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Diana : Roman woodland goddess, worshipped especially by women & children. She was later identified with Greek moon-goddess Artemis.

10 result/s found for Diana

... Elizabeth knew them all, and all of them paid homage to their Sovereign. Not only did they pay homage, they made the Virgin Queen the object of a cult. In Elizabeth her worshipping subjects saw Diana, the virgin goddess of the moon, Gloriana, the fairy queen, and above all Astraea. ‘Astraea, one of the most constant of all the names used for the Queen from her accession onwards, is the just virgin ...

... goddess, she is Ashtaroth, she is Aphrodite. What need for her, then, to return to the earth? What attractions there, what compensations? In answer, the Voices raises a compulsive chorus, greeting her as Diana, Usha, Delight, Latona, Yakshini, Gandharvi, Durga, hundred-ecstasied Woman, Daughter of Heaven, and her descent is peremptorily invoked: Come from thy summits, Ahana, come! Our desire unrelenting ...

... often to escort people who needed help and guidance, maybe to Chennai or Cuddalore. He was sent to buy medicines or clear goods from the Customs. There was for a period an oldish French lady named Diana. She too had some inclinations to travel and “search” elsewhere. She went to Tiruvannamalai, Tirukkoilur (a 100-year-old sadhu lived here), and Kameshwar was deputed by the Mother to accompany her. ...


... making it into “the question that has remained fashionable.” 47 That they have succeeded is illustrated by the fact that Charles Darwin came fourth in the BBC’s 2002 “Great Britons” contest (behind Diana, Princess of Wales). It is amazing how reverential materialistic scientists can be within the discipline to which they have dedicated their lives. Some evolutionary biologists have elevated Darwin ...

... in his Peloponnesian War 29 calls that contest "the most worthy of mention among all those which had preceded it", as if it were itself one of those preceding contests. A Latin poet speaks of Diana as "comitum pulcherrima", "the fairest of her own attendant girls". But we must not think of Milton as the sole perpetuator of this classic form. Shakespeare had already written in A Midsummer Night's ...

... she had committed against him. The story is actually about the passage of a half-primitive tribe, living in terror of the old dark and cruel gods, to a more evolved and sunlit stage. Perseus, son of Diana and Zeus, and protected by Pallas Athene, goddess of wisdom and intelligence, comes to deliver Andromeda from the rock she is chained to (the rock symbolizes the Inconscient for the Rishis), and founds ...


... boon Page 12 And praise her through one summer moon. Thus the sweet children of the earth Fulfil their natural selves and various birth. For one is proud and one sweet months approve Diana's saint, but most are bond-maidens of Love. Love's feet were on the sea When he dawned on me. His wings were purple-grained and slow; His voice was very sweet and very low; His rose-lit cheeks ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... her to the groves". Just as the list of places which Eden was not, and which it surpassed, began with the Enna of Ceres and Proserpin, so now the list of comparisons, beginning with Oread, Dryad, Diana's attendant and Pales and Pomona, ends with a comparison to Ceres in her prime, Yet virgin of Proserpina from Jove. 12 Nor does the clear association of Ceres and of her still unborn ...

... as in men. There is no universal rule. Women can be as sexual as men or more. But there are numbers of women who dislike sex and there are very few men. One Sukhdev 30 in a million, but many Dianas and Pallas Athenes. The virgin is really a feminine conception; men are repelled by the idea of eternal virginity. Many women would remain without any wakening of the sexual instinct if men did not ...

... Difficulties among Women There is no universal rule. Women can be as sexual as men or more. But there are numbers of women who dislike sex and there are very few men. One Sukhdev in a million, but many Dianas and Pallas Athenes. The virgin is really a feminine conception; men are repelled by the idea of eternal virginity. Many women would remain without any wakening of the sexual instinct if men did not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV