Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... became an inmate in 1919, followed by Barin, who arrived after his exchange of letters with Sri Aurobindo, and by Datta who came with the Mother. With the increase in the number of inmates it became necessary to find additional accommodation. In September 1922 Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, Datta and a few others moved to a house in rue de la Marine. This building, which later came to be known as the 'Library... decided that he could not stay on indefinitely in Pondicherry and he left after a few months never to return. Yet he retained his profound admiration for Sri Aurobindo. After his departure, Mirra and Datta continued to stay at Bayoud House but it was an old building and particularly vulnerable during the cyclonic storms which swept over Pondicherry from time to time. On November 24, 1920, there was a... place." That is how the Mother came into our midst and stayed on for good, as our Mother.' The Mother gradually took charge of the household arrangements, after moving into the 'Guest House' with Datta. The young inmates were at first somewhat nonplussed and uneasy at this sudden 'invasion' by the two European ladies, as it was a jolt to their rather bohemian way of life. Initially there was some ...
... reason for the negative case. There is the exclamation of Datta (Miss Dorothy Hodgson), one of those present on the occasion of the descent of "the world of the Gods". Three testimonies are to hand. Purani makes her cry out by inspiration in the pervading silence: "The Lord has descended into the physical today."² Rajani Palit writes: "Now Datta came out, inspired, and declared: 'The Master has conquered... the sadhaks of its descent had obviously resulted from the pronouncement by Datta and the mention by him and the Mother that there had been the descent of the Divine. Since the Supermind's descent had frequently been spoken of and eagerly expected as we may note from Rajani Palit's account' of the Victory Day, Datta was inspired to utter those words, and the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother... conquered death, decay, hunger and sleep.' ³ Nolini Kanta Gupta tells us: "Datta...suddenly exclaimed at the top of her voice, as though an inspired Prophetess of the old mysteries, 'The Lord has descended. He has conquered death and sorrow. He has brought down immortality.'" 4 Obviously, a Supreme Consciousness ¹. Ibid., p. 296. ² The Life of Sri Aurobindo, p. 217. ...
... the time, who had also founded the Dawn Society, and was running the English organ. Dawn, in Calcutta. Almost all the men of light and leading in the city, including Rabindranath Tagore, Hiren Datta, Sir Gooroodas Banerji, Bepin Chandra Pal etc., were among the patrons and supporters of the college, and Benoy Kumar Sarkar and Radha Kumud Mookherji among its young professors. But the new movement... possessing the Yogic vision and intuition - Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. Some of the others were disciples of Yogis - Tilak, 40 Bepin Pal, P.C. Mitter of the Anusilan Samity, and Aswini Kumar Datta of Barisal, to name only a few. But, though they were spiritually inclined, they never claimed to possess any intuitive vision or to have attained any such close contact with the Divine as to be... to an urgent sense of freedom. But Yugantara soon fell a victim to the Page 232 wrath of the Government. Its manager, Abinash Chandra Bhattacharya, and its printer, Bhupendra Nath Datta, youngest brother of Swami Vivekananda, were arrested. On Sri Aurobindo's advice, Bhupendra Nath refused to defend himself in an alien court, and courted rigorous imprisonment for one year. Abinash ...
... Aurobindo came to know that Bayoud House where Mirra and Datta were staying was also in a very precarious condition. He immediately sent word that they shouldn't expose themselves to any further risk, but move into his own place in Rue François Martin at once. The removal began late in the evening and was nearly complete by midnight. Mirra and Datta occupied a room on the first floor of what was later... anti-divine motivation. VI As for Mirra, she had chosen, and had been chosen. Miss Hodgson was with her as before, and she was accepted too, and acquired from Sri Aurobindo the spiritual name of' 'Datta' 22 (meaning 'Entirely Self-given' 23 ). When Mrinalini Chattopadhyaya (sister of the well-known Sarojini Naidu) visited Pondicherry in mid-1920 to see Sri Aurobindo, she also initiated Mirra into... 1921 that black magic invaded the precincts of 41, Rue Francois Martin to throw into temporary confusion its peaceful life. For some misconduct of his, Vathal, the Pariah cook, had been scolded by Datta, and then, on account of his insulting behaviour, he had to be dismissed. This bred in him an acute resentment and a desire for revenge, and he got into touch with a Muslim fakir well versed in black ...
... writes: ‘Now Datta came out, inspired, and declared: “The Master has conquered death, decay, hunger and sleep!”’ According to Nolini, it went as follows: ‘Datta … suddenly exclaimed at the top of her voice, as though an inspired Prophetess of the old mysteries: “The Lord has descended. He has conquered death and sorrow. He has brought down immortality.”’ 7 And Champaklal noted down: ‘Datta spoke: “Krishna... came forward behind the Mother’s as if blessing him through the Mother. After the blessings, in the same silence there was a short meditation … Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went inside. Immediately Datta was inspired. In that silence she spoke: “The Lord has descended into the physical today.”’ Purani names the twenty-four persons present, with most of whom we are now acquainted. 5 In the Sri Aurobindo... always been very intimate with Sri Aurobindo, so they asked: “Why, why, why?” He replied: “It will be explained to you.” I had no intention of explaining anything and I left the room with him, but Datta began speaking … She said she felt Sri Aurobindo speaking through her and she explained everything: that Krishna had incarnated and that Sri Aurobindo was now going to do an intensive sadhana for the ...
... Nagin-bhai suddenly felt that his soul wanted to leave the body. He was wiping his hands after the bath when he had this strong but quite unmistakable feeling. At once he sent a message to Dr. Datta to that effect. Dr. Datta was not yet ready, but he rushed to his house and examined him. The doctor found him medically to be perfectly all right, his heart, pulse, blood pressure, everything. But Nagin-bhai again... repeatedly spoke about his soul wanting to leave the body, Dr. Datta told him that he would examine him only as a doctor and the rest would be a question between his soul and the Mother; about that relationship, between the two of them, he would not say anything. Two weeks later, on 9th May, Nagin-bhai passed away in the evening. Dr. Datta was present by his bedside. He touched his feet and his eyes... him at the Nursing Home. But as they were just to enter the room, the nurse drew the curtain and kept Nagin-bhai on oxygen. No one was allowed to see him. Page 69 Later Dr. Datta examined him and when he came out after 20 minutes or so he said that Nagin-bhai had breathed his last. He then telephoned Vishwabandhu and informed him to take his body to the room where he was staying ...
... 77, 79, 282, 326ff, 343, 411, 528, 529, 531ff, 727 Das, Hemachandra, 62, 64 Dass, Poushpa, 774 Datta, Aswini Kumar, 184, 269, 343 Datta, Bhupendranath, 199, 234, 245, 305 Datta (Dorothy Hodgson), 526, 540, 548, 549, 575 Datta, Ullaskar, 219, 325, 329ff Dattagupta, Birendranath, 365 David-Neel, Alexandra, 395, 396, 399, 525 ... Bengali, 407; departure for France, 407; illness at Lunel, 408; correspondence with Sri Aurobindo, 408ff; departure for Japan, 410; "India is free", 522; second coming to Pondicherry, 525-6; moving with Datta to Sri Aurobindo's house, 526; orderly management of the house, 5401; installing Sri Aurobindo as Master and Lord of Yoga, 541; on consciousness, 547; spiritual guidance, 547; on Siddhi day, 548; t ...
... spiritually suggestive names to some of the sadhaks, the Mother gave new tell-tale names to the flowers. Just as Philippe Barbier de St.-Hilaire became "Pavitra", K. D. Sethna "Amal Kiran", Miss Hodgson "Datta", J. A. Chadwick "Arjava", Jenny Dobson "Chidanandini", Madame Yvonne Gaebele "Suvrata", Mehdi Begum "Chinmayi", Janet McPheeters "Shantimayi", and Miss Margaret Wilson "Nishtha", even so the flowers... distant evenings of 1931 for a continuous period of almost six weeks. A number of passages were spotted out by sadhaks like Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Dyuman, Chinmayi, Rajangam, Sethna, Purushottam, Datta and by the Mother herself. Every time, whatever the volume Page 325 opened, a seminal passage was located - a passage that was like the centre of the Aurobindonian universe, with widening... the clear sense or feeling for the Divine. According to Amal, the "five prominent workers" of the Mother at the time - though in different ways - were Dyuman, Chandulal, Champaklal, Duraiswarni and Datta, and it is obvious from the definitions of the first four that, for them, the Yoga meant only service of the Mother, being a plastic instrument in her hands, being in full rapport with her and feeling ...
... ‘Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went inside. Immediately Datta was inspired. In that silence she spoke: “The Lord has descended into the physical today”.’ And Purani goes on naming all twenty-four disciples present. (A.B. Purani, Life of Sri Aurobindo, p. 125 ff.) There are different versions of Datta’s words. Rajani Palit writes: ‘Now Datta came out, inspired, and declared: “The Master has conquered... conquered death, decay, hunger and sleep!”’ According to Nolini Kanta Gupta, it went as follows: ‘Datta … suddenly exclaimed at the top of her voice, as though an inspired Prophetess of the old mysteries, “The Lord has descended. He has conquered death and sorrow. He has brought down immortality”.’ 11 In Nirodbaran’s Correspondence With Sri Aurobindo — a correspondence unique in spiritual literature... persistently that I was trying to get the supermind down into the material? If I had achieved it on Nov. 24, 1926, it would have been there already for the last nine years, isn’t it? ‘Nirodbaran: Datta seems to have declared on that day that you had conquered sleep, food, disease and death. On what authority did she proclaim it then? ‘Sri Aurobindo: I am not aware of this gorgeous proclamation ...
... went to the plenary session, but the president (Mr. K.B. Datta) had later gone back on his word. The Nationalists were therefore obliged to raise the matter at the time of the formal election of the President, but there they had been snubbed by Mr. Datta, the police had been called, and the Police Superintendent had taken his seat between Datta and Surendranath! There had been trouble over the co... across Sri Aurobindo's torso, a walking-stick in Tilak's hand: Sardar Ajit Singh to Sri Aurobindo's right, sitting, and Saiyed Haider Reza, to Tilak's left, also sitting: Khaparde and Ashwini Kumar Datta sitting in front and Moonje, Ramaswami and Kuverji Desai standing behind. Holding the centre, Sri Aurobindo and Tilak make a unity in contrast, a totality of immeasurable strength. Sri Aurobindo the ...
... leakage of water in her house, and so Sri Aurobindo advised her to shift forthwith to his own residence, No. 41, Rue François Martin. With her came also an English lady. Miss Hodgson (better known as 'Datta', the name given by Sri Aurobindo), who had long known the Mother and had been living in the other house with her. Hadn't Sri Aurobindo perhaps dimly foreseen the event when he issued the urgent call:... brother, Barindra, who had given the formula for bomb-making to Chhotalal Purani, came to stay with his brother in 1920, having first (as we saw) corresponded with him about politics and Yoga. Ullaskar Datta, another revolutionary and close associate of Barin, also came towards the close of 1920. Page 537 After the years in the Andamans, he wasn't now quite the same man who had once... Upendra; some from Gujarat, Purani, Champaklal, and the Punamchands; some from the South, Amrita, Chandrasekharam, Kothandaraman, Rajangam; and there were also the sadhaks from beyond the shores of India, Datta (Miss Hodgson) and Pavitra. "To the Lighthouse!" had been the cry of these distracted mariners on life's uncharted sea; and arrived at the haven at last, they were well content. IV ...
... Advanced History of India, ed. R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhuri and Kalikinkar Datta (Macmillan, London, 1953). Majumdar, R.C. and Pusalker, A.D. eds., The Age of Imperial Unity (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1954). The Vedic Age (Allen & Unwin, London, 1952). Majumdar, R.C, Raychaudhuri, H.C. and Datta, Kalikinkar eds., An Advanced History of India (Macmillan, London, 1953). ... of Pur in Vedic Literature (Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munchen, 1976). Raychaudhuri, H.C, "The Early Vedic Age", -in An Advanced History of India, ed. R.C. Majumdar, H.C Raychaudhuri and Kalikinkar Datta (Macmillan, London, 1953). Renfrew, Colin, Archaeology and Language (Jonathan Cape, London, 1987). Rolle, Renate, The World of the Scythians, tr. G. Walls (Batsford, London, 1989) ...
... who had it seems, magical powers—they had a book of magic and the ability to practise magic. One day, this cook had done something very bad and had been scolded—I don't know if any of you knew Datta, it was Datta who had scolded him—and he was furious. He had threatened us, saying, "You will see, you will be compelled to leave this house." We had taken no notice of it. Two or three days later, I think... house, not a single stone hit him any more. The magical formation was made specially for this house, and the stones materialised in the courtyard. And as it was something specially directed against Datta, she was hit on her arm. There was yet something else... Ah, yes! We came to know later to which magician Vatel had gone. He had gone to a Page 61 magician who, it seems, is very well ...
... Comments (Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay, Calcutta, 1960 In The Indian Historical Quarterly, XX An Advanced History of India, edited by R. C. Majumdar, H. C. Raychaudhuri and Kalikinkar Datta (Macmillan & Co., London1953) Majumdar, Surendra Nath, Ed., The Ancient Geography of India by A. Cunningham, edited with an Introduction and Notes (Calcutta, 1924) Ancient India... Imperial Unity, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. D. Pusalker (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay 1953) An Advanced History of India, edited by R. C. Majumdar, H. C. Raychaudhuri and Kalikinkar Datta (Macmillan & Co., London, 1953) In Indian Culture, III Robert, L., "Une bilingue gréco-araméene d'Aśoka", II, Journal Asiatique, CCXLVI, 1, 1958, Paris Rockhill, ... Darius I, 56.234, 281, 282, 449-50, 603; Darius II. 389; Darius III, 331, 594; Darius Hystapes, 281, 282, 331 Daśapura. see Mandasor Dasaratha, 231, 342, 594 Dasasiddhaka, 176 Datta, K., 210 Dattabhata.499, 500 Davāka, 213 Davids, Rhys, 545 Day Lewis, C, 174 Daya Ram, Rai Bahadur, 30 De Guignes, 1 Deb.H. K., 292-7 Deianira.87, 88 ...
... of sannyasis. His assumed name was Swami Kevalananda. When he came to 41, Rue Francois Martin, Hrishikesh (later known as Vishuddhananda Giri), Motilal Roy, Rameshwar De, Natwardas, Amrita, Barin, Datta (Miss Hodgson) and the Mother, whom Amar did not meet, were staying in the house. Amar had long matted hair and carried iron tongs and a staff. He was unrecognisable. After some time he took Natwardas... grandeur and in the utter beauty of its every little act. The deep impress of divinity which everyone got was for him a priceless treasure. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went inside. Immediately Datta was inspired. In that silence she spoke: "The Lord has descended into the physical today." That 24 November should be given an importance equal to that of the birthdays of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother... present on 24 November 1926: (1) Bijoy Kumar Nag, (2) Nolini Kanta Gupta, (3) K. Amrita, (4) Moni (Suresh Chakravarty), (5) Pavitra (Phillippe Barbier Saint-Hilaire), (6) Barindra Kumar Ghose, (7) Datta (Miss Hodgson), (8) K. Rajangam, (9) Satyen, (10) Purani, (11) Lilavati (Purani's wife), (12) Punamchand, (13) Champa Ben (Punamchand's wife), (14) Rajani Kanta Palit, (15) Dr. Upendra Nath ...
... experiences .... It was certain that a Higher Consciousness had descended on earth .... Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went inside. Immediately Datta was inspired. In that silence she spoke: ''The Lord has descended into the physical today." 50 Datta evidently spoke in a mood of ecstasy. But what she said has been Page 235 recorded in different ways by some of those present. Thus... the sadhaks should assemble in the upper veranda of the Library House, the usual place of meditation. By six all were there, twenty-four in all, including Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Barin, Purani, Datta, Pujalal, Champaklal, Rajangam and Chandrasekharam. What next happened had best be described in Purani's words: There was a deep silence in the atmosphere after the disciples had gathered there ...
... the wonderful year, already? and is it the age of 32 or the 32nd year? By the way I learned that Datta once belonged to this lamenting and repining group and spent about 5 years in such a crisis. True? who will believe it now? You are asking very delicate questions. I can only say that Datta has been with the Mother from the pre-Asram, even the pre-Yoga-times—her case is uniquely difficult.... don't expect me to be diagramming people all the time. Besides your personalities are not clearly marked out like D's. Wait till they separate themselves to join in the Dance of Harmony! About Datta, it was in one of a series of articles written by Barin about her. So everybody knows what I know. Ah, then I understand. Barin's statements are always inaccurate. The 5 years must have been his ...
... college corridors - Bande Mataram was at once the salvo of defiance of authority and a dedication to the service of the Mother. Earlier, in 1905, a young student of the Presidency College, Ullaskar Datta, "had thrashed with his shoe the professor of philosophy, an Englishman, for making some disparaging remarks about the Bengalis. The thrashing had been followed by cries of Bande Mataram from... deportation of the Lion of the Punjab, Lajpat Rai. Yet another day it was the onslaught on the universities and other educational institutions. Or it was the arrest and imprisonment of Bhupendranath Datta on the staff of Yugantar. Everyday some enormity or other was happening, and Sri Aurobindo happened to know much more about those things than most politicians, even most Nationalists, for he had... Mataram (on 8 June) that, if they didn't learn to behave better, police action might ensue against them. After a decent interval, the Yugantar Office was searched on 3 July, and Bhupendranath Datta (instead of prudently trying to save his own neck) declared that he was the editor, courted arrest, and by refusing to offer defence (why should he, as a revolutionary, take cognizance of an alien ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Datta Datta was not keeping well. Mother went to see her and after coming from there, she told Sri Aurobindo: “Peaceful, detached.” Sri Aurobindo: “Ah!” ...
... which hour the cough was surprisingly quiet, except for a slight outburst on rare occasions. Every third day I used to drop in at our Ashram dispensary which is on my way to the Samadhi. There Dr. Datta would solicitously examine my chest and lungs, put the thermometer in my mouth and give me the Page 10 needed treatment for whatever bacterial complication accompanied the virus infection... stood inwardly aloof, the fever continued though at a lower pitch. Then it vanished completely and I inhaled the atmosphere of Page 11 a super-Panchgani all the time. I informed Dr. Datta that I was quite well but I did not tell him how the virus infection had left me and the cough too had started subsiding. I was afraid he might think me too imaginative. If he happens to read this detailed ...
... magical powers – they had a book of magic and the ability to practise magic. One day this cook had done something very bad and had been scolded – I don’t know if any of you have known Datta [Dorothy Hodgson], it was Datta who had scolded him – and he was furious. He threatened us, saying: “You will see, you will be compelled to leave this house.” We took no notice of it. ‘Two or three days later, I ...
... common in the Ashram in 1935. It has to do with the descent of Krishna in Sri Aurobindo’s body on 24 November 1926. ‘Datta seems to have declared that day that you had conquered sleep, food, disease and death. On what authority did she proclaim it then?’ (The various versions of what Datta is supposed to have said on that occasion are mentioned earlier in this book.) Sri Aurobindo answers him: ‘I am not ...
... divine transformation of human nature and life. One Miss Dorothy Hodgson, for many years a companion of the Mother, came with her and joined Sri Aurobindo's entourage. She was known by the Indian name Datta. A few more years rolled by and then came the momentous day, 24 November 1926. This day, known in the Ashram as the 'Siddhi Day' or 'Victory Day', marked a decisive stage in Sri Aurobindo's Sadhana... with Sri Aurobindo on that special occasion of twenty-fourth November charged with a tremendous significance for the earth's destiny. (1) Suresh (Moni), (2) Bejoy, (3) Nolini, (4) Amrita, (5) Datta, (6) Barindra, (7) Rajangam, (8) Purani, (9) Kanai, (10) Punamchand, (11) Champaben, (12) Champaklal, (13) Punjalal, (14) Pavitra, (15) Satyen, (16) Lilavati (Purani's wife), (17) Dr. Upendra Nath Banerjee ...
... food; it is the palate and not the hunger that governs their eating. Have you any honey in stock, or shall we buy some form the bazaar? [ Mother :] We have just received honey; you can ask from Datta. [A separate note:] Guru, please read T's medical report tonight. I am absolutely staggered at her sudden voracious appetite. Finished one cabbage in the evening! Have you pumped some Supra-mental... He can take it. Whatever Z wants for her diet, e.g. vegetables, fruits, shall I ask Dyuman to get? He has agreed to buy them if you permit. [ Mother :] All right— The honey we got from Datta is exhausted. I think K can discontinue it now. [The Mother underlined "discontinue it new".] Yes. 1) Arjava says that the Asram food is too rich and too spiced for him. Would it be possible ...
... reason and had studied and mastered different systems of Western philosophy and the Vedanta, but none of these could satisfy his searching mind. He doubted the existence of God. Narendranath Datta, who later was to become famous as Swami Vivekananda, was born in Calcutta on January 12, 1863, into a wealthy Kshatriya family of scholars and philanthropists. Naren's father, an attorney of the Calcutta... and sorrows of mankind." I was absolutely dumbfounded. I said to myself, "What kind of a man is this? He must be raving mad! How can he talk like this to me, who am nobody — the son of Vishwanath Datta?"... Presently he asked me to stay there on the verandah, and he went back into the room and came out again bringing butter, rock candy and a few pieces of sandesh; and then he Page 292 ...
... that high excitement and agitation of an hour ago was now hushed in dumb motionless silence. We were all a bunch of innocent lambs! Page 3 But who was the culprit? It was Ullaskar Datta, one of our class-fellows. He was a boarder at the Eden Hindu Hostel. He had come to college with a slipper wrapped up in a newspaper sheet and had made good use of it as goon as he got a chance... He read up by himself books on Chemistry, pieced out information from all kinds of books and finally mastered all alone the principles of explosives—nobody ever taught him. His father, Dwijadas Datta, was a professor at the Sibpur Engineering College. He had something like a small laboratory at his residence. It was here that Ullaskar took his training in secret. To what extent he had finally ...
... Then he explained, "That is Birendranath Datta-gupta in Tamil." Tamil has only the first and the last letters in each of the first five groups of Sanskrit consonants and does not seem to recognise in its alphabet the existence of the other three, nor does it have the conjunct consonants. Hence in Tamil Birendra can be Pirentir, Nath became Nat, Datta develops into Tatta. But Gupta need not have ...
... revolt against the alien Government. Sister Nivedita, whom he moulded with his own hands, owed her revolutionary political fire to him. (Ref. Swami Vivekananda — Patriot-Prophet by Bhupendranath Datta.) Vivekananda once told Jatin Mukherji (popularly known as Bagha Jatin, because he had killed a tiger with a mere knife) that the spiritual regeneration of India would not be possible till India... would be interesting to know what Swami Vivekananda thought about the Congress. In 1898 - five years after Sri Aurobindo had attacked the Congress policy of protest, petition and prayer - Aswini Kumar Datta, the saintly leader of the district of Barisal in Bengal and a great educationist and social worker, about whom we shall hear something from Sri Aurobindo himself later on, met Swami Vivekananda at ...
... of the missiles to the Mother and spoke to her about them. The Mother asked if we had lately dismissed a servant. She recalled how Datta had done the same in 1921 and stones had fallen within the house: the dismissed cook had employed a black-magician to harass Datta and the other inmates. She also inquired whether there was a young person of puberty-age at our place, for such a person could serve ...
... who could it be? In those days there were five prominent workers in different ways. There was Chandulal, there was Champaklal, there was Dyuman, there was Doraiswamy and there was the Englishwoman Datta, originally Dorothy Hodgeson. Doraiswamy mostly worked outside the Ashram for the Ashram, and he had to deal with a lawyer's world which is notoriously in need of being cleansed of falsehood. And he... of putting her Will into action. But perhaps there is here a certain leaning towards outer guidance, a waiting for the spoken command, the explicit directive. I sense a kind of English trait. Was it Datta defining Yoga thus? She was a very close attendant on the Mother for years. Next we read: "To live in Mother and to know Mother's Will." Here is the same aspiration, with just the colour ...
... Maharani Bagh, New Delhi -110065 40.Choudhury, I.N. 183, Tagore Park, Delhi -110009 41.Das, Sisir Kumar B-II-101 Paradise Apartments 40, LP. Extn., Delhi 110092 42.Datta, P. Principal, Kulachi Hansraj Model School Ashok Vihar, Delhi - 110052 43.Dayal.J.N. Former Director of Education A-62 Saraswati Vihar Pitampura, Delhi -110034 ... IIT, Delhi, Hauz Khas , New Delhi -110016 50.Dhingra, R.D. Vice-Principal Ari-Force Kendriya Vidyalaya M.B. Road, Tughalakabad New Delhi-110062 51.Dixit, Som Datta A-133, Sector 27 Noida-201 301 (UP) 52.Dutta, Sarla Deputy Director 1097, Sector-A, Pkt.-B Vasant Kuni, New Delhi 53.Fanthom, F. Secretary, Council for ...
... was saying persistently that I was trying to get the supermind down into the material? If I had achieved it on Nov 24. 1926, it would have been there already for the last nine years, isn't it? Datta seems to have declared on that day that you had conquered sleep, food, disease and death. On what authority did she proclaim it then? I am not aware of this gorgeous proclamation. What was said... the 24th [November ] 1926, what on earth remained to work out, and if the Supramental was there, for what blazing purpose did I need to retire? Besides are these things achieved in a single day? If Datta said anything like that she must have been in a prophetic mood and seen the future in the present! I have stood, but I have not delivered. I had time for standing a moment, but none for a delive ...
... sign of movement. All that high excitement and agitation of an hour ago was now hushed in dumb motionless silence. We were all a bunch of innocent lambs! But who was the culprit? It was Ullaskar Datta, one of our class-fellows. He was a boarder at the Eden Hindu Hostel. He had come to college with a slipper wrapped up in a newspaper sheet and had made good use of it as soon as he got a chance. ... He read up by himself books on Chemistry, pieced out information from all kinds of books and finally mastered all alone the principles of explosives – nobody ever taught him. His father, Dwijadas Datta, was a professor at the Sibpur Engineering College. He had something like a small iaboratory at his residence. It was here that Ullaskar took his training in secret. To what extent he had finally ...
... the Brahmin's servant. Your Highness,' said a third one. Then the fourth one announced: 'I am Datta, Your Highness. And I am nobody's slave. I am just accompanying a Brahmin.' Page 20 Everyone including the Dattas in the office started laughing when suddenly Dr Dilip Datta, a trustee of the Ashram, came in to meet Dada. 'Yesterday was your check-up day, Dada, but I just ...
... committing a blunder in the Dattatraya path. Disciple : In the Avadhuta Gita, attributed to Datta, great stress is laid on vairagya, renunciation of the world. It teaches the abandonment of the world and nature. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, but that does not seem to be the whole of Datta-marga – the yoga of Dattatraya. It seems only one side of it. There is the other side – the side that ...
... set foot on an escalator, you will be automatically carried to the top of it; so why set foot on it at all when you see it going in the wrong direction? 4 Even before Dilip came in 1928, Datta (Miss Hodgson) was there and so was Pavitra, formerly P.B. St.-Hilaire, who had seen service as a Captain of the French Army during the world war. Another arrival was the young Englishman J. A. Chadwick... and Miss Dorothy Hodgson - as sadhaks, but installed the former in charge of the Ashram as the Mother and gave the latter the spiritual name of 'Vasavadutta' ('one who has given herself) or simply 'Datta'! Other ladies came presently, and sometimes the wife stayed in the Ashram while the husband followed his profession elsewhere, and sometimes the husband became a sadhak while the wife stayed back; ...
... ary preparation for independence through spiritually-equipped workers. Secretly circulated. Seized and proscribed by Govt. Recovered after independence. 1904 Met Chauchandra Datta, I.C.S. at Thana, with whom Sri Aurobindo had earlier contacts. Dutt's offer of his services in revolutionary work. Affirmation of the Bhavani Mandir ideal. Also met at Dutt's place... Alipur Jail in the Maniktala Bomb Case. During trial Sri Aurobindo remained indrawn, unconcerned. August 31 : For turning approver Narendra Goswami was killed in prison by Kanailal Datta. Sri Aurobindo unperturbed in the midst of commotion. Ashramvas (Ashram life) in jail. Reading the Gita and the Upanishad. Practising Yoga. Had decisive spiritual realisations ...
... after meditation, pranam and blessings, Datta spoke some words as if visioning something in a trance or a sudden apocalyptic flash. They had all seen that there was a new lustre, a luminous glory, on Sri Aurobindo - but what had brought about that change? Like a prophetess in a temple of old speaking in an inspired moment of sudden seeing and ecstasy, Datta found the appropriate words and spoke them ...
... Aurobindo, "put a seal upon the meaning of his life and left his name stamped indelibly on the pages of history as a saint and martyr of the new faith." 2 Vivekananda's youngest brother, Bhupendranath Datta, did not defend himself and went to jail. And so - printer, publisher, editor, contributor, worker - anyone almost ran the risk of sudden apprehension on the slightest pretext, trial for sedition... have liked to get Sri Aurobindo at least out of the cage, but didn't know how. Everyday as the prison authorities escorted the accused in the prison van from the jail to the Court Room, Ullaskar Datta used to give a lead to the singing and shouting all along the Page 325 way. 43 Indifferent to the proceedings in the Court where legal wranglings and examination and cross-examination ...
... was speaking. She could not get the title from her own memory and nobody in the company — we were more than a dozen and a half, including Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra (Philippe Barbier St.- Hilaire). Datta (Miss Dorothy Hodgson) and Shantimayi (Mrs. Jeanette Macpheeters) — could help her out. With some hesitation I dared to whisper in the midst or the general silence: "Parsifal." The Mother gave an ...
... n.—Amal You will have the Realisation of Faith.—Amrita Be enthusiastic for Realisation.—Champaklal Faith will lead you to Realisation.—Chandulal The Star of your Realisation is rising.—Datta Prayer will lead to Realisation.—Doraiswamy Your Faith is the straightest way to Realisation.—Dyuman Keep burning in you the Flame that leads to Realisation.—Lalita Flame up for Realisation ...
... home, ate my dinner, and took a sleeping pill. I was feeling nervous. I am a heart-patient and I do not want something to happen in the Page 15 process. Next day 1 went to Dr. Datta. I told him that the work is going on in the physical. I wanted him to examine me thoroughly. He examined me for more than half an hour and told me that medically I am in good health. He also said that ...
... Darius Hystaspes, the greatest of his dynasty, and the other Darius Codomanus, the last of the line who was conquered by Alexander. It is the first whose name you bear. Sri Aurobindo [ST] Datta (The dedicated) Grandchild of Rassendren The Mother [ST] Datā (The dedicated) Grandchild of Rassendren The Mother [ST] Devdutt (Offered to the Divine) Byankatraman The Mother ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Siddhi Day 1926-11-24 Datta spoke: Krishna the Lord has come. He has ended the hell of suffering. He has conquered pain. He has conquered death. He has conquered all. He has descended tonight Bringing Immortality and Bliss. As each one made pranam to the Mother and she gave h blessing ...
... April Evening My dear Barin, I answer first your letter of the 6th April. I have already let you know that I approve both the people whose photographs you have sent to me. As to Bibhuti Bhushan Datta you are right in thinking that he is a born yogin. His face shows the type of the Sufi or Arab mystic and he must certainly have been that in a former life and brought much of his then personality into ...
... never throw away anything. I had received my lesson. Now I relate the other incident. My work was to clean Mother's room and Datta's work was to clean Mother's bathroom. One day, for some reason, Datta did not come and Mother asked me to clean the bathroom. I was thrilled to have this opportunity to serve her. Who would not be? I was extremely happy and decided to clean it perfectly. There are always ...
... Dorothy Hodgson, of whom all that is known is that her fiancé had died, that therefore she never wanted to marry, and that she had chosen Mirra as her spiritual mentor. Dorothy Hodgson, later named Datta by Sri Aurobindo, would remain with the Mother for the rest of her life. Pournaprema relates a story, supposedly told to her by the Mother, that somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean the Kamo Maru was ...
... matters relating to his years with the Mother I asked him to tell me all he knew of the "Immortality Day". When I said that hardly anybody recalled it, he replied: "How could people know of it when Datta and I were most probably the only persons present on the occasion?" What I gathered from Champaklal, in addition to what I have already said on "Amar", is as follows: At that time (1926) Sri Aurobindo ...
... be done and has been successfully done in Bengali, and you can prove and have proved it yourself over again by writing these poems and bringing in the rhythm, the কল্লোল, which is absent in Satyen Datta. It is quite true also that stylisation is permissible and a recognised form of art—I mean professed and overt stylisation and not that which hides itself under a contrary profession of naturalness ...
... She has seen me only once on August 15th and has never had any talk with me. She was not at any time admitted as a member of the Asram, is acquainted only with the Mother and one English disciple (Datta)—except for two visits to Madame Potel and knows nothing personally about the Asram. Throughout she has been kept apart on probation. But it was found that she was a woman who took her desires and ...
... and Justin (The Classical Accounts..., pp. 198, 193). 2. The Classical Accounts..., p. 193. 3. An Advanced History of India, edited by R. C. Majumdar, H. C. Raychaudhuri and Kalikinkar Datta (Macmillan & Co., London, 1953), p. 101. 4."Foreign Invasions", The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 58. 5- A History of Sanskrit Literature (William Heinemann Ltd., London, 1928), p. 410. ...
... Alexander-fleeing prodigy-visited Sandrocottus. And even Justin's wild elephant offering itself to Sandrocottus for a ride as if it were a tame one may be construed as 1.Majumdar, Raychaudhuri & Datta, An Advanced History of India, p. 98. 2. The Classical Age, p. 13. Page 216 remembered in a coin 1 supposed to have been struck by the first Gupta's great-grandson K ...
... was one, a very lion among men" he who came to be known the world over as Swami Vivekananda lived for only 39 years. He was born on January 12, 1863, and named Narendra Nath. His father Vishwanath Datta, was a well-known Calcutta attorney, and his mother, Bhuvaneshwari, was known as a highly intelligent woman. Narendra Nath' s early years were spent in a home characterised by purity and truthfulness ...
... alludes in many ways, and the picture of the world profoundly changed"3; so much so that "there is one line that expresses the mood of the Jewish man throughout 1 S. C. Chatterjee and D. M. Datta, An Introduction to Indian Philosophy. 2 A. J. Heschel in The Concept of Man (Eds. S. Radhakrishnan and P. T. Raju) 3 A. J. Heschel, op. cit. Page 11 the ages: ...
... who has it? You might just as well expect to have a practical knowledge of high mathematics by knowing that Einstein is a great mathematician. Queer ideas you have! Are they Anilbaran? Pavitra? Datta? Dyuman? Nolini? Radhanand, but he can't be for he is Brahma himself, so keeps himself secluded like him, no? ??????? July 18, 1937 Self—Pus still coming out. Nose also angry! What ...
... Aurobindo the news that Shamsul Alam, the Police Inspector who had been the mainstay of Government in the Alipore bomb case, had just been shot down, on the steps of the High Court, by Biren (Birendranath Datta Gupta). He added that he too had been with Biren, but had managed to escape, although he doubted if Biren could have escaped. Biren actually got arrested and was hanged. But the young man absconded ...
... body. If you take up body-building in a regular way keeping this spirit of invocation, then within a few days you will see how the body develops. The body becomes graceful and beautiful. Dr Datta remarked to me yesterday that while doing physical exercise the consciousness does not remain focussed on this all the time and we begin exercising mechanically.' * Page 50 ...
... Publications, Bombay, 1946). Sri Aurobindo Came to Me (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1952). Roy, Pratap Chandra. The Mahabharata, Vol. II, Vana Parva, English Translation (Datta Bose & Co, Calcutta). Rudd, Margaret. Divided Image : A Study of William Blake and W. B. Yeats (Roudedge, London, 1953). Ruggiero, Guido de. Existentialism, translated ...
... going upstairs after lunch. Such unearthly beauty I had never seen – she appeared to be about 20 whereas she was more than 37 years old. I found the atmosphere of the Ashram tense. The Mother and Datta, i . e. Miss Hodgson, had come to stay in No. 41 Rue Francois Martin. The house had undergone a great change. There was a clean garden in the open courtyard; every room had simple and decent furniture ...
... upstairs after lunch. Such unearthly beauty I had never seen – she appeared to be about twenty years of age whereas she was more than forty. I found the atmosphere of the Ashram tense. The Mother and Datta, ( Miss Hodgson), had come to stay in No. 40 Rue Francois Martin. The house had undergone a great change. There was a clean garden in the open courtyard; every room had simple and decent furniture ...
... mendicancy and perorative politics. If Sri Aurobindo condemned the Congress leaders as the one-eyed (if not the totally blind) who were trying to lead the masses, Vivekananda was to tell Aswini Kumar Datta in the course of a conversation: "Can you tell me what the Congress is doing for the masses? Do you think merely passing a few resolutions will bring you freedom? I have no faith in that. The ...
... I It was mentioned earlier that the number of inmates in the Ashram increased from about 25 in 1926 to about 80 two years later. Prominent among the earlier sadhaks were Nolini, Amrita, Datta, Rajangam, Purani, Champaklal, Kanai, Barindra, Pujala1, Pavitra, Chandrasekharam and Anilbaran Roy. Not long after the Siddhi Day, there came - some for the first time, some for good - ardent spirits ...
... Page 900 Dahyabhai Patel 683 Daladier, Edouard 395ff, 403 Daniel, Samuel 38 Dante 111,315,471,633 Dara (Aga Syed Ibrahim) 328 Das, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan 216, 448 Datta (Dorothy Hodgeson) 183, 201, 209ff, 217, 235, 239, 255, 321, 325, 328-9, 674, 691 David-Neel, Mme Alexandra 29, 633 Daulatram Sharma 230 Dayanand Saraswati 624 Deshmukh, C.D. 652 Devi Mahatmyam ...
... she visited the Playground as usual. On 7 December, however, she could' not come on account of indisposition, and on the 9th she was taken ill and had to be confined to her bed. In the earlier years, Datta and Chinmayi used to give the Mother the needed personal services. Later Vasudha took their place. When the Mother took ill on 9 December, it was thus Vasudha who was sent for, and she remained with ...
... and gets the divine life - be it at my touch or at another's - this is what I want. It is such men that will raise the country. Yours Sejda 36 Barin came to Pondicherry. Ullaskar Datta, one of the revolutionaries and a fellow worker of Barin also came. Some of the revolutionaries were trying to seek inspiration and guidance from Sri Aurobindo, but since Sri Aurobindo had cut off all ...
... Pondicherry. My dear Barin, I answer first your letter of the 6th April. I have already let you know that I approve both the people whose photographs you have sent to me. As to Bibhuti Bhushan Datta you are right in thinking that he is a born Yogin. His face shows the type of the Sufi or Arab mystic and he must certainly have been that in a former life and brought much of his then personality into ...
... translation." 4.An alternative reading is: "he solicited the Indians to support his new sovereignty." See An Advanced History of India by R. C. Raychaudhuri, R. C. Majumdar and Kalikinkar Datta, p. 99. Page 194 an alternative reading, namely, "he solicited the Indians to support his new sovereignty", we may tabulate the sequence of events thus: (1)Sandrocottus ...
... grandeur and in the utter beauty of its every little act. The deep impress of divinity which everyone got was for him a priceless treasure. "Sri Aurobindo and the Mother went inside. Immediately Datta was inspired. In that silence she spoke: 'The Lord has descended into the physical today.' " * A year and twenty days later I arrived in Pondicherry with my wife Daulat whom Sri Aurobindo ...
... always been very intimate with Sri Aurobindo, so they asked: 'Why, why, Why?' He replied, 'It will be explained to you.' I had no intention of explaining anything, and I left the room with him, but Datta began speaking. (She was an Englishwoman who had left Europe with me; she stayed here until her death—a person who received 'inspirations.') She said she felt Sri Aurobindo speaking through her and ...
... happy illuminative talks and intuition-developing games held there. She made one of three Westerners who were present in that group — the two others being Pavitra (Philippe Barbier St. Hilaire) and Datta (Dorothy Hodgson). When Vaun decided to leave the Ashram for good, Janet appeared very unwilling but left out of a sense of duty. She kept corresponding with the Mother for a year or two from the ...
... (originally known as Stores) in charge of the purchase, storing and distribution of Prosperity. × Datta (Offered), name given by Sri Aurobindo to Dorothy Hodgson, an Irishwoman who joined the Mother in 1916. Later she shifted to the house to the west of the Ashram, now 14, Rue de la Marine. ...
... libikara for the scribe, and Sanskrit has the word dibira, for .lipikara, from the root diba or dīpa, to "write". 1 An Advanced History of India, edited by Majumdar, Raychaudhuri and Datta, though unaware of the objections to the current chronology and disposed to see several influences emanating from Persian and Greek officials in the Indus-provinces during the Achaemenid rule and the ...
... the Ashram. They were the first Westerners to reach the Ashram in its initial period of 1926-27. Pavitra 1 was already present, he had been settled for a few years, and we had an English lady named Datta — Miss Hodgeson — who had been associated with the Mother in France. But after the early settlement these two Americans were the first to come from the West. They were an old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Mcpheeters ...
... April 1923 My dear Barin, I answer first your letter of the 6th April. I have already let you know that I approve both the people whose photographs you have sent to me. As to Bibhuti Bhushan Datta you are right in thinking that he is a born yogin. His face shows the type of the Suffi or Arab mystic and he must certainly have been that in a former life and brought much of his then personality ...
... far it is authentic. Nagin never spoke of it to me. That was his nature. But I don't know whether he was aware of it. Perhaps, yes. Nagin almost knew that he was going away. He wanted to see Dr. Datta, but the doctor was not there. When someone attending on him wanted to know if he could help him, he politely repeated that he wanted to see the doctor himself. He wanted to make some offering to the ...
... Sunday Standard (Madras), August 25, 1974, Magazine Section, p. 1, col. 2. 3.The Pre-historic Period", An Advanced History of India, edited by R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhuri and Kalikinkar Datta (Macmillan and Co., London, 1953), p. 22. Page 37 phases of Sanskrit, definitely means "iron": "In most passages where it occurs the word appears to mean simply 'metal'. In the few cases ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Datta’s Things 1949-07-10 After Datta passed away, Surendra 1 brought upstairs, with the help of some boys, a big box containing her things. As Mother was looking at them, someone pulled out an old mirror. It was a Japanese mirror and one corner of its frame had been eaten away. At once ...
... its contact with the Divine up to the union with the Divine.—Dara To be so entirely cleansed of falsehood that there may be purity to know the Divine Will and respond to the Call at any moment.—Datta Not to hinder Mother in making the best possible of us.—Doraiswamy To be in complete union with You.—Dyuman To live only for Mother as if nobody and nothing else existed.—Lalita Divinising life ...
... and one-pointed.—Amal Full conversion and consecration of the physical consciousness. Liberation from all sexual impulses and desires.—Pavitra To be taken right into the Beyond in surrender.—Datta Deep and complete Faith in all the parts (even in the physical cells).—Chandulal I pray constantly to Him to give me the realisation of the harmony between the inner and the outer that I may devote ...
... always been very intimate with Sri Aurobindo, so they asked: 'Why, why, why?' He replied, 'It will be explained to you.' I had no intention of explaining anything, and I left the room with him, but Datta began speaking. (She was an Englishwoman who had left Europe with me; she stayed here until her death—a person who received 'inspirations'.) She said she felt Sri Aurobindo speaking through her and ...
... if you have any suggestions to make regarding Mulshankar's work, please let me know. I am not satisfied with the way we are going on at present. I don't know that there is anything to change. Datta and others give very good reports of Mulshankar's behaviour and attention to them when they go to the Dispensary in your absence. I am not prepared to believe otherwise on the strength of Y's solitary ...
... benediction. Everything was silent and still, grave and expectant. We stood up one by one and went and bowed at the feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. After a while, both of them went inside. And then, Datta who had been among us, suddenly exclaimed at the top of her voice, as though an inspired Prophetess of the old mysteries, "The Lord has descended. He has conquered death and sorrow. He has brought down ...
... Quando flam ceu chelidon – O swallow swallow. Le Prince d' Aquitaine à la tour abolie. These fragments I have shored against my ruins. Why then Ile fite you. Hieronymo's mad againe. Datta. Dayadhavam. Damyata. Shantih shantih shantih. (The Waste Land) This is, however, what may be called an incantation with a vengeance in poetry. It may be thought that we have here ...
... explained how the boys learned much about the science of bomb-making from people like Sister Nivedita and Jagadish Chandra Bose. Of those young men, one of the brightest and most intelligent was Ullaskar Datta. He was the first to succeed in making a bomb for the Indian Swadeshi Movement. When Barin was setting up the factory he had sent Nolini to me with an invitation to go and see it. But for some reason ...
... spread his palms before my eyes, “Look, these mine hands still remember those touches. How soft was my Lord’s body! from his eyes affection and benevolence seemed to rain incessantly on us.” — Shobha Datta About 1909-1914 – The Andaman Jails The British Government was secretly shipping us off to the Andamans in small batches. There the jail authorities at once segregated the political prisoners from ...
... particular place meant for them or give them into Champaklal’s hands. In the evening we brought back the dishes and partook of the prasad left for us. Another English lady, Dorothy Hodgson, known as “Datta” (the name given by Sri Aurobindo), occasionally carried the dishes. She was said to have lived with the Mother in Europe for some time and had travelled to many places with her. She gave us the impression ...
... conduct a secret test-explosion of a bomb they had made at the Gardens. The bomb did explode among the hills, but also killed one of the young men, Prafulla Chakravarti, and injured another, Ullaskar Datta. They were shaken, and Barin could only say: "This is a field of battle. Our first soldier has given up his body in the battlefield, this is our first casualty." 11 The body was left where it was ...
... 242 Barin's portrait of Sri Aurobindo (courtesy Smt . Lahori Chatterjee) 254 Agastya, Darasuram temple (courtesy Michel Danino) 259 Mahakali at Lalgola's temple (courtesy Soumendu Datta) 275 Barin the revolutionary (courtesy Smt. Lahori Chatterjee) 311 Sri Aurobindo in his revolutionary days (courtesy Sri Lab Kumar Bose and the late Sri Nirmal Ranjan Mitra) 327 ...
... Ashram, every evening the Mother came from Meditation House to Library House, which she entered through her former room (then mine and now my aunt Motiben's). After freshening up there, she went to Datta's room. Then she came to the Stores (later named Prosperity) where, on the first of each month, she distributed articles for the daily use sanctioned to the Ashramites. In this hall, a small group of ...
... creative force etc. He says Tagore's letter has a double value as he had to praise Nishikanto in spite of himself. Dilip says it is very funny how people make contradictory statements. As for Satyen Datta's innovations and discoveries in rhythm, Tagore appreciates them very much but when we make these experiments, he says, "What is all this nonsense they are doing about rhythm?" SRI AUROBINDO: Tagore ...
... and hence "all noise should be only incidental". 2 This was how 24 November 1926 passed without any fanfare, without speeches, and without even the customary evening conversation. Only Datta's words "The Lord has descended into the physical today" had for a brief second broken that supernal silence; and what was it but a simple announcement wrung in a moment of sudden divination? ...
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