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Draconian : Dracso or Dracon (c.7th cent. BC) Athenian lawgiver, who introduced (c.621 BC) laws prescribing death for almost all criminal offences. Hence, ‘draconian’ mean ‘inhuman’.
... " The Press' displeasure found a concrete expression in a long manifesto that came out on the heels of the Savitri publication, asking all future customers to observe a set of rather Draconian-sounding rules. I was not mentioned anywhere but I knew that every short fired had me as its main target. I accepted the charter without a word of protest. What it demanded was fair enough. However ...
... and on the other fruitless and directionless violence. Simultaneously, there were more pressing portents that the government had finally decided to arrest Sri Aurobindo again, deport him under its draconian laws, and silence the Karmayogin. In mid-February, following news of an impending arrest, Sri Aurobindo received an Adesh to go to Chandemagore, then under French government. Leaving the Karmayogin ...
... Roosevelt had something of the lightweight in him; even friends like Henry Stimson called him "an untried rather flippant young man." (Of course, later, he was to have another teacher almost as Draconian as illness — the Presidency.) But many people will testify to the fact that until the middle 20's, they liked FDR very much but thought that he was nothing more than an attractive, somewhat spurious ...
... Tuticorin and Tirunelveli. Evidently the guru was following his disciple's exploits, for, Tilak's English weekly Mahratta regularly reported the events in far-off Tirunelveli. By the time a draconian double life sentence was imposed on VOC in July 1907, Tilak himself was jailed. While VOC languished in prison for the next four and a half years (on a reduced sentence on appeal) Tilak was transported ...
... new Government with the sole aim of making peace with Hitler on any terms whatsoever. After a few more reverses, and the entry of Mussolini into the war against France, Pétain accepted Hitler's draconian armistice terms on 25 June. Now when England stood all alone against Hitler and the reign of universal Night as the sole bastion of the Light of Freedom, he ordered an aerial offensive as a ...
... thought and activity that may be directed against the existing state of things not Page 291 in the States themselves but in British India. Otherwise, it is impossible to account for the Draconian severity of the language and substance of these ukases or the foolish thoroughness of some of the measures adopted, such as the prohibition of entry even to colourless papers like the Bengalee . ...
... strong and not a broken rabble.” 9 His warning is grave: “Now humanity and the Earth face a deadly peril, with little time left to escape.” Margulis, in The Symbiotic Planet , sounds even more draconian: “To me, the human move to take responsibility for the living Earth is laughable – the rhetoric of the powerless. The planet takes care of us, not we of it. Our self-inflated moral imperative to guide ...
... the contrary, it was so lacking in unity or self-confidence and seemingly so cowed by the rise in American anti-Semitism during the depression years that it was unable to seriously challenge the draconian immigration restrictions that helped to seal the fate of European Jewry. Much the same could be said of the smaller Jewish community, even though a few individual Jews did achieve prominence in British ...
... "No." The Press's displeasure found a concrete expression in a long manifesto that came out on the heels of the Savitri- publication, asking all future customers to observe a set of rather Draconian-sounding rules. I was not mentioned anywhere but I knew that every shot fired had me as its main target. I accepted the charter without a word of protest. What it demanded was fair enough. However ...
... Nationalist should be made. All honour to Chidambaram Pillai for having shown us the first complete example of an Aryan reborn, and all honour to Madras which has produced such a man.6 But the draconian sentence of two life imprisonments (even Tilak got only six years) was received with shock and disbelief. After the witch hunt following Tirunelveli District Collector Ashe's assassination (in 1911) ...
... who advocated and justified violence and sabotage as the rightful tools to achieve their goals. He was equally drawn to VOC who suffered immensely, a victim of the ICS despot Ashe. His drastic and Draconian measures and over-aggressive methods to put down VOC kindled bitterness, rage and hostility against him in the hearts of these spirited men. This spark soon grew into a blaze of anger. Nilakanta and ...
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