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Elysium Elysian : or Elysian Plain/ Fields, the pre-Hellenic paradise for heroes favoured by the gods; in Virgil part of Hades & a happy abode for the righteous dead.
... makes not their lyric right her wrong, Knowing her homely eyes his sorrow's star Smiles at the eclipsing brow untouched by care. Content with human love lightly she yields The immortal fancy its Elysian fields. ...
... Behind the shadows of life That suffer and aspire. Ever it pours from its heart A wine of the sun, Pressed from Gods luminous vines Till the glooms are done. Its deathless moments bring An Elysian sleep, Woven of the secrecies Of His timeless Deep. Its soul is a pearl of Light In the hush of the sky, An eternal wonder-Vigils Mystery! Page 53 ...
... those I had injured. I can understand why the Christians believed Hell to be eternal; it was a memory in the self of the moral endlessness of those torments. But I had my release. I have lived in Elysium, I have trod the fields of asphodel. And in those happy experiences l have deepened the strength and quality of my love, intensified the swiftness of my emotions, refined and purified my taste and ...
... In the path, 0 Guru, by the gift of your grace, the bleak brow of the desert shines with the flowers of victory. . In life's weary journey, 0 Guru, when your Dawn Goddess descends in her Elysian chariot, She deluges the heart's meadows with the beneficent flood of your snow-white nectar, And the oracle of heavenly prophecy sounds like a familiar trumpet-call, ...
... 10, 11, 13, 14 Discabolo 18 Douve 77 Dr. Zhivago 38, 40, 42 Dryad 32 Duncan 19 Durga 31 Dyaus 34 E Eliot, T.S. 47, 52, 53, 61 Elsinor 38 Elysium 35 Europe 56 F Fakirs 83, 84 France 48 Francisco 23 G Genoese 50 Page 103 George Seferis 47, 48, 49, 52, 54 ...
... treasure-chambers walled with gems, Their domes pillared with naked Caryatides; Then mount at last on wings into pure air, Peering down with regal eye upon Five-fruited orchards of Elysium. Let us not be too curious to know the name of the five fruits whose taste brings an immortal delight, but do we not relish already a foretaste of its sweetness in these lines: ...
... treasure-chambers walled with garnet, Through domes pillared with naked Caryatids Then mount at last on wings into pure air, Peering down with regal eye upon Five-fruited orchards of Elysium,¹ Let us not be too curious to know the name of the five fruits whose taste brings an immortal delight, but do we not relish already a foretaste of its sweetness in these lines: And still she ...
... As if an old remembered dream come true She recognised... The mystic cavern in the sacred hill And knew the dwelling of her secret soul. As if 'in some Elysian occult depth, Truth's last retreat from thought's profaning touch, As if in a rock-temple's solitude hid, God's refuge from an ignorant worshipping world, ...
... In the terms of the Vaishnava sadhaka he is a graceful personality, 'Supurusha'. But his love too is the quintessence of beauty. So his love speaks to him: You have taken me by the hand to the Elysian garden of bloom, the abode of immortality – to shine in my eternal youth there, like the Gods. Limitless is my beauty there. Rabindranath did not enjoy love for its own sake as did Chandidas ...
... unitonal is the kirtan of Tyagraj! No doubt, his music has not the rich variation, the polyphonism of his European counterpart; and yet rising on the crest of a single tune we are transported to the Elysian lap of an infinite calm leaving behind this whirl of the earth. We know European music takes pride in harmony, while Indian music is noted for its Page 256 melody. In other words ...
... more : Death, thou shalt die, Page 102 to Longfellow's There is no death! What seems so is transition, This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian, Whose portal we call death. A percipient friend 1 opines: "I think the second part of the last line means some sudden shock to our ordinary career, which turns us to the spiritual life ...
... Comus stop with them. He goes on to compare the ravishing effect with what super-natural creatures like his mother "Circe with the Sirens three" used to produce in "prisoned souls", lapping them in Elysium: Yet they in pleasing slumber lulled the sense, And in sweet madness robbed it of itself; But such a sacred and home-felt delight, Such sober certainty of waking bliss, I never ...
... not depend at all—at all—upon the body. He has an altogether independent consciousness. "Domain of death" means what? Every religion has spoken about it differently. The Greeks had their "Elysium", one crossed over in a "boat". There are all the paradises, all the hells. Page 54 No, not religions. Generally, "domain of death" is the name given to a certain region of the most ...
... Poems, SABCL, Vol. 5, p. 143. Page 250 World of Falsehood, The Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness he enters The Paradise of the Life-Gods: Apart stood high Elysian nameless hills, Burning like sunsets in a trance of eve. 16 In the next Canto his passage is further described: A memory soft as grass and faint as sleep, The beauty and call ...
... none to save Rodogune from her S10 fate- Even so, Timocles envies the dead lovers their Elysian bliss: I must live for ever Unfriended, solitary in the shades; But thou and she will lie at ease inarmed Page 139 Deep in the quiet happy asphodel And hear the murmur of Elysian winds while I walk lonely. 48 Rodogune is a maturer play, partly because it ...
... fountains. Around him all is felicitous and wonderful and the daylight of conscious suns is within him. After that wounding experience here is something healing and marvellous. The dread is over and an Elysian fragrance fills the air. He is in the company of Gods and Goddesses and is thrilled with beauty, peace, love, might, desire, pleasure, dream, sweetness. Forms are shaped here by the divine light ...
... is clad with the jewelry of earth. 53 Satyavan's hermitage is a perfect reciprocation for Savitri's palace. Not only does it equal the grandeur of the royal palaces; it also resembles the Elysian groves. The royal stature of the king-like trees, the gem-studded jewelry of flora need not even vie with Savitri's royal splendour. The bareness and simplicity of the hermitage is yet a Paradise ...
... My way-lost pilgrim soul with Night He comes. Compassion's Moon, and floods My darkness with His Beauty's Light. Page 172 And then on my forlorn heart-strings Plays His elysian melody: He comes, my Lord does come to me. He comes to me, friend, at all hours., My comrade and mate in life and death And I'll sing on, from age to age. Of His ...
... Aurobindo has so made his lines and words infused with delight that, instead of feeling the outer inflexions and linguistic modulations caused by seemingly ignorant speech, we feel the cadence of Elysium, the wave-roll of the river of paradise. This transformation is caused by the presence of delight which is the true poetical creator. He foundered drowned in sweet and burning vasts: The ...
... on the mantelpiece—pardon my indolence!—and the lucifers are probably stowed on the fruit-shelf. And here is coffee and a choice between cake and biscuits. Are you perfectly happy? Wilson —In Elysium. But do not let the cigarettes run dry; the alliance of a warm fire and luxurious cushions will be too strong for my vigilance. Do you mean to tell me you can work here? Keshav —Life is too precious ...
... But now unto eternity We are divided. I must live for ever Unfriended, solitary in the shades; But thou and she will lie at ease inarmed Deep in the quiet happy asphodel And hear the murmur of Elysian winds While I walk lonely. PHILOCTETES We too without thee now Breath-haunted corpses move, Antiochus. Thou goest attended to a quiet air; Doomed still to live we for a while remain Expecting ...
... that fell thou veiledst thy heart of compliance. Then in whatever beyond I shall know how to take thee, O Helen, Page 396 Even as here upon earth I knew, in heaven as in Sparta; I on Elysian fields will enjoy thee as now in the Troad." Silent a moment she lingered like one who is lured by a music Rapturous, heard by himself alone and his lover in heaven, Then in her beauty compelling... yet, with their craggy tops besieging Cronion, Sheeted in virgin white and chilling his feet with their vastness. Thou shalt rejoice in our wooded peaks and our fruit-bearing valleys, Lakes of Elysium dreaming and wide and rivers of wonder. All day long thou shalt glide between mystic woodlands in silence Broken only by call of the birds and the plashing of waters. There shalt thou see, O Eurus ...
... And nods above the bleeding mariner His sapphire locks in gloom. You three are come, A welcome offering to that long dry altar, Page 344 O happy voyagers. Your road is straight To Elysium. PERSEUS An evil and harsh religion You practise in your land, stripling of Syria, Yet since it is religion, do thy will, If thou have power no less than will. And yet I deem that ere I ...
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