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Daniel : In the Old Testament, an upright judge, & a person of infallible wisdom; thence the proverb “A Daniel comes to judgement”.
... apocalyptic thereby? A typical example of the genre is the Book of Daniel, nowadays dated between 167 and 164 B.C., a scripture of which Jesus can be proved quite cognisant. Daniel's Messiah is at the same time "the son of David" and the transcendent Saviour. When Jesus was on trial for his life, Matthew 26:64 makes him quote Daniel 7:13 and the very title Jesus preferred for himself during his life... life was Daniel's "Son of Man". What does the Book of Daniel illustrate? Doubtless, it has a general relevance for all ages when the City of God is under onslaught, but we should do well to hearken to the wise words of Dougherty: 53 "One should sedulously avoid twisting the imagery of Daniel to fit situations never intended by the author. All too many, even now, engage in this ill-advised... ill-advised and unscientific endeavour. The beasts and the symbols of Daniel represent the Chaldeans, the Persians, the Greeks, and his centre of interest is that paragon of persecutors, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. To interpret these figures in terms of medieval or contemporary history is to make a plaything of the Word of God and to employ the venerable authority of the Scriptures in the cause of whims ...
... × Daniel Dennett: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, p. 101. × Ernst Mayr: What Evolution is, p. 193. × Daniel Dennett: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea ., p. 44. ... together as so-called ‘Darwinism’. Both Koons and Berlinski are outspoken critics of Darwin, as is André Pichot who terms the awe in which Darwin and his work are held “the Darwinian mythology.” Daniel Dennett, on the contrary, is another ‘arch-Darwinian’, but he too has to admit that “no one knew better than Darwin himself the importance of anchoring a revolutionary theory in the bedrock of empirical... of those who were paying attention that many Darwinists were not simply disinterested scientists; they were definitely presenting a new worldview.” 48 And David Berlinski writes sarcastically: “Daniel Dennett’s assertion that natural selection has been demonstrated ‘beyond all reasonable doubt’ must be judged for what it is: the ecclesiastical bull of a most peculiar church, a cousin in kind to ...
... zealous atheist scientists, mainly biologists, is increasing steadfastly. Some telling titles are: A Devil’s Chaplain and The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins, 2003 and 2006), Breaking the Spell (Daniel Dennett, 2006), The End of Faith (Sam Harris, 2006), God is not Great (Christopher Hitchens, 2007), God – The Failed Hypothesis (Victor Stenger, 2008). In all these books religion is presented... charlatans. They are derided on practically every other page written by the positivist reductionists, who do not mind to flaunt their ignorance of such foolish if not cretinous matters. Take for instance Daniel Dennett, the American philosopher in the Dawkins camp. He concedes: “I simply do not know enough about religions to write with any confidence about them,” but the attacks them nevertheless with candid... God, why are they talking so much about him, and this in statements which read like final verdicts? “I simply do not know enough about religions to write with any confidence about them,” we remember Daniel Dennett confessing, but he composes all the same an ample polemical volume on the topic. “Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book of British Birds ...
... “The haven all memes depend on reaching is the human mind, but a human mind is itself an artifact created when memes restructure a human brain in order to make it a better habitat for memes,” asserts Daniel Dennett. Dennett is a nowadays widely read philosopher whom Gould has called “Dawkins’ lapdog.” It is true that Dawkins has spent affectionate praise on him. It stands to reason that scientists of... addresses the readers somewhere in the middle of his Dawkinsian book as follows: “Dear reader, if you have come this far and found your faith undermined – as I hope …” 67 Another kindred author is Daniel Dennett, who wrote Breaking the Spell – Religion as a Natural Phenomenon “to get his readers to think and not just to feel.” His central policy recommendation is “that we gently, firmly educate... × Susan Blackmore: op. cit., pp. 53 ff., 7, 65. × Daniel Dennett: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea , p. 150. × id., p. 369. ...
... Gratiano :A second Daniel, a Daniel, Jew! Now, infidel, I have you on the hip. Portia : Why doth the Jew pause? Take thy forfeiture. Shylock : Give me my principal, and let me go. Bassanio :I have it ready for thee; here it is. Portia : He hath refus'd it in the open court; He shall have merely justice, and his bond. Gratiano :A Daniel still say I, a second Daniel! I thank ...
... activity is time-bound. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yet to come, and today's work is to be done according to a timetable. Time in this sense is reference, i.e., all that we do is 19 Cf. Daniel Albuquerque, Truth and Action in Speech Acts, Intercultural Publications, Delhi, 1995, pp.126-130. Page 312 related to a time reference. Time that seemed so mysterious to St... A great all-ruling consciousness is there And Mind unwitting serves a higher Power. 38 The unfelt Self within who is the guide, The unknown Self above who is the goal. 39 DANIEL ALBUQUERQUE 36 Savitri, p. 262. 37 Ibid., p. 264. 38 Ibid, p. 271. 39 Ibid ., p. 168. Page 322 ...
... comments: “Most so-called explanations amount to little more than what Lewontin and I, following Kipling, would later call “just-so stories” or plausible claims without tested evidence …” 40 Even Daniel Dennett seems to keep his distance from such kind of happy-go-lucky reasoning and writing: “One may be reasonably nervous about the size of the role of sheer, unfettered imagination in adaptationist... × Stephen Gould: Punctuated Equilibrium , p. 3. × Daniel Dennett: Darwin’s Dangerous Idea , pp. 251, 249 (italics in the text). × Michael Behe: op. cit. ...
... attached to another one, and asks you to have trust in him or her? Isn't it a duplicity? I can't tolerate such conduct, and get rather disturbed... You speak like a Daniel come to judgment. If you could only be calm like Daniel in the den of lions when these things happen, it would be all right. ... Seeing all this I have made up my mind to cut off all vital human relations... I say that ...
... knowledge, Sri Aurobindo with his abundant speech need not be devoid of knowledge and could be at least equal in it to Buddha and Ramana! In the matter of "descent of the Divine" our self-appointed "Daniel-come-to-judgment" is ridiculous. He says that Sri Aurobindo talked only of the Divine descending and completely ignored the question of the human ascending. Actually what Sri Aurobindo said is that ...
... though namelessly in association with Shakespeare in John Manningham's Diary. 3. There were three rival poets and not only one. But two were minor competitors: Francis Davison and Samuel Daniel. The major competitor - contrary to the beliefs of almost all scholars but in consonance with several literary traditions of a general order - was Ben Jonson. In connection with the third ...
... touch and tone. In short, Sethna, keeping in view Mallarmé the artist as well as Mallarmé the poet, preserves Mallarmé's mystery-in-obscurite even in the English language. JEYARAJ DANIEL Page 237 ...
... the other love of the 'two loves' in the Sonnets , a continental lady with the name he conjectures to be Anastasia Guglielma. Sethna would identify Ben Jonson as the major 'Rival Poet', and Samuel Daniel and Francis Davison as the minor rival poets shadowed in the Sonnets. Sethna would seem to put rather too high stakes on the inference that the name 'Will' ('Willa' in the feminine) was common to ...
... n stance was enforced by the fact that the concept of the mutations led to a theory of saltationism, which holds that evolution has not happened gradually but by something like quantum jumps. Even Daniel Dennett recognizes that “the people early in [the twentieth] century who rediscovered Mendel at first thought of themselves as anti-Darwinians.” 23 This may come as a surprise, for the mutation ...
... that this small string of quotations is only meant to be illustrative. For the full picture we turn to Huston Smith: “The reductionistic moment has not abated. Beginning with consciousness, we find Daniel Dennett telling us that ‘materialism in one form or another is the reigning orthodoxy among philosophers of the mind’ and Carl Sagan saying in his The Dragons of Eden that his fundamental premise ...
... to be more human.” 1 The doomsday prediction or expectation is a tradition which the West inherited together with its Judeo-Christian religion, more specifically from the biblical Book of Daniel and Revelation . Norman Cohn writes in his classic work The Pursuit of the Millennium : “Already in the Prophetical Books there are passages that foretell how, out of an immense cosmic catastrophe ...
... versa, the question crops up: on which of the two bodies can really the rod be said to shorten and the clock to slow down? Well, if we consider both the bodies together as standpoints, the judgment of Daniel would be that the change really occurs in rod and clock on both. If we adopt one of the two stand- points, the change is real on one of them. If we adopt neither standpoint but some entirely other ...
... Śramanas. The really important factor is something else and relates to the material on which the Greek version appears and the context of the material. From Benveniste's articles we have to go to Daniel Schlumber-ger's communication: "Une Nouvelle Inscription Grécque d'Açoka." 2 Schlumberger conveys the information: "The text of 1958 was a rock inscription; that of 1964 is engraved on a block ...
... those within the SFIO itself. He had been on the alert since the end of July, when a foreign policy debate in the French National Assembly had revealed a hostile movement within his own party, led by Daniel Mayer and Paul Ramadier. I realized that the British phantom must be exorcized once and for all, and I set about it by giving the maximum publicity to my letter to Harold Macmillan. In Strasbourg, ...
... 726 Andromeda, 128 Anger, Roger, 775,780 Appian, 135 Arabian Nights Entertainments, The, 129, 177 Archer, William, 490,49 1ff Archimedes, 416 Areopagitica, 200 Argov, Daniel, 228fn Arjava (J. A. Chadwick), 514, 575ff, 594, 639 Arnold, Matthew, 164, 177, 615 Arya, 398ff, 402ff, 436, 455, 459, 463,464, 470, 496, 514, 521, 525, 534ff, 573, 610 Ashram, ...
... below, arranged in the alphabetical order of the authors' names. Acharya, K.D. A Guide to Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy (1968) Archer, William. India and the Future (1917) Argov, Daniel. Moderates and Extremists in the Indian Nationalist Movement: 1883-1920 (1967) Banerjee, Surendranath. A Nation in the Making(l927) Bharati, Shuddhananda. Sri Aurobindo: The Divine ...
... perchance to dream, ay, there's the rub": thus Hamlet. Are dreams mere mental frippery? - perhaps no more than a sign of indigestion? Are dreams but lies, vain hopes and practical jokes? Samuel Daniel has no use for dreams: Cease dreams, th'Images of thy desires, To model forth the passions of the morrow: Never let rising Sun approve you liars, To add more grief to aggravate ...
... Mahatma Gandhi in the twenties and after) was advocated by Hironmoyee Devi, as reported in the Bande Mataram of 30 December 1906, for a sound reason: * According to the Israeli scholar, Daniel Argov, "Aurovindo Ghosh gave the clearest exposition of Swaraj by declaring it synonymous with independence — 'a free national Government unhampered even in the least degree by foreign control'" ...
... SABCL), (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1970-75) Vol. 19, p. 652. 3. Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, SABCL Vol. 22, p. 236. 4. A good example of such an attempt is to be found in Daniel C. Dennett, Consciousness Explained, (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1991.) 5. Two well-known examples of how recent scientific discoveries can be used to argue against materialism and ...
... glory and betterment. This brings us to the fifth and last principle of National Socialism: anti-Semitism. John Weiss called the prevailing anti-Jewish atmosphere in Germany its “ideology of death”; Daniel Goldhagen caused an uproar with his 1996 book on “eliminationist anti-Semitism in modern Germany”. Both books were a necessary and very late reflection on the German responsibility for the Holocaust ...
... any form of non-materialism as animism, mysticism, hallucination and simply mental aberration shows one thing, it is that none of them have any notion of what they are attacking. Some of them, like Daniel Dennett, candidly confess as much. They are not aware that the God and the religions which they declare to be pests to humanity belong within the so-called “Abrahamic” tradition, by which the Western ...
... “the greatest, simplest, most elegant logical construct ever to dawn across our curiosity about the workings of natural life. It is inarguable, and it explains everything.” 11 And the philosopher Daniel Dennett credits Darwin with “the single best idea anyone has ever had.” 12 What, then, is ‘Darwinism’? It is an agglomerate of theories assembled and frequently revised under an umbrella postulated ...
... tly, for the revolutionary 60s, in which they reached their maturity, had been mainly an American phenomenon. In the Dawkins camp there were Edward Wilson, William Hamilton, John Maynard Smith, Daniel Dennett, Steven Pinker, Peter Atkins … – names known from the covers of popular science literature. “Most are passionately anti-religious, or at least passionately opposed to modern Protestantism, ...
... 1989 — Unweaving the Rainbow , Penguin Books, 1998 Delumeau, Jean (ed.): Le savant et la foi , Flammarion, 1989 Dembski, William A. (ed.): Uncommon Dissent , ISI Books, 2004 Dennett, Daniel C.: Breaking the Spell , Allen Lane, 2006 — Darwin’s Dangerous Idea , Penguin Books, 1996 Denton, Michael: Evolution – A Theory in Crisis , Adler & Adler, 1985 Dunbar, Robin: The Trouble ...
... 1953) Sathianathaier, R., "Dynasties of South India", The Classical Age, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalker (Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavan, Bombay, 1954) Schlumberger, Daniel, "Une Nouvelle Inscription Grécque d'Aśoka", Acad é mie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres Comptes Rendus de Séances de l' Année 1964, Janvier- Juin, Paris, 1965 Sen, S. N ...
... darshan of Baba and do bhajans in HIS presence. The darshan of Baba and bhajans purify the people and recharge their batteries on daily basis. This contributes to the emotional intelligence of people. (Daniel Goleman, 1996). Baba interacts with them individually and collectively and discusses personal issues and also answers ethical, moral, and spiritual queries. This interaction elevates the consciousness ...
... p. 1. 64 Ibid., pp. 1-2. 65 Ibid., p. 2. 66 The Jaish-e Muhammad Islamic extremist group is most notable in the West for its kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Page 211 67 Douglas Jehl, op. cit., p. 1. 68 Ibid. 69 David Chazan, op. cit., pp. 4-5. 70 Indranil Banerjie, op. cit., p. 3; Tim McGirk, op. cit., p. 33. ...
... and setting up a standard of integrity and industry", the British Government had "accomplished more than could have been expected of any other government, Indian or foreign, during this period". A Daniel indeed come to judgement! On the other hand, books like Dadabhai Naoroji's Poverty and Un-British Rule m India and Romesh Chunder Dutt's Economic History of India have highlighted the ...
... Churchill, Winston 410, 416, 423, 425 Coleridge, S.T. 61 Counouma, P. 691, 816 Cripps, Sir Stafford 425ff, 447, 571 Page 900 Dahyabhai Patel 683 Daladier, Edouard 395ff, 403 Daniel, Samuel 38 Dante 111,315,471,633 Dara (Aga Syed Ibrahim) 328 Das, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan 216, 448 Datta (Dorothy Hodgeson) 183, 201, 209ff, 217, 235, 239, 255, 321, 325, 328-9, 674 ...
... went away without contributing to the Maternity expenses it. is Auroville that has to bear the expenses. Mother said, "You should be occupied with the Aurovilians. Others, it is horrible." Daniel's letter about Prosperity for village people who wish to join Auroville. The first question is if the 'pocket money' be provided for each as part of his Prosperity. Mother said, "It can continue ...
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