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Ghose, Biren : (b.1840) joined Barindra’s group at the Manicktolla Garden; tried with them in the Alipore Bomb Trial & convicted, he was acquitted at the Sessions Court.
... 189, 192ff, 195, 208, 211, 217, 219, 229, 266m, 274, 275-76, 281, 284, 288, 289, 290, 298fn, 320, 329ff, 523, 531, 537, 574, 763 Ghose, Benoy Bhushan, 28, 29, 31, 35, 36, 45,49 Ghose, Biren, 367 Ghose, Hemendra Prasad, 222, 324, 763 Ghose, Krishnadhan, 25ff, 33,35ff, 183,192; death of, 45ff Ghose, Manomohan, 28,29,3 1ff, 35,43,46, 49,192,223,695 Ghose, N. ...
... [trying some automatic writing] and we knew about the search that was going to be made with the object of arresting me. There were some people there [Ramchandra Mazumdar, Suresh Chakravarty (Moni), Biren Ghose, Bijoy Nag and Nolini Kanta Gupta]. Ramchandra was there preparing to give fight to the police and many other ideas were flying about when suddenly I heard a voice from above saying – No, go to... Sishir Ghose took them to Motilal Roy. Motilal on coming to know about Sri Aurobindo's predicament readily agreed to accommodate him. Motilal went to the boat and brought it near the place where he stayed. Sri Aurobindo disembarked and was taken to the house. His request to Motilal to keep his arrival secret was complied with. Motilal made arrangements to keep him underground. Suresh and Biren returned... decided to act immediately. They started from the Karmayogin office at about 8 o'clock at night, Sri Aurobindo and Ramchandra Mazumdar leading. About fifty paces behind them was Biren, and about the same distance behind Biren, Suresh followed. They went zig-zag in order to evade the surveillance of the C .I.D. men who were posted ¹ . Cf. A. B. Purani, Evening Talks , Second Series (Pondicherry: ...
... words came to our lips, all of us kept silent and still. This is how it came about. Biren had shaved his head in order that the police spies might spot him out as their man from the rest of us by the sign of the shaven head. But they were nonplussed when they found Moni too with a shaven head. And Biren began to suspect that Moni, or perhaps the whole lot of us, had found out his secret and that... suspects named Bejoy Kumar Nag of Khulna, and Nalini Kanta Sirkar alias Gupta. They were said to be practising yog under Arabindo Ghose and worshipping the Goddess Kali, On 15th August, 1912, a meeting was held at the house of Arabindo Ghose, in celebration, it is believed, of his 40th birthday. The meeting was attended by V. V. S. Aiyar, C. Subramania Bharati, a well-known writer... Shyamaji Krishnavarma in Paris to say that the new Governor of Pondicherry would leave Paris in October next, and he appealed to Arabindo Ghose to prepare an address of welcome. It is stated that Arabindo agreed to do this, and the report indicates that Arabindo Ghose and V.V.S. Aiyar continue to be on good terms. The interest known to be taken by the British Government in Pondicherry affairs ...
... him, had a pencil in hand and a paper in front of him. Sri Aurobindo was doing automatic 'speech.' It was Bejoy's room. Bejoy was there, as were Nolini, Saurin, Hem Sen, Biren and Moni. 2 Saurin Bose was Mrinalini Devi's cousin; Biren was related to Sri Aurobindo. The day had been quite normal for Sri Aurobindo. After his morning work he had taken as usual his midday meal, then worked on his articles... astonishment. "Now. This very moment." Sri Aurobindo stood up and left the house. With him, and walking by his side and guiding, went Ram babu. Biren followed a little behind, keeping them in sight. Moni brought up the rear, keeping Biren in sight. That particular evening, there was "no trace of any policemen anywhere about the house," Moni noticed thankfully. In fact, when newspapers came... On arriving at the ghat, Ram babu hailed one of the boatmen and asked him if he would take a fare ; and the two talked in a low voice for a few minutes. Sri Aurobindo then got into the boat. Biren and Moni followed. Ram babu took his leave. The boat sailed off. "It was a common Ganges boat rowed by two boatmen," Sri Aurobindo said, setting all doubts at rest. "As we sailed up the river and reached ...
... Karmayogin in his absence. Preceded by Ramachandra, and followed at some discreet distance by Biren Ghose and Suresh Chakravarti (Moni), he walked to the river-side and reached the Ganga Ghat in about ten minutes' time. A boat was immediately engaged, and Sri Aurobindo boarded it, and it made for Chandernagore; Biren and Suresh were with him, while Ramachandra returned. The journey took the greater part... rather than row the boat. Anchoring at last at the Strand at Chandernagore when it was still dark, Biren sought Charuchandra Roy (who had been arrested in the Alipur case but later released) and asked him to make arrangements for Sri Aurobindo's stay. Finding him hesitant, Biren turned to one Sisir Ghose who took them to Motilal Roy, a prominent citizen. On coming to know who had come, Motilal went to... Dattagupta. Satish had been with Biren but had managed to come away; it was doubtful if Biren could have escaped. Shams-ul-Alam had more than distinguished himself during the Alipur proceedings and in other political cases by his excessive zeal to get the accused convicted, and the revolutionaries had had their eye on him for some time, and on their behalf Biren had now - as he thought - settled ...
... servant, Biren Roy, who was really more of a companion and was also a very good cook. Actually, Nagen's coming had eased the financial position for he was a man of means and he readily helped in securing the house on rue Francois Martin. By the time the shift was made Biren had proved himself a very useful member of the household. One day, after the change of residence, the inmates saw that Biren had... suit. Biren tried to dissuade him but Suresh was insistent and he too had his head shaved. A day or two later, the inmates had gathered round Sri Aurobindo in the evening when there was a dramatic scene. Biren suddenly stood up and declared in highly emotional tones that he wanted to make a confession. The atmosphere at the time was rather gay and at first no one took him seriously. But Biren started... house, Biren was asked to shave off the hair on his head so that the substitute could identify him easily. When Suresh decided to cut his hair also, Biren was extremely upset for he thought that the young men had seen through his game and that the day of reckoning had come. Consumed by fear and remorse, he decided to make the confession. Nagen, Bijoy and the others were of course furious with Biren but ...
... accompanied by Rambabu. A little behind them followed Biren and I came out next and followed the three. We thus formed a small procession, not a festive one but a silent procession, with Sri Aurobindo and Rambabu at the head, Biren following them from a little behind and keeping them within view, and last of all myself a little farther behind Biren keeping him in my view. This silent procession of... " These words of Rambabu and his voice still ring in my ears. The conversation that took place next between the boatman and our Rambabu was in a low voice. Sri Aurobindo now got into the boat and Biren and I followed. Rambabu took his leave. The boat sailed off. As we sailed up the river and reached midstream, it was clear that it happened to be a moonlit night. The waves danced and sparkled all... intently as he spoke and were bothering with their endless questions the spirits who came presumably from the other worlds. Page 131 This mature young man was named Sri Aurobindo Ghose. The names of the others present were Birendranath Ghosh, Saurindranath Basu, Bejoykumar Nag, Hem Sen, Nolini-kanta Gupta and Sureshchandra Chakravarti. All of them with the exception of Saurin and ...
... them languages, like French. Nolini began straight away with Moliere's L'Avare. Nolini and Moni and Bejoy were the permanent residents. Ganen Maharaj, of Ramakrishna Mission, was a frequent visitor. Biren Ghosh, Saurin Bose and Ramchandra Majumdar turned up almost daily. Amar Chatterji, Hem Sen and several others came once in a while. Almost every evening Sri Aurobindo would do some automatic writing—or... Saturday thereafter. The Karmayogin (Registered N°C. 532) was: "A weekly Review of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy, etc. Contributors: Page 499 Sj. Aurobindo Ghose and others. Office : 14 Sham Bazar Street, Calcutta." The office was shifted to 4 Shyampukur Lane in December 1909, which was commonly known as the 'Karmayogin Office.' The weekly, which filled the... into being. This one was a Monday weekly. It was priced at 2 paisa a copy (Registered N°C.550). The first number is dated 7 Bhadra 1316 (23 August 1909). The name of its editor is 'Srijukta Aurobindo Ghose'; he had turned thirty-seven but a week earlier. So, Sri Aurobindo ran two weeklies single-handedly? Well, yes, almost. A few young men —such as Nolini K. Gupta, Bejoy Nag, Suresh Chakrabarty (Moni) ...
... and still. 23. Biren Roy who had come with Nagen Nag and stayed at the Guest House as already stated. Page 376 "This is how it had come about. Biren had shaved his head in order that the police spies might spot him as their man from the rest of us by the shaven head. But they were nonplussed when they found Moni too with a shaven head. And Biren began to suspect that Moni... something drastic. However, within a few days, Biren left of his own accord and we were left in peace. I hear he afterwards joined the Great War and was sent to Mesopotamia with the Indian army." 24 "This shows how the atmosphere in those days was full of suspicion and also how great was the number of secret agents in Pondicherry. The way in which Biren's confession came out was a miracle." 25... accused, Manmohan Ghose, printer, Page 354 personally had no wish to move the High Court against his conviction, as he feared an enhancement of the sentence, and the appeal appears to be preferred in the interests of Arabinda Ghose at the instance of Girija Sundar Chakravarty, former manager of this paper. It is believed that if, by any chance, Manmohan Ghose should be acquitted ...
... consulting anybody—even his colleagues and co-workers. Everything was done in fifteen minutes or so and in the utmost secrecy and silence. He followed Ram Majumdar to the Ghat, Suresh Chakravarty and Biren Ghose following at a little distance; a boat was hailed and the three got in and went off immediately. His stay in Chandernagore also was secret and known only to a few like his later departure to Pondicherry ...
... was that the new man should come to the Magry Hotel to meet Biren. As there were four or five Bengalis living with Sri Aurobindo, Biren had identified himself in a letter as the man with the shaven head. If the new man inquired about Biren, the fact of their being secret agents would perhaps become known! When Moni got his head shaved, Biren felt sure that all the inmates staying with Sri Aurobindo... good apprearance. Biren tried to dissuade him from shaving himself, but Moni was insistent and carried out his resolve. Page 153 This was, or looked, accidental. But its result was very strange. Biren was in fact a secret agent of the Bengal government. As he had joined Nagen Nag at Khulna there was no chance of any suspicion being aroused against him. Biren wanted to return... called Birendranath Roy, who was employed as Nagen's cook. After coming to Pondicherry, Biren became the general manager, cook etc., of Sri Aurobindo's house. Being a Bengali, he became, like the others, a member of the household. One day, after they had been living in 41, Rue Francois Martin for some time, Biren had his head shaved completely. Suresh Chakravarty – alias Moni – took a fancy to give ...
... little distance were Biren and myself — in this way a "dumb procession" was formed. ‘Usually the police kept a watch over Sri Aurobindo's movements but that evening, when he came out of the office, there was no vigil anywhere. After walking for about fifteen minutes we reached a ghat of the river Ganges. Rambabu called out for a ferry boat. Sri Aurobindo stepped into it — Biren and myself followed... The eleventh day of the moon, The sleepless moon Is ferrying all alone in the dream-sea! ‘After a long night's crossing the boat reached Chandernagore in the early morning. Sri Aurobindo sent Biren to Charu Chandra Roy, well-known in revolutionary circles, to ask for shelter. But he was singularly unhelpful and indeed suggested that Sri Aurobindo should leave India and go to France! However the... going up to Her on my behalf ever since I was arrested. If it is the love of my country which led me into danger, it is also love of my countrymen which has brought me safe through it. Aurobindo Ghose 6, College Square, May 14, 1909 As a result of his profound spiritual experiences, Sri Aurobindo came out of the jail a completely changed person. But the situation outside had also changed radically ...
... 258 January 25,1937 Biren's letter. See, I am so sorry X. attacked him thus unscrupulously. Yet what lovely letters on honesty he wrote to me from Curseong! Oh, do hum X & Co. to ashes by your brahmateja for a change ? What ? Why burn them to ashes ? What Biren complains of is what politicians always do in a campaign. If Biren wants to do politics he will have to... note on the letter:) Please let me know. Guru, if you did really send some force for Diwakar's and Biren's election. I have written to Diwakar I will offer this Rs. 160 to Mother. Yes—for Diwakar less because I thought his election fairly sure—but a good deal in Biren's case, as in spite of his father's influence and money expenditure it was doubtful. Nobody I Page 275 ... can be overcome if one keeps at Him. Even my smilelessness was overcome which Nevinson 8 3 had remarked with horror more than twenty years before—the most dangerous man in India, Aurobindo Ghose "the man who never smiles". He ought to have added, "but who always jokes"; but he did not know that, as I was very solemn with him, or perhaps I had not developed sufficiently on that side then ...
... Alipore jail to request him to make some arrangement for Sri Aurobindo's stay. "Charu Chandra was afraid and did not know what to do. In the meantime, when Biren and Suresh were thinking of going back to the boat with a disappointing reply, one Sishir Ghose took them to Motilal Roy. Motilal, on coming to know about it, readily accepted to accommodate Sri Aurobindo. He went to the boat and brought it near... Kumar Ghose and Ullaskar Dutt were sentenced to be hanged under sections 121, 121A, and 122 I.P.C... The properties of all these accused were also forfeited to Government.... The rest of the accused, viz., Nalini K. Gupta160, Sachindra K. Sen, Kunjo Lal Shah, Bejoy Kumar Nag, Narendra Nath Bukshi, Puma Chandra Sen, Hemendra Nath Ghose, Aravinda Ghose, Dindayal Bose, Birendra Nath Ghose, Dharani... 1905, a letter over the initial 'G', in which the Boycott of English goods was strongly advocated. 'G' was first believed to be the name of Lal Mohan Ghose, but afterwards it was known that the writer was either Aurobindo Ghose or Barindra Kumar Ghose, as revealed in the I.B. Records, L. No. 47, West Bengal. All Government reports and records of that time attached very great importance to this letter ...
... Joyful exhaustion—disintegration of the self-intellectuality . (This is often repeated in various forms & temporarily established in fact only to be broken again) Page 415 9) Ghose . (Reference to Dr K. D. Ghose) 10) Finality telepathy & trikaldrishti . ie firmly begun—fulfilled (May 21ˢᵗ) 11) White .. whistle .. write .. yes .. India .. fish .. light. (Said to be all connected... tion. At the same time with the diminution of the intellectual tapas, the daivya tapas manifests more & more & introduces often the most sudden & decisive movements in the object of the will, eg. Biren's fever expelled in less than an hour, the frequent cessation of disorder in the long-disordered washtap immediately on or soon after aishwarya, the repeated alteration by birds of their slow opposite ...
... of coming inside. Around this time, a young man named Biren Roy joined our group, and one day he decided to shave his head. Moni, on seeing this, felt like shaving his head too - he was like that, our Moni, often quite impulsive. So there we were, one evening, sitting all together, the two of them with their clean-shaven heads, when suddenly, Biren shouted out loudly: 'I am a spy, a British spy! I can't... was Aurobindo Ghose, the revolutionary for whose capture the government had spread a net far and wide. It was ironical, wasn't it, that an Englishman should help me to escape that net just because I spoke with such a fine English accent!" (Laughter) "But didn't he recognise you by your name?" "Do you think I went up and introduced myself to him, saying - 'Here I am, Aurobindo Ghose!' Isn't such... But the matter became clear in a few days' time. There was a gang of spies waiting outside and he had shaved off his hair so that they could identify him. But when Moni too appeared without his hair, Biren believed that we had discovered his plot, and out came his confession born partly of fear, partly too out of genuine repentance." Rohit said, "Hearing about all these innumerable ruses of the British ...
... and keep it in its place. It is the same as with the other instruments, body, mind, higher vital, even the overmind powers,—they are good as instruments, but bad as masters. I am accustomed to Biren's 1 handwriting, and can read it with little difficulty. But I am surprised at Tagore's remark 2 about the two years; he must have greatly misunderstood or misheard me. I did tell him that I would... Yes, I had forgotten to answer about the Prayers and remembered only afterwards. I think for Anilkumar to approach his friend would be the best, if he thinks it a likely source. I hesitate to ask Biren for anything—for his position is awkward, surrounded by fathers, Dewans and other guardian angels, and he wrote some time ago that he finds it difficult to get his own allowance regularly because the... the first paragraph, but had no time to labour through the est. Perhaps you could make a translation for me as you propose. But he starts with a queer proposition—Aurobindo Page 113 Ghose is a new Buddha! By the way he refers to Romain Rolland, but Rolland, I hear, is sadly disappointed with me! It was to be expected, after all; I rather thought it could be the result of closer a ...
... as well as my pen have done full justice to the event. March 23, 1934 I have just received a letter from Biren Roy Chowdhuri13 who had a talk with Tagore in which he told him a good many things about you and his conception of you. Briefly it is this, Biren writes, "Rabindranath has a strand of atheism in his composition: he admits the nirākār brahma [formless Brahman] on the one... The result is that he finds himself unable to admit the Devas and their worlds which are supraphysical relative to our world of the senses." Page 40 What do you think of this? Is Biren's impression correct? Tagore is a humanitarian but I didn't take him to be atheistic? I suppose he is not an atheist; Brahmo- prabh á v [influence of brahmoism] and Nirākār Brahma [Formless Brahman]... of the spirit—but I can't say that I have ever found the expression of a concrete spiritual realisation in his poetry— though ideas, emotions, ideal dreams in plenty. That is some- thing, but— Biren writes, "About Sri Aurobindo Tagore said that it has lately seemed to him that Sri Aurobindo-was steadily delving deeper and ever deeper into the strata of the inner realms, and added that probably ...
... defeats of Inge and Tagore and Russell and Huxley and Rolland and old-world Islam; but I never expected—outside their special province—any of these people or causes to conquer. As for Biren and Maya,—well, for Biren, I told him practically (it was no doubt a long time ago), that the time had not come for him to come here, and even now according to his own admission in one of his recent letters to the... 1. Ambalal Balkrishna Purani was born (26 May 1894) in Surat, Gujarat. Revolution and Yoga were in his nature. His elder brother C. B. Purani became a revolutionary in 1907 under Barindra Kumar Ghose. With his brother, our Purani formed a secret revolutionary cell in Gujarat. He had seen Sri Aurobindo and heard his two lectures in Baroda in 1908. From then on he considered himself a disciple of ...
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