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Demeter : goddess of corn, fruitfulness, & the harvest. She is daughter of Cronus & Rhea, & sister of Zeus. Zeus & Demeter had a daughter, Persephone (or Kore), who was picking flowers in the fields of Enna in Sicily when she was seized by the god of the underworld & carried to Hades to be his bride. As a result of her mother’s piteous efforts to get her back, Persephone is permitted to spring & summer on earth but must return to Hades for autumn & winter.

18 result/s found for Demeter

... battle's glorious end? Wilt thou come down to save, with all thy legions? Zeus There is one only answer. ( Demeter enters ) It is she. Music: Deep chords as of confirmation. Demeter walks up to Zeus and kneels at his feet. Demeter My Lord, thick darkness gathers over the earth. Grim demon figures stalk upon her roads: Wild Fear and Falsehood, Ignorance... go out) (To Demeter) Why, Mother, we're in luck, we need A lady just like you. Surely Mamma Will welcome you... (A long pause) You look so heavenly strange, From which lands do you come? Page 47 Demeter Oh, Child, from far, So very far you would not know, I think... Ariadne You look so sad, good Mother... Demeter Ay, I've lost... ... A million years? (Laughs) Demeter - Earth keeps strange memories of things that pass In other spheres... Think you, if we look down We'll see her there? (Rising) Ariadne (afraid, does not let Demeter get up) No, no, good Mother, no, It's too dark now to see. - Oh, nothing's there! It's but a tale. Demeter And yet, perhaps, it's true. Ariadne ...


... Demeter and Persephone -02_Post_Content.htm a dream-fact vision of a truth' DEMETER AND PERSEPHONE: A Mystery Play "Myth is a true story because it is a sacred story, not only by virtue of its content but also by the concrete sacral forces which it sets to work." R. PETTAZZONI Sri Aurobindo:. Alone, she harbours... Hesiod and has been recounted by them: Persephone, daughter of Demeter and Zeus, is carried off by Pluto, God of the Underworld, with Zeus' consent, when she goes to pluck the narcissus-flower, grown specially for the occasion by Gaia, the Earth-Goddess, at Zeus' behest. Pluto makes her his queen and keeps her as his prisoner. Demeter, in deep sorrow searches for her everywhere and, roaming over the... him. Wishing to make the child immortal, she rubs him with ambrosia every night and puts him in the fire, and he grows "like unto a god". The mother, suspicious and uneasy, spies on Demeter and destroys her work. Demeter reveals her godhead and leaves the place. The common story tells of how she goes to ask Zeus to send for Persephone, compelling him to do so by stopping all growth of corn and fruit ...


... site of the most important temple of Apollo, where the Pythia delivered the inspired messages of the god. Demeter: Daughter of Cronos and Rhea, sister of Zeus, Demeter was an ancient goddess of agriculture and of the fruitful soil. Wheat and barley were sacred to Demeter and her daughter Persephone, with ears of corn Page 114 her. She was called "thesmophoros”... (son of Cronos). Cronos or Cronus: Father of Zeus. The youngest of the twelve titans, children of Gaea, the Earth, and Uranus the Sky. Father of six Greek gods: Zeus. Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. He swallowed each of his own children at birth, but Zeus escaped. After a protracted struggle he and the other titans were vanquished. Cyclops: One of a family of gigantic one... destroy" (in which case Persphone would mean "she who destroyed the light") or from an adverbial root meaning "dazzling light" like in Perseus, it is not clear. She was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. First known under the name of Kore, (The Maiden) she took the name Persphone after her abduction by Hades. As goddess of the underworld her attributes were the bat, the narcissus and the pomegranate ...


... identification of Dionysus with the Cretan god Zagreus introduces, under the influence of Orphic mysticism, a new element in the legend of the god; that of the passion of Dionysus. Son of Zeus and Demeter (or sometimes of Kore), Dionysus- Zagreus was torn to pieces by the Titans who threw the remains of his body into a big caldron. Pallas Athena however was able to rescue the god's heart which she brought... The Eleusinian mysteries were certainly the most ancient mysteries performed in Greece. Of pre-Achaean origin, they were initially an autumn festival of plowing and sowing based on the legend of Demeter and Kore. "One day Kore, Demeter's daughter, was gathering flowers in the ____________ * Plutarch: (ca AD 46- 120) Greek biographer and moralist. Page 22 fields of Nysa when... bent down to do so the earth gaped open and Hades appeared. He seized her and dragged her with him into the depths of the earth. There he made her his queen, and she took the name of 'Persephone'. Demeter meanwhile had heard her child's despairing cry for help. Then, says the poet of the Homeric hymns, bitter sorrow seized her heart. Over her shoulders she threw a somber veil and flew like a bird over ...


... As to the Eleusinian mysteries, about which he has asked an explanation, they were connected with the same mystic knowledge as was held in India by the Vedic Rishis. Demeter and Persephone were goddesses worshipped by the Greeks; Demeter is the Earth-Mother and Persephone was the goddess of the Harvest, but in the mystic symbols Persephone represented the earth consciousness buried in the Ignorance and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... zed self left in me. I am now prepared to accept and become whatever Mother chooses for me. How did you receive the inspiration to write your poems and the mystery play that you wrote entitled Demeter and Persephone? I wrote poetry in Bombay before coming to the Ashram. It was on my poetry from this period that Sri Aurobindo gave his comments and some of the poetry of my early years in the Ashram... pureness liberate In me the truth-born word. Tehmes The Mother had told Tehmi to use Themis, the name of the Greek goddess of Justice and Law for the publication of her poems and her play Demeter and Persephone. The following are Sri Aurobindo’s comments conveyed through Nirodbaran after the latter read Tehmi’s poems to him: “The poems are remarkable, especially the later ones. They ...


... more important: according to Herodotus, “the father of history”, most of the Greek gods were the counterparts of the Egyptian gods. “In the Egyptian language”, he writes, “Apollo is called Horus, Demeter Isis, Artemis Bubastis”. Neith is identified with Athena, Osiris with Dionysus, Hathor with Aphrodite, Ammon with Zeus, and so on. 5 In the present context more need not be said about this f ...

... to a height Page 28 where Godhead is just the last stage of Man being truly himself. * The two cheques to Mother India which you had to cancel are still wanderers like Demeter searching for the lost Persephone - the latter's role in this case being played by a less gorgeous personage, though one may not go so far as to dub this personage Parsi-phoney, a sheer contrast to ...


... king), and became judges in the underworld as a reward for their earthly justice and piety. 43 Triptolemus was the introducer of agriculture and had an important part in the cult of Demeter (goddess of the earth) at the Eleusinian Mysteries. He is not described elsewhere as a judge of the dead. 44 Orpheus is no doubt mentioned not as a singer and poet but as the founder ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... number of jurors prevented bribery and the panel before which a case was to be tried was decided by lot at the last minute to reduce corruption. All jurors swore an oath by the gods Zeus, Apollo and Demeter: "I will cast my vote in consonance with the laws and decrees passed by the Assembly and by the council, but, if there is no law, in consonance with my sense of what is most just, without favour ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... Demeter and Persephone Page 16 Page 26 Page 35 ...


... come as a threat and a shadow, Even though none to their counsels call me, none to their pastime, None companions me willingly; even thy daughter, my consort, Trembling whom once from our sister Demeter I plucked like a blossom Torn from Sicilian fields, while Fate reluctant, consenting, Bowed her head, lives but by her gasps of the sun and the azure; Stretched are her hands to the light and she ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... symbolic and remind us in some of Page 117 their ideas & circumstances of certain aspects of Indian Yoga. The mysticism & symbolism were not an entirely modern development. Orpheus, Bacchus & Demeter are the centre of an antique and prehistoric, even preliterary mind-movement. The element may have been native to Greek religious sentiment; it may have been imported from the East through the Aryan ...


... lost child". 16 Hades or Pluto is material Nature. The Virgin Persephone or Proserpine is the vital animating part, commonly called the Soul, descending into that world of generation. Her mother Demeter or Ceres is the Intellect, the higher part of the consciousness, going in quest of the lost lower part that has entered the profundities of Matter. Basing himself on Thomas Taylor's Dissertation upon ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... different aspects according to the countries and civilisations,’ said the Mother. The cosmic forces are evidently the same in the whole cosmos, but in the conceptual world of the humans they are called Demeter, Mars, the archangel Gabriel, Anubis or Krishna. The Spirit’s truths take form as living Gods And each can build a world in its own right. 2 — Savitri ‘The Gods … are in origin and ...


... and recreation. 5. "Under many names": When the agricultural communities in Greece worshipped Mother Earth they called the Great Goddess or the Mother Goddess by many names, (Gaea, Rhea, Demeter). Most of the female divinities in Greek mythology were originally Great Mother Goddesses; Hera in Argos, Artemis in Crete, Aphrodite in Cyprus. Their role changed when they were incorporated into ...


... threat and a shadow, Even though none to their counsels call me, none to their pastime, None companions me willingly; even thy daughter, my consort, Trembling whom once from our sister Demeter I plucked like a blossom Page 103 Torn from Sicilian fields, while Fate reluctant, consenting, Bowed her head, lives but by her gasps of the sun and the azure; Stretched are ...


... Empire have documented the large-scale destruction of 'pagan' temples by Christian clergy from the fourth century onwards." 1 By the end of the fifth century, the famous Greek temple at Eleusis, where Demeter—Mother Earth—was worshipped, was changed into a graveyard. The rapidity of the destruction is rather breathtaking when we learn that it was only in November 392 that the Roman Emperor Theodosius had ...