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Erasmus : Desiderius (c. 1466-1536): Roman Catholic Dutch priest; scholar of the northern humanist Renaissance he wrote in Latin with keen, often malicious, humour.
... y style tho' some of them tried to infuse it with emotion, directness and greater simplicity. To this school belong the minor writers who formed the main current of verse during the time; of whom Erasmus Darwin &Gifford are the only notable ones. (4) The school of country life and the simpler feelings, consisting of Cowper and Crabbe.(5) The school of romantic poets & restorers of mediaevalism, consisting... y ideal. This movement had been already anticipated by Johnson who wrote contemporaneously with Gray & even with Thomson. It was now taken up by Goldsmith, carried on by Churchill & culminated in Erasmus Darwin. Johnson & Goldsmith returned to the ideals of Pope, they violently opposed & disparaged Gray, they kept to the use of the heroic couplet & conventional language, to the narrowness of culture... also helped the disintegration of the eighteenth-century style by a complete abandonment of Pope's elaborate & rhetorical art, which he attempted to replace by a rude & direct vigour. Lastly Erasmus Darwin took the exact model of Pope's style, not only the metre & language but the very construction & balance of his sentences & reduced this & the didactic spirit to absurdity by trying to invest ...
... essential in the evolutionary theories to come, and his influence, though rarely acknowledged, has ever been of the essence. A direct precursor of Charles Darwin was his own grandfather, Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802). Erasmus was an excellent doctor, invited by King George III to be his personal physician – an offer which the doctor declined. He was also a man of the broadest interests, a freethinker and ...
... e” was much more complex than commonly realized. Nowadays it is superficially associated with the art of geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael, and with humanist scholars like Erasmus of Rotterdam. The art of the Renaissance was of course a most important aspect of the new way of looking at the world. A certain form of art always crowns a great cultural period. Yet it is little... and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola were not only erudite classicists, they were also magicians, as was Giordano Bruno, who was burned for it at the stake in the year 1600. On the contrary, Desiderius Erasmus, Thomas More and John Colet, among many others, were literary humanists. Pico made the difference clear when he wrote to a friend: “We have lived illustrious and to posterity shall live, not in the ...
... them, Lamarck, Wallace and Darwin, were exponents of their time, passionate students of their subject, and well-read in all texts available on it, among them the works of Linnaeus, Cuvier, Buffon, Erasmus Darwin and Chambers. Seen in this way, Darwin was much more a synthesizer and a symbol, leaning heavily on the theses of the geologist Lyell and the economist Mathus, than the inventor of scientific ...
... written in the top margin of the manuscript page. Its place of insertion was not marked: One would sometimes almost think that this upheaval of thought anticipated at once Plato & Empedocles, Luther, Erasmus and Melanchthon, Kant, Hegel & Berkeley, Hume, Haeckel & Huxley—that we have at one fell blast Graeco-Roman philosophy, Protestant Reformation & modern rationalistic tendency anticipated by the single ...
... discerned 5. Ivo Hollhuber, Philosopher C'est Apprendre à ê tre Homme. Page 5 even in the eighteenth century in the writings of Buffon in France, Goethe in Germany and Erasmus Darwin in England, these could not prevail against the then current mood of intellectual Europe. It is Lamarck, the disciple of Buffon, who was the incontestable founder of the transformist doctrine ...
... that he should be original in the idea or ideal he holds up for realisation. Buddha was fundamentally indebted to the Upanishads, Christ to Moses and the Old Testament, and Luther to Wycliff and Erasmus. There can be no creation in a void. No genius is a mushroom, or a freak of Nature. No culture that is rootless can revive after it has had its natural decay and death. What is distinctive in the ...
... detected in ancient times. Both in India and in Greece, there were important ideas of evolution. In modern times, the theory of evolution is mainly the work of Linnaeus (1707-78), Buffon (1707-88), Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), Lamarck (1744-1829), Charles Darwin (1809-82) and his followers. On the Origin of Species written by Charles Darwin (1859) gave details and demonstrations of his scientific ...
... theories could assemble under it. Proof of this is that Alfred Wallace, basing himself on the same ideas, reached the same conclusions. But also swimming in the same intellectual waters were Lamarck, Erasmus Darwin, Robert Chambers, Herbert Spencer, Thomas Huxley, and many others now less well remembered. The father of eugenics is generally considered to have been Francis Galton (1822-1911), a relative ...
... (Michael Shermer 29 )? The ‘Darwinian’ camp, as usual, refers its opinions to their source in holy scripture, Darwin’s texts. Darwin wrote disparagingly about Lamarck as he did about his grandfather Erasmus Darwin, although the pioneering thought of both of them had provided essential elements of his hypothesis. The recluse of Down may not have been an unfair man, but he could become extremely possessive ...
... dance of hesitation between religiously dogmatic creationism and the scientific thesis of evolution; both standpoints, and several in between, were defended by estimable persons like Leibniz, Robinet, Erasmus Darwin and Cuvier. Till Lamarck published his theory of transformism (1800) and Darwin his theory of transmutationism (1859). Man was no longer the lord of creation. He was now occupying the middle ...
... consciousness. The spectacular twentieth century with the dawning awareness of the unity of the one Earth was foreseen long before Leonardo da Vinci, 91 as long before Giordano Bruno, Johannes Kepler, Erasmus, Mercator, Vesalius, Christiaan Huygens and Galileo Galilei the coming was foreseen of the being that would be the fulfillment and at the same time the surpassing of man. None can tell why this had ...
... Poliakov, “the hatred against the Jews reached such an intensity that we can unreservedly fix at that time the crystallization of anti-Semitism in its classical form, which later led to the statement of Erasmus: ‘If it is the sign of a good Christian to hate the Jews, then we are all good Christians’ … Even if the Jew is no longer present in some places [the Jews were banished from Spain, France and England] ...
... Part One The Modern Scientific Theory of Evolution The modern theory of evolution began to develop in the 18th century through the work of Linnaeus (1707-78), Buffon (1707-88), Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), Lamarck (1744-1829), and in the 19th century in the works of Charles Darwin (1809-82) and his followers. 'On the Origin of Species’ written by Charles Darwin (1859) gave details ...
... in the age of satirical romance. It was Western Europe which produced the first really important medieval satire. The Renaissance enlarged the armoury of the satirist: its representatives were Erasmus, Ulrich Page 372 von Hutten, etc. Sir Thomas Moore, although himself not a satirist, became the inspirer of much subsequent satire through his idea of an imaginary commonwealth, Utopia ...
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