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Das, Madhusudan : (1848-1934) lawyer of Cuttack, & member of INC till 1911.

19 result/s found for Das, Madhusudan

... SRI AUROBINDO: Amal also says that several of Thompson's poems are original and inspired. NIRODBARAN: Apropos of Madhusudan you seem to have written to Dilip that to be a great poet power is not enough. SRI AUROBINDO: It depends on the content of the power. The Subject Madhusudan deals with is poor in substance. I don't say he is not a great poet, but with his power of style, expression and rhythm... can call them great. NIRODBARAN: Now take the Bengali poet Govind Das, he says. His poem beginning, "I love you with your bone and flesh," is regarded as a great poem. It has much power but this is the only poem that is great in his works. The others are no good. Can we call him a great poet? SRI AUROBINDO: Oh! that Govind Das! I have read some of his poems. But, I don't think this poem is as great ...

... (7th imp., 1994) The Hidden Forces of Life (1990) The Psychic Being (2d imp., 1990) Growing Within (1st ed. 1992) Das, Nilima and Sethna, K.D. Glimpses of the Mother vol.1 (1978), vol.2 (1980) Gokak, V.K. and Reddy, Madhusudan The Flame of Truth (1968) Huta (Hindocha) White Roses (complete ed. 1982) Madan, P.K. Towards Divine Living (1974)... Page 894 Pavitra (St-Hilaire, P.B.) Pasupati Poddar, Vijay Pournaprema (Françoise Morisset) Prasad, Narayan Pujalal Purani, A.B. Reddy, Madhusudan Rishabhchand Rishabhchand and Shyam Sunder Romen Palit Roy, Dilip Kumar Roy, D.K. and Indira Devi Sahana Devi Sarkar, Mona Sastry, Kapali Satprem Sethna, K ...

... English Verse (1933) Ghose, P. C. The Development of the Indian National Congress: 1892-1909 (1960) Ghose, Sisir Kumar. The Poetry of Sri Aurobindo (1969) Gokak, V. K. and V. Madhusudan Reddy (Eds.). The Flame of Truth (1968) Goswami, C. R. The Soul-Culture in the Upanishad (1971) Greenberger, Alien J. The British Image in India (1969) Gupta, Nolini Kanta &... (1966) Radhakrishnan, S. Religion in a Changing World (1967) Ray, P. C. The Life and Times of C. R. DOS (1927) Raymond, Lizelle. The Dedicated (1953) Reddy, V. Madhusudan. Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy of Evolution (1966) Richard, Paul. The Dawn over Asia Roy, Anilbaran. Sri Aurobindo and the New Age (1965) Rishabchand, and Shyamsundar ... Singh. The Winds of Silence (1954) Nirodbaran. Sun-Blossoms (1947) Nishikanta. Dream Cadences (1946) Pujalal. Lotus Petals (1943); Rosary (1946), Reddy, V. Madhusudan. Sapphires of Solitude (1960) Romen. The Golden Apocalypse (1953) Roy, Anilbaran. Songs from the Soul (1939) Roy, Dilip Kumar. Eyes of Light (1948) Sethna ...

... Leibnitz, 327 Lenin, 125 Leo X, 207 Leonardo da Vinci, 120 Lewis, Cecil Day, 195 Louis XIV, 207 Lucifer, 267 MACBETH, 186 Madhusudan Dutt, 120, 197 Mahabharata, the, 188,217,222 Mahalakshmi, 275 Mahasaraswati,271 Mahashakti, 327 Maheshwari, 275 Maitreyi, 160 Manchester... 185n Corneille, 197 Crete, 214 Cyrus, 240 Czechoslovakia, 100 DANTE, 39, 79, 197 . - Divina Commedia, 39 Darshallas, the, 344 Das, Prof. A. C., 336-9 Dasarathi, 91 De Broglie, Louis, 319 -La Physique Nouvelle et les Quanta, 319n Democritus, 326 Descartes, 321 Dirac, 318 Drona, 80 ...

... 398       Love and Death 40, 52, 201, 318, 340, 342,       386,421-423,458       Lowes.J.L. 315         Machen, Arthur 317 MacLeish, Archibald 390,391   Madhusudan 40 Maeterlinck, Maurice 377 Mahabharata, 12,21,45,46,135,200,201, 209,210,242-244,252,254,256,261,279, 375-377,416,418,419,448,458,460 Maharaja of Baroda 8 Maitra, S... Coxe, Louis O. 398,408 Crane, Hart 390   Dante 33,102, 111, 330,333,334,371,372,       380,381,383-385,394,410-415,417- 419,   422,426,432,448,450,461,462 Das, C.R. 12,17,45 De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard 35-37 De Ruggiero, Guido 450           Dharma 11       Dickinson, Emily 314       Dowsett, Norman 18       Drewett ...

... but which live in their results long after the immediate occasion has been forgotten. The speech is a mass of indiscretions from beginning to end. Its first error was to rise to the bait of Mr. Madhusudan Das' grotesquely violent speech on the London murders and assume a political significance in the act of the young man Dhingra. The theory of a conspiracy behind this act is, we believe, generally rejected ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... anywhere; but vividness of emotion is no more reprehensible in English than in Bengali poetry. You give as examples of ucchvāsa among other things Madhusudan's style, Tagore's poem to me, a passage from Gobinda Das. I don't think there is anything in Madhusudan which an English poet writing in Bengali would have hesitated to father. Tagore's poem is written at a high pitch of feeling perfectly intelligible... intelligible to anyone who had passed through the exaltation of the Swadeshi days, but not more high pitched than certain things in Milton, Shelley, Swinburne. In Gobinda Das's lines,—let us translate them into English Page 177 Am I merely thine? O Love, I am there clinging In every limb of thee—there ever is my creation and my dissolution, the idea is one that would not so easily occur ...

... Sri Aurobindo was in this manner happily restored to his great cultural heritage, and never again would he be induced to lose it! He was thrilled by the poetry of Madhusudan, he was deeply stirred by the creations of Bankim. Of Madhusudan, Sri Aurobindo sang an anthem that is both a melodious dirge and a piece of critical appraisement: Poet, who first with skill inspired did teach Greatness... accompanied by Jatin and Barin, and there was some practice of rifle shooting on the lands of Hemachandra Das. It was about this time that Sri Aurobindo decided to establish six centres of revolutionary work in Bengal, and gave the oath of the Revolutionary Party to P. Mitter and Hemachandra Das. Holding a sword and the Gita in   Page 62 their hands, they took the oath to strive to secure... that Bankim's writing was not Bengali! 14  After coming to India, Sri Aurobindo soon learnt enough by his own efforts and was able to appreciate the novels of Bankim Chandra and the poetry of Madhusudan. Indeed, Sri Aurobindo went further still, for in 1898 he engaged a teacher   Page 49 — a young Bengali litterateur by name Dinendra Kumar Roy — perhaps as a companion more than as ...

... Bengal. The first person to develop a systematic metrical theory of Bengali and one of the luminaries of the University that Tagore conceptualized in Santiniketan. Meghnad Badh: by Michael Madhusudan Dutt (1824-1873). It is an epic poem in Bengali, taken from the Ramayana, on how Ravana's son Meghanad was killed. Here are the lines from Robert Browning's (1812-1889) How ... Birkenhead, a British Conservative statesman and lawyer, became Lord Chancellor (1919-22) and Secretary of State for India (1924- 28) and was ennobled as the first Lord Birkenhead. Chittaranjan Das (1870-1925), later called Deshbandhu (Friend of the Country), eminent lawyer, nationalist and a visionary who defended Sri Aurobindo in the Alipore Bomb Case. Page 293 Peroration ...

... 321; changes in physical appearance, 322; fasting in jail, 322; levitation, 322; on Divine Intelligence, 325; C. R. Das as Defence Counsel, 326ff; his peroration, 328; acquittal and release, 328; The Mother of Dreams, 330; at his uncle's place, 331; C. R. Das on, 331; letter to Bengalee, 332; Uttarpara Speech, 333ff, 385; Divine odes in jail, 334; Karmayogin and Dharma, 335, 343ff;... death, 527; editorial in Standard-Bearer, 527; call to the young, 528; reply to Moonje on Nagpur CongressPresidentship, 528ff; talk with Saraladevi, 530; reply to C. R. Das, 531; discussion with Das, 531-2; on HinduMuslim unity, 532; refusal to return to Bengal, 532; "evening talks", 532ff, 543, 544; on khadi, kilafat, 533; on corruption and lust for power, 534; talk with Devadas Gandhi... Cripps, Sir Stafford, 706ff, 710, 754,782 Curzon, Lord, 202ff, 204ff, 224, 268, 294, 304 Daly, Dr., 317, 321 Dante, 92, 619, 636 Das, C. R., 64, 68, 77, 79, 282, 326ff, 343, 411, 528, 529, 531ff, 727 Das, Hemachandra, 62, 64 Dass, Poushpa, 774 Datta, Aswini Kumar, 184, 269, 343 Datta, Bhupendranath, 199, 234, 245, 305 Datta (Dorothy ...

... oneself is not unoften the withdrawal of the bare necessities of life, in certain cases sheer destitution. A Keats wasting his energies in a work that has no relation to his inner life and light, or a Madhusudan dying in a hospital as a pauper, are examples significant of the nature of the social structure man lives in.   It is one of the great illusions – or perhaps a show plank for propaganda... and efficient. A man's value does not depend upon his wages nor even upon his wageearning capacity. A man's worth is not the function of his labour. To equate the two has been the capital error of "Das Kapital". That is not the Copernican revolution that is needed in the social body today.   Money was always a power and those who had money were always powerful in all ages and countries ...

... oneself is not unoften the withdrawal of the bare necessities of life, in certain cases sheer destitution. A Keats wasting his energies in a work that has no relation to his inner life and light, or a Madhusudan dying in a hospital as a pauper, are examples significant of the nature of the social structure man lives in. Page 113 It is one of the great illusions—or perhaps a show plank for... does not depend upon his wages nor even upon his Page 108 wage-earning capacity. A man's worth is not the function of his labour. To equate the two has been the capital error of "Das Kapital" That is not the Copernican revolution that is needed in the social body today. Money was always a power and those who had money were always powerful in all ages and countries. Poverty ...

... sea... 86   Few certainly, though not perhaps quite pale or weak, these early pieces have a disarming sensibility even when they are derivative, and the memorial pieces—to Goethe, Bankim, Madhusudan, Rajnarain, Parnell—really seem to rise to the occasion. In his later years he wrote numerous lyrics, but more and more these came to be charged with philosophical or spiritual import. There is,... round Sanskrit and Bengali poetry Renderings from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, from Chandidas, Vidyapati, Horu Thakur, Nidhu Babu and others, from Bhartrihari, from the Sagar-Sangit of C.R. Das, from the Vedas and the Upanishads, from Bankim Chandra and Dwijendralal Roy— all these make for both variety and volume. Sri Aurobindo was willing to turn his hand to these exercises in translation—more ...

... Aurobindo presided over Sarat Chandra Mallick's lecture in the college. This year Sri Aurobindo went to Midnapur for the first time during the vacation. There he met Hemchandra Das. There was Practice of rifle shooting on Das's lands. It was resolved to form six centres of revolutionary work in Bengal. Jatin Banerjee and Barin accompanied Sri Aurobindo to Midnapur. Jatin had already started an organisation... stayed with Jogendra Vidya Bhushan, who was a Government servant and a sympathiser of the revolutionary movement. Devavrata and Suresh Samajpati were on Barin's side. Even Hemchandra Das was for Barin. Hemchandra Das ¹. Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, pp. 68-70. Page 55 writes; He [Jatin] had an intense desire for doing work. He was, besides, a military man. For a Bengali... Chatterji. The articles contained literary criticism and an estimate of Bankim's work. It is evident that Sri Aurobindo knew Bengali well and had familiarised himself with the works of Bankim and Madhusudan Dutt before he called Dinendra Kumar Roy to Baroda in 1898 to acquaint him with the colloquial terms and pronunciation of Bengali. In the year 1895 the first collection of Sri Aurobindo's poems ...

... the Sea", "The Lover's Complaint", "Love in Sorrow","The Island Grave", "Estelle", "Radha's Complaint in Absence" (translation), "Radha's Appeal" (translation),"Bunkim Chandra Chatterji", "Madhusudan Dutt", "To the Cuckoo", "Envoi". Included in Collected Poems and Plays (See 13). In SABCL the four translations noted above are included in Volume 8: the first two appear without... the notes are included in Section VI of Volume 5. SABCL: Collected Poems, Vol. 5 79 . SONGS OF THE SEA Ganesh & Co., Madras, 1923 A translation ofC. R. Das's Bengali poems, Sugar Sangit, done by Sri Aurobindo at Pondicherry around 1912. Included in Collected Poems and Plays (See 13). SABCL: Translations, Vol. 8 80 . SONGS OF ...

... Mori from a pundit. He had an aptitude for picking up languages with an amazing ease and rapidity. He learnt Bengali himself, and learnt it so well as to be able to read the poetry of Michael Madhusudan Dutt and the novels of Bankim Chandra Chatter ji; and both of these authors are anything but easy. "Bengali was not a subject for the competitive examination for the I.C.S. It was after he had... written in England in his teens, and five 20 written at 19. R. C. Dutt's translations of the two Epics were published in England and highly acclaimed. 20. These five were: One on Madhusudan Dutt, one on Bankim Chandra Chatterji, a sonnet on his maternal grandfather, Rajnarayana Bose, and two English adaptations from Chandidas, the reputed Bengali mystic poet whom he read along with... Bose, Chaitanya Charitamrita, Chandidas, Jnanadas, the Dramatical Works of Amritalal Bose, the Poetical Works of Govindadas, a collection of poems by Dinabandhu Mitra, Bengali Sonnets by Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Ananda Math by Bankim Chandra, Goray Galad by Rabindranath Tagore, etc. Page 60 "Aurobindo read Bankim Chandra's novels by himself, and understood them quite well. He ...

... praiseworthy in poetry anywhere; but vividness of emotion is no more reprehensible in English than in Bengali poetry. You give as examples of uchchv ā s Page 248 among other things Madhusudan's style, Tagore's poem to me, 1 a passage from Govindadas. I don't think there is any thing in Madhusudhan which an English poet writing in Bengali would have hesitated to father. Tagore's poem is... as a recognised metrical principle in Bengali, you will fulfil one of my two previsions for the future with regard to the language. When I was first introduced to Bengali prosody, I was told that Madhusudan's blank verse was one of fourteen syllables, but to my astonishment found that sometimes ten syllables even counted as fourteen, e.g. R ā van swashurmama Meghn ā dswami [Ravan is my... _________ 1. Probably of Sri Aurobindo's poem "Trance" (see Collected Poems). 2. Anilbaran Roy (3 July 1890 - 3 November 1974), a professor of Philosophy. At the call of Deshbandhu C. R. Das he joined politics and became one of the leaders of the Freedom Struggle as waged by Mahatma Gandhi, and went to jail. Later on he gave up Gandhi's ideal and turned to Sri Aurobindo. He joined Sri Aurobindo ...

... students for his wit he was never popular for his teaching. Prithwindranath Mukherjee recalls in his memoirs: “When Nishikanto came to teach us Meghnadbad Kavya [The Slaying of Meghnad by Michael Madhusudan Dutta] I felt sad when I observed that such a witty and learned person became extremely dull as a teacher.” [66] An interesting personality Yet Nishikanto remained an interesting personality... Dilip Kumar Roy (see Hark! His Flute! pp. 122-123 [72] Ibid., pp. 4-5 [73] Among the Not So Great, p. 35 [74] Selected Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran, p. 177 [75] Slave (translated by Robi Das), Mother India, April 1978, p. 275 [76] Among the Not So Great, pp. 33-34 [77] Selected Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran, p. 183 [78] Ibid., p. 186 [79]Bonne Fête, pp. 21-27 [80] Among the ...

... warrior. His employment of ruse against an infrahuman enemy does not prove the opposite—for that is always how the human (even great warriors and hunters) has dealt with the infrahuman. I think it is Madhusudan who has darkened Valmiki's hero in Bengali eyes and turned him into a poor puppet, but that is not the authentic Rama who, say what one will, was a great epic figure—Avatar or no Avatar. As for... first fact is that it is quite impossible for me to write philosophy to order. If something comes to me of itself, I can write, if 1 have time. But I have no time. I had an idea of writing to Adhar Das 56 pointing out that he was mistaken in . criticism of my ideas about consciousness and intuition and developing briefly what was my idea about these things. But 1 have never been able to do it. I might ...