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Guhaka Guhyaka : king of Nishādhas or Bhils, who helped exiled Lord Rāma.

5 result/s found for Guhaka Guhyaka

... of the divine presence which is suggested, and Indian richness, massiveness and dignity support this great suggestion. There is augustness and beauty in the picture of Rama and Sita about to enter Guhyaka's boat. Others of his pictures are less successful. Another intermediate worker in the field who is very largely represented, is Sj. Upendra Kishore Ray. This artist has an essentially imitative genius ...

... largely representative sattwic Man, a faithful husband and lover, a loving and obedient son, a tender and perfect brother, father, friend—he is friend of all kinds of people, friend of the outcaste Guhaka, friend of the Animal Page 491 leaders, Sugriva, Hanuman, friend of the vulture Jatayu, friend even of the Rakshasa Vibhishan. All that he was in a brilliant, striking but above all spontaneous ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... largely representative sattwic Man, a faithful husband and a lover, a loving and obedient son, a tender and perfect brother, father, friend — he is friend of all kinds of people, friend of the outcast Guhaka, friend of the Animal leaders, Sugriva, Hanuman, friend of the vulture Jatayu, friend of even the Rakshasa Vibhishana. All that he was in a brilliant, striking but above all spontaneous and inevitable ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... Śrī Krsna ran after Śankhacūda, 28. The two nimble-footed brothers, responding to the wailing women through shouts offering protection, and armed with Sala trees, soon overtook the fast running Guhyaka. 29. Thereupon the stupid Śankhacūda, seeing them both approaching close upon his heels, like the all-consuming spirit of Time and Death, abandoned the women and fled for his own life. 30. Wherever ...

... Man, a faithful husband and a lover, a loving and obedient son, a tender and perfect brother, rather, friend—he is friend of all kinds of people, friend of he kinds of people, friend of the outcast Guhaka, friend of the Animal leaders, Sugriva, Hanuman, friend of the vulture Jatayu, friend even of the R ā ksasa Vibhisana. All that he was in a brilliant, striking but of this note or that like Har ...