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Dakshina : goddess of divine Discernment.

41 result/s found for Dakshina

... two powers of action in knowledge. Dakshina presides over the right-hand power, and therefore we have the description of Indra who held Dakshina in his right hand ( daksine daksināvān ) The role of Dakshina is seen also in the action of the rescuing of the sun out of the cave, since the separation or choosing of the light out of the darkness is to be done by Dakshina, the faculty of all-discerning knowledge... Vishwamitra then proceeds to indicate the real mystic sense of Dakshina: "He having Dakshina with him held in his right hand the secret tiling that is placed in the secret cave concealed in the waters. May he, knowing perfectly, separate the light from the darkness, jyotir vrnīta tamaso vijānan, may we be far from the presence of the evil." Dakshina is thus the faculty that separates and discriminates light... light from the darkness. In some passages, the goddess Dakshina seems to be a form or epithet of goddess Usha (dawn); in some other passages, she is the one who distributes the offerings in the sacrifice. Usha is the divine illumination and Dakshina is the discerning knowledge that comes with the dawn; that discerning knowledge enables Indra, the illumined power in the mind, to know the right and ...

... तमसः सकाशादुत्थिताभूत् । दक्षिणायाः दक्षिणा in this verse may be an epithet of Usha, the Dawn. There is also a goddess Dakshina in the Veda, who is a female energy depending on the god Daksha. Daksha being the god who conducts the faculty of discriminative judgment, Dakshina is the faculty he conducts, intelligence, discrimination or reason. Intelligence has yoked her car, instituted, that is to... sacrifice in the car of dawn, but to take their part in the internal yajna in the chariot of the Intelligence. In this hymn, however, since it is the dawn of realisation in the mind that is intended, Dakshina and Usha are possibly identified or at any rate so closely associated that their action and epithets are almost in common. Intelligence or Dawn has risen up out of the black darkness; illumination... illumination of Intelligence has come out of the obscuration of ignorance or aprakasha; कृष्णात् from the black is a description of the tamoguna which is always represented in Yoga by the black colour. Dakshina or Usha is अर्या, noble, one of the high gods that help as opposed to the Dasyus, the dark & ignoble enemies of the spirit; she is विहायाः, either wide or various in her motion or wide & vast in her ...


... all this imagery. "He having Dakshina with him held in his right hand ( dakṣiṇe dakṣiṇāvān ) the secret thing that is placed in the secret cave and concealed in the waters. May he, knowing perfectly, separate the light from the darkness, jyotir vṛṇīta tamaso vijānan , may we be far from the presence of the evil." We have here a clue to the sense of this goddess Dakshina who seems in some passages to... to be a form or epithet of the Dawn and in others that which distributes the offerings in the sacrifice. Usha is the divine illumination and Dakshina is the discerning knowledge that comes with the dawn and enables the Power in the mind, Indra, to know aright and separate the light from the darkness, the truth from the falsehood, the straight from the crooked, vṛṇīta vijānan . The right and left hand... but also forearm, and they correspond to his two perceptive powers, his two bright horses, harī , which are described as sun-eyed, sūracakṣasā and as vision-powers of the Sun, sūryasya ketū . Dakshina presides over the right-hand power, dakṣiṇa , and therefore we have the collocation dakṣiṇe dakṣiṇāvān . It is this discernment which presides over the right action of the sacrifice and the right ...


... reference to that goddess Dakshina whom I suppose to be the female energy of Daksha, the divine master of the viveka— Twam tam Brahmanaspate Soma Indrascha martyam    Dakshiná pátu anhasah “Do thou, O Brahmanaspati, & may Soma & Indra and Dakshina protect that mortal from evil.” If we suppose evil in this rik to connote or include moral evil we find Dakshina to have a share, the active... system by the illumination of divine knowledge. We begin to find by this sin-effacing attribute of Varuna, prachetá, uruchakshas, pùtadaksha, ritasya jyotishas pati, by this sin-repelling attribute of Dakshina, the energy of ideal discrimination, the same profound idea already anticipated in the Rigveda. The Veda abounds with confirmatory passages, of which I will quote at present one only from the hymn... feeling no less than thought & attuning them to follow spontaneously the just rhythm of the divine right & truth, deliver effectually this human & mortal nature from evil & sin. The place of Daksha & Dakshina in that action is evident; it is primary & indispensable; for the mortal nature being full of wrong perceptions, warped impulses, evil & mixed & confused states of feeling, it is the business of the ...


... activities. Finally, we have the goddess Dakshina who may well be a female form of Daksha, himself a god and afterwards in the Purana one of the Prajapatis, the original progenitors,—we have Dakshina associated with the manifestation of knowledge and sometimes almost identified with Usha, the divine Dawn, who is the bringer of illumination. I shall suggest that Dakshina like the more famous Ila, Saraswati... goddesses representing the four faculties of the Ritam or Truthconsciousness,—Ila representing truth-vision or revelation, Saraswati truth-audition, inspiration, the divine word, Sarama intuition, Dakshina the separative intuitional discrimination. Daksha then will mean this discrimination whether as mental judgment on the mind-plane or as intuitional discernment on the plane of the Ritam. The three ...


... and shows the monarch to have been holding sway over both Dakshina-Tosall and Uttara-Tosali in evident independence of Gupta sovereignty. However, two copper-plate inscriptions 2 of a Mahārāja named Śambhuyaśas belonging to the Mudgala-gotra and the Māna-family show him to be master of not only Uttara-Tosali in 579 A.D. but also Dakshina-Tosall in 602 A.D. on the very likely assumption that the... Hiuen Tsang. According to this tradition, when Nāgārjunā (c. second century A.D.) lived in a monastery built by Aśoka to the south of the capital city of Dakshina-Kosala, the king of the land was So-to-p'o-ho, i.e., Sātavāhana. That Dakshina Kosala in the.eastern M.P. was once under the Sātavāhana kings is possibly supported by the discovery of a copper coin of king ŚivaŚri Āpīlaka in Chhattisgarth ...


... Agni is exercised; for then, ád, the discriminative intellect, dakshiná, growing in the substance of its content and havings, vájayantí, is yoked or applied to its work under these new conditions. Dakshina the discriminative intellect is the energy of Daksha, master of the viveka or unerring right discernment, but unerring in the ideality, in mahas or vijnána, his and her own home, not unerring in the... distorted responses, but the pure force & action of Agni which works on the world, pure, right & unerring & seizes on it to possess & enjoy it for God in the human being. This is the goal towards which Dakshina is striving in her upward self-extension which ends by her taking her place as viveka or right discernment in the kingdom of Surya, and this she begins already in her new activities by discerning ...


... गोभिः गो in the sense of light—cows impossible. दक्षिणा—S. increased stream of आज्य is applied & Agni drinks it उपरि विस्तृताम्. Dakshina is the goddess of Viveka increasing the substance of illumined force. It is not here the Dawn. उत्ताना. Here an epithet of Dakshina. (4) उषसा. S. with Dawn & विरूपे Heaven & Earth. But rather Night & Dawn. (5) हितो placed. Can it not mean “helpful, beneficent” ...


... Nachiketas into the mystery of Fire Worship and spoke of three fires that have to be kindled if one aspires to enter the heaven of immortality. The three fires are named elsewhere Garhapatya, Dakshina,and Ahavaniya. 1 They are the three tongues of the one central Agni, that dwells secreted in the hearth of the soul. They manifest as aspirations that flame up from the three fundamental levels of... portion of the Soul's Fire—and mount on its ardent tongue towards the heights of the Spirit. Garhapatya is the Fire in the body-consciousness, the fire of Earth, as it is sometimes called; Dakshina is the Fire of the moon or mind, and, Ahavaniya that of life. 2 The earthly fire is also the fire of the sun; the sun is the source of all earth's heat and symbolises at the same time the spiritual ...

... 1939 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 6 DECEMBER 1939 NIRODBARAN: Dakshina has had no sleep for three nights. SRI AUROBINDO: What's the matter with these people? Why can't Dakshina sleep? Thinking? NIRODBARAN: No, vital restlessness. He says everything is a chaos. SRI AUROBINDO: Well, he has to build a cosmos out of it. He has to quiet the vital being ...


... Bengali. Bartika, a Quarterly in Bengali. Purodha, Hindi Monthly, and Bengali Quarterly, for Youth. Dipti, a Kannada Quarterly. Arul, a Tamil Bi-annual. Dakshina and Bal Dakshina, a Gujarati Quarterly. Sanjivan, a Marathi Quarterly. Arka, a Telugu quarterly. Agnishikha, a Hindi Monthly. Sri Aravinda Karmadhara, a Hindi Monthly (published ...

... puissant system founded upon ideas which were at least partially true. Even its twofold division into the right-hand and left-hand paths, Dakshina Marga and Vama Marga, started from a certain profound perception. In the ancient symbolic sense of the words Dakshina and Vama, it was the distinction between the way of Knowledge and the way of Ananda,—Nature in man liberating itself by right discrimination ...


... Nachiketas into the mystery of Fire Worship and spoke of three fires that have to be kindled if one aspires to enter the heaven of immortality. The three fires are named elsewhere Garhapatya, Dakshina, and Ahavaniya.¹ They are the three tongues of the one central Agni, that dwells secreted in the hearth of the soul. They manifest as aspirations that flame up from the three fundamental levels of... own portion of the Soul's Fire – and mount on its ardent tongue towards the heights of the Spirit. Garhapatya is the Fire in the body-consciousness, the fire of Earth, as it is sometimes called; Dakshina is the Fire of the moon or mind, and Ahavaniya that of life.² The earthly fire is also the fire of the sun; the sun is the source of all earth's heat and symbolises at the same time the spiritual ...

... about Pranab Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya was born on 18.10.23, in a family of respectable lineage staying at Berhampur, a district town, 116 miles north of Calcutta. His father's name was Dakshina Pada Bhattacharya and mother's name was Prafullamayee Devi. At the age of five, his education started at home in the traditional way, as was the practice in a Brahmin's family in those days... life towards which the organisation should be oriented. Pranab's family had had contacts with Sri Aurobindo Ashram since 1934. His uncle Charupada, visited the Ashram in 1936 and his father Dakshina Pada in 1938. Since then they frequently visited the Ashram. So, it was natural that Pranab would come under the influence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Page 76 During ...

... upholds Daksha when he is at his works; for so I take Daksham apasam. Mitra has already been described as having a pure daksha. The adjective daksha means in Sanscrit clever, intelligent, capable, like dakshina, like the Greek δεξɩóς. We may also compare the Greek δóξα, meaning judgment, opinion etc & δοᵪέω, I think or seem, and Latin doceo, I teach, doctrina etc. As these identities indicate, Daksha is ...


... Will as in the heavens to a golden Affirmation manifesting a vastness. Page 396 × The Cows of the Dawn. Dakshina, the goddess of divine discernment, is here a form of the Dawn herself. × That is to say, instead ...


... Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose the action and the offering and distribute in the sacrifice to each godhead its portion. Each god, too, has his female energy. All this action and ...


... rebels against the darkness of the Dionysian ecstasy in the approach to the secrets of Nature; but there is a luminous Apollonian as well as an obscure and sometimes dangerous Dionysian mysticism, a Dakshina as well as a Vama Marga of the mystic Tantra. And though no partaker in or supporter of any kind of rites or mummery, Heraclitus still strikes one as at least an intellectual child of the Mystics ...


... gave her a flower which I sent with Sotuda. 15 So I am going to Calcutta for a month or so. I will be glad if you will give me some force which will enable me to be of some service to you. Dakshina was telling me of one Soshibhushan: he has told Mother about it. He will invite him to a musical party there. Some force from you, what? Soshibhushan is a very rich man. Captain S.N. Chaudhuri ...

... very pleased with it and approved fully. What could she say or do when the Urn was already made and the photograph taken? Sundaram, a well-known Gujarati poet and Ashramite, wrote in the magazine Dakshina of February 1968 about the present Urn: The shape somewhat like Shivalingam was constructed in the middle where the soil of the whole world was deposited. Even a small child can say that the ...


... streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose the action and the offering and distribute in the sacrifice to each godhead its portion." 8 Then there is Usha, the Dawn-Goddess who has hymn after ...


... Kaushika Grihya Sutra belongs to Atharvaveda. The various rituals described in Shrauta Sūtra require three different kinds of Aenikundas (fire vessels) which are called Garhāpatya, Āhavaniya and Dakshina, while in the Deva Yajna prescribed by Grihya Sūtra only one Agnikunda is required. Among the Dharma Sūtras, Gautama Dharma Sūtra is related to Sāmaveda, and Āpastamba, Hiranyakeshi, and Baudhāyana ...


... revelation; Saraswati, the power of inspiration; Sarama, the power of intuition, the hound of heaven, who descends into the cavern of the subcosncient and finds from there hidden illuminations; and dakshina, the power to discern rightly, to dispose the action and the offering and to distribute in the sacrifice to each godhead its portion. Each god, too, has his female energy. In our ascension, ...


... Rishis were great travellers. The hymns sung on the banks of the Saraswati spread to the banks of Ganga and Narmada, of Godavari and Krishna, of Kaveri and Tamra-parni.... From the Himalayan peaks to Dakshina Jalanidhi (Indian Ocean), from Purva Sagar (Bay of Bengal) to Pashchima Payodhi (the Arabian Sea), India's air filled with a strange aroma. Swami Vivekananda of our own times put it so well. "India ...

... streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Page 381 Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose the action and the offering and distribute in the sacrifice to each godhead its portion. Each god, too, has his female energy. All this action and ...


... s of the Dawn" they rise; for Dawn is the illumination of the Truth rising upon the mentality to bring the day of full consciousness into the darkness or half-lit night of our being. She comes as Dakshina, the pure intuitive discernment on which Agni the God-force in us feeds when he aspires towards the Truth or as Sarama, the discovering intuition, who penetrates into the cave of the subconscient ...


... therefore the Dwapara is the age of codification, ritual, Shastra, external appliances to maintain the failing internal spirituality; danam, and therefore hospitality, liberality, the sacrifice and the dakshina begin to swallow up other dharmas—it is the yuga yajniya,—the age of sacrifice; bhoga, and therefore the Veda Page 478 is used for procuring enjoyment in this world and the next, bhog ...


... persons present there also wanted to perform the ceremony and asked the priest if they could do it. But the priest refused and did not even look at them. They remarked, “Maharaj, we shall give whatever Dakshina is needed for it.” The priest did not answer. These people persisted very much, and pleaded again and again. The priest questioned, “What can you give? Do you know how and what to give?” Some persons ...


... Dravidian Languages, 30 Copper hoards, 4 Copper pins, 7 Dabar Kot, 60 Daha, Dahai, Dahya, 115, 116 Daitya, 83 Daivavata (Abhyavartin), 126 Dakshina, 39 Dales, G.R., 4, 57, 96 Danavas, 111 Danu, 111 Dani, A(hmad) H(assan), 7, 13, 98, 100 Danish, 91 Dasa-Dasyus, iv, vi, 25, 109-117, ...


... saviours of Bhujyu from the ocean, ferriers over the great waters, brothers of the Dawn, and Helen very possibly the Dawn their sister or even identical with Sarama, the hound of heaven, who is, like Dakshina, a power, almost a figure of the Dawn. But in either case there has been a farther development by which these gods or demigods have become in vested with psychological functions, perhaps by the same ...


... movement and a more powerful divine action. At present there is no sign of any new swiftness or power. The Mahakali Tapas is being farther strengthened and confirmed by the test of adverse experience. Dakshina Maghoni, the discernment in its fullness, is now at work; it is evident that all the suggestions given to the mind are satyam & ritam; only the exact ritam of arrangement is still wanting. Time is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... help to others, to the world, without which our action becomes a wholly self-regarding thing and a violation of the true universal law of solidarity and interchange. The work will be done without the dakshina, the much-needed giving or self-giving to the leaders of the sacrificial action, whether to the outward guide and helper of our work or to the veiled or manifest godhead within us. It will be done ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... soul of India, hide thyself no longer with the darkened Pandits of the Kaliyuga in the kitchen & the chapel, veil not thyself with the soulless rite, the obsolete law and the unblessed money of the dakshina; but seek in thy soul, ask of God and recover thy true Brahminhood & Kshatriyahood with the eternal Veda; restore the hidden truth of the Vedic sacrifice, return to the fulfilment of an older & mightier ...


... India, hide thyself no longer with the darkened Pandits 1 of the Kaliyuga in the kitchen and the chapel, veil not thyself with the soulless rite, the obsolete law and the unblessed money of the Dakshina; 2 but seek in thy soul, ask of God and recover thy true Brahminhood and Kshatriyahood with the eternal Veda; restore the hidden truth of the Vedic sacrifice, return to the fulfilment of an older ...


... rebels against the darkness of the Dionysian ecstasy in the approach to the secrets of Nature; but there is a luminous Apollonian as well as an obscure and sometimes dangerous Dionysian mysticism, a Dakshina as well as a Varna Marga of the mystic Tantra. And though no partaker in or supporter of any kind of rites or mummery, Heraclitus still strikes one as at least an intellectual child of the Mystics ...


... Tiramaski (Dar-Mesheq, Damascus), 334 Tithogoli Panannaya, 475fn. Tondamandalam, 274 Toramāna/Toraraya/Turaman/ Turamaya, 275, 276, 503, 504, 508, 511, 512, 514, 600 Tosali, Dakshina & Uttara, 491 'Trailokya Prajnapati, 479 Trautmann, T. R., 576 Trigarta-Shashtha, 162 Trigartas, 529-30 Tri-Kalingae, 165 Page 640 ...


... exceeding the duality of virtue and sin, but it seemed to make self-indulgence a method of unrestrained social immorality. But in its origin, its two-fold division into the right-hand and left-hand path, dakshina marga and vama marga, started from a certain profound perspective. In the ancient symbolic sense it was the distinction between the way of Knowledge and the way of Ananda. In the way of Knowledge ...


... inspiration or Saraswati, Page 58 intuition or Sarama, and discrimination between truth and falsehood, between knowledge and ignorance and between good and evil — the faculty symbolized by Dakshina. The Vedic yoga of knowledge is seen to be the process of sacrifice or cultivation or surrender of our cognitive activities by means of intensities of clarities, symbolized in the Veda as ghrita ...

... Page 84 s ubtle realisation. And this subtle realisation has its different levels, classifications and variations which the Vedic seers have termed Ila, Saraswati, Sarama and Dakshina. These four names have been plausibly interpreted as sruti (Reve­lation), smrti (Inspiration), bodhi (Intuition) and viveka (Dis­crimination). We are not going to probe further into the mystery. We ...

... rty' . Sometimes I used to hear him argue with the landlord. Page 187 God knows for how many years he had not paid the rent. In fact he used to brag before my father: "You know Dakshina-babu, I don't bother about rent. And I will never pay rent. If he complains too much I'll tell him to go to court." "And what if he does?" "You must be joking! I'll stand up in a court and ...


... head, nor taking of the cowdung, nor anything of the sort, because Sri Aurobindo refused to go through ś uddhi . The accommodating Brahmin was perhaps satisfied with a certain sum of money paid as Dakshina and must have been pleased to make the concession. 24. In the issue dealing with the year 1900, Girija alleges that there was a revolutionary samiti in Gujarat. From inquiries it can be definitely ...
