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Garuda Garooda : syena in the Vedas & in later texts Garūda the vāhāna (vehicle) of Lord Vishnu, he symbolises the Vedas. His five forms Satya, Suparna, Garūda, Tarkshya, & Vihageshwara represent the five vāyus (q.v.) which, mastered through Pranayama, lead to the awakening of the Kundalini Shakti. In Mahābhārata, Garūda is eldest of the 100 sons of Kashyapa’s second wife Kadru. Gārudi Vidyā is the Mantra by which he is said to protect his devotee from any snake poison. In Tamil Vaishnavism Garūda & Hanuman are resp. Periya & Siriya Thiruvadi.
... tradition Garuda [eagle] is the vehicle of Lord Krishna. Is it real or only symbolic? It is symbolic. What is the significance of Garuda? The Light. Day before yesterday a garuda came here and died in the night. Is there any occult meaning in it? It probably came only to die in peace and enter into the Light to which it was attracted, being itself a symbol of Light. Will this garuda benefit ...
... The Secret Splendour Garuda Sweep down keen dweller on the eyrie height Of ultimate self-vision—in the blaze Of your tree-born sapphire Delight Consume eath's ineffectual stray desire! Its narrow joy, plucked by your swift control Of claws that grasp the edge of the infinite, Absorb in your eagle-zest, O secret Soul ...
... storm that the poet is describing. The poet is alluding to the mythological Garuda whom Vyasa in the Mahdbh ā rata describes as colossal and as having eyes like lightning and whose exploits in the heavenly regions he recounts at great length. Although the word "heaven" has a value for the metrical rhythm, I contend that the Garuda-allusion will be missed by the general reader and so his imagination will ...
... infinite suggestion, is not rare or exceptional, it is a frequent greatness in the art of India. The second article on Garuda in Bengal and Java by Akshaya Kumar Maitreya, besides its interesting and discerning treatment of its subject, the inception and humanising of the Garuda figure and the artistic use of the mythus, touches an issue which has not yet, I think, received sufficient consideration ...
... Notes: Griffin = Golden Hawk + Winged Lion The piercing eye of soaring aspiration + Upsurging energy of the pure vital Remember Vishnu's Garuda + Durga's lion With these twin powers you cross safely the borderland between the lower and the upper hemisphere - the twilight world (Night and Day) - Griffin is the guardian ...
... into the Unknown.! Notes: Griffin = Golden Hawk + Winged Lion The piercing eye of soaring aspiration + Upsurging energy of the pure vital Remember Vishnu's Garuda + Durga's lion With these twin powers you cross safely the borderland between the lower and the upper hemisphere - the twilight world (Night and Day) - Griffin is the guardian God of this ...
... creative force. O Thou residing in prosperity, worshipped by Gods, and holding the conch, the discus, the club and the lotus in Thy hands, the Goddess Mahalakshmi, salutations to Thee. O the rider on Garuda (The bird who is the Vehicle of Vishnu), the who strikes fear in Kola the Asura, the deliverer from all sins, the Goddess Mahalakshmi, salutations to Thee. O the Terrible in the gross and the subtle ...
... that the Griffin is "Golden Hawk - Winged Lion", explained the symbol as standing for "The piercing eye of soaring aspiration + Upsurging energy of the pure vital" and asked us to remember "Vishnu's Garuda + Page 298 Durga's Lion". Finally, he wrote: "With these twin powers you cross safely the borderland between the lower and the upper hemispheres - the twilight world (Night and... Concise Oxford Dictionary (1964, p. 541, col. 2) describes the griffin as "Fabulous creature with eagle's head & wings & lion's body." This would suit Nolini quite well since he brings in "Vishnu's Garuda". Now, hawk and eagle and falcon are kin birds. If any one of them can be found Vedically associated with Agni, half of our case would be rendered credible. At the very start we may mention that, even... this or that particular face and since Agni especially is the bringer or revealer or fashioner of all the gods in man - "in thee are all the gods" (V.3.1) 1 - the identification of him with Vishnu's Garuda and with Durga's Lion is quite in order. Hence what Nolini has said stands substantially unchanged. Even his "twilight world" may be accepted in the sense that the bright and the dark of the human ...
... is used to describe both the sea and the sky without suggesting any inherent spiritual aspects. The precious gem is used as a synonym for the blue colour in poems like "In Horis Aeternum" (p. 483), "Garuda" (p. 425) and "O Voiceful Words" (p. 446). Amethyst makes a brief appearance in one poem "Beginning of an Autobiography"(p. 519). Along with mauve, amethyst is projected as the signifier of ...
... 302 Valery 62 Valmiki 60,182,205,213 Vaughan 232 Veda 3,61 Vedantic influence in poetry 197 Vidya 302 Vijnana 247 Virat 99 Virgil 57,186,205,258 Vishnu's Garuda 307 Vision, power of poet 162 vital 189 plane 209 vyakta 302 Vyasa 60,66,182,205,213 W Wordsworth 52,197,266,367 World Religion 272 Y Yeats, W ...
... has its purpose and its usefulness. I also have deities ( Mother catches hold of three bronze statuettes, immersed with some others under a flood of papers ): this is a standing Ganesh; this is Garuda, Vishnu's attendant; and this is Shiva's bull. And there ( a little farther on the table ), I keep three Ganeshas: a tiny little silver Ganesh, between the legs of this deity ( a modern-looking one ...
... 288 From Beatrice in Heaven 197 From Verlaine 592 Fulfilment 468 Fulfilment 594 Full Moon 557 Full Moon 335 Garuda 425 Gautama 12 Giant Wheel 514 Gift-Cycle 444 Glamour-Tide 35 Glimmerings 494 Gloam-Infinites 130 Gnosis 105 ...
... rivers, the divine thunderbolt among weapons. Among all plants and trees I am the Aswattha, among horses Indra's horse Uchchaihsravas, Airavata Page 363 among the elephants, among the birds Garuda, Vasuki the snake-god among the serpents, Kamadhuk the cow of plenty among cattle, the alligator among fishes, the lion among the beasts of the forest. I am Margasirsha, first of the months; I am spring ...
... from your mother. 28 July 1937 My sweet Mother, You told me that you saw two things while I was playing: "Garuda", and the palace and river. What do they mean? The palace and river were the image of a moment from one of your past lives. The great bird "Garuda" standing immobile behind you with outspread wings is the vehicle of Vishnu, the destroyer of serpents. He seemed to be ...
... days passed in rejoicing at the reunion. But it is improper for a monk to live with his kindred in his birth-place, so a residence elsewhere had to be Page 216 Shri Chaitanya under Garuda Stambh,by Nandalal Bose, N.G.M.A.,Delhi Page 217 chosen for the new Sannyasin. When consulted, Shashi replied: "Let him live at Nilachala [today's Puri], which is, as it were, next door ...
... without any hindrance, day to day, for our well deserved growth." 63 "May Indra, with the opulent power of divine hearing, be propitious to us. May the omniscient be propitious to us. May Garuda with his irresistible weapons, be propitious to us. May Brahaspati be auspicious to us." 64 O Gods, may we hear with ears what is auspicious; may we see with eyes what is auspicious, O gods ...
... within my view, Rāvana cannot survive any more than one who has entered the range of vision of a snake injecting (deadly) venom with his (very) glance or than a serpent who has fallen under the gaze of Garuda (the king of birds and enemy of serpents). (53) Perched on mountain peaks, 0 bulls among the monkeys, witness at ease you, who are so difficult to over power, this trial of strength between Rāvana... covered and the corners between the quarters too stood enveloped. (23) Seeing those reptiles flying (at him) on the battlefield, Śrī Rāma discharged the formidable and fearful missile presided over by Garuda (the king of birds, an avowed enemy of serpents). (24) Turning into golden eagles, the (natural) enemies of snakes, those golden feathered arrows loosed from the bow of Śrī Rāma (a scion of Raghu)... the aspect of Yama (the god of retribution) and inspired terror. (11) The delight of monkey chiefs and the scourge of raksasas, it was provided with various kinds of lovely and picturesque plumes of Garuda. (12) Charging with a mystic spell in accordance with the scriptural ordinance that great arrow — which was supremely destructive, capable of dispelling the fear of (all) the worlds (in general) ...
... concentrating within as the constant communion with the Supreme through one's senses and mind and heart: "Aikyam yad buddhimanasor indriyānān ca\ sarvadā/viśveśvare parādeve dhyānam etat prakirtitam." (Garuda-purana, Purva, 243.10) Here is what Sri Aurobindo says about its "Manana and darśana, a constant) thinking of him [the Divine] in all things and seeing of him always and everywhere is ...
... some instrument. So you see you are not a musician in this birth alone." I had a feeling that perhaps it was in ancient Egypt, who knows? Once she saw a huge bird which, I reckon, must have been Garuda who stood behind me with outstretched wings in a gesture of protection. This was divine protection which had been with me unfailingly in the worst of trials or disasters all through. I played different ...
... itself, the warring Devas and Asuras — both offspring of Prajapati — chum the ocean to secure amṛta or the elixir of immortality. The snakes and Garuda — natural enemies — are the offspring respectively of the sisters, Kadru and Vinata; and Garuda is asked to get amṛta from heaven to secure the freedom of his mother, Vinata. During his journey, he is advised to feast upon the fighting animals ...
... a ballad that is not a ballad and yet does not succeed in being a pure poem because the ballad strain clings to it still. Yet I dare say it may be effective for its purpose." (20.11.1932) Garuda [In reply to the query, "Doe: this apostrophe strike the critical tympanum as somewhat of a 'barbaric yap'?":] "No, it seems to me very good —except that 'Delight' sounds rather ...
... are miniature elephants in varying sizes carved from ivory. Some are so miniscule that a magnifying glass is needed to identify the shapes. Jeweled Puja and ceremonial objects of worship — Vishnu on Garuda, chariots in ivory, Ganesh, Radha and Krishna in soapstone and other deities in wood and brass. Mother’s baskets, chappals (Japanese), silver articles, geodes, stones and shells. There is a handsome ...
... Linga Purāna 11,000 Varāha Purāna 24,000 Skanda Purāna 81,000 Vāmana Purāna 10,000 Kūrma Purāna 17,000 Matsya Purāna 14,000 Garuda Purāna 19,000 Brahmānda Purāna 12,000 There are also a number of Upapurānas, such as Narasimha, Nandi, Bhārgava, etc. Purānas have been composed to explain the meanings ...
... itself, the warring Devas and Asuras - both offspring of Prajapati - chum the ocean to secure amrta or the elixir of immortality. The snakes and Garuda - natural enemies - are the offspring respectively of the sisters, Kadru and Vinata; and Garuda is asked to get amrta from heaven to secure the freedom of his mother, Vinata. During his journey, he is advised to feast upon the fighting animals ...
... refers to a garuda-dhvaja (column surmounted by the figure of Garuda [Eagle] conceived as the emblem or vahana of Vishnu) raised at Vidiśa in honour of Vāsudeva, the deva-deva (the greatest god), by his Yavana or Greek devotee Heliodorus, an inhabitant of Takshaśilā in Gandhāra, who calls himself a Bhāgavata... Another inscription from Besnagar speaks of the erection of the Garuda column of an... Parama-bhāgavatas. 2 And, what is most suggestive, they reveal the Garuda as peculiarly their own symbol. There is the famous phrase in the Allāhābād Pillar Epigraph in celebration of Samudragupta, the second emperor of the dynasty: Garut-mad-anka, meaning 3 either the Gupta coin bearing the Garuda symbol or simply the Garuda seal (for imperial charters). The Meherauli Pillar inscription of King... Aśokan edict on a pillar bearing on its top the figure of a Garuda, but this figure, though suggestive of Vishnu, could not have had such Vaishnava significance in Aśoka's time, as it had later, for the pillar was freely used by him for his own message and there was no preceding Bhagavata association with it as there was with the later Garuda-dhvajas of Besnagar. No counter-indication can be read here ...
... poisonous serpent, Kāliya, the king of the snakes, whose body is black, like black ointment, and who is very fierce. I had heard that, long ago, Kaliyā had left his residence in the ocean out of fear of Garuda, the king of birds, and took shelter of this lake. It is Kaliyā who has poisoned the water of the river Yamunā, which flows to the sea. Out of fear of him, no one dares live nearby. That is why this... with my sons, relatives, and friends, I can always serve You. Please spare my life because I am taking shelter of You." When the Supreme Lord, Śrī Krsna, whose flag is decorated with the image of Garuda, saw Kāliya offering him obeisance with his five hoods, he spoke to him. "O serpent, Kāliya, I cannot allow you to remain here in this lake of the Yamunā. Along with your wives, brothers, and friends... ocean. If you disobey my order, your life will not be spared. O serpent, as you continue to reside in the ocean, the marks of my lotus feet will be clearly visible on your five hoods. Because of this, Garuda, who is your natural enemy, will never harm you." Thereafter, the great serpent, Kāliya, offered his respectful obeisance unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Before the eyes of all ...
... by anyone other than you. (5) The power to emulate your ruling capacity does not lie in me, 0 ruler of the world, any more than the power to emulate the gait of a horse in a donkey and the flight of Garuda (the carrier of Lord Visnu) in a (common) bird. (6) Know his life to be blessed from day to day, whoever is depended upon by others. Life is, however, dragged on with hardship by him who depends for ...
... to the Mystic Fire, SABCL, Vol. 11, pp. 465-89. Page 114 be worshipped by the Yajaman was placed ceremoniously by the expert Brahmins; the fire in its form and shape looked like Garuda, the divine Eagle himself, with his wings and tail distended; the majestic Bird was with the wings of gold. 28 According to the Bhagavata Purana it is Lord Vishnu himself who in his ...
... of a jewel among men) will actually (be able to) cross the vast sea, which is (so) difficult to cross. (24- 25) The capacity to cross the sea in this world exists in three created beings only, viz., Garuda (son of Vinata), the wind god and yourself. (26) What means do you perceive, 0 hero, for the accomplishment of this task, which is so (very) difficult to get through? For, you are the foremost of those ...
... account of the way in which the soul of a dying man leaves the physical body and makes its journey elsewhere. Many accounts have been detailed in books such as (i) Yoga-Vasistha Maharamayana, (ii) Garuda and Brahmavaivarta Puranas, (iii) Kausitaki Brahmana, (iv) Chhandogya Upanishad, (v) Aranyaka Shruti. One Janaki Mukhopadhyaya wrote a book titled Mṛtyu-path or The Way of Death ...
... up by her close in a prison of joy, Her and our vassal. GOPALACA Brought to the eagle's nest For the eagle's child thou giv'st him her heart's prey To Vasavadutta! King, thy way is good. Garooda on a young and sleeping Python Rushing from heaven I'll lift him helpless up Into the skiey distance of our peaks. Though it is strange and new and subtle, it is good. Think the blow struck, thy ...
... Santiniketan.) The pilot was escorted by the grown-ups to meet Gurudev. The children lingered on. They inspected the great flying machine, and I wondered if this bird from the skies was a kinsman of Garuda, Lord Vishnu's mount? Or of Jatayu, who fought in vain the demon-king of Lanka to save Rama's queen, Sita? I had no knowledge of history or geography, but Father had told us stories from the Ramayana... my nails, I applied some on Ganapati's 1 forehead, on his stomach and on his fingertips. We are on very good terms, very friendly." Mother had other 'small things' like Nandi, Shiva's Bull, and Garuda, Narayana's mount. And a Narayana. "It comes from the Himalayas, from Badrinath," Mother told Satprem. "I use both Ganesh and Narayana as paperweights for my handkerchiefs. On a stool beside my bed ...
... dearer to me than my devotees. They are my father, mother, friend, son, and brother. Although I am free and my actions are also free, it is Page 208 Shri Chaitanya under Garuda Stambh, by Nandalal Bose (NGMA) my nature to be controlled by my devotees. All of you associate with me birth after birth. It is for your sake that I incarnate in this world. Know for ...
... 170, 171 Ganges, 64, 116, 456, 'terra gangelis', 174 Ganpatināga, 190 Gardabhilla, 517, 602 Garga, 108 Gārgi-samhitā of Yuga Purāna, 230 Garstang, J., iv 'Garuda-dhvaja', 396 Gauda, 488 Gautamīputra Sātakarni, 22, 54, 225, 286, 469, 470, 472, 476, 519, 521, 571, 572.576, 584, 595 Gayā (and Nālandā) records, 38, 39 Gedrosia, 525, 526, 530, ...
... to the Naga, the serpent. The Naga is the symbol of the mysterious earthbound force in man. Wisest he of the beasts of the field, but still a beast of the field, Page 386 not the winged Garuda revered to be the upbearer of divinity who opens his vans to the sunlight and soars to the highest seat of Vishnu. If we read Asŭrya we shall then have to translate "Verily it is to the worlds of the ...
... his troops were designated "Bāhlīkas" by Chandragupta I in the inscription he set up in the wake of his victory - the famous Meherauli Pillar Inscription of King "Chandra", topped by the emblem of Garuda (Eagle) consecrated to the God Vishnu. From this epigraph we may conclude that the Greeks, who in all their early advances towards and into India came via Bactria, old Bāhlīka, modern Page ...
... with grief, their mind distracted through cheerlessness. (16) Bereft of Śrī Rāma , the city (of Ayodhyā) did not look any more charming than a river whose snakes have been uprooted from its pool by Garuda. (17) Those bewildered men beheld the city joyless like the firmament bereft of the moon and an ocean without water. (18) Entering their dwellings full of abundant riches with difficulty, the citizens ...
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