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Friend of India : journal started by Joshua Marshman (1768-1837) & his son John Clark (1794-1877) at Serampur in 1818. Joshua was a master of a Baptist school when with his family & others he came to Bengal as a Missionary of the Baptist Missionary Society. Not being allowed to stay in British territory, they settled at Serampore, opened the Serampur Church (1805) & a boarding school, established the Loll Bazar Chapel & the Benevolent Institution at Calcutta & devoted much time to save the souls of native children through schools. The Mission translated Christian scriptures in Oriental languages including Chinese. The Friend of India began as a monthly & developed into a quarterly magazine. It was, inevitably, incorporated with the Statesman of Calcutta which Sri Aurobindo often called “Friend of India”.

23 result/s found for Friend of India

... We do not know why the paper which calls itself the Friend of India and usually puts on a sanctimonious mask of Liberalism, should have suddenly allowed its real feelings to betray themselves last Wednesday. Its attitude for some time past has been extremely ambiguous. During the height of the disturbances in East Bengal this Friend of India maintained a rigid silence on Indian affairs and discoursed... regulation opposed to all the fundamental principles of Liberalism; it has defended the Coercion Ordinance as a proof of the leniency and liberalism of bureaucratic rule in India. Calling itself a Friend of India, it has not scrupled to dissociate itself from its brother friends of India, the British Committee of the Congress, and sneer at them as ill-informed nobodies. After throwing the Congress, its... to cover. Any action however tyrannical, if covered by a statute, ought to be borne without complaint by Indians as an act of great leniency and liberalism. Mark again the friendship of this friend of India and the liberalism of this Liberal. A third plea is that "the action of the authorities in India, if contrasted with that of the average European Government, is leniency itself." So then, tyranny ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Knight gave a sudden illuminating expression to the heart's desire of all Anglo-India and two-thirds of England. It was not decorous, it was not politic, but it was frank and sincere. Yesterday the Friend of India noticed the incident with great sympathy for Sir Howard Vincent's feelings, but it could not altogether approve of applying his panacea just at present. The Friend, however, looks forward to a... Mihir Sudhakar , but the Democratic Nationalist party in India; for the Friendly language must be usually interpreted by contraries, and it is quite natural for one who calls the Statesman a Friend of India to call democracy and nationalism reactionary. Let us assure the Friend however that the Nationalist party have from the beginning envisaged the possibility of the shooting Page 521 ... these methods have been found ineffective, it is quite possible that the order "do not hesitate to shoot" may go out; already in the Punjab the threat has been used to prevent public meetings. The Friend of India is greatly mistaken if he thinks that his menaces will have any better effect than his abuse and cajolings: it is a wild dream for him to hope that any power can make Indian Nationalism fall down ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... are daily putting a greater and greater strain on the sweet and cordial relation of the Friend of India with her people. It is no doubt hard to part when friends are dear, perhaps it will cost a sigh, a tear. Under the circumstances the poet's advice is to steal away and choose one's own time. But the Friend of India is giving us warning after warning that it will cease to be our friend unless we consent... if it does not pay at all, the Moderates have no business to rub shoulders with the Extremists; for in that case they stand to lose the most valuable thing they possess, the friendship of the Friend of India. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... unable to bring forward a single scrap of convincing evidence to prove that the particular man they were bent on running down was the Editor. The Magistrate in his judgment and the affectionate Friend of India in Chowringhee in his comments have drawn from this failure the lesson that the laws against the freedom of the Press should be made more stringent. An ordinary unilluminated intelligence would... to become a centre of strength round which many Nationalistic forces might gather. It has sought to single out and silence a particular individual because it chose to think that he was, as the Friend of India expresses it, the master mind behind the policy of the paper. If we are challenged to justify this assertion, Page 687 it will be sufficient to point to the conduct of this case from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... with relief and joy by our countrymen all over India, are naturally gall and wormwood to the opponents of Indian Nationalism; but to none has the fiasco caused bitterer disappointment than to the Friend of India in Chowringhee. Sharing the common but mistaken impression that our paper depends on the writings of one man for its continued existence, the Statesman had evidently hoped that with the incarceration... policy being the joint product of several minds must be the result of distracted counsels, since only an autocrat can think clearly. After that we can hardly be surprised at the affection of the Friend of India for absolutism and absolutist methods or the support it has given to the new Grand Mogul who now governs India on mediaeval principles from Westminster. Page 695 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... d authorities busied themselves repressing the community attacked and threatened, leaving a free hand to the rioters; but this is not to be called anarchy! No, all these, says this miraculous Friend of India, were mere ordinary local disturbances which would scarcely have attracted notice but for the profoundness of the Pax Britannica. Mark the opinions of your Friend, people of India. The desecration... deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai, even if he were innocent , because the occurrences in the Punjab were considered by the Government so serious that his removal was a necessity. Here is a consistent Friend of India! But if Mr. Mudholkar's exaggerated ideas of the Rawalpindi disturbances unfit his countrymen for self-government, still more do Sir Denzil Ibbetson's and the C. M. Gazette 's yet more exaggerated ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Statesman is naturally delighted with Mr. A. Chaudhuri's declaration in favour of leaving politics out of our programme. Here at least, cries the Friend of India, is a leader after our own heart. No doubt it would be extremely convenient for the Friend of India and its countrymen if Indians did give up their political aspirations and leave Anglo-India in undisputed possession of the field, but we do not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... unable to bring forward a single scrap of convincing evidence to prove that the particular man they were bent on running down was the Editor. The Magistrate in his judgment and the affectionate Friend of India [ The Statesman] in Chowringhee in his comments have drawn from this failure the lesson that the laws against the freedom of the Press should be made more stringent. 1 An ordinary unilluminated... to become a centre of strength round which many Nationalistic forces might gather. It has sought to single out and silence a particular individual because it chose to think that he was, as the Friend of India expresses it, the master mind behind the policy of the paper. If we are challenged to justify this assertion, it will be sufficient to point to the conduct of this case from its very inception ...

... influence or following in the country. The Statesman is taking its cue from the Mirror and is growing very truculent and minatory. It is not going to give us any quarter, this merciless "Friend of India", but will abolish, expunge and Page 171 blot us out of existence in no time. It will not consent to support Indian aspirations unless we consent to perform harakiri . It will advise ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of this great political combination seems to be mutual admiration of the most effusive and affectionate kind. Mirror assures Statesman that he is a noble Anglo-Indian and a true and tried Friend of India; Statesman quotes Mirror 's solemn lucubrations by the yard. It only needs the Hindu Patriot to join the league and complete the Triple Alliance. An Anglo-Indian paper, a Government journal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... watching the stormy waters roll. So poor is our organisation that even a meeting of mofussil and Calcutta delegates to consider the crisis has not been arranged. There is a talk, we learn from the Friend of India, of an extraordinary All-India Congress at which Mr. Gokhale and some other delegates will meet in Bombay under the aegis of Sir Pherozshah Mehta to protest against these new settled facts. All ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... State. It has also replaced the long and uncertain process of trial ending in a punishment of fixed duration by the swift and sudden process of kidnapping and a punishment—no, we apologise to the Friend of India, we should rather say a leniency of uncertain, perhaps life-long duration. One other element it has introduced which patriots have had to face in all other countries, but which falls on our heads ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... shameful terms; he gains everything by holding aloof and standing out for better conditions. An Ominous Presage The Indian Daily News nowadays plays the Statesman's abandoned role of the Friend of India. This journal has been recently harping on the necessity of the reform of the Municipalities and throwing out suggestions of the lines on which those reforms should be framed. We cannot imagine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Yes, that would be a disaster. They're mad—and stupid. Yes. That president should be toppled. 4 Page 333 Oh, yes! Yes. The one they want to put in his place is a friend of India. But no one likes that... [Nixon], only a minority supports him—not everyone. They should just... ( gesture of sweeping clean ). Can't you arrange that? ( Mother laughs a lot ) . ...


... Wonderland , who wanted to play the parts of judge and jury to convict the defendant in a case in which he himself was the plaintiff. The crowning act comes from Mr. Morley, once extolled by the Friend of India as the beau ideal of a man and a politician, who expresses his determination "not to strip the Government of India of any weapon or law for the suppression of native disorders". The Jamalpur ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... that he knew nothing of the matter and could not have had any criminal knowledge or intention, or as if we had asked the Printer to take any responsibility upon himself for the articles. Does the Friend of India find anywhere in the records of the case or out of them either that any of the accused tried to shield himself by putting the responsibility on the Printer? The blame for the miscarriage of justice ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... carefully built-up reputations, should be silenced and silenced as soon as possible. As for the Moderate stalwarts, they experienced a vast unease: was it wise to hurl such unbecoming epithets at a friend of India like Mr. Morley? Was it linguistically prudent to call a spade a spade - and even treble spade it into the bargain? Was it altogether judicious to hit at the entire phalanx of the bureaucracy ...

... nuances of magisterial ethics and the virtues of journalistic anonymity. On every count, Sri Aurobindo was able deftly to turn the tables against his antagonist of the Statesman (alias the "Friend" of India!) in two articles that appeared in the issue of 28 September 1907. One or two sentences may be extracted here: The bureaucracy has armed itself with such liberal powers of repression ...

... subcontinent that in the 1880s, James Rutledge 1 wrote a long article from which we quote a little: "The Mythology of Greece 1. A correspondent of The Times, and the editor of the Friend of India (The Statesman). Page 55 and Rome is nowhere. The bloody religious rites of our own forefathers cannot even be traced with any certainty or accuracy. But this faith of India ...

... injury here was the Bande Mataram merrily using a language that was 'a direct incentive to violence and lawlessness.' But they felt helpless. The Government shared the view of the editor of The Friend of India (The Statesman) who complained that the editorials were too diabolically clever, crammed full of sedition between the lines, but legally unattackable because of the skill of the language. ...

... interfused with the gross body, there is a certain 1 The Serpent Power, by Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon), deals exhaustively with the Kundalini Yoga of Tantra. Here is a genuine friend of India, with his profound understanding of Indian culture. 2 Brahmarandhra, the crown of head. Literally, the hole of Brahma! Page 319 correspondence between these chakras ...

... means of noble and orderly action, this is the path by which we shall arrive at a higher national character and evolution. Page 318 Pretentious Shams In an unguarded moment our friend and India's, the Statesman of Chowringhee, has for once blurted out the truth. While, in common with other Anglo-Indian papers, it descants in strains of dithyrambic eloquence on the magnitude of the reforms ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... existing except patriotism,—nay, which is the efflorescence, Page 11 the crown, the summit and coping-stone of patriotism? How wickedly inconsistent all this is! If you are really a friend to New India, why do you go about to break up our splendid unanimity? The Congress has not yet existed for two lustres; and in that brief space of time has achieved miracles. And even if it has faults, as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram