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Druids : of Celtic Britain & Gaul & probably of all Celtics of Europe (see Celts), were highly advanced in occult & spiritual knowledge & practices which have, all over the world, always been passed down only personally & only to confirmed initiates.

19 result/s found for Druids

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 46 Foetus of Language Recently I was reading a book, The Druids,^ and I came across the following: "Like most world religions, the Celts started with a 'mother goddess' concept. In the case of the Celts, the mother goddess was Danu ('water from heaven') and it is significant that the great river Danube... emerged into recorded history and became known to the Classical writers, it is clear that in their society four main classes had developed ... : the intelligentsia, the warriors, ' The Druids, by Peter Beresford Ellis (Constable, London, 1995). 2 P. 42. Page 363 the producers of goods and the menial workers. These classes paralleled the Hindu ones of Brahmin,... some going east, some going west, some north. The king who was driven west was Druhyu, one of the five sons of Yayati. So, thought I, is it not possible that he and his descendants were the original Druids? 3 My flight of fancy, I suppose! At any rate, as Ellis says, "Much 1 P. 28-29. 8 Such as the belief in immortality of the soul (p. 52). s But the very meaning of the word 'Druid' ...

... many professions, even as lawyers and judges.... The Romans looked upon women as bearers of children and objects of pleasure, while the Druids included women in their political and religious life." 1 Druidesses played a co-equal role in the activities of the Druids. There was no such practice in the Indian society, although there was no official bar. In the Egyptian society woman had a remarkable status... is to be regarded and treated as a free individual being. If you remember, one of the tasks given to Sri Aurobindo by Sri Krishna was "to try and bring about certain social changes." The Druids, Peter Beresford Ellis. Page 383 He was never afraid to call a spade a spade. He used all the arrows in his quiver. Open attack, unsparing criticism, the severest satire, the most ...

... ready and there will be perhaps twelve men to utter the cry of the Earth (...) Robert will be a Robinson Crusoe worthy of the best legends: Each one has his "fixed idea" and with a little of a Druids or Great Druidess' magic potion, perhaps it will work. I don't know, there seems to be a Smile behind all this. But there is a Hope. There is a promise. There are doors ajar, as it were ...

... to compose poetry, they first stilled the mind, became entirely passive and waited for the inspiration to flow into them. This habit of yogic passivity, a relic doubtless of the discipline of the Druids, was the source of those faculties of second sight and other psychic powers which are so much more common in this Celtic race than in the other peoples of Europe. The phenomena of inspiration are directly ...


... highest, the most—the most sublime way, one might almost say, of exhausting the hostile force. ( long silence ) Ah, here... ( Mother takes a note near her ) There's a druid ( laughing ), a still-existing druid, from Brittany, who has written a letter to F. saying he had heard about Auroville from friends of hers and wants to come. He says, "I am poor, I am not bringing anything" (he is... . Page 311 All that will be very amusing! Yes, at least we'll have variety! But the druid said he is penniless, so we'll send him to R. [Auroville's architect], who might be able to arrange something.... He has studied all religions, and... ( laughing ) stopped at druidism. He is Breton. Yes, I guessed so! He regards that book by his friend as a very precious gift... sent it to America: it caused a revolution! Most people were indignant that one might think such a thing! "...Money is meant to prepare the earth for the new creation." So we'll see the druid!... That makes the fourth person: we have a healer of cancer coming; we have a healer pure and simple coming; we have... ( Mother tries to remember ) ah, yes, a Persian inventor who has made "extraordinary ...

... Ireland's destiny affords an instructive study, since it is symbolic also of Europe's life-course. It was the natural idealism, the inborn spiritual out­look which Ireland possessed of yore – the Druidic Mysteries were more ancient than the Greek culture and formed perhaps the basis of the Orphic and Eleusinian Mysteries-which impelled her foremost to embrace the new revelation brought on by Christianity... the last analysis will be found to be only a derivative of Asia's own self. For all the Mysteries and Occult Disciplines – the Christian, the Platonic, the Eleusinian and Orphic, the Kabalistic, the Druidic – which lay imbedded in Europe's spiritual and religious genius, when traced further up to the very source, will carry us straight into Asia's lap, perhaps India's. And Europe in accepting ...

... who burned Joan of Arc, for instance. Charming... ( long silence ) This coming month, it seems there is going to be a real invasion of the Ashram.... Some people are coming (the healer, the druid, etc.), then Indira wants to come, then there is the education minister who's gone askew and expressed a sense of horror at the Ashram—she asks him to come!... So we'll have an invasion this month of ...

... I'd written it, it left me in peace, but until I did, it came back again and again.... (...) 27 August 1969 (...) (Mother takes a note near her) There's a Druid (laughing), a still-existing druid, from Brittany, who has written a letter to F. saying he had heard about Auroville from friends of hers and wants to come. He says, "I am poor, I am not bringing anything" (he is... is coming in September.... All that will be very amusing! Yes, at least we'll have variety! But the druid said he is penniless, so we'll send him to R., who might be able to arrange something.... He has studied all religions, and... (laughing) stopped at druidism. He is Breton. Yes, I guessed so! He regards that book by his friend as a very precious gift (I don't... and sent it to America: it caused a revolution! Most people were indignant that one might think such a thing! "...Money is meant to prepare the earth for the new creation." So we'll see the druid!... That makes the fourth person: we have a healer of cancer coming; we have a healer pure and simple coming; we have... (Mother tries to remember) ah, yes, a Persian inventor who has made "extraordinary ...

... looked jealously towards France”, remarks Linse, “where all spiritists seemed to be united, at least in appearance, as followers of Allan Kardec”. Kardec (1804-69) said he had his name from the Gallic druid who he had been two thousand years ago. His real name was Hippolyte Rivail; he wrote the Book of the Spirits in 1857, which was reprinted again and again, and started publishing the “Spiritual Review” ...

... Ellis. The honoured women, depolarized by the Roman Church, became 'chattels' in a male-dominated society. Christian clergy engaged in a systematic destruction of Roman places of worship, of old Druidic holy sites, of Greek temples—any 'pagan' holy site became rubble. "Historians of the Roman Empire have documented the large-scale destruction of 'pagan' temples by Christian clergy from the fourth ...

... Mohenjo-daro, 238, 243 Moliere, 197 Moloch, 220 Montesquieu,212 Morris, 151 Mother, The, 366, 372 Mysteries, -Christian, 153 -Druidic, 151, 153 -Eleusinian, 150, 151, 153 -Kabalistic, 153 -Platonic, 153 Mythic Age, 221 NACHIKETAS, 381 Napoleon, 7, 8.. 90, 1l5, 195,208,394 Nazism ...

... necessary, as well as a more or less profound modification of the race. Notably has this happened in the formation of French nationality. The ancient Gallic people, in spite of or perhaps because of its Druidic civilisation and early greatness, was more incapable of organising a firm political unity than even the ancient Greeks or the old Indian kingdoms and republics. It needed the Roman rule and Latin culture ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... 134 "Divine Humanity", 4,70,146,152, 156,216 "Divine Similitude", 84,97,118,265 "Divine Vision, The", 157,161,162, 167 Divine Vision, The, 53 fn. 2,146 fn. 36, 244 Druidism, 83 Duraiswamy, M.S., i, iv fn. 2 Dyne,Sonia,48fn. 17 Earth's Answer, 54,174,232 Eden,157,162 Eliot, T.S., 40,41,42,43,256 Elohim, 220 "Elohim Creating Adam ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... it's not too close to their future Kindergarten. There's a small piece of dune or hill there which is very lovely. August 27, 1969 AM X-331-332 There's a Druid (laughing), a Druid who is still living in Brittany, who has written a letter to [an Ashramite] to say he had heard of Auroville from friends of hers and he wants to come. He says, "I'm poor and I can bring... All that's going to be very amusing. Yes! At least we'il have some variety. But the Druid said he didn't have a cent, so we're going to send him to [the architect], who perhaps could arrange something. He has studied all the religions, and... (laughing) he stopped at Druidism. He's Breton. Yes, I surmise. And he regards the book by his friend as a very... caused an upheaval! The majority of people were indignant that you could think such a thing! Money is meant to prepare the earth to manifest the new creation. So we're going to see the Druid!... That makes the fourth person: we have a healer of cancer who is going to come; we have a just plain healer who is going to come; we have... (Mother tries to recall) oh, yes! a Persian inventor ...

... of reach for the normal poet and open only to those who follow a discipline of concentration, a yoga of insight such as the Orient has always prescribed. To a sensitive Celt like AE, in whom the old Druid race with its reveries was still alive, the practice of yogic concentration was bound to be fruitful. No doubt, he also lives in iridescence and not in the full Spirit-sun; but the shimmering haze of ...

... of reach for the normal poet and open only to those who follow a discipline of concentration, a yoga of insight such as the Orient has always prescribed. To a sensitive Celt like AE, in whom the old Druid race with its reveries was still alive, the practice of yogic concentration was bound to be fruitful. No doubt, he also lives in iridescence and not in the full Spirit-sun; but the shimmering haze of ...

... longer understand”, precisely because the symbolic mentality is no longer ours and much has come in between. (There is no known example in the West, except perhaps to some extent the ancient Gallic, druidic society or societies.) “The theory that there was nothing in the sacrifice except a propitiation of Nature-gods for the gaining of worldly prosperity and of Paradise, is a misunderstanding by a later ...

... Then there is the interesting fact to be remembered that Blake associated his Satan, Urizen, with Druidism, and the oaks became, as Black-stone 93 says, a permanent symbol of diabolic cruelty and tyranny in his verse. He has even the expression "Forest of Oaks" when he speaks of Albion and of "Albion's Druid Sons" in a context that brings them together with "the Antichrist accursed". Milton's whole phrase ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... flames of the Furnaces 372 and that within the Furnaces the Divine Vision appear'd On Albion's hills, often walking from the Furnaces in clouds And flames among the Druid Temples & the Starry Wheels, Gather'd Jerusalem's Children in his arms & bore them like A Shepherd in the night of Albion which overspread all the Earth. 373 As the closing ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger