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Coue Coué : Emile (1857-1926), French pharmacist & psychotherapist who helped curing by optimistic autosuggestions such as: “Day by day, in every way, I am better & better.”

23 result/s found for Coue Coué

... the Asram but of occultists who make such things their main method. The Mother herself was taught to do it by a great occultist under whom she first practised these things. As to Coué, your answer was the right one. Coué's work was on the mental and vital level and to that there is only a very minor opposition from the vital world because it does not seriously endanger their rule. 31 October 1933... from his wife and was not originally his. In your letter this morning you say, "There are some who get a complete control in sleep." This sentence evoked a doubt in me: "If ordinary people—Coué's patients, for example—could make their suggestions effective and cure themselves wonderfully, why is the will of people here so weak even when the Divine is here?" My answer was that those people had ...

... done" and without the slightest worry about the consequences and the result of what one does; but this is difficult. Sweet Mother, what does "a Couéistic optimism" mean? Ah! Coué. You don't know the story of Coué? Coué was a doctor. He used to treat by psychological treatment, auto-suggestion, and he called this the true working of the imagination; Page 3 and what he defined as imagination... wrong, whether there is some uneasiness or a difficulty, something, then you begin to think of your body and you think about it with anxiety and begin to make your disastrous constructions. Whereas Coué recommended... It was in this way that he cured his patients; he was a doctor, he told them, "You are going to repeat to yourself: 'I am being cured, gradually I am getting cured' and again, you see... effective. Only, while one is making the formation, another part of the mind must not say, "Oh, I am making a formation and it is not going to be successful", because in this way you undo your own work. Coué—it was at the beginning of the century, I think... ( Mother turns to Pavitra. ) (Pavitra) I saw him in 1917 or 1918 in Paris. Page 5 Yes, that's right, the beginning of the century ...

... It is pouring and pouring in me." Sri Aurobindo : What about it? You tried? Disciple : Yes, I am as I was. Page 301 Sri Aurobindo : It looks very much like Coue's method. Disciple : Can it work? Sri Aurobindo : It is one way of opening the consciousness to the Force. I don't know if it can be successful all throughout. Disciple : You ...

... and anticipating accidents and misfortunes, you are undermining your own future. On the other hand, the more optimistic your imagination, the greater the chance of your realising your aim. Monsieur Coué got hold of this potent truth and cured hundreds of people by simply teaching them to imagine themselves out of misery. He once related the case of a lady whose hair was falling off. She began to suggest ...

... Infinite—something like that? DR. MANILAL: Yes, Sir. He says that one should imagine oneself as the Brahman and try to feel the force running through all the fibres of the body. SRI AUROBINDO: Like Coué. You had any result with it? DR. MANILAL: For a time. SRI AUROBINDO: It is the same with the descent and action of the Force, only it is an unconscious process, done by the power of the idea of ...

... and anticipating accidents and misfortunes, you are undermining your own future. On the other hand, the more optimistic your imagination, the greater the chance of your realising your aim. Monsieur Coué got hold of this potent truth and cured hundreds of people by simply teaching them to imagine themselves out of misery. He once related the case of a lady whose hair was falling off. She began to suggest ...

... otherwise. Curative Auto-Suggestion: The Coué Method It is the final discovery that one makes that in this world everything depends upon consciousness and its movements, even the things that seem not to do so. In these matters of illness, vital trouble etc., that resolves itself into suggestion (hostile) and Page 559 auto-suggestion. Coué, though he did not know these things, had the... things (adverse suggestions) in the mind, vital, body consciousness. Where all this is completely done or with some completeness, the effects can be very remarkable. In much the same way as Coué's suggestion system cured most of his patients, [ so an ordinary doctor would cure his patients, ] only by a physical instead of a mental means. The body consciousness responds to the suggestion or the... the brilliant intuition of adopting the contrary method of curative auto-suggestion and giving it a thorough and systematic application. Here it does not succeed so well because the anti-Coué spirit is very strong in many, the habit of entertaining hostile suggestions or this openness to them. Yet in Yoga also faith and right auto-suggestion are of great use until the point comes when no suggestion ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Something from the occult plane comes down and removes the obstacle from the physical plane. Disciple : It seems like the method of "auto-suggestion" given by Dr. Coué Sri Aurobindo : No, it is not Coué's method. Coué gives the suggestion which works out in the patient; while this is a direct, occult method. Disciple : Is his theory correct? Sri Aurobindo : I can't say.... (The question this evening was whether Coué's method could be used by a Sadhaka of this yoga and also what attitude one must keep when diseases came. In many families in India some kind of illness is a normal feature and one has to be always attending to the patient.) Page 181 Disciple : Is there any objection to using Dr. Coué's method for curing disease? Sri Aurobindo... There is the question of facing facts. You have to see what is impure in you, then call down the Higher Power and pray to Her to purify you. In Coué's method there is a sharp distinction between will and imagination. You must know what "will" is. Coué's idea is not the same as our idea of "will". "Will" is not mental effort, it is not the vital push which men use in general to satisfy their desires ...

... Purani's cold still persisting! ( To Purani) Why don't you apply the Force on yourself since you speak of it to others? PURANI: I am applying it. I am already better. SRI AUROBINDO: Applying Coué diligently! DR. MANILAL (laughing): Nishtha seems to have been completely metamorphosed, Sir! She was actually running. SRI AUROBINDO: The Divine Force is great but the force of chicken seems ...

... y in the most serious diseases. Miraculous results in certain difficult cases have been obtained by visualization. A pioneer of such methods towards the beginning of the 20th century, Emile Coue, a Frenchman, said that Imagination is a far greater power than Will. He helped many patients to cure themselves simply by making them repeat twenty times morning and evening the following formula: ...

... settled in the earth-consciousness a more general use of supraphysical force for healing may become possible. It is not always necessary either that the rapport you speak of should be conscious. Coué for instance was in rapport with the Mother without knowing it—she told me of his getting something of the force and of the beginning of his work long before he was known to anyone (of course she did ...

... merely a force of mental thought or will, but something more and deeper. The will put forth by the mind sets up opposite reactions and creates a resistance. You must have heard something of the method of Coué in healing diseases. He knew some secret of this power and utilised it with considerable effect; but he called it imagination and his method gave the faith he called up too mental a form. Mental faith ...

... (I was with an artist friend, we were all artists) we went to see the museum, and it appears I was sparkling with wit! And I suddenly halted in front of a painting by... now let's see, who was it? Coué?... No, Clouet! Clouet: the princess... one of the princesses. 4 And I started making Page 231 a few remarks out loud (it took me a little while to notice that people were listening) ...

... and a doctor had cured him, how would he have conquered this subconscient resistance? If you have no time, could I have a few lines on this subject, from Sri Aurobindo? In much the same way as Coué's suggestion system cured most of his patients, only by a physical instead of a mental means. he body consciousness responds to the suggestion or the medicine and one gets cured for the time being or ...

... illness runs its habitual course unless it is cut short by some strong counteracting force. If once the body can withdraw its consent, the illness immediately or quickly ceases—that was the secret of the Coué system. So too if the vital mind withdraws its consent, refuses to be dominated by the habitual suggestions and the habitual movements, these recurrences of depression and despair can be made soon to ...

... increase the range of his being, he can communicate at a distance, he can influence persons and events at a distance, he can cure diseases by will. These things are being done everyday in life. Emile Coué, a French doctor, used to cure hundreds of patients by auto-suggestion. It could still be maintained that in spite of all these ranges of consciousness available to man, he is ignorant because ...

... portrait by Clouet in the Chateau de Blois or among the pages of a dictionary: It was in Blois. We went to see the museum and I suddenly halted in front of a painting by— now let’s see, who was he? Coue? No, Clouet!— Clouet: the princess ... one of the princesses. And I started making a few remarks out loud: “Look at this! I was saying, look what this fellow has done to me! Look—he made this like that ...

... a full day's rest or else work two hours less each day. 13 April 1933 My dear Mother, No, I don't want to take a rest. Today I prayed to You with my body for ten hours. Then use Coué's method 5 and repeat, "I am not tired, I cannot be tired because I am protected!" 14 April 1933 Page 80 My dear Mother, Yes, X told me today that the frame would be completely... The Mother's name for a yellow-orange Sunflower ( Helianthus ). × Emile Coué (1857-1926), French doctor of Nancy who developed a system of cure by auto-suggestion (Couéism). × ...

... because probably the hostile forces were very strong. You do not know how strong they are, I alone know it, you have only a glimpse of it. Page 149 24-4-1924 Disciple : Dr. Coué in his book of cure by auto-suggestion wants that people should use "imagination" and not "will" for auto-suggestion because he thinks that by using the will you exhaust yourself. Sri Aurobindo ...

... branch of knowledge was deliberately excluded - all approaches were permissible - and every mood, every quirk of sensibility, every leap of intelligence had its turn. Vaishnavism, Theosophy, Bahaism, Coueism, Gandhism, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, samatā. Grace and the Guru, Cosmic Consciousness, the Vedic Gods, Yogic miracles, Ouspensky, Jacob Boehme, M. Théon, astrology, the interpretation of dreams, Kaya Kalpa ...

... you. That is the whole stand of Bergson. Theory merely convinces you and thereby produces the necessary inner condition. That is all. It may be true or it may be false. Freud may have cured people as Coué cures them now. But does he cure them by his theory ? Not at all; it is because he has some power that people get cured by him.  You may try to apply the results of psycho-analysis Page 182 ...

... correspondence. It is certainly better not to dwell on the difficulties or give them too much force, because, our experience shows us, to do so helps to make them return like a recurring decimal. The Coue formula 1 is too crude and simple to be entirely true in principle, but it has a great practical force and behind it there is a very great truth in a world and a consciousness governed by the Overmind... Overmind Maya: it is this that what we oppose ____________________ 1. A method of autosuggestion in vogue in the early twentieth century, named after the French psychotherapist Emile Coue, which consisted in repeating to oneself that one is fine, getting better all the time, etc. Page 278 strongly gets power to persist in the consciousness and experience and calls circumstances ...

... Anjou wine —so sparkling, and which looked so light!" Mirra drank. "Afterwards we visited the museum. I was sparkling with wit, it seems. I stopped suddenly before a painting of . . . now, who was it? Coue. . . . No, Clouet! The Princess by Clouet. One of the princesses." Was the portrait that of Princess Marguerite de Valois, by Francois Clouet, son of Jean Clouet? Both father and son were painters in ...