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Darshana : common term for Sāṅkhya, Yoga, Nyāya, Vaiśeshika, Mīmāṁsā & Vedānta.

51 result/s found for Darshana

... 2) Results of the rapidity. Yogasiddhi (Ch [Chitra]) 3) It is futile to expect results immediately. Darshana. The Ananda Brahman is now an entirely normal part of the Darshana. It contains implicitly the Anandamaya Purusha. Krishna has now to become explicit in the normal darshana as he has been in the abnormal, when the intensity was at its highest. Vijnana. The telepathic perception... defect was that the mind had not made a proper harmony between the Anandamaya Chaitanya & the ignorant Jivatman. The latter tended to be suppressed in the darshana; therefore it has been restressed & now enters normally into its place in the darshana. The pursuit of rapidity is renounced by the Jiva, which has once more become passive, and is digesting the greater measure of perfection rendered... possession of the chittakasha continues. The movement towards a larger trikaldrishti of the past & the future continues, but as yet it is neither fulfilled nor dominant. Darshana The Krishnakali darshana continues to increase its own normality. Page 770 Sharira Arogya The affection of the eye continues; it is evidently connected with cold, which it materialises; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the gods, sometimes of Krishna. There is external vani of others, but in all cases they are reduced to the terms of truth & Krishnahood. The gods are Krishna in his separate personalities. Darshana Now varies between an advanced second intensity & the third. The Jnanam Brahma, whenever it occurs, is immediately occupied by Krishna. There is an immense extension of the satyam brihat by... determining factor. In the other it is still a determining factor & therefore an obstacle to practical omnipotence,—a fetter willingly worn by God in the mind, imposed on God in the prana & body. Darshana The third intensity is now established as the normal perception, with the personality. The impersonal form of it & the idea of the mask, which offered themselves as a necessary resting place for... secondly, a perfect mastery. Page 566 The struggle is vain; their best efforts are therefore transferred to the obstruction of the vijnana by insistence on the defects of the siddhi. Darshana. Self-manifestation of the Apsaras, & the Cherubim of the various spheres (Gundharvas, Venas) & the Seraphim (Angirasas & Bhrigus) Vijnana Telepathy is now becoming continually active ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Brahma . All is now fixed in the vijnana brahma darshana with an occasional emergence of the undertone of intuitive manasa which is [immediately] 1 penetrated by and taken up into vijnana. In the V.B. [Vijnana Brahma] Ananda is organising itself, vijnana Ananda informed with the Ahaituka and manifesting in its own kind the Prema and Kama Ananda darshana. These two in the vision of the object are now... about the body and the karma and is falling away from the fixity of the ҫraddha. Shakti . Complete, but awaiting for its fuller activities the perfection of the vijnana and the shârira and Brahma-darshana. The most sensible progress has been in the two weak parts, the tertiary dasya and ҫraddha. The Ishwara is now felt in all the activities of the Shakti, though not with an entire completeness because... ordinary pervasion being in the rest Page 1229 of the body) and the brain-stuff, but this now tends to become normal and to join itself to the Ananda in the rest of the body. The Ananda Darshana now tends to be the infinite shuddha Ananda taking up all the rest, but still on the vijnana level. The old mental shuddha ananta Ananda recurs in the first movement as a coating to the vijnana Ananda ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Asamata. This is connected with defect of Aiswarya & sraddha in the perfect siddhi. Brahmadarshana has become again & more firmly Ananda-brahmadarshana and is now being refilled with Krishna-Kali-darshana. At the same time madhura dasya is restored with intensity. The last remnants of the personal egoistic attitude are being attacked and persistently and rapidly removed to be replaced by the... with tivra. Raudra is increasing in frequency & force and is also associated though less firmly with tivra & vaidyuta; it is also entering into tivra. 7 The opposition to the Ananda-vijnana-darshana of living faces & figures (mostly faces) is breaking down; ananda is even intense; but the vijnana is still oppressed by manomaya. Page 930 T³ is recovering its force and increasing in... perception continues; it is only in the deepest sushupta that nidra or its swapna easily arrives. Ananda Brahman with vijnanananda in the shuddha continues to grow in hold & force; in the mental darshana vijnana elements tend to become more pronounced. Physical ananda slowly develops. 28 January 1917 There is considerable assault of the intellectuality. Still tapas grows in effectuality and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Samadhi advances in all respects, but not yet victoriously. Page 838 7 May 1915 The Krishna Darshana after going through several fluctuations has added to the darshana of the Continent & constituent which are now sufficiently fixed & that of the inhabitant which fluctuates the darshana of the identical (atmaivabhud bhutani). It is when the inhabitant, continent[,] constituent & identical... false security that this lapse would not again happen. There is also a shadow of the asamata of asatya. Page 850 KrishnaKali Darshana is once more intense and more all-pervading than it was hitherto. There is an obstacle to the intensity of the darshana in the bird form and a general obstruction to the pervasiveness of the greater intensity & even a shadow of obstruction lingering about... The Krishna-Kali-Darshana after a period of higher intensity has fallen back again into a lower degree of the Saguna-Nirguna dominated by Vishnu-Narayana with the Ananda in the background. The Asiddhi is still powerful.. Suddha & Prema Ananda have also become depressed, though not denied. The Shuddha Prema is now being restored independently of the Krishna-Darshana. Continuance of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... as the normal bhava. This is evident in the darshana of external objects and there it comes automatically. It is less easy in the internal darshana. Kali is now everywhere revealed in the bhava of the madhura dasi dominated by Krishna & ministering to his bhoga. This bhava is becoming by a secondary motion more normal in the internal darshana— T3 The decisive trikaldrishti is becoming... mind and was of the nature of Sruti. Darshana varies between the perception of the lower Purusha in the individual, Anandamaya Brahmamaya, occupying Prakriti, & of the Lilamaya embracing & occupying all individuals. The latter is the normal perception, but slides back into the inferior view. The darshana of Krishnakali is replaced by the darshana of Purusha-Prakriti. The Ishwaribhava... in some details.. Kalikrishna is manifest & established in the completed Brahmadarshana; but there is need of smarana still. As soon as there is smarana, there is complete darshana, but emerging out of the incomplete darshana in which Ananda is involved, not dominant & Krishna concealed by the extended Brahman. In the person Kali is organised in the Maheshwari-Mahaluxmi-Mahasaraswati combination ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... recovery of its force, but is not as yet in firm possession of itself. 12 March 1917 The universalising of the Ishwara-darshana is extended to beings as well as objects. When the ananda-darshana falls back into the mentality, it tends to be replaced by the Brahma-darshana; when it remains in the vijnana, it is firm. There is now a tendency to have the Ishwara vision in the mentality even, but only... transfiguring the intellect remnants into the light of truth. Mostly timeless idealities, in jnana, not yet except slightly in trikaldrishti and then without reference to time. Darshana The Anandamaya darshana has been steadily increasing and generalising itself, but more often contains vijnana of mentality than the vijnana-ananda proper. This however is also increasing in force and frequency... Ishwara at once came in and associated itself firmly with this vijnanananda darshana. This is the basis for the next step of the siddhi and has to be made inviolable before the final step can be successfully taken. All vishaya is being subjected to this chidghana ananda sense of things. The manasic sense in the darshana still hangs about, but it no longer dominates. Page 985 In ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... B. [Brahma] Darshana has long settled in the vijnana, but without the Ananda[,] the object being to get rid of the remnants of the mental form of vision. Now it is being raised to the vijnana Ananda, which it is already fixed in in vision of things, the other movement has been in the vision of living things, especially of human persons. The difficulty in the vijnana Ananda darshana is that it tends... Prema ananda is becoming vijnanamaya, but the stronger prema still takes the mental character. After writing the great intensities have come into the V. Ananda darshana and the vijnanamaya Prema Ananda, and the mental Ananda darshana and the mental premananda convicted of a lesser intensity are beginning to undergo a final elimination. The third condition of T² is being taken up into the highest... e forms of the vijnana has begun. The other idealities will still persist for a time; they must replace the imperfect idealities which till now have been coming in from the outside. The Ananda-darshana is also passing through the same phase, but has not yet altogether got rid of the recurrence of mental vijnana and Ananda on the mental plane. These are associated with certain forms, the latter Ananda ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... in the darshana.    Light of the hermetic ideality to suffuse the highest ideality.    Samadhi to determine its ideality in the permanent fixity.    Vishaya to develop as also the rupa siddhi.    These things and others to begin in the remaining days of July. Siddhi began with the Ananda-Brahman. This is now beginning finally to impose itself on both the chidghana and the mental darshana. In the... mentalised and loses its character of the pure perfect unmodified Ananda. The vijnana darshana either contains or is contained in the Ananda. In the former case the Ananda is either made of the chidghana kind or surrounds it in its mental or its chidghana modification. Prema is always present in the Ananda darshana, but is often seen as an element of the thing, rasa-grahana , without evoking bhoga... bhoga of prema in the chitta and prana. It is seen by prakamya, not received by vyapti. The vijnana darshana is now being made by tapas to replace more firmly and fully the mental seeing. The more perfect Ananda darshana then supervenes more easily and with a greater completeness, density and amplitude. The struggle with the remnants of the relapse continued for a time. Strong pragmatic ideal tapas worked ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... halflight is to develop farther, telepathy be farther taken up, ideal samadhi increase its hold and the physical siddhi enlarge its foundation. Some progress may also be expected with the more constant darshana of the Ananda Ishwara. Last night cukshma ҫravana became for a few minutes frequent and insistent; it even insisted a little to the fully waking ear and without any closing of it; but it is... universal mental unideal consciousness, but this is cured and only the bridge between the Anandamaya in universal and individual and the mentality is not yet brought into light. If this is done the darshana will be complete in essence. Kamananda is again being pushed forward; the difficulties still are mechanical discontinuity, forgetfulness, mechanical diminution, the need of tapas to restore... completed tomorrow.    Samadhi, today and tomorrow, is to round into the ideality.    Ananda to advance, pressure on the obstruction to the other physical siddhis.    Ananda Ishwara. The Ananda Ishwara darshana is persistently bridging the gulf; the perception of the Anandamaya in objects is pouring into and taking up the personal mental consciousness. This movement has to be completed in perfection. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... foothold, they cannot keep it. 4) telepathy The Narayana-drishti, which had been withdrawn, is now established in the Sagunabodha and seeks to be confirmed. The Krishna-darshana is, in its turn, withdrawn. In the Darshana, however, Nara is prominent, Narayana in the background. As the vijnana began to remanifest & harmonise with the ugrata of the Mahakali bhava, the inimical forces made a violent... posthumous action of the old dead Prakriti. 3) Safe tapas .. εἰσɩδεɩν 4) Tonight . The 3d lipi of the group has been interpreted in Script as a .. direction to apply the fourfold Brahma-darshana to the things of life through the Sarvam Jnanam Brahma,—& the systematic application has actually begun in the form of the brihat satya telepathy & trikaldrishti which was given in type this morning... (vijnana diffused in unformed intuitive mentality), from which the eye again emerged. This symbolises the present movement in the siddhi. In the afternoon as predicted siddhi has returned. Narayana darshana is now unprecedentedly strong & spontaneously pervasive; Ananda of battle & defeat are attempting to fix themselves in the Mahakali sense; Sundara & Asundara are coalescing in a qualified chidghana ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... siddhi, eg vanis of the physical mental world etc. The siddhi is seen in movements of asiddhi. For some time the sense of the parabhava of Srikrishna has been withdrawn & the Page 448 darshana tends to form in the Narabhava, the human personality, in the lowest stage of Avidya; this was in order that [ ] 1 the Srikrishnadarshana might be established even in the lowest world of consciousness... fabrication by the spies—on basis of inquiries about "name of any street in Chandannagar". Bhakti entered into the Krishnadarshana suddenly, after the lipi, & seems to be established there, but the darshana is not yet of universal application except by smarana. At night connected dream, but constant interference of present associations. Initial stability of vision seems to be established. 8 May ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... vijnanamaya with Ananda in it to the Ananda full with vijnana. It is only in beings that the lower poises are still strong. It only needs the sense of the infinite Ananda in each thing to be added and the darshana will be completely founded. This is already being prepared and is partially active even in regard to persons. T³ has been rapidly prepared this morning for the ideal control. It is only when the... tendency to turn each step into a final step, but in others it has seemed powerless. This however can be only an appearance. The change must come. Page 1016 16 September 1917 Ananda darshana moves between suddha ananda proper and the same in the ananda vijnana or ananda manas . Sometimes it falls back into vijnana or mentality. This falling back is due to the recoil from the attempt ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the responsibility for nine-tenths of its work in these supra-sensuous fields to the very organ, pronounced by the consensus of human opinion insufficient for such inquiries,—the intellect. It is in Darshana, in the path of metaphysics, that this paradoxical phenomenon has been permitted. It is true that our metaphysical thinkers, unlike the European, do not launch themselves into the full flood of m... on revelation & experience, but its strenuous manner of justifying certain great assertions of Veda & high experiences of spiritual seekers by the reason and by logical disputation. The method of Darshana, the way of Shankara and Buddha, although it works round and upon certain grand psychological experiences, Maya, Nirvana, is essentially speculative and logical, not intuitive and experiential. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Exceedingly intense Sahaituka Sparshananda tried to generalise itself after a first successful manifestation; the conditions were too unfavourable. Some modification of the universal Darshana—simultaneous vision of Parameswara-Parameswari in all. Some attempt at T². Some progress in Samadhi although in sushupta Swapna the incoherence continues. The Arogya has once more been... bodies is more evident but not yet entirely conclusive. 30 January 1927 Again a day of preparation and of apparent check rather than of progress. Such progress as has been made is in Darshana, Drishya, confirmation of T³ and T². Thought etc are held up for the moment. Vani has long been silent. Today it is trying to emerge. Today, in the evening Thought-siddhi and gnostic... but extension and organisation are not yet possible. Page 1263 31 January 1927 A day of relapse and resistance. 1 February 1927 The siddhi began to recover. A step forward in Darshana (Aditi holding Pᵃ-Pⁱ [Parameshwara-Parameshwari] in all living things, less vividly in all objects). This is not yet entirely universalised but it is increasing. Primary utthapana oppressed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... diminishing incompletive suggestion of sterile ahaituka. Vijnana darshana does not suppress, but can hold a non-insistent diminished prema. Prema increases the ananda in the vijnana; ananda increases prema. Brahma-vision seeing things as objects of the unifying cognizance tends to be without prema; Purusha Brahma or Ishwara brahma darshana brings the deeper unity, prema and ananda. K.A has recovered... thought-process. At the same time there is a progressive force of recovery. Page 1141 Premananda in the Vishwadarshana has for some days been insisting on its normality. Ahaituka mental darshana is the chief obstacle; it is shantimaya with suppressed prema or anandamaya with diminished prema. This mental sight is disappearing before the premamaya vision into the vijnana or chidghana saguna ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... ce. These things can only be initially established in the seer logistis, since their sure fullness begins in the hermetic ideality. Darshana which fluctuates between Ananda and mentality, is now increasing its insistence on the force of the vijnanamaya darshana, as only by fixity in the gnostic seeing can it get rid of the lapse to the defects of Ananda. Samadhi is in a state of lapse; today... there comes the perfect siddhi of continuity against which no absorption, even of writing, can prevail. It is this and the pervasion which have to be fixed in an absolute finality. Ananda Purusha darshana and prema are again insisting on their intensity and universality. They are combated by the remnants of the old ahaituka indifferent universality. This is now likely to be overcome with some rapidity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... transformation. The middle ideality has a surer certainty and lends itself less to the relapses of the intuitive intelligence. Prema kamananda in the darshana have firmly combined with the shuddha. The full ananda only fails when the sarvasaundarya darshana is deficient or withheld. Vishaya and rupa are again obstructed. Certain and decisive trikaldrishti is enlarging itself rapidly; tapas-siddhi... is only deficient in hasya. Continuity of ahaituka kamananda, when not suspended by exclusive vismarana, is confirmed. Sahaituka has been for long depressed and only occasional. The Ananda in darshana is complete and consolidated in its combined action, but sometimes falls momentarily back into the mental form with one or two habits of dissociation, mostly omission of kamaprema; but this ordinarily ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... al knowledge, but as the direct experience, direct perception, which is not sensuous but super-sensuous, which can properly be called Darshana. It is against this background that we can understand rightly why Indian Philosophy has come to be regarded as Darshana, and it is significant that all the systems of Indian Philosophy except the system of Carvakas, contend that they constitute a preliminary... preliminary intellectual preparation for surmounting the ordinary consciousness so that it can be refined, subtlised and ultimately transcended into supra-intellectual vision, Darshana. We see here once again the close connection between the Veda and the Indian Yoga and Philosophy. Page 20 Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads The history of yoga marks a significant stage of the Vedic ...


... suggestions. The precise place of these was, however, made clearer by the experience. The Krishnadarshana (personal) generalised firmly in all existences, a little defective in animals. This darshana formerly depended on strong perception of the Ananda Brahman coupled with strong perception of the Lilamaya. It is now automatic, even when Ananda Brahman is depressed and sense of Lila not prominent... becomes more & more ritam; general satya of trikaldrishti preparing. Growth of the more intense Vishayananda of the mind in all the objects of sense. Growth of Krishna Kali bhava in the Brahma darshana 2 March 1916 In the evening telepathic trikaldrishti that N [Nolini] will come soon after 8.30, M [Moni] soon after 9.0, S [Saurin] soon after 9.30. N came at 8.35, M at 9.8, S at 9.35. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... when tested and experienced turning it to the soul's uses, in this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanatana dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture is in the heart in which the Eternal has His dwelling. It is in our inner spiritual experiences ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... three days. Sraddha in the guidance remains firm, though sometimes darkened & bewildered in knowledge; sraddha in the Yogasiddhi persists against all attack. The sahityasiddhi (Veda, Bhashatattwa, Darshana) is now growing in steady working & with it the sraddha in this part of the karma; but the sraddha in the rest still awaits objective proof for its entire stability & is distrustful of the proposed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... brilliant or obscure, draws its springs of life from these ancient and ever flowing waters. Conscious or unwitting each Indian religionist stirs to a vibration that reaches him from those far off ages. Darshana and Tantra and Purana, Shaivism & Vaishnavism, orthodoxy & heresy are merely so many imperfect understandings of Vedic truth & misunderstandings of each other; they are eager half-illuminated attempts ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... of the pre-Christian era, the Western division between Mind and Spirit remained foreign to the tradition of Indian thinking. Undoubtedly, this was because Philosophy in India was always seen as Darshana, an epistemological framework resting on and facilitating states of yogic realisation. This subordination of thinking to a discipline of practice (abhyāsa) leading to ontological changes which ...

... Jnaneshwari tends to be very much a descriptive manual or else a simple plain narrative that does not quite aim at systematically projecting any school of thought or present any siddhanta or darshana , as is the case with the traditional Acharyas. This non-presentation of philosophical thoughts can be an objectionable shortcoming. Also whatever metaphysics we have in Jnaneshwari , with its heavy ...


... innovators, restorers, systematisers, wittingly or unwittingly, of good will or against their grain, have been stirred to their task by some vibration that reached them from those far-off ages. Our Darshana, Tantra and Purana, our Shaivism, Shaktism and Vaishnavism, our orthodoxy, heresy and heterodoxy, even when they have been the most perfect misunderstandings of each other, have always been imperfect ...


... is the one that Mayuresan tried to set up; see "Note on a Forged Document" above. [2] August 1912 or after. (In April 1914, Sri Aurobindo wrote of "the   Page 577 Parabrahma darshana", apparently the experience mentioned in this letter, as happening "two years ago"; see Record of Yoga , volume 10 of T HE C OMPLETE W ORKS OF S RI A UROBINDO , p. 447.) [3] Circa January ...


... although the time of fulfilment is not yet revealed; for after the general working of the power is established without defect, there will still remain its perfect application to Bhasha, Nirukta, Itihasa, Darshana, Kala, Dravyajnana etc. The powers of Force, Kriyashakti, are less surely developed, although they are growing, & their success in particular instances is slow, often uncertain, in many things inoperative ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... free, for its variety is limited. Shabda is still more baffled, even Page 1067 where established rare and obstructed and most confused of all by the sthula sounds of the material world. Darshana is only of the pranic akasha and two or three of its objects, and that too imperfectly developed. Another attack from the external physical mind, but this was unable to take the old form of a lethargy ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... when tested and experienced turning it to the soul's uses, in this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanātana dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture is in the heart in which the Eternal has His dwelling. It is in our inner spiritual experiences ...


... human knowledge." These would form what I have called the contexts of Savitri . And I would add-a firm grounding in the theoretical and practical aspects of Sri Aurobindo's spiritual darshana , his philosophy and yoga and a knowledge of the facts of Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's lives, so as to detect the pointers to the inner events of those lives "not lived on the surface for men ...

... understand what is being presented. Explanatory-exhortative is the technique which makes sure that the author is sure of what he is speaking about. The commentary therefore, instead of becoming a darshana or metaphysical tract on abstruse systems, acquires the status and dignity of a literary creation which is revelatory in its knowledge and substance. In fact, the author’s title of the book is Bhavartha ...


... Evolution and the Earthly Destiny Darshana and Philosophy THERE is a mental approach to spiritual truths and there is a direct and immediate approach or rather contact. The mind sees as though through a mist, a darkling glass, a more or less opaque veil, and the thing envisaged presents a blurred and not unoften a deformed appearance. The mind has its ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 Darshana and Philosophy THERE is a mental approach to spiritual truths and there is a direct and immediate approach or rather contact. The mind sees as though through a mist, a darkling glass, a more or less opaque veil, and the thing envisaged presents a blurred and not unoften a deformed appearance. The mind ...

... on with the old lines 1 —for it is not likely that all would be able to take this line. As for the Darshanas most of them have fallen into disuse already except as a battlefield for Pandits. It is only the Vedanta and Patanjali and the later Bhakti Yoga that are still alive, not so much as darshanas but as traditional systems of Yoga. Page 416 ... The correspondent asked, "Is it not likely that the Darshanas and Upanishads will be forgotten in the next hundred years as the New Yoga establishes itself in the world? If it is possible to get the necessary things from your writings and the Mother's, who would care to read the enigmatic sutras and concealed formulas of the Darshanas, Upanishads and Vedas?"—Ed. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... minimum of religion. This is glorified as Hinduism and the Sanatana Dharma. If, in addition, a man has emotional or ecstatic piety, he is a Bhakta; if he can talk fluently about the Veda, Upanishads, Darshanas & Puranas, he is a Jnani. If he puts on a yellow robe and does nothing, he is a tyagi or sannyasin. The latter is liberated from the ordinary dharma, but only if he does nothing but beg and vegetate ...

... consciously—the necessity, as the one way to avoid such a reign of negation, of stating to the intellectual reason so much of Vedic truth as could still be grasped and justifying it logically. The Six Darshanas were the result of this mighty labour. Buddhism, the inevitable rush of negation, came indeed but it was prevented from destroying spirituality as European negation destroyed it for a time in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... 309,311, 344,349,400 CHINA, 54 Christ, 349, 379, 400 Churchill, 346 Commonwealth, 362 Confucius, 196 Czardom, 338 DANTE, 228,284,287, 388 – The Divine Comedy, 388 Darshanas, 297 David-Neele, Alexandra, 142, 173 Diti, 287 Durga, 249 Duryodhana, 206 EINSTEIN, 222, 344, 374, 376 Elizabeth, 196 England, 117, 196 Esau, 121 Europe, 297, 383 ...

... concentration, 119 consciousness Mother's viewpoints, 29, 30 phenomenon of, 14 reversal of, 29, 30 in the teachings of Eckhart and Sri Aurobindo, 81-84, 154 D Darshanas, 68 dispersion, state of, 118, 119 the Divine, 5,6, 71,72,79,105,106,150 E Eastern spiritual philosophy, 4, 5 Eckhart's viewpoints, see also teachings concept of enl ...

... directly upon truth by intellectual vision rather than arrive at it by careful Page 219 ratiocination, but nevertheless intellectual in its method and aim. This is the first period of the Darshanas in India, in Greece of the early intellectual thinkers. Afterwards came the full tide of philosophic rationalism, Buddha or the Buddhists and the logical philosophers in India, in Greece the Sophists ...

... it might be traced even in some of the earliest of the Vedic Riks. A serious and persistent attempt for this liberation was made later, in the age or rather ages of the Gita, the Mahabharata, the Darshanas. It was the rational spirit that impelled and inspired the Buddhist consciousness and in Europe it had its heyday in the age of Socrates and Plato. Those were intellectual ages and the intellect was ...

... with corresponding epochs each dwelling upon and dealing with one domain in the hierarchy of man's consciousness. The stages and epochs are well known: they are – (l) Vedic, (2) Upanishadic, (3) Darshanas – roughly from Buddha to Shankara, (4) Puranic, (5) Bhagavata or the Age of Bhakti, and finally (6) the Tantric. The last does not mean that it is the latest revelation, the nearest to us in time... and the philosophical outlook grew with rational understanding and discursive argumentation as the channel for expression, the power to be cultivated and the limb to be developed. The Age of the Darshanas or Systems Page 215 of Philosophy started with the Buddha and continued till it reached its peak in Shankaracharya. The age sought to give a bright and strong mental, even an in ...

... movements with corresponding epochs each dwelling upon and dealing with one domain in the hierarchy of man's consciousness. The stages and epochs are well known: they are—(1) Vedic, (2) Upanishadic, (3) Darshanas—roughly from Buddha to Shankara, (4) Puranic, (5) Bhagavata or the Age of Bhakti, and finally (6) the Tantric. The last does not mean that it is the latest revelation, the nearest to us in time... and the philosophical outlook grew with rational understanding and discursive argumentation as the channel for expression, the power to be cultivated and the limb to be developed. The Age of the Darshanas or Systems Page 105 of Philosophy started with the Buddha and continued till it reached its peak- in Shankaracharya. The age sought to give a bright and strong mental, even an intellectual ...

... it might be traced even in some of the earliest of the Vedic Riks. A serious and persistent attempt for this liberation was made later, in the age or rather ages of the Gita, the Mahabharata, the Darshanas. It was the rational spirit that impelled and inspired the Buddhist consciousness and in Europe it had its heyday in the age of Socrates and Plato. Those were intellectual ages and the intellect was ...

... been perhaps most thoroughly developed by Sankhya, one of the six traditional systems of Indian philosophy. It may be stated in passing that the six systems of Indian philosophy are called Darshanas—Darshan means "seeing"—because they are not producers of the intellect but of spiritual realizarions. Sankhya views Existence as made up of two principles— Purusha (Soul or Conscious Being) ...

... brooding over the sense of the Upanishads—than a study of Gaudapada's Karikas and Shankara's commentary with Deussen's System of the Vedanta in one hand and any brief & popular exposition of the Six Darshanas in the other. It is only after the Monistic School has been thoroughly understood that the Modified-Monistic and Dualistic-Monistic with their intermediary shades can be profitably studied. When the ...

... and rationalistic movement away from the cumbrous ritual, the polytheistic superstition and the blind primitive religiosity of the Vedas and towards a final rationalistic culmination in the six Darshanas, in the agnosticism of Buddha, in the atheism of Charvaka & in the loftiness of the modern Adwaita philosophy. It would almost seem as if this old Indian movement contains in itself at one & the same ...

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... attempt to seize directly upon truth by intellectual vision rather than arrive at it by careful ratiocination, but nevertheless intellectual in its method and aim. This is the first period of the Darshanas in India, in Greece of the early intellectual thinkers. Afterwards came the full tide of philosophic rationalism, Buddha or the Buddhists and the logical philosophers in India, in Greece the Sophists ...

... they have burgeoned into their wealth of branchings & foliage. The ritualism of Sayana is an error based on a false preconception popularised by the Buddhists & strengthened by the writers of the Darshanas,—on the theory that the karma of the Veda was only an outward ritual & ceremony; the naturalism of the modern scholars is an error based on a false preconception encouraged by the previous misconceptions ...

... minimum of religion. This is glorified as Hinduism and the Sanatana Dharma. If, in addition, a man has emotional or ecstatic piety, he is a Bhakta; if he can talk fluently about the Veda, Upanishads, Darshanas and Puranas, he is a Jnani. If he puts on a yellow robe and does nothing, he is a tyaga or sannyasin. The latter is liberated from the ordinary dharma, but only if he does nothing but beg and ...

... expressing in its various aspects the single and universal Truth; for under the myriad contradictions of phenomena (prapancha) there is one Truth and one only. All the Smritis, the Puranas, the Darshanas, the Dharmashastras, the writings of Shaktas, Shaivas, Vaishnavas, Sauras, as well as the whole of Buddhism and its Scriptures are merely so many explanations, comments and interpretations from different ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad