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Durvasa : son of Atri & Anasūya. An ansha of Shiva, noted for his impulsive fury, & many fell or suffered under his curse.
... for putting the Force is a subjective thing which does not take time, except in cases when it is a daily or frequently recurring difficulty. As for Durvasa if he turned up, it would be met by an order to X "Go and manage" or else an intimation to Durvasa not to be unreasonable. 4 September 1936 Page 39 What about my planning to read Meredith, Hardy, Shelley, Keats and the Continental... Sri Krishna must have had more leisure than you have. In those days the art of writing had not developed so much and so he had not to reply to questions, though sometimes he had sudden calls as when Durvasa came with a host of thousands of disciples asking for food when there was not a morsel. Perhaps he had to perform more miracles than you have to, though I should not forget that constant calls must ...
... standing behind me. The boy “saw” what none of you saw, and you judge him “not good enough?” [Each reader to unclutter her/his own thoughts.] (12) It may be remembered that R.S. Pantulu (R.S.P.) alias Durvasa Muni, alias my uncle, was in-charge of the Binding Dept. of our Printing Press. All — all feared and respected him in equal measure. R went to the Dept., may be to check on the labour force there. ...
... Surely Yogis ought to be able to try to bear a little suffering and you ought to encourage or allow, Sir! SRI AUROBINDO : She is not that kind of Yogi. She would only scream and get as wild as Durvasa and stop going to the dispensary—apart from copious weeping etc. MYSELF: A is passing excessive phosphate, shall we make a microscopic exam? SRI AUROBINDO: Do you want to microscope ...
... in his vicinity the demons could only gaze upon the country and not possess it. Besides so many other feats he performed! Agastya was level-headed. His was not a matchstick temper like Durvasa muni's—flare up at the drop of a leaf and curse. Nor was he all-pardoning like his brother Vasishtha. Astute Agastya could see through a mask and had no compunction in destroying an evil. He stood ...
... further — that of an ancient Rishi. When and if the hair-trigger temper went off and the voice (content and volume) hit like a thunderbolt, the impression only grew stronger and stayed longer — a Durvasa on the move. Pantulu was born in a Brahmin family on 14 June 1887 in the village Anakarlapudi in Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh (no A.P. in those days — only Madras Presidency). He was the eldest ...
... afraid of P's screams? Surely yogis ought to be able to bear a little suffering and you ought to encourage or allow it, Sir! She is not that kind of Yogi. She would only scream and get as wild as Durvasa 145 and stop going to the dispensary—apart from copious weeping etc. R.B. is all right. I thought she has been doing some work, but now I find she is taking a holiday. True, she is very ...
... the spirit. I never feel like a saint myself, though Maurice Magre calls me a saint and a philosopher. Krishna was not called a saint, and spiritual men may not behave like saints—say, for example, Durvasa. He may have many other things in him. SATYENDRA: Saints are, I suppose, nearer to earth and are at the top of the human ladder. In our Yoga it seems one has to face a Kurukshetra, I mean an inner ...
... though Maurice Magre calls me ‘a philosopher and a saint.’ Krishna, for instance, was not a saint. A spiritual man may not always behave like a saint, he may have many other things in him like Rishi Durvasa. Disciple : But saints are nearer to humanity; they are not like the Ishwar-Koti to whom no laws apply. Disciple : In this yoga one has to fight like Arjuna, in the battle of ...
... that he seemed to have been brainwashed regarding me, as many others were at that time, due to Auroville and Sri Aurobindo Society. Our external felationship had ended abruptly. Was it the legendary Durvasa who acted that morning? Champaklal was later seen moving outside the Ashram more and more frequently. He attended conferences of Sri Aurobindo Society with silk chaddar over his bare body. ...
... Disciple : Even then a man with inner realization, – I don't mean experience – won't have grave difficulties such as sex in his nature. Sri Aurobindo : Why not? There can be anger, like Durvasa's or sex. You have not heard of the fall of Rishis through anger or through sex? The Yogis pass beyond the stage of good and evil. Ordinary questions of morality don't arise in them. They look upon ...
... true realisation have grave defects left in his nature—defects like the sex impulse? SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? There can be the movement of anger as well as the sex impulse. Have you not heard of Durvasa's anger or the fall of the Rishis through sex? But all Yogis may not care about these defects. Yogis pass beyond the stage of good and evil: ordinary questions of morality don't arise then. So some ...
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