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Dakshineshwar : temple of Kāli, on the Gungā, where Sri Ramakrishna lived & worshipped.
... to be God-lovers and God-lovers the answer to one question: Have you seen God? No one gave him a satisfactory answer. Then one day some friends took the sceptical Narendra to the Kali Temple at Dakshineshwar, some miles from Calcutta, to see someone who was known to be a "Godman". The first meeting between Narendra Nath and Sri Ramakrishna was momentous. First, Narendra sang a few devotional songs and... altogether taken aback by his conduct; 'Who is this man whom I have come to see? 'I thought, 'he must be stark mad!' " Nevertheless, Sri Ramakrishna extracted from Narendra a promise to return to Dakshineshwar. Then they went back into the other room. It was at this point that Narendra Nath asked his question to the Master: "Sir, have you seen God? " The reply was immediate: "Yes, I have seen God. I see... influence of a "madman". But what the sceptic in him refused proved irresistibly fascinating to another part of his character, and Page 236 Narendra returned again and again to Dakshineshwar. On his part, Sri Ramakrishna described these early days of their relationship as being particularly painful to him: "I felt such a constant agonizing desire to see him! At times the pain would ...
... Naren, "... I have seen only one person who has experienced that blessed state of mind, and he is Ramakrishna Paramahamsa of Dakshineshwar. You can understand if you go there and see for yourself." 2 Some college friends accompanied Narendra on his first visit to Dakshineshwar. He was then in a very critical state of mind, and pointedly asked Sri Ramakrishna: "Have you seen God, sir? " Narendra had... way of thinking; besides, Sir Ramakrishna's ecstasies embarrassed Narendra. That first meeting had deeply disturbed him. How could he follow a madman? But a month later, Narendranath was back at Dakshineshwar: I walked... and went straight to the Master's room. I found him sitting, deep in his own meditations ... There was no one with him. As soon as he saw me, he called me joyfully to him and... respect for Western science and its analytical processes made him test Sri Ramakrishna s experiences and he accepted Page 297 only those which stood the test. One day, Narendra came to Dakshineshwar and found that Sri Ramakrishna had gone to Calcutta. He was alone in the room and suddenly felt a desire to test the genuineness of Sri Ramakrishna' s often expressed aversion for money — so he ...
... small box in my house, in which there was some soil from Dakshineshwar. The Superintendent thought, 'Aha! this must be some powerful explosive.' But after a long and close scrutiny he had to admit, disappointed, that it was nothing but loose clay." "Why did you have this clay in your house?" "Haven't you heard of the Kali Temple at Dakshineshwar, where Sri Ramakrishna had lived and done his Sadhana ...
... young men steeped in the latest knowledge of the West? But there's a Divinity that shapes our ends still: God knew. what he was doing. He sent that man to Bengal and set him in the temple of Dakshineshwar in Calcutta, and from North and South and East and West, the educated men, men who were the pride of the university, who Page 60 had studied all that Europe can teach, came to fall... husband, she would not be helping him in his way of life by insisting on his continuous company". 50 On coming to know that she had received spiritual solace and initiation from Sarada Devi (of Dakshineshwar), Sri Aurobindo felt glad that his wife "had found so great a spiritual refuge". 51 He also intimated to her that she might join him at Pondicherry, but just when, after the war, she was preparing ...
... even the knowledge of the practical steps that can lead to success. Every step that is taken in the light of a lower wisdom will fail until the truth is driven home. The work that was begun at Dakshineshwar is far from finished, it is not even understood. That which Vivekananda received and strove to develop, has not yet materialised. The truth of the future that Bijoy Goswami hid within himself, has ...
... the ground-work of the faculty of the artist____ Teaching by snippets must be relegated to the lumber-room of dead sorrows. * * * March 26, 1910 The work that was begun at Dakshineshwar is far from finished, it is not even understood. That which Vivekananda received and strove to develop, has not yet materialised. The truth of the future that Bijoy Go swami hid within himself ...
... nothing escaped the clutches of the all-consuming search but nothing remarkable transpired in the course of it. However, I recollect Mr. Clark looking long and suspiciously at the sacred earth from Dakshineshwar that had been kept in a small cardboard box: he thought it might be some new and terribly powerful explosive. In a sense his suspicions were not unfounded.' The search over, the three arrested ...
... something of that sort. But I was not aware of that at all, it was far removed from my mind." So she came to Calcutta, joined college and lived there. But somehow she began to frequent the temple at Dakshineshwar, now well-known because of Sri Ramakrishna, and she used to spend quite a lot of time over there. That's how things went on - studies, on one hand, and visits to Ramakrishna's temple, on the other ...
... They had a good library too, I had heard. In case they refused, well, one would see. It was about four in the afternoon when I left the Mess. I had of course been to the Math before, and to Dakshineshwar as well, but always by river in a country-boat. I had since been told there was a railway-station at Belur. I thought the Page 383 Math must be somewhere near the station, so ...
... ignorant, what does he know? What can he teach me who have received from the West all that it can teach ? " But God knew what he was doing. He sent that man to Bengal and set him in the temple of Dakshineshwar in Calcutta, and from North and South and East and West, the educated men, men who were the pride of the University, Who had studied all that Europe can teach, came to fall at the feet of this ascetic ...
... reproduced. Alameda, California 18th April 1900 After all, Joe, I am only a boy who used to listen with rapt wonderment to the wonderful words of Ramakrishna under the banyan at Dakshineshwar. That is my true nature, doing good and so forth are all superimpositions. Now I again hear the voice; the same old voice thrilling my soul. Bonds are breaking, love dying, work becoming tasteless ...
... adventure of consciousness and joy... Not long afterwards, in 1836, a still greater wonder was witnessed when Ramakrishna was born, who as the Paramahamsa was to incarnate God on earth at Dakshineshwar: All can be done if the God-touch is there.... Into a far-off nook of heaven there came A slow miraculous gesture's dim appeal. The persistent thrill of a transfiguring touch ...
... and there will emerge a new spontaneity of infallible efficiency undreamt of before. On 9 July, the Mother saw in the evening a Bengali film, Rani Rasmani, with a picture of the temple at Dakshineshwar and the statue of Kali which, according to the Mother, represented an attempt to recapture "all that world of religion and worship, of aspiration, of man's relations with the gods". For the Mother ...
... house it was removed on the remonstrance of Bhupendra Nath [Bose], 2 the Moderate leader, who on hearing of the arrest had come to question the police about its motive. [Earth from Dakshineshwar was found in Sri Aurobindo's room when the police searched his house in May 1908.] The earth was brought to me by a young man connected with the Ramakrishna Mission and I kept it; it was there ...
... A Bengali film, Rani Rasmani , which describes the lives of Sri Ramakrishna and Rani Rasmani, a rich, very intelligent and religious Bengali widow, who in 1847 built the temple of Kali at Dakshineshwar (Bengal) where Sri Ramakrishna lived and worshipped Kali. × On 24 November 1926 Sri Aurobindo ...
... imperfection, but they were not made part of the theory of the relations. I do not think they formed a regular and authorised part of the relations of the bhaktas to Chaitanya or of the disciples at Dakshineshwar towards Ramakrishna! On the contrary, the relation of the disciple to the Guru in the Guruvada is supposed always to be that of worship, respect, complete happy confidence, unquestioning acceptance ...
... ignorant. What does he know? What can he teach me who have received from the West all that it can teach?" But God knew what he was doing. He sent that man to Bengal and set him in the temple of Dakshineshwar in Calcutta, and from North and South and East and West, the educated men, men who were the pride of the university, who had studied all that Europe can teach, came to fall at the feet of this ascetic ...
... begin and all the development of the previous two thousand years and more since Buddha appeared has been a preparation for the harmonization of spiritual teaching and experience by the avatar of Dakshineshwar. The long ages of discipline which India underwent, are now drawing to an end. A great light is dawning on the East, a light whose first heralding glimpses are already seen on the horizon; a ...
... Hoogly. The Math itself is a of modern structure, built in the last days of the British em- Page 373 pire. Across the river, we can see the more traditional structure of the Dakshineshwar Kalibari, which Rani Rasmoni built in the second half of the 19th century and where Sri Ramakrishna came as the temple priest. Sri Ramakrishna's lilaprasanga, as his great biographer, Swami Saradananda ...
... father died in an accident — “The only person who could have checked his heart’s bent.” “Then as soon as the family affairs were settled he began journeying from one religious centre to another — Dakshineshwar, Benaras and others.” “He felt the chosen haven still eluding him. This went on for three years, till one day he learnt that his cousin Dilip Kumar Roy was coming on a visit to his home town. Dilip ...
... the Mother watched them together with the students and the adult Ashramites. Thus she had recently been watching a Bengali film, Rani Rasmani , about the rich widow who built the Kali temple in Dakshineshwar for Ramakrishna Paramhansa. This film, unexpectedly, had become the occasion of a powerful experience. (“For people who believe that some things are important and other things are not, that there ...
... 95 30 The day before the Mother had been present in the Playground at the projection of a Bengali film on the life of Rani Rasmani, the rich widow who in 1847 built the Kali Temple at Dakshineshwar for Ramakrishna Paramhansa. ‘It seems strange that something so new, so special, and I might say so unexpected [i.e. her experience], should happen during a film show … I have always noticed that ...
... be felt there. I was reluctant to return to my house, which was not mine. I was aloof, disinterested. I was pining to return to my true home—the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. I also had a glimpse of Dakshineshwar, on the other side of the Ganges. Here Ramakrishna lived, meditated, did tapasya and realised the Supreme Goddess. Temples of Kali, Radha and Krishna form part of the complex. There is a big banyan ...
... in a small temple on the Narmada. So many visit the same temple but how many have this living darshan? Similarly, we have all heard that Sri Ramakrishnadev even talked with the image of Kali at Dakshineshwar. And again there is the idol of Jagannatha in the world-famous temple at Puri. Nothing need be said of its outward form and colour etc.—anyone can see it. Yet we hear that Chaitanyadev sat in front ...
... reference to X's shrinking from fish – which was given to cats – and Y's shrinking from a meat diet. Sri Aurobindo : I had myself got that nervous shrinking. I and Bipin Pal once went to Dakshineshwar temple. There a great sacrifice was going on. I stood it all right but Pal was very much moved. I got rid of it completely in jail. Pity and nervous shrinking are weaknesses of the vital being. ...
... cathedrals that soar high like a triumph of the divine thought in man suddenly to find ourselves before Sekmeth in the silence of Abydos on the Nile, or face to face with Kali behind the peristyle of Dakshineshwar, we do feel something; we suddenly gape before an unknown dimension, a "something" that leaves us a little stunned and speechless, which is not at all there in our Western art. There are no secrets ...
... spirits who cast aside the highest of earth's gifts in their enraptured pursuit of the life of life. Show us the country but India that could produce in the nineteenth century the Saint of Dakshineshwar. The saving wisdom was still in the land which taught man how to know and realise his God.... But how should the culture of the soul survive in the land where a shifting materialism was ...
... officers, dark of 24 Parganas, looked suspiciously at a lump of clay kept in a cardboard box. Perhaps it was a new kind of explosive! Actually the earth had been brought to Sri Aurobindo from Dakshineshwar by a young man connected with the Ramakrishna Mission, and Sri Aurobindo had preserved it. Other rooms were also searched, and all kinds of things were seized. A bicycle, an iron safe - they ...
... Among them, as we had occasion to see, it was in the life of Ramakrishna Paramahansa 1 that the message of Hinduism was summed up. But was the message understood? "The work that was begun at Dakshineshwar is far from finished, it is not even understood," penned Sri Aurobindo in the same article of 1910. By then it had become clear to him that it was he who had to carry on the unfinished work from ...
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