Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
Fowler : brothers Henry Watson & Frank George collaborated on the abridgment of the Oxford English Dictionary (1911), & The King’s English (1906).
... Chambers's Dictionary makes "vision" a dissyllable, which is quite sensible, but the monosyllabic pronunciation of it deserves to be considered at least a legitimate variant when H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler—the name of Fowler is looked upon as a synonym for authority on the English language— Page 629 give no other. I don't think I am mistaken in interpreting their intention. 1 Take "realm"... language (those at least whom I know) have consistently pronounced and scanned them—as dissyllables. If you ask me to scan Shakespeare's line in the following way in order to please H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler I shall decline without thanks. Shakespeare wrote, if I remember right, " , strategems and spoils"; Shelley, Tennyson, any poet of the English language, I believe, would do the s... furiously disputed—if Fowler and Ox ford were "papal authorities" in England for current speech—it is current speech the Committee was trying to fix through the broadcasts—would it not have been sufficient simply to quote the Oxford in order to produce an awed and crushed silence? So your P.S. has no solid ground to stand on since there is no "fixed" current speech and Fowler is not its Pope and there ...
... Chambers' Dictionary makes "vision" a dissyllable, which is quite sensible, but the monosyllabic pronunciation of it deserves to be considered at least a legitimate variant when H.W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler -the name of Fowler is looked upon as a synonym for authority on the English language - give no other. I don't think I am mistaken in interpreting their intention. Take "realm", which they pronounce... English language (those at least whom I know) have consistently pronounced and scanned them - as dissyllables. If you ask me to scan Shakespeare's line in the following manner to please H.W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler, In mai/den med/itation / fan/cy free, I shall decline without thanks. Shakespeare wrote, if I remember right, "treasons, stratagems and spoils"; Shelley, Tennyson, any poet... following your example - not out of favouritism - I may quote him for 'summation' - 'summashun', not 'shn'.... So your P.S. has no solid ground to stand on since there is no 'fixed' current speech and Fowler is not its Pope and there is no universal currency of his vizhn of things. Language is not bound by analogy and because 'meditation' has become 'meditashun' it does not follow that it must become ...
... margarite!) Oh you are deft at such deceits: you make Your beauty lime to cozen linnets with And bid them sing, if they'd have sustenance. Oh you will not deceive me, think it not: You are just such a fowler to my guess. MELANDER Dear linnet, did I lime you in my nets, One fine, sweet Hamadryad note would lift The tangle from your wild-rose-petal wings. ALACIEL Ah but when lurking faces ...
... (Thunderer with a Song) The inside of every cloud Is bright and shining; I therefore turn my clouds about, And always wear them inside out, To show the lining. Ellen T. Fowler There was a time in the Ashram when everyone knew everyone. There is some truth (not all the truth) in the saying “Small is beautiful”. That was the time when we referred to the Ashram D ...
... poem as the poet's memory of a girl running past him on the seashore!! I refuse to fall into your trap about Tagore. In vain is the net spread openly in the sight of the bird by the fowler. 1931 ? ... I am very glad; you will certainly have our blessings in the carrying out of your resolve. Mother did not mean quite what you thought. She was thinking of certain others ...
... of men; Mrigasirsha; a month; Makara; a district in Shakadwipa. मृगणा searching; investigation. मृगयस् (Vedic) a wild animal. मृगया hunting, chase. मृगयुः hunter, fowler; jackal; Brahman. मृगव्यं hunting; target, butt. मृगित hunted, sought, solicited. मृगी a female deer .. epilepsy; a class of women. मृग्य to be sought, hunted. मर्क ...
... when and on whom He chooses; covet them not. But devotion and love are man's and by love and devotion you can enter into divine power and knowledge. * * * Man is the net that the Divine Fowler has spread to capture the wide and fleet universal physical Nature, so that through him it may be brought under control, tamed and transfigured. * * * If you think for yourself ...
... sincere love, whereas the sumptuous banquet of King Duryodhana had been given only for show. It is also said that the glorious Rama once sat at the table of a very humble woman, whose husband was a fowler. All she could put before the famous hero was a few fruits, for she had nothing else. But she gave the best she had with such a good heart that Rama was touched and wished that the memory of this gift ...
... a man of Mr. Asquith's cold, hard and unsympathetic Whiggism may lead to an early disruption of the Liberal majority. For India, of course, that event would mean little or nothing; a Hamilton to a Fowler and a Morley to a Brodrick succeeds, and the only difference made by the retirement of the quondam friend, philosopher and guide of Moderatism into the cool shades of Opposition, will be that we are ...
... On the other hand there is no incalculable Fate, no blind, cruel and ineluctable Necessity against which the wings of the soul must dash themselves in vain as if it were a bird snared by a monstrous Fowler in a dim-lit and fantastic cage. Page 158 All times and nations have felt or played with the idea of Fate. The Greeks were pursued by the thought of a mysterious and ineffable Necessity ...
... may be new or foreign or not commonly appreciable is to forget all innovators and to fall into an error that should have been swept away for good when Symons and Gosse sponsored Sarojini Naidu or Fowler-Wright and Laurence Binyon hailed Harindranath Chattopadhyaya. It is curious to remember that Gosse's advice to Sarojini Naidu amounted to saying: "If you, an Indian with such a flair for ...
... meetings with them, though only, as he told Kersten, with the spirits of men who had been dead for hundreds of years. When he was half-asleep, Himmler used to say, the spirit of King Heinrich [“the Fowler”, 875-936] would appear and give him valuable advice; [Himmler] often began with the words: ‘In this case King Heinrich would have acted as follows’. He became so obsessed with his hero that he gradually ...
... amazing; it demonstrates the extent to which Nazi Germany had become an island of irrationalism. Himmler could publicly proclaim that he was an incarnation of the medieval German emperor Henry the Fowler and, as the highlight of a grandiose ceremony, communicate with the Fowler’s spirit in the tomb where his remains had been laid to rest with military honours. Or he could authorize and finance, in ...
... you can enter into divine power and knowledge. * Man is the net that Divine Fowler has spread to capture the wide and fleet universal physical Nature, so that through him it may be brought under control, tamed and transfigured. * ...
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