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... "Have you heard the news? Dr. Bisht Page 127 is coming. Last night Dr. Sanyal himself suggested that, if needed, another doctor could be consulted. Then your idea came to my mind and I said Dr. Bisht could be called. Mother asked, ’Is he a yogi?’ ’I don’t know about that,’ I replied, ’but he reads your books and Sri Aurobindo’s and he is a good man.’ " Dr. Bisht was then called. He stopped... quiet. But the improvement was illusory. Symptoms of difficulty in breathing, swallowing, etc., were now noticeable. A few days later, when Champaklal came down at 2 a.m., he informed me that Dr. Bisht of the JIPMER hospital was to be called. I felt much relieved and happy. At night I had a strange dream. I saw that I was following a man in a white dress; I could not see his face. He strode across ...
... she had been seriously unwell since the 20th of May, when Dr. Bisht came for the first time to examine her, she said that she was undergoing a process of transformation, something was happening to her, she didn't know what it was, she didn't know what to do and she asked Dr. Bisht if he could help her in any way. Naturally, Dr. Bisht, a scientific man, could not see the inner things, and he said ...
... personal attendants - Pranab, Champaklal, Kumud, Vasudha - were with her, or visited her from time to time. Her son, Andre, arrived from Paris, and saw her now and then. Dr. Sanyal of the Ashram and Dr. Bisht of JIPMER examined the Mother. She was given about 20 to 25 ounces of food everyday, as recommended by Dr. Sanyal, and the food consisted of "a little vegetable soup, milk with some protein compound... going on as usual. One moves on in his or her best light.... What will be our life only the Divine Grace knows. Faith and Courage keep up the whole life. Physically she is O.K., Dr. Sanyal and Dr. Bisht say. So we have nothing to worry nor think anything.... And on 13 August, at the Sri Aurobindo Society Annual Conference in the Ashram auditorium (Theatre), Nirodbaran said in the course of his ...
... yielded to what we call natural law, that is, decay, disintegration and death, there would not have been so much suffering for Her, but that She did not want..." Then, citing her conversation with Dr. Bisht, to whom she said "She was undergoing a process of transformation", Pranab 2 concludes after recording the details of the talk: "So from that we can understand how eager She was to continue Her work ...
... You understand, if I don't get into some activity and persist [in going within], I literally start howling as if I were tortured. ( silence ) Yesterday I asked the doctor—not Sanyal, 3 Dr. Bisht, an intelligent man. He told me that some of the brain's cells are independent, they aren't controlled (in normal people), and they are the ones that become prominent when such movements take place ...
... uncertain tone ending with "Only He can help", or something to that effect. At times he used to be called urgently by Pranab at night while he was taking food or resting and he would rush up. Dr. Bisht was called at one stage. An electro-cardiogram was taken; other tests also were done, and all the reports were depressing. Still, we hoped, as we had done in Sri Aurobindo’s case. Champaklal kept ...
... doctor provided. Soon she began to get breathless, and her health swiftly deteriorated. In April she was taken to JIPMER, where a junior doctor gave her an injection sealing her fate; by the time Dr. Bisht was located and came, she was beyond help. Anusuya’s death dealt an unbearable blow: Appa and Amma had now lost four of their five children. Akka and her colleagues tried their best to comfort them ...
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