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Durant, Will : William James (1885-1981), his The Story of Philosophy & The Story of Civilization, established him as a writer of popular philosophy & history.

33 result/s found for Durant, Will

... CCXLVI, 1, 1958 (Paris) In Journal Asiatique, 1966 (Paris) In Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres: Comptes Rendus des Séaces de l'année 1970, Janvier- Mars, Paris Durant, Will, The Story of Civilization, I: Our Oriental Heritage (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1954) Encyclopedia Americana, The (New York, 1966), 20 Encyclopaedia Brittanica, The (13th... Drydeh, 174 Duchcsne-Guillemin, J.. 445, 448 Page 626 Dunand, 353 Dupont-Sommer. 314, 316, 318, 319, 320, 321, 348, 349 Durant, Will, 394 Duttagāmani, 370, 371 Dvātrimsat-puttaliku, 519 Dvivedi, M. M. S., 53 Ecbatana.465, 483 Emoda mountains, 170 Eoritai, 530 Ephesus, 483 Epiphanius, 238 ...


... further reading Badian, E. Alexander the Great and the Unity of Mankind. Historia, 1958, 425.44. Bum, A. R. Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World. 2nd ed. Macmillan, 1962. Durant, Will. The Story of Civilization: Part II, The Life of Greece. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1966. Green, Peter. Alexander the Great. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970. Alexander of Macedon. Penguin ...


... Page 137 Suggestions for further reading Bultmann, Rudolf. Jesus and the Word. Fontana, 1958. Carpenter, Humphrey. Jesus. London: Oxford University Press, 1980. Durant, Will. The Story of Civilization: P. Ill, Caesar and Christ. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1972. Grant, Robert. A Historical Introduction to the New Testament. Fontana, 1971. Holy Gospel, The ...


... Pondicherry: 1972 Sri Aurobindo, "The Philosophy of the Upanishads". Sri Aurobindo Archives and Research, volume 8, December 1984. Campbell, Joseph. The Masks of God. Penguins Books Durant, Will. The Story of Civilization: Part II, The Life of Greece. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966 Eliade, Mircea. A History of Religions Ideas. Volume II. The University of Chicago Press ...


... 206 Suggestions for further reading Burckhardt, Jacob. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. London: 1914. Clark, Kenneth. Leonardo da Vinci. Penguin Books. Durant,Will. The Story of Civilization'. Part V. The Renaissance. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1953. The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. Selected and edited by Irma A. Richter, Oxford University ...


... by Queen Christina. 1651 — Death of Descartes in Sweden. Suggestions for further reading Descartes, R. Meditations and Discourse on Method. Durant, Will. The Story of Philosophy. New York: Washington Square Press/Pocket Books. Russell, B. A. History of Western Philosophy. London: Unwin Paperbacks, Counterpoint Edition, 1984. Vrooman ...


... 399 BC Socrates is judged and condemned. He refuses a possibility of escape and is executed 347 BC Death of Plato Suggestions for further reading Durant,Will. The Story of Civilization: part II, The Life of Greece. New York: Simon &Schuster, 1966 Hare, R.M. Plato. Oxford University Press, 1982. Plato, The Last Days of Socrates. Translates by ...


... 399 BC — Socrates is judged and condemned. He refuses a possibility of escape and is executed. 347 BC — Death of Plato. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING Durant, Will. The Story of Civilization: part II, The Life of Greece. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1966 Hare, R.M. Plato. Oxford University Press, 1982. Plato, The Last Days of Socrates. Translated ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... reading Badian, E. — Alexander the Great and the Unity of Mankind Historia, 1958. pp.425-44 Burn, A. R . — Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World 2nd ed. Macmillan, 1962 Durant, Will. —The Story of Civilization: Part II, The Life of Greece, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966 Green, Peter. — Alexander the Great. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970 — Alexander of Macedon ...


... was admirably placed to levy tolls upon vessels wishing to pass through the Hellespont, while it was too far inland to be conveniently assailed from the sea. The city's trade grew rapidly. As Will Durant points out: "From the lower Aegean came copper, olive oil, wine, and pottery; from the Danube and Thrace came pottery, amber, horses and swords; from distant China came so great a rarity as jade.... Helen. As soon as Paris set eyes on Helen, her beauty dazzled him. It so happened that on the 10th day after Paris' arrival, Menelaus was forced to leave for Crete. During the absence of 1 Will Durant: The Story of Civilization, Vol. 2; p.36. Page 17 Menelaus, Paris made his advances to Helen, who accepted the treasures which Paris offered her. Both Paris and Helen found in each other... subtle and subdued, but still divinely beautiful. She had long since been forgiven, Page 24 and she had made a remark that when Troy fell she had grown tired of the city anyway. Will Durant has appended the following footnote on Helen: "After her death, said Greek tradition, she was worshipped as a goddess. It was a common belief in Greece that those who spoke ill of her were punished ...

... Alexander the great Alexander The Soul of a Conqueror (A portrait of Alexander by Will Durant The intellectual career of Aristotle, after he left his royal pupil, paralleled the military career of Alexander; both lives were expressions of conquest and synthesis. Perhaps it was the philosopher who instilled into the mind of the youth that ardor... defeat: the unification of all the eastern Mediterranean world into one cultural whole, dominated and elevated by the expanding civilization of Greece. Take n from: The Life of Greece by Will Durant (Chapt. XXII, Alexander, pp. 538-542) in Part II o/The Story of Civilization Simon and Schuster, New York Page 88 ...

... Roosevelt is one of the most outstanding examples of victory over a severe debilitating condition, a victory that led him to admirable achievements. After seeing him at one political convention, Will Durant, then a journalist, described Roosevelt in the following terms: "Here on the stage is Franklin Roosevelt, beyond comparison the finest man that has appeared at either convention.... A figure ...

... then doing is executing in great movements what we have already executed briefly and rapidly within." [Esthetic, p. 50.] —Will Durant, presenting the aesthetics of Benedetto Croce in The Story of Philosophy I have not read Croce but it seems to me that Durant must have taken something of their depth out of them in his presentation. At any rate, I cannot accept the proposition that there are ...

... peculiarly associated with Hindu society. Will Durant, the famous American writer on civilisation and culture, pointedly asks: "Does the attitude of a Brahmin to a Pariah differ, except in words, from that of a British lord to a navvy, or a Park Avenue banker to an East Side huckster, or a white man to a negro, or a European to an Asiatic?" What is clear from Durant's question is Page 77 ...

... Socrates argues that the good is not good because the gods approve of it, but that the gods approve of it because it is good. It is obvious that the orthodox would find him a threat because, as Will Durant says in the Life of Greece, Socrates dared 'to subject every rule to the scrutiny of reason' and encouraged people to determine for themselves, individually, matters relating to ethics and morality ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Socrates

... befitting his position. When a Mussulman happened to get a Hindu he destroyed him. More often than not the invaders used base treachery to conquer. The Indians were not used to it. The historian Will Durant sums up in his History of 1. The Liberator (1954), by Sisir Kumar Mitra. He was a professor of History at Vishvabharati, Tagore's University at Santiniketan. 2.Dr. K. M. Munshi ( ...

... and the state?' Thus Will and Ariel Durant open volume 10, Rousseau and Revolution, of the Story of Civilization. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva in 1712. His family was of French origin. The father was a master watchmaker, imaginative and unstable; the mother died within a week of Jean-Jacques 'birth. When he was ten his 1. Will Durant, "Rousseau and Revolution" in The Story... Emile is given by his parents into the hands of the teacher, Jean-Jacques (Rousseau uses his own name). The novel traces the course of the boy's education from then until manhood and marriage. Will Durant gives a concise account of Emile.' Rousseau began by rejecting existing methods as teaching, usually by rote, worn-out and corrupt ideas; as trying to make the child an obedient automaton in... brooding and often unhappy genius gave impetus to an educational and cultural movement that would bring hitherto unheard of joy and freedom to generations of children more fortunate than he. Will Durant assesses the importance of Emile: After two centuries of laudation, ridicule, and experiment, the world is generally agreed that Emile is beautiful, suggestive, and impossible. Education is ...

... concludes Danielou, "seems to have been a conscious systematic destruction of everything that was beautiful, holy, refined". (Histoire de l'Inde, p.222) In the words of another historian, American Will Durant: "the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilisation is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and ...

... the process of revelation, he answered that the entire text of the Koran existed in heaven, and that one fragment at a time was communicated to him, usually by Gabriel. Asked 1. Quoted by Will Durant, in The Story of Civilization, Part IV The Age of Faith (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950). Page 158 how he could remember these divine discourses, he explained that the archangel... only be inspiring. For introduction, text and notes, our main sources have been the following books: H. M. Balyuzi, Muhammad and the Course of Islam (Oxford: George Ronald, 1976). Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Part IV: The Age of Faith (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950), pp. 155-205. Joseph R. Strayer and Hans W. Catze, The Main Stream of Civilization (New York: ...

... Sérouya would say. To quote in part from his very interesting paper "La Creation en Philosophic'': 19.For the main substance of this particular paragraph, vide the chapter on Spinoza in Will Durant's The Story of Philosophy. 20.Herbert Read, The Forms of Things Unknown (London: Faber and Faber, 1960), p. 15. Page 129 . "In the matter of philosophical creation, it is... experience with many thinkers that instead of offering precise and unequivocal definitions they throw 22. Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution, p. 31. Compare the following comments offered by Will Durant on Bergson: "If Bergson is occasionally obscure it is by the squandered wealth of his imagery, his analogies, and his illustrations; he has an almost Semitic passion for metaphor, and is apt at ...

... there:   (a) 'It is absurd to claim that untouchability is part and parcel of Hinduism. It is certainly no part of those foundational scriptures of the Hindus. ..'hp. 107). He then quoted Will Durant declaring that a British lord's dealings with a navvy, or a Park Page 410 Avenue banker's with an East Side huckster, or a white man's with a negro were not a whit better than the ...

... earthly passion, is something very different from an equal to cherish: it is a God to adore." He 8 appeals to Jesus: "Show Yourself to us as the Mighty, the Radiant, the Risen! Come to   4.Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy (Pocket Books, Inc., New York, 1953), p. 172, quoting Spinoza's Epistle 21. 5.Albert Schweitzer says of Acts XVII28 that "its God-mysticism is Stoic", and continues: ...

... and potential peaks of human culture. And Trojans or Dardans opposed the Achaeans, even when there was a possibility of a more harmonious and less destructive process of a joint progression. As Will Durant points out, "It was a pity that these noble Dardans stood in the way of an expanding Greece which, despite its multitude of faults, would in the end bring to this and every other region of the Med... marvellous song of heroism and a vision of Time that Zeus and Hera can witness from their Olympian heights. * * * 1 Sri Aurobindo, Ilion, in Centenary Edition, Vol.5, p.484-5 2 Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, Vol, p.367 3 Sri Aurobindo, Ilion, in Centenary Edition, Vol.5, p.497-8 4 ibid. p. 503-4 5 ibid, p. 506 6 ibid, p. 506-7 7 ibid, p.466-67 ...

... mislead men's hearts to the ruin appointed, Therefore Cassandra cries in vain to her sire and her brothers. All I endure I foresee and the strength in me waits for its coming; 1 Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy "Friedrich Nietzsche" (Pocket Books Inc., New York), PP.407. 2 Ibid. 3 Ilion, p. 116 Page 320 All I foresee I approve; for I know what is willed ...

... everyone was charitable, and huts exceeded palaces in hospitality. Brutality and kindness were universal. Extracts from The Story of Civilization — Rousseau and Revolution by Will and Ariel Durant. Simon & Schuster, New York Page 66 A few great personalities of the 18th century in the time of Catherine II Denis Diderot (1713-1784) He was the most ...

... and animating power. Every craft, profession and art had its divinity and in addition, there were demons, harpies, furies, gorgons, sirens, nymphs almost as numerous as the mortals of Earth.” (Will Durant, History of Civilizations - Vol II) This animism, which corresponds to the subtle perception that no plan of existence is without form and animating power, is a remarkably universal feature in the ...

... supreme achievement of Their terrestrial existence is chanted, as it were, in these wonderfully mystic Sibylline-lines: La mort a passé vaste et solennelle et tout s' est tu religieusement durant son passage. Une beauté surhumaine a pam sur la terre. Q,uelque chose de plus merveilleux que la plus merveilleuse félicité fait pressentir sa Présence.³ (3) I have spoken of the triple ...

... in state and sorrow to beg for the remains of his son. Achilles relents, grants a truce of twelve days, and allows the aged king to take the cleansed and anointed body back to Troy. from Will Durant — The Life of Greece Before the siege of Troy Troy's strong walls were reputedly built with the help of the gods Poseidon and Apollo. The Trojans were further favored by the gift of ...

... supreme. achievement of Their terrestrial existence is chanted, as it were, in these wonderfully mystic- Sibylline-lines: La mort a passe vaste et solennelle et tout s'est tu religieusement durant son passage. Une beaute surhumaine a paru sur la terre. Quelque chose de plus merveilleux que la plus merveilleuse felicite fait pressentir sa Presence. 3 (3) I have spoken ...

... supreme achievement of Their terrestrial existence is chanted, as it were, in these wonderfully mystic-Sibylline-lines: 1 "La mort a passé vaste et solennelle et tout s'est tu religieusement durant son passage. Une beauté surhumaine a paru sur la terre. Quelque chose de plus merveilleux que la plus merveilleuse félicité fait pressentir sa Présence." (7.11.1915) (3) I have spoken ...

... with a gruesome account of the great plague in Athens at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War. This is understandable if we bear in mind that the ultimate aim of the poet 25 Quoted in Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, New York: Pocket Books, 1961,p.l00. Page 353 is to exhort mankind to have the courage, strength and wisdom to face death—even death by plague—with equanimity ...

... surtoutparce que Page 219 c´est la premiere fois que vous me faites un cadeau personnel. Soyez?. sur que j´y suis très sensible; j´y vois in excellent augure pour not relations durant l´année qui va commencer pour vous le 22 prochain. [What a nice coverlet you sent me this morning! It is splendid and it gave me double pleasure, especially because it is the first time that you ...

... Guptas in the 4th-to-6th centuries A.D. Now a last word in the sphere of art - in relation to another phrase from Basham: 3 "the Mauryan school, with its high polish and fine finish." Will Durant 4 quotes John Marshall as saying about the Harappā Culture's gold and silver bangles, ear-ornaments, necklaces and other jewellery: "so well finished and so highly polished that they might have come ...