind that covers ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... transcendent Will; for it is when it becomes an instrumentation of a higher instead of a lower Power that the will of the being becomes free from a mechanical determinism by action and process of cosmic Mind-Energy, Life-Energy, Matter-Energy and an ignorant subjection to the drive of this inferior Nature. A power of initiation, even of an individual overseeing of world-forces could be there; but it... occur as currents or ripples in the cosmic wideness. Thought, for the most part, no longer seems to originate individually in the body or the person but manifests from above or comes in upon the cosmic mind waves: all inner individual sight or intelligence of things is now a revelation or illumination of what is seen or comprehended, but the source of the revelation is not in one's separate self but... own source and supreme origin. Overmind can bridge that division up to the point at which separative Mind enters into Overmind and becomes a part of its action; it can unite individual mind with cosmic mind on its highest plane, equate individual self with cosmic self and give to the nature an action of universality; but it cannot lead Mind beyond itself, and in this world of original Inconscience it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... dynamic connection" [p. 37]. What is meant here by "larger Mind"? It means simply larger than the limited personal mind. It is a play of some combination of cosmic Mind-Forces but not the full cosmic Consciousness, not even the Cosmic Mind. It belongs usually to the Ignorance. 30 March 1934 Page 119 About polytheism, I certainly accept the truth of the many forms and personalities... pass through it to reach the truth? The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth ...


... and does not bring in the whole mass or body of the identity knowledge. At the source of the intuitive mind, there is, according to Sri Aurobindo, a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the Supermind. This cosmic Mind is not a mind as we know it, but, in the words of Sri Aurobindo: '... an Overmind that covers as with the wide wings of some creative oversoul this whole lower hemisphere... will be in all parts of his being. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: 'His physical being will be one with all material Nature, his vital being with the life of the universe, his mind with the cosmic mind, his spiritual knowledge and will with the divine knowledge and will both in itself and as it pours itself through these channels, his spirit with the one spirit in all beings. All the variety of ...

... and into these view-points and associations cosmic Mind throws itself and dwells in them. So dwelling, creative by its inherent force as the agent of Real-Idea, bound by its own nature to convert all its perceptions into energy of life, as the All-Existent converts all His self-aspectings into various energy of His creative Force of consciousness, cosmic Mind turns these, its multiple viewpoints of universal... self-aware mental ego in which the will-to-be is liberated, conscious, separately active. Thus not any eternal and original law of eternal and original Matter, but the nature of the action of cosmic Mind is the cause of atomic existence. Matter is a creation, and for its creation the infinitesimal, an extreme fragmentation of the Infinite, was needed as the starting-point or basis. Ether may and... self-formation. Therefore we arrive at this truth of Matter that there is a conceptive self-extension of being which works itself out in the universe as substance or object of consciousness and which cosmic Mind and Life in their creative action represent through atomic division and aggregation as the thing we call Matter. But this Matter, like Mind and Life, is still Being or Brahman in its self-creative ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the Divine, already in front in the nature. Letters on Yoga, pp. 316-17 The cosmic consciousness has many levels — the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins. In order to live in the Intuition plane (not merely... ess enlarges itself, becomes directly aware of the Cosmic Self and knows the individual self to be one with it; of the Cosmic Energy and meets directly the action of the cosmic forces; of the cosmic mind, life, matter and feels first a contact of its individual mind, life, body with them, then a unity in which one's own individual mentality, vitality, physicality is felt as only a part of the... universe or pervading, exceeding and containing it. Till then there may be direct contacts, communications, interchanges with cosmic forces, beings, movements, but not the full unity of mind with the cosmic Mind, of life with the cosmic Life, of body and physical consciousness with the cosmic material Energy and its substance. Again, there may be a realisation of the Cosmic Self which is not followed ...


... there are different levels of cosmic consciousness. As Sri Aurobindo states:   The cosmic consciousness has many levels - the cosmic physical, the cosmic vital, the cosmic Mind, and above the higher planes of cosmic Mind there is the Intuition and above that the overmind and still above that the supermind where the Transcendental begins.     18.  Ibid ., pp. 1052-53. 19.  Ibid... physical and the true spiritual realms. 17 The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet     16. Sri Aurobindo , Letters on Yoga - Part Four , SABCL, Vol. 24, pp. 1608-09. 17 ...


... Mother India was more than a symbol, that there was an Entity as real as my own being. I feel tempted to ask: are these Devas or Devis creations of the Cosmic Mind, having an otherwise independent existence of their own (dependent only on the Cosmic Mind) with a definite form of their own, or does the Supreme pour itself into any form which the individual or a nation may create for his or its use? ... His lila are to be accepted as literally true or merely as beautiful symbols of deep spiritual realities. Are these symbols creations of the individual human genius or are they creations of the Cosmic Mind, perceived by the bhakta or the sage. “The question extends itself to the forms of the great Powers of the Ishwara: is the Goddess Athena the expression of the Greek national thought ...

... occur as currents or ripples in the cosmic wideness. Thought, for the most part, no longer seems to originate individually in the body or the person but manifests from above or comes in upon the cosmic mind-waves: all inner individual sight or intelligence of things is now a revelation or illumination of what is seen or comprehended, but the source of the revelation Page 153 is not in... own source and supreme origin. Overmind can bridge that division up to the point at which separative Mind enters into Overmind and becomes a part of its action; it can unite individual mind with cosmic mind on its highest plane, equate individual self with cosmic self and give to the nature an action of universality; but it cannot lead Mind beyond itself, and in this world of original Inconscience ...


... some one of its myriad aspects. Whether they see dimly the material world as the body of the Divine, or life as a great pulsation of the breath of Divine Existence, or all things as thoughts of the cosmic Mind, or realise that there is a Spirit which is greater than these things, their subtler and yet more wonderful source and creator,—whether they find God only in the Inconscient or as the one Conscious... all souls derive and to whom they are drawn,—that is the truth of Being as man's highest God-conception sees it. The same Absolute revealed in all relativities, the Spirit who embodies Himself in cosmic Mind and Life and Matter and of whom Nature is the self of energy so that all she seems to create is the Self and Spirit variously manifested in His own being to His own conscious force for the delight ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... word and something of its greater substance, and a revelation that shapes to the sight its very face and body of reality." 78 Beyond the plane of the intuitive Mind is a superconscient cosmic Mind which possesses a power of cosmic consciousness, a principle of global knowledge. In the wide cosmic perception of the Overmind "Ideas are phalanxed like a group of sums; Thought crowds... there the boundaries of immortal Mind." 79 In the overmind, thought "no longer seems to originate individually in the body or the person but manifests from above or comes in upon the cosmic mind-waves: all inner individual sight or intelligence of things is now a revelation or illumination of what is seen or comprehended, but the source of the revelation is not in one's separate self but ...

... our being in which our individuality is close to our universality, touches it, is in constant relation and commerce with it. The subliminal mind in us is open to the universal knowledge of the cosmic Mind, the subliminal life in us to the universal force of the cosmic Life, the subliminal physicality in us to the universal force-formation of Cosmic Matter; 1 the thick walls which divide from... sense of individual action ceases. But more usually there are results of less amplitude; there is a direct awareness of universal being and nature, there is a greater openness of the mind to the cosmic Mind and its energies, to the cosmic Life and its energies, to cosmic Matter and its energies. A certain sense of unity of the individual with the cosmic, a perception of the world held within one's ...


... 220-21 levels of, 221-22 and Nirvana, 223-25 and ordinary consciousness, 219-20 and Overmind, 153 and Self-realisation, 222-23 Cosmic Life, 78-79 Cosmic Matter, 78-79 Cosmic Mind, 78, 79 Culture, 279-83 and barbarism, 281; see also Barbarism not the directing light of life, 283 cf. Civilisation Desire-soul, 89 cf. Vital (being), the Divine... 224, 358, 159-60 See also Gnosis; Supermind Turiya, 206, 213 Universal Life, see Cosmic Life Universal Matter, see Cosmic Matter Universal Mind, see Cosmic Mind Upanishad(s), 90fm\n, 296, 297 record of experiences, 184 Vedanta (Vedantic), 170-71, 303, 367, 373, 391, 393 meaning of Nirvana in, 226 Vidya, see Knowledge ...


... more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of our too narrow mental, vital, physical existence. This widening can extend itself to a complete entry into the consciousness of cosmic Mind, into unity with the universal Life, even into a oneness with universal Matter." 1 But this first result is not all that can be desired. For, however cosmic in scope and perfected in... mighty and inspiring Voice, Enters Truth's inmost cabin of privacy And tears away the veil from God and life. 2 Beyond the plane of the Intuitive Mind is a superconscient cosmic Mind, a principle of global knowledge which carries in it 'a delegated light from the supramental gnosis.' The Overmind is in direct contact with the Supramental Truth-Consciousness and represents ...

... own complex action. Consciousness presenting itself to its own self-awareness as an object of cognition is substance. Between Matter and Spirit there is a vast practical difference. When cosmic mind is presented with the substance, it turns it at the end into atomic division by its dividing faculty. This form of substance—which we called Matter—which the mind senses is nothing else than the... creates sense organism. The nervous system does not create life; it is cosmic life-force which creates the nervous system for its own work. Brain does not create thought but brain is the result of cosmic mind trying to prepare for it an instrument for action in the cosmos. So what obtains is not the fundamental law, but a constituted principle "adopted by the intention of the spirit to involve itself ...


... once maintain them in perfect undisturbed existence and compel them to bear a wide, vast, richly filled, even perhaps an infinite intensity & complexity of the functionings of cosmic life-energy or cosmic mind-energy rushing upon its instrument, informing it and using it for its own delight of self-fulfilment. Such a form, such a harmony, such a hold, life would presumably possess in a world where it was ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... data of our ordinary physical existence; for in those data there is always a hiatus of experience which renders all argument inconclusive. We have, normally, neither any definitive experience of a cosmic mind or supermind not bound up with the life of the individual body, nor, on the other hand, any firm limit of experience which would justify us in supposing that our subjective self really depends upon ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... into locked unknown retreats of self... Thought there has revelation's sun-bright eyes. 26 Sight in the Overmind Beyond the plane of the Intuitive Mind is a superconscient cosmic Mind which possesses a power of cosmic consciousness, a principle of global knowledge. In the wide cosmic perception of the Overmind, Ideas are phalanxed like a group of sums; Thought crowds ...

... own distinct character and is very clearly an intermediary of a greater Truth-Light with which our mind cannot directly communicate. At the source of this Intuition we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the supramental Truth-Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all movements below it and all mental energies—not Mind as we know it, but an Overmind that covers ...

... body, time for the manifestation; something of that is foreseen by those who have vision but not the whole. An Avatar is supposed to be from birth. Each soul at its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality for himself. What prevents the Divine from doing the same? What is continued from birth to birth is the inner being. Page 471 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... But after all I am not trying to change the world all at once but only to bring down centrally something into it has not yet, a new consciousness and power. Not in their entirety [ will cosmic Mind, Life and Matter be transformed ]—for that is not our business. It is ourselves that we have to transform and change the earth consciousness by bringing in the supramental principle into the evolution ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... universe or pervading, exceeding and containing it. Till then there may be direct contacts, communications, interchanges with cosmic forces, beings, movements, but not the full unity of mind with the cosmic Mind, of life with the cosmic Life, of body and physical consciousness with the cosmic material Energy and its substance. Again there may be a realisation of the Cosmic Self which is not followed by the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... whole play of Nature takes place in the self, in the Divine. The self contains the universe. The Cosmic Spirit or Self The Cosmic Spirit or Self contains everything in the cosmos—it upholds cosmic Mind, universal Life, universal Matter as well as the Overmind. The Self is more than all these things which are its formulations in Nature. Page 30 It [ the Cosmic Spirit ] uses Truth ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... God splits up into intelligence proper ... and the intelligible world." Does he mean the separation that begins to take place at Overmind or the Para and Apara Prakriti? He was speaking of the cosmic mind, I suppose. In these philosophies there is no distinction made between different grades of mind or between intellect and the consciousness beyond the intellectual. Plotinus says [according to ...


... without any ripple of thought or eddy of the vital parts: it must be done under the impulsion, by the initiation, by the Page 241 working of an impersonal cosmic or a transcendent Force. A cosmic Mind, Life, Substance must act, or a pure transcendent Self-Power and Bliss other than our own personal being or its building of Nature. This is a state of freedom which can come in the Yoga of works ...


... of our being in which our individuality is close to our universality, touches it, is in constant relation and commerce with it. The subliminal mind in us is open to the universal knowledge of the cosmic Mind, the subliminal life in us to the universal force of the cosmic Life, the subliminal physicality in us to the universal force-formation of cosmic Matter; the thick walls which divide from these things ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... individualised life; it is therefore limited in its workings and capacities and dependent on bodily organs of no great competence and on a very restricted vital force; it is separated from the rest of cosmic mind and shut out from the thoughts of other mental beings whose inner workings are a sealed book to man's physical mind except in so far as he can read them by the analogy of his own mentality and by ...


... has descended from above into the manifestation rather than of something which has separated itself from the cosmos. It is the nature that has formed itself out of the cosmic forces—mind out of cosmic mind, life out of cosmic life, body out of cosmic matter. For the soul there are three realisations—(1) the realisation of the psychic being and consciousness as the divine element in the evolution ...


... psycho-spiritual part of the change. It is quite possible for the psychic transformation to take one beyond the individual into the cosmic. Even the occult opening establishes a connection with the cosmic mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical. The psychic realises the contact with all existence, the oneness of the Self, the universal love and other realisations which lead to the cosmic consciousness. ...


... and use his outer personality for his manifestation? Page 401 That would be a possession, not an Avatar. An Avatar is supposed to be from birth. Each soul at its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality for himself. What prevents the Divine from doing the same? What is continued from birth to birth is the inner being. 18 December 1935 The ...


... none has trod; A step, and all is sky and God. Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: One Day ============= The Cosmic Spirit or Self contains everything in the cosmos — it upholds cosmic Mind, universal Life, universal Matter as well as the overmind. The Self is more than all these things which are its formulations in Nature. Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: The Self or Atman ...


... static aspect, it is the Self, infinite, one, without movement, action, duality. In the dynamic, it depends on where your experience feels the unity. If in the mental, your mind feels one with the cosmic mind; if in the vital, your vital becomes part of the cosmic vital; if in the physical, the body is felt as a speck of universal Matter. Just as there is a wall that separates the outer nature from ...


... retreats of self,... Thought there has revelation's sun-bright eyes..." (660) (B.4) Sight in the Overmind : Beyond the plane of the Intuitive Mind is a superconscient cosmic Mind which possesses a power of cosmic consciousness, a principle of global knowledge. In the wide cosmic perception of the Overmind, "Ideas are phalanxed like a group of sums; Thought ...

... out-flowing of that consciousness, and all in the terms of that one Ananda. His physical being will be one with all material Nature, his vital being with the life of the universe, his mind with the cosmic mind, his spiritual knowledge and will with the divine knowledge and will both in itself and as it pours itself through these channels, his spirit with the one spirit in all beings. All the variety of ...


... or body of the identity knowledge. Page 55 Overmind and Spiritual Transformation At the source of the Intuitive Mind, there is, according to Sri Aurobindo, a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the Supermind. That superconscient comic Mind is the Overmind. It is when, as a result of the ascent to the overmind, a descent of the overmental Consciousness is accomplished ...

... occur as currents or ripples in the cosmic wideness. Thought, for the most part, no longer seems to originate individually in the body or the person but manifests from above or comes in upon the cosmic mind-waves: all inner individual sight or intelligence of things is now a revelation or illumination of what is seen or comprehended, but the source of the revelation is not in one's separate self but ...

... the descent were here one would have to be ready before one could get the final change. (Letters on Yoga, p. 15.) * * * Not in their entirety — for that [the transformation of the Cosmic Mind, Life and Matter] is not our business. It is ourselves that we have to transform and change the earth-consciousness by bringing in the supramental principle into the evolution there. Once there ...

... ignorance, light and darkness. The mental universe is a double play of light and darkness. But the Overmind is connected always with the Supermind and therefore the Light is not lost in the Overmind. Cosmic mind allows any number of world forces to act. It will allow democracy and dictatorship, or capitalism and communism to work at the same time. From the struggle of forces in life the intended result is ...


... because it is phenomenal and transitory. The second difficulty in solving this problem is the question whether cosmic consciousness is real or not. Normally man has no experience of the cosmic mind. He has no experience of the supermind, and so how is he to decide whether cosmic conciousness is real or not ? The remedy to solve this problem, Sri Aurobindo suggests here, is that we must try ...


... heart To the rhythmic meters of the rolling worlds," and here "He served the sessions of the triple fire." Freed from the bondage of death and sleep, he mounted beyond the seas of cosmic mind and "trod along extinction's narrow edge" and "The belt he reached of the unchanging Truth". Beings were seen whose wings fold around created space. "The sun-eyed Guardians and the golden Sphinx" ...

... his own consciousness is "only a little trickle of the vast cosmic current, his mind, his life and even his body, all derive their sustenance from an infinitesimal flow of current from the vast cosmic mind, cosmic life and cosmic matter. In fact, it is these mighty cosmic forces from the subliminal and dark unknown but powerful forces from the subconscient that govern man's life. "Our lives ...

... of existence or worlds which are also super-sensible and quite as real, if not in a sense more so than the gross world of ordinary experience. Experience reaches up to that of the Cosmic Mind which apprehends the world of universals as they exist in themselves. 115   From 'inanimate' matter to the Overmind (and beyond): such is the cosmic range, and the human consciousness ...


... currents or ripples in the cosmic wideness. Thought, for the most part, no longer seems to originate individually in the body or the person but manifests from above or comes in upon the cosmic mind-waves... 14   It is like a man drinking from a flowing stream, basking in the Sun's bright rays, or losing his thoughts in eternity; in other words, it is a basic change in the quality of ...


... experience without parallel, and Aswapati feels new-made; renewed, purified, strengthened:         Absolved from the ligaments of death and sleep       He rode the lightning seas of cosmic Mind       And crossed the ocean of original sound;... 135   He gains new insights into the heavens above and the abyss below, and he grows in the "wisdom of the timeless Child". One more ...


... which it is itself a movement of knowledge."² Are not, then, inconscience, inertia, division and death the original and eternal laws of Matter ? Sri Aurobindo says : no, Matter is the creation of Cosmic Mind and for that an extreme fragmentation of the Infinite was needed as the starting point of substance. Hence, howsoever, one may go on dividing the atom there will always be an infinitesimal particle ...

... subliminal psychic entity which is the true soul, there are also the subliminal or deeper realities of Mind, Life and Matter: The subliminal mind in us is open to the universal knowledge of the cosmic Mind, the subliminal life in us to the universal force of the cosmic Life, the Page 423 subliminal physicality in us to the universal force-formation of cosmic Matter... 19 ...

... of our being in which our individuality is close to our universality, touches it, is in constant relation and commerce with it. The subliminal mind in us is open to the universal knowledge of the cosmic Mind, the subliminal life in us to the universal force of the cosmic Life, the subliminal physicality in us to the universal force-formation of cosmic Matter; the thick walls which divide from these things ...


... psycho-spiritual part of the change. It is quite possible for the psychic transformation to take one beyond the individual into the cosmic. Even the occult opening establishes a connection with the cosmic mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical. The psychic realises the contact with all-existence, the oneness of the Self, the universal love and other realisations which lead to the cosmic consciousness. ...


... planes (intuition, illumined or higher mind); something of it can be thrown by reflection even into the liberated mind and vital—I mean when there comes into them the sense of the cosmic Self, the cosmic Mind and vital etc. and they are no longer shut up within individual limits. 9 July 1934 It appears that Thompson, the English Sannyasi, told Jaswant that Harin's poetry was all of the old kind ...


... of the cosmic consciousness available to the embodied being in the Ignorance. It is part of the cosmic consciousness—but the human individual when he opens into the cosmic usually remains in the cosmic Mind-LifeMatter receiving only inspirations and influences from the higher planes of Intuition and Overmind. He receives through the spiritualised higher and illumined mind the fundamental experiences ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... physical and the true spiritual realms. The intermediate zone means simply a confused condition or passage in which one is getting out of the personal consciousness and opening into the cosmic (cosmic Mind, cosmic vital, cosmic physical, something perhaps of the cosmic higher Mind) without having yet transcended the human mind levels. One is not in possession of or direct contact with the divine Truth ...


... spread through infinity? Do you feel all the universe within you, yourself one with the self of all beings? Do you feel the one cosmic Force acting everywhere? Do you feel your mind one with the cosmic mind? your life one with the cosmic life? your matter one with the cosmic Matter? separative ego unreal? the body no longer a limitation? What is the use of merely saying that the higher being is wide ...


... of all the surface personalities. It is only then that one can know the aspect or bhava one is intended to manifest. The Cosmic Spirit or Self contains everything in the cosmos—it upholds cosmic Mind, universal Life, universal Matter as well as the Overmind. The Self is more than all these things which are its formulations in Nature. A Vision of the Universal Self What you saw in the vision ...


... sense of individual action ceases. But more usually there are results of less amplitude; there is a direct awareness of universal being and nature, there is a greater openness of the mind to the cosmic Mind and its energies, to the cosmic Life and its energies, to Page 561 cosmic Matter and its energies. A certain sense of unity of the individual with the cosmic, a perception of the world ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the instruments and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Life-force; the brain is not the creator of thought, but itself the creation, the instrument and here a necessary convenience of the cosmic Mind. The necessity then is not absolute, but teleological; it is the result of a divine cosmic Will in the material universe which intends to posit here a physical relation between sense and its object ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... consciousness, and all in the terms of that Page 696 one Ananda. His physical being will be one with all material Nature, his vital being with the life of the universe, his mind with the cosmic mind, his spiritual knowledge and will with the divine knowledge and will both in itself and as it pours itself through these channels, his spirit with the one spirit in all beings. All the variety of ...


... their limitations laterally, as we have said, and then calling down into them the light and largeness of the higher existence. Not only Spirit is one, but Mind, Life, Matter are one. There is one cosmic Mind, one cosmic Life, one cosmic Body. All the attempt of man to arrive at universal sympathy, universal love and the understanding and knowledge of the inner soul of other existences is an attempt to ...


... very intense absorption in the infinity of the all-containing Self to the exclusion of the infinities that it contains. But these things are not empty, not mere unreal name and form imagined by a cosmic Mind; they are, as we have said, in their reality self-conscious becomings of the Self, that is to say, the Self dwells within all of them even as within us, conscious of them, governing their motion ...


... philosophies". It runs: "Whether they see dimly the material world as the body of the Divine, or life as a great pulsation of the breath of Divine Existence, or all things as thoughts of the cosmic Mind, or realise that there is a Spirit which is greater than these things, their Page 393 subtler and yet more wonderful source and creator,—whether they find God only in the Inconscient ...


... occur as currents or ripples in the cosmic wideness. Thought, for the most part, no longer seems to originate individually in the body or the person but manifests from above or comes in upon the cosmic mind-waves: all inner individual sight or intelligence of things is now a revelation or illumination of what is seen or comprehended, but the source of the revelation is not in one’s separate self but ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... in general the same conditions as attend the birth of any man? What these conditions are as well as what the Avatar does we gather from Sri Aurobindo:¹ "Each soul at its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality for himself. What prevents the Divine from doing the same? What is continued from birth to birth is the inner being." Evidently the Avatar ...


... formula according to the fundamental meaning of that formula and is not a power for a dynamic transcendence." ² Sri Aurobindo, expressing his new vision, tells us: "...we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the Supramental Truth-Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all movements below it and all mental energies, - not Mind as we know it, but an Overmind that ...

... outer personality for his manifestation? Page 74 That would be a possession not an Avatar. An Avatar is supposed to be from birth. Each soul at its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality for himself. What prevents the Divine doing the same? What is continued from birth to birth is the inner being. You wrote: "The Avatar ...


... inner parts of ourselves are capable of a direct communication with the universal forces and movements. This widening can extend itself so as to bring us in union with the consciousness of the cosmic mind and universal life. After this, the next step is the discovery of the static and silent Self which we feel to be our real existence. This may even lead to an extinction, a Nirvana both ...

... because of the usual sense of the term. In the World of Falsehood, Being collapsed into a pointless void That yet was a zero parent of the worlds; Inconscience swallowing up the cosmic Mind Produced a universe from its lethal sleep; Bliss into black coma fallen, insensible, Coiled back to itself and God's eternal joy Through a false poignant figure of grief and pain ...

... into locked unknown retreats of self... Thought there has revelation's sun-bright eyes. 26 Sight in the Overmind Beyond the plane of the Intuitive Mind is a superconscient cosmic Mind which possesses a power of cosmic consciousness, a principle of global knowledge. In the wide cosmic perception of the Overmind, Ideas are phalanxed like a group of sums; Thought crowds ...

... opening and developing the overmental consciousness. At the source of the intuitive mind, there is, according to Sri Aurobindo, a superconscient Mind, in direct contact with the Supermind. This cosmic Mind is not a mind as we know it, but, in the words of Sri Aurobindo, "an Overmind that covers as with the wide wings of some creative Oversoul this whole lower hemisphere of Knowledge-Ignorance, links ...

... flowing of that consciousness, and all in the terms of that one Ananda. His physical being will be one with all material Nature, his vital being with the life of the universe, his mind with the cosmic mind, his spiritual knowledge and will with the divine knowledge and will both in itself and as it pours itself through these channels, his spirit with the one spirit in all beings. All the variety of ...

... human being and use his outer personality for his manifestation?       That would be a possession not an Avatar. An Avatar is supposed to be from birth. Each soul at its birth takes from the cosmic mind, life and matter to shape a new external personality for himself. What prevents the Divine doing the same? What is continued from birth to birth is the inner being.         You wrote: "The ...

... spread through infinity? Do you feel all the universe within you, yourself one with the self of all beings? Do you feel the one cosmic Force acting everywhere? Do you feel your mind one with the cosmic mind? your life one with the cosmic life? your matter one with the cosmic Matter? separative ego unreal? the body no longer a limitation? What is the use of merely arguing that the higher being is wide ...

... This man is said to have had overmental experiences! And he also gone. I have heard that you don't approve of one's going. He had no overmind experiences—he had something of the opening of the cosmic mind and vital in the intermediate zone and that plenty besides him have done and are doing. I have explained this before. We approved of it. He went to arrange about his aunt's property as the family ...

... Man in a special sense and for a special purpose. Man is not a fabrication of the Lower Maya, a formation thrown up in the evolutionary course by a temporary idea in the Page 43 Cosmic Mind and developed through the play of forces; on the other hand, it is a typal reality, a Real-Idea—a formation of the original truth-consciousness, the Divine's own transcendental existence. Man is ...

... silence comes! SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. I had the experience long before I knew anything about Supermind. And when the mind becomes silent, things may come from anywhere: from the Cosmic Vital or Cosmic Mind, from above—Intuition—or from within. Some people think that everything comes from the Mother or the Divine. It is a little dangerous to think, as the writer of one of these letters does, that whatever ...


... but God has made himself Man in a special sense and for a special purpose. Man is not a fabrication of the Lower Maya, a formation thrown up in the evolutionary course by a temporary idea in the Cosmic Mind and developed through the play of forces; on the other hand, it is a typal reality, a Real-Idea – a formation of the original truth-consciousness, the Divine's own transcendental existence. Man is ...

... the Divine as beautiful, came the attitude of unconditional self-surrender known as Madhur-Bhava. OVERMIND "At the source of this Intuition we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the Supramental Truth-Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all mental energies,—not Mind as we know it, but an Over- mind that covers as with the wide wings ...

... ________________________ 8 Life Divine 9 Letters on Savitri Page 99 APPENDIX III OVERMIND "At the source of this Intuition we discover a super-conscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the Supramental Truth-Consciousness, and original intensity determinant of all mental energies,—not Mind as we know but an Overmind that covers as with the wide wings of not ...

... Infinite, One, without movement, action or quality. In the dynamic liberation, it depends upon where and how you experience the unity. If it is in the mind you feel your mind as one with the Cosmic Mind; in that case your own mind does not exist. If you feel the unity in the vital, then your vital being becomes a part of the cosmic vital, one with cosmic life. You can experience the Unity on the ...

... level: 1. "Withdrawn in a lost attitude of prayer". 2. "The mute unshadowed spaces of her mind" IV. OVERMIND "At the source of this Intuition we discover a superconscient cosmic Mind in direct contact with the Supramental Truth- Consciousness, an original intensity determinant of all movements below it and all mental energies,—not Mind as we know it, but an Overmind that covers ...

... next step would be the victory of the Divine in the outer manifestation in life. How does the mind happen to be held in the Supermind ? It is held as the Real-Idea. We have seen that all cosmic mind, universal mind, is held there as a potentiality of the Supreme. All perfection which mind can conceive is already there, because the mind would not get the idea if it did not exist. The idea, the ...


... for a reconciling practice in the inner life of the individual and his outer existence. We have found already in the cosmic consciousness a Page 29 meeting-place where Matter becomes real to Spirit, Spirit becomes real to Matter. For in the cosmic consciousness Mind and Life are intermediaries and no longer, as they seem in the ordinary egoistic mentality, agents of separation, fomenters... fomenters of an artificial quarrel between the positive and negative principles of the same unknowable Reality. Attaining to the cosmic consciousness Mind, illuminated by a knowledge that perceives at once the truth of Unity and the truth of Multiplicity and seizes on the formulae of their interaction, finds its own discords at once explained and reconciled by the divine Harmony; satisfied, it consents... perennial supply of the energies that work in the universe. It is not, therefore, the truth of the Silence to say that it is in its nature a rejection of the cosmic activity. The apparent incompatibility of the two states is an error of the limited Mind which, accustomed to trenchant oppositions of affirmation and denial and passing suddenly from one pole to the other, is unable to conceive of a comprehensive ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... be no conflict between thought and thought, truth and truth, and right and right. The vast cosmic labour goes Page 235 on in perfect calm of the cosmic nature and the all-sustaining and all-causing Witness looks at it from its eternal altitudes and shoreless self. In reality, this power has a mind too vast to be bound by thought and "A Life too boundless for the play in space." Aswapathy... could not grasp, and will could not touch. All the instruments of his nature Which "Nescience builds collapsing failed." Even the cosmic Self fainted in this vastness and it was such that "The separate self must melt or be reborn Into a Truth beyond the mind's appeal." All names and forms completely disappeared and all the systems of the world disappeared one by one. The whole universe... a veil and behind that was seen the transcendent Divine with "his feet firm-based on Life's stupendous wings." The movement of eternal Time returned to His timeless eternity and nothing of the cosmic mind's conception remained. Everything seemed to be "A hue and imposition on the Void". There "A Vastness brooded free from sense of Space, And Everlastingness cut off from Time". ...

... Supermind Mind The Divine descends from pure existence through the play of Consciousness-Force and Bliss and the creative medium of Supermind into cosmic being; we ascend from Matter through a developing life, soul and mind and the illuminating medium of supermind towards the divine being. The knot of the two, the Page 278 higher and the lower hemisphere, 2 is where mind and supermind... measures and limits, which fixes a particular centre and views from that the cosmic movement and its interactions. Granted that in a particular world, plane or cosmic arrangement, mind need not be limited, or rather that the being who uses mind as a subordinate faculty need not be incapable of seeing things from other centres or standpoints or even from the real Centre of all or in the vastness of a universal... in its descent, fourth to us in our ascension. But Mind, Life and Matter, the lower trilogy, are also indispensable to all cosmic being, not necessarily in the form or with the action and conditions which we know upon earth or in this material universe, but in some kind of action, however luminous, however puissant, however subtle. For Mind is essentially that faculty of Supermind which measures ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Revised form of a chapter originally published in the Arya . The Divine and the Undivine XXXVII V Entirely new chapter. The Cosmic Illusion; Mind, Dream and Hallucination -- VI Entirely new chapter. Reality and the Cosmic Illusion -- VII Revised form of a chapter originally published in the Arya . The Knowledge and the Ignorance XXVIII VIII... Chapters in the 1940 edition of Book Two with corresponding Arya chapters Ch. no. in 1940 Comment Title in 1940 Ch. no. in Arya I Entirely new chapter. Indeterminates, Cosmic Determinations and the Indeterminable -- II Entirely new chapter. Brahman, Purusha, Ishwara — Maya, Prakriti, Shakti -- III Revised form of a chapter originally published... this experience that later on I founded my philosophy. . . . The other source of my philosophy was the knowledge that flowed from above when I sat in meditation, especially from the level of the Higher Mind when I reached that level. . . . This source was exceedingly catholic and many-sided and all sorts of ideas came in which might have belonged to conflicting philosophies but they were here reconciled ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... or through a break or rift in our confined normality, that we can be on the surface conscious of the contacts or messages of the Superconscience. Sri Aurobindo The Life Divine - I: The Cosmic Illusion; Mind, Dream and Hallucination … from there come all the greater aspirations, ideals, strivings towards a better self and better humanity without which man would be only a thinking animal—as... portion of our being is covered by our waking self-awareness. We arrive at the knowledge that our waking mind and ego are only a superimposition upon a submerged, a subliminal self,—for so that self appears to us,—or, more accurately, an inner being, with a much vaster capacity of experience; our mind and ego are like the crown and dome of a temple jutting out from the waves while the great body of the... from all around us except through an exterior mind and sense contact which delivers but little of us to our world or of our world to us, in these inner reaches the barrier between us and the rest of existence is thin and easily broken; there we can feel at once—not merely infer from their results, but feel directly—the action of the secret world-forces, mind-forces, life-forces, subtle physical forces ...


... Imagism was the American-English poet Ezra Pound. Imagism is a revolt against the development of Romanticism into the vaguely and vastly emotional, the sense of at once the crepuscular and the cosmic, the mind twilight-blurry and tending to float away in what T. E. Hulme termed the "circumambient gas". Imagism demanded objectivity, clarity, exactitude, conciseness — it also recommended free verse as... images a significant vision which exceeded the picture of anything recognisable as a whole in the natural world. Thus Mallarmean Symbolism was not only mysterious but also mystical and to the ordinary mind it seemed to make some sort of superior non-sense which yet affected one with a profound though not clearly formulable meaningfulness, a meaningfulness such as music appears to have. To do in the highest... deliberate construction upon a theme in itself utterly indifferent by a musical pattern of words which gives delight and communicates not anything intelligible on the whole but a subtle many-shaded state of mind. Valery even said that his best poems had their origin in an intense obsession by certain metrical forms which he afterwards filled out with words connected to one another by what he felt to be their ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... our self-consciousness not so much cosmic as ultra-cosmic, infinite. Mind 1 On Yoga, I: The Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 421-22 Page 299 and life and body will then be only movements in that infinity which we have become, and we shall see that what exists is not world at all but simply this infinity of spirit in which move the mighty cosmic harmonies of its own images of self... archetypal cosmicity in the latter sections of the two preceding lines. With such a vision of its significance we are in a position to come to grips with the details of its apparently impossible violence. For, what exactly do we mean by an archetypal cosmicity? Primarily, there are in it the perfect divine originals, models, counterparts, supporting truths of our world of matter, life, mind, soul... master of the movement, the mind and life and body.... The individual mind, life and body which we recoiled from as not our true being, we shall recover as a true becoming of the Self, but no longer in a purely individual narrowness — We shall come to feel all the consciousness of the physical world as one with our physical consciousness, feel all the energies of the cosmic life around us as our own ...


... the human mind, like the idea of travel in the air, end often by self-fulfilment; individual thought-formations can actualise themselves if there is sufficient strength in the formation or in the mind that forms it. Imaginations can create their own potentiality, especially if they are supported in the collective mind, and may in the long run draw on themselves the sanction of the cosmic Will. In fact... architect of error. Mind then is not a sovereign creator of things non-existent or erected in a void: it is an ignorance trying to know; its very illusions start from a basis of some kind and are the results of a limited knowledge or a half-ignorance. Mind is an instrument of the cosmic Ignorance, but it does not seem to be or does not act like a power or an instrument of a cosmic Illusion. It is a seeker... anything discoverable in the Reality. There is nothing in the operations of Mind illusion that throws light upon this mystery; it is, as a stupendous cosmic Illusion of this kind must be, sui generis , without parallel. What we see in the universe is that a diversity of the identical is everywhere the fundamental operation of cosmic Nature; but here it presents itself, not as an illusion, but as a various ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... p. 25. Page 367 connection with "A hostile and perverting Mind at work" 63 in the dark world of Night. It captured the oracles of the occult gods, Effaced the signposts of Life's pilgrimage, Cancelled the firm rock-edicts graved by Time, And on the foundations of the cosmic Law Erected its bronze pylons of misrule. 64 And the second image... maternal breasts Of Wisdom suckling the child-laughter of Chance. 78 The amazing originality in the application of this image needs no comment. A spirit dreamed in the crude cosmic whirl, Mind flowed unknowing in the sap of life And Matter's breasts suckled the divine Idea. 79 This is still more daring than the above. And here is a third instance, which is quite... with the record in our cells, Concealed in the subliminal secrecies Mid an obscure occult machinery, Capture the mystic Morse whose measured lilt Transmits the messages of the cosmic Force. 30 In passing we may note here that there is a curious and at the same time brilliant mixture of two images, the first being that of troglodytes or cave-dwellers which reminds us of ...

... creation, the ambiguous miracle of life, the struggle of mind to appear and grow in an apparent vast Ignorance and to reign there as interpreter and creator and master, the intimations of a greater something that passes beyond the finite marvel of mind to the infinite marvels of the Spirit, are not a meaningless and fortuitous passing result of some cosmic Chance with its huge combination of coincidences;... of inanimation, mind out of a life that is void of thought; out of mind and its fragmentation and difficult piecing together of things the automatic completeness of the supramental knowledge. There is a secret self-compulsion in the Inconscient to manifest what is involved—gaoled, suppressed and inactive within it, but also there is a stupendous Inertia, as of some fathomless cosmic sleep, that resists... cosmos that evolves and the individual is only an ephemeral member of the species, the species a means of this cosmic evolution. Mind is indeed the term and the mental human being the crown of this inexplicable emergence; when human progress is over, when the race decays and perishes, the cosmic evolution will be at an Page 242 end, for it has nothing more then it can do. In man it has shot ...
