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Goldsmith : Oliver (17307-74), British poet, essayist, dramatist & novelist.
... himself. Page 142 Pope School 1) Trace the history of the classical eighteenth-century style thro' this period. 2) Describe the career of Goldsmith, or of a typical man of letters during this period. 3) Estimate Goldsmith as a poet. 4) Describe briefly the subject & character of the following poems; the Deserted Village, the Traveller, Retaliation. 5) What rank would you... your answer. 6) Describe briefly the subject & character of the Rosciad, the Ghost, Gotham, the Times, the Prophecy of Famine. [ Incomplete draft-answer to the second question ] 1728 Goldsmith born in Ireland. Father a clergyman, the original of Dʳ Primrose. Education. 1744 Dublin Unỵ. Made attempts to become clergyman, private tutor; [ incomplete ] Page 143 ...
... eighteenth-century ideal. This movement had been already anticipated by Johnson who wrote contemporaneously with Gray & even with Thomson. It was now taken up by Goldsmith, carried on by Churchill & culminated in Erasmus Darwin. Johnson & Goldsmith returned to the ideals of Pope, they violently opposed & disparaged Gray, they kept to the use of the heroic couplet & conventional language, to the narrowness... Traveller, with the rural life of an Irish village in the Deserted Village. [There is a sort of natural lyrical power in Goldsmith which is always breaking through the restraints of the mechanical metre & style he chose to adopt.] 4 Churchill reverted to Pope far more than either Goldsmith or Johnson; he is purely satirical & has neither Goldsmith's feeling & sweetness nor Johnson's depth & strength; he... Green, Young and other inferior writers. (2) The school of Miltonic Hellenists, begun by Warton &consisting besides of Gray, Collins, Akenside and a number of followers. (3) The school of Johnson, Goldsmith & Churchill, who continued the eighteenth-century style tho' some of them tried to infuse it with emotion, directness and greater simplicity. To this school belong the minor writers who formed the ...
... time, Johnson & Goldsmith mark the last development of the Augustan style, while Collins, Blake, Cowper, Burns, Chatterton each embody in their poetry the beginnings of one or more tendencies which afterwards found their full expression in the nineteenth century. Gray alone seems to include in himself along with many characteristics of the conservative school of Johnson & Goldsmith all the revolutionary ...
... his circle of eminent friends — Reynolds the painter, Burke the politician-orator, Sheridan the playwright, Garrick the actor, Goldsmith the poet, Boswell the future immortal writer of his friend's biography and the biggest fool of the company with the exception of Goldsmith who, Garrick reported, Wrote like an Angel and talked like poor Poll. ("Poll" is the conventional proper name of the parrot ...
... lawyer." "Why ?" "Because he himself is a lawyer. Something like what we have in our outdated caste system. If your father is a Brahmin, you are a Brahmin; if your father is a goldsmith, you are a goldsmith. If your father is a potter, you are a potter. People do not take into account your inclination, your aspiration, your temperament, your innate faculties, your real means of fulfillment ...
... and anglicise: here only slight modulations are admissible, the trochee for the spondee, the antibacchius or light cretic for the dactyl. Still others would need the minute and scrupulous art of a goldsmith or the force of a giant to make anything of them; yet they are worth trying, for one never knows whether the difficulty may not be the way to a triumph or a trouvaille . In any case, the hexameter ...
... keep my consciousness turned ____________________ 1. Francois Villon (1431-c. 1463). French lyric poet, author of ballades and rondeaux. 2. Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571), Italian goldsmith and sculptor. His sculpture Perseus is famous. Page 349 towards you and Mother. I suspect I received something yesterday. Anyhow I will try to welcome devoutly more if it comes ...
... in a rapture of ecstasy, and burst into tears. Others remarked: "Even if culture be missed, the cage will remain, to the end, a substantial fact. How fortunate for the bird!" The goldsmith filled his bag with money and lost no time in sailing homewards. The pundit sat down to educate the bird. With proper deliberation he took his pinch of snuff, as he said: 'Textbooks can ...
... interests of the children. They have also to raise resources and employ them wisely and with utmost economy. They have to plan the future with boldness of an adventurer and meticulous skill of a goldsmith. They have to keep abreast of the educational developments nationally and globally, and they have to devise and employ various innovations by which the educational system remains vibrant with enthusiasm ...
... always a sufficient felicity, curiously worked even when it affects simplicity, but with a chastened if not quite chaste curiosity... This art is that of a master craftsman, a goldsmith, silversmith, jeweller of speech and substance with much of the decorative painter in his turn.. .The spirit is not filled, but the outer aesthetic mind is caught and for a time ...
... exchange views and ideas?" "Yes, we do." "Indeed! I seem to hear mostly about cricket and football and basketball!" "No, it is not quite so. We also talk about Gandhi and Nehru, Johnson and Goldsmith. We are also curious about atom bombs. We discuss so many world-events, our physics and chemistry lessons - the computer which is the latest craze. It has invaded all the fields of life." "I remember ...
... sleep. I am awake through all the ages. Now I have handed over sleep to him to whom it belongs: I have sent sleep to sleep. I have mixed borax and sulphur and, like a goldsmith, I have brought out the purest gold And I shall scrub and clean the temple of jewel. Prasad says: Devotion and Liberation I carry on my head, Now I know that Brahman is another ...
... and lawful struggle for the recovery of his lost freedom? If each noble aim repressed by long control expires at last or feebly mans the soul, why should not our countrymen benefit by the advice of Goldsmith and begin to chafe at the attempt to prolong this alien control? If Tennyson is justified in taking a pride in his country which freemen till, which sober-suited Freedom chose, where girt with friends ...
... claim a large share of the future. I suppose some of his plays will survive for their wit and humour and cleverness more than for any higher dramatic quality, like those of three other Irishmen: Goldsmith, Sheridan, Wilde. His prefaces may be saved by their style and force, but it is not sure. At any rate, as a personality he is not likely to be forgotten, even if his writings fade. To compare him ...
... aesthetic fineness to meet it and feel all its beauty; there is enough and to spare to attract the cultured, nothing to baffle or exceed the ordinary mind. This art is that of a master craftsman, a goldsmith, silversmith, jeweller of speech and substance with much of the decorative painter in his turn, who never travels beyond general, well-understood and popular ideas and forms, but gives them by his ...
... claim a large share of the future. I suppose some of his plays will survive for their wit and humour and cleverness more than for any higher dramatic quality, like those of three other Irishmen, Goldsmith, Sheridan, Wilde. His prefaces may be saved by their style and force, but it is not sure. At any rate, as a personality he is not likely to be forgotten, even if his writings fade. To compare him ...
... conceived in Mother Metis, but born out of the of Father Zeus; Goddess of Battles, Goddess of Strategies, Goddess of Cities and Strong Citadels, Parthenos; Bearer of victory, Nike; Councilor, Weaver, Goldsmith Goddess of Olives and Oils, Goddess of Competitions, of Commerce, Strong Advocate of Just Laws, Tritogenia; we cal1 upon You with whatever name it pleases You to be called. If ever we have made offering ...
... He can’t speak at all correctly in English, whereas he writes wonderful poetry! Sri Aurobindo: That has nothing to do with it. Speech and Poetry come from two quite different sources. Remember Goldsmith who wrote like an angel and talked like a parrot.’ [49] [10 December 1935] Nirodbaran: Here is a lyrical dish prepared by Nishikanto all on a sudden after reading a book on metre. How do you ...
... in a rapture of ecstasy, and burst into tears. Others remarked: "Even if culture be missed, the cage will remain, to the end, a substantial fact. How fortunate for the bird!" The goldsmith filled his, bag with money and lost no time in sailing homewards. The pundit sat down to educate the bird. With proper deliberation he took his pinch of snuff, as he said: "Textbooks can never ...
... 2005. —Curie, Pierre. CEuvres de Pierre Curie. Gauthier Villars, 1908 —Giroud, Frangoise. Marie Curie: A Life. Translated by Lydia Davis. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1986. —Goldsmith, Barbara. Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie. —'McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch. Nobel Prize Women in Science: Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries. New York: Carol ...
... tears. Others remarked: "Even if culture be missed, the cage will remain, to the end, a substantial fact. How fortunate for the bird!" Page 49 Page 50 The goldsmith filled his bag with money and lost no time sailing homewards. The pundit sat down to educate the bird. With proper deliberation he took his pinch of snuff, as he said: "Textbooks can ...
... miraculous feat? He can't speak at all correctly in English, whereas he writes wonderful poetry! That has nothing to do with it. Speech and Poetry come from two quite different sources—Remember Goldsmith who wrote like an angel and talked like a parrot. You can't say that it is all due to Yoga. He has been here only for a year and D for so many years, yet the difference between them as poets, ...
... him. I went to see him in my European clothes, if you please (Laughter), fully European: trousers, neck-tie, hat, and a stick and boots (Laughter) - a third-class dandy (Laughter), Beau of Goldsmith! Well, when Dilip-da saw me - I dropped on him like a bolt from the blue! "Eh, tumi? Kokhon? Koththeke? Ki kore?" 171 (Laughter) So many questions with a broad grin. He said, "You were the ...
... some, in a rapture of ecstasy, and I burst into tears. Others remarked: "Even if culture be missed, the cage will remain, to the end, a substantial fact. How fortunate for the bird!" The goldsmith filled his bag with money and lost no time in sailing homewards. The pundit sat down to educate the bird. With proper deliberation he took his pinch of snuff, as he said: "Text-books can never ...
... they were mostly represented in great numbers in the crafts of that period, especially as weavers and dyers, professions which in some regions they almost monopolized; but one found them also as goldsmiths, glass blowers, and as producers of bronze and iron.” Paul of Tarsus was a tent maker, and Baruch Spinoza polished lenses for a living. “Some were simple labourers, others lived from commerce or ...
... cravings and subtle promptings. The trouble arose, as I came to realise, because my lower nature did not want to waive its native right to its unlovely enjoyments. But my lower nature, like Goldsmith's famous schoolmaster, "though vanquished argued still", resisting transformation till, at last, matters were brought to a head, and thus decided for me, by a horrible experience of a friend and brother ...
... It knows not what it is; and gather me Into the artifice of entemity. Once out of nature I shall never take My bodily form from any natural thing. But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make Of hammered gold and gold enamelling To keep a drowsy Emperor awake; Or set upon a golden bough to sing To lords and ladies of Byzantium Of what is past, or passing ...
... happiness, merely, but the future destiny of the race as well? In this sense, Pururavas the Kshatriya, and Ruru the Brahmin Rishi have both failed. Of either of them it might be sand, modifying Goldsmith's lines on Burke: Born for the universe, he narrowed up his mind, And to himself gave what was meant for mankind. It was not Satan, nor Achitophel, nor Manthara, nor Iago that tempted ...
... the essay, biography, autobiography and the novel into Telugu literature. His Satyavathi Charitam was the first social novel in Telugu. He wrote Rajasekhara Charitamu, inspired by Oliver Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefied. To him literature was an instrument to fight social evils. He was a poet of considerable renown. He was also one of the members of the first Indian National Congress ...
... "Here burning in the evening were myriads of lamps: lamps of those who sold coloured powders, who sold sandal- wood, jasmine flowers, scents, and all varieties of sweets; the lamps of dexterous goldsmiths, and of those who, sitting in a row, sold pittu; the broad black lamps placed on lampstands by the sellers of muffins; the lamps of fish-mongers glimmering here and there; and high above all the ...
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